name: Bangle Bug report description: Bangle: Create a report to help us improve! title: "[Bug]: " #title: "[general/app/widget/clock e.g. clock] [development object e.g. antonclock] title" labels: ["bug"] assignees: [] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | ### If you have a question then ### ** Ask it in the [forum](, please! ** - type: checkboxes id: searched attributes: label: agree searched description: abc options: label: I confirm that I have searched the forum and also for similiar bugs. required: true # - type: checkboxes # id: bangle # attributes: # label: hwversion # description: Which Bangle hw version is affected? # options: # - Bangle 1 # - Bangle 2 - type: textarea id: report attributes: label: Bug description description: and please mention expected behaviour placeholder: | **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. validations: required: true # - type: textarea # id: log_screens # attributes: # label: Log file or log outp or screenshots # placeholder: | # logfile, logoutout or screen # - type: textarea # id: addional # attributes: # label: Additional context # description: for further helpfull information # placeholder: | # for further helpfull information