var storage = require("Storage"); var W = g.getWidth(), H = g.getHeight(); var position=0; var icon = { width : 48, height : 48, bpp : 1, transparent : 0, buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AD8BwAFDg/gAocP+AFDj4FEn/8Aod//wFD/1+FAf4j+8AoMD+EPDAUH+OPAoUP+fPAoUfBYk/C4l/EYIwC//8n//FwIFEgYFD4EH+E8nkP8BdBAonjjk44/wj/nzk58/4gAFDF4PgCIMHAoPwhkwh4FB/EEkEfIIWAHwIFC4A+BAoXgg4FDL4IFDL4IFDLIYFkAEQA==")) }; // Try to read custom actions, otherwise use default var triggers = [ {display: "Not found.", trigger: "NOP", icon: null}, ]; try{ triggers ="ha.trigger.json"); triggers = JSON.parse(triggers); } catch(e) { // In case there are no user triggers yet, we show the default... } function draw() { g.reset().clearRect(Bangle.appRect); var h = 22; g.setFont("Vector", h); var trigger = triggers[position]; var w = g.stringWidth(trigger.display); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1); g.setColor(g.theme.fg).drawImage(icon, 12, H/5-2); g.drawString("Home", icon.width + 20, H/5); g.drawString("Assistant", icon.width + 18, H/5+24); g.setFontAlign(0,0); var ypos = H/5*3+20; g.drawRect(W/2-w/2-8, ypos-h/2-8, W/2+w/2+5, ypos+h/2+5); g.fillRect(W/2-w/2-6, ypos-h/2-6, W/2+w/2+3, ypos+h/2+3); g.setColor(, W/2, ypos); } Bangle.on('touch', function(btn, e){ var left = parseInt(g.getWidth() * 0.3); var right = g.getWidth() - left; var isLeft = e.x < left; var isRight = e.x > right; if(isRight){, 0.6); position += 1; position = position >= triggers.length ? 0 : position; } if(isLeft){, 0.6); position -= 1; position = position < 0 ? triggers.length-1 : position; } if(!isRight && !isLeft){, 0.6).then(()=>{ Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({ t:"intent", action:"com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs.HA", extra:{ trigger: triggers[position].trigger }}) ); setTimeout(()=>{, 0.6); }, 250); }); } draw(); }); // Send a startup trigger such that we could also execute // an action when the app is started :) Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify({ t:"intent", action:"com.espruino.gadgetbridge.banglejs.HA", extra:{ trigger: "APP_STARTED" }}) ); // Next load the widgets and draw the app Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); draw(); setWatch(_=>load(), BTN1);