const BLIND_INTERVAL = 600; // 10 minutes in seconds const BLINDSUP_ALERT_DURATION = 10000; // 10 seconds in ms // Convert seconds to mm:ss const secondsToMinutes = (s) => { const mm = Math.floor(s/60); const ss = s - mm * 60; return `${mm}:${String(ss).padStart(2,'0')}`; }; // Format screen const fmtDark = () => { g.clear(); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.setBgColor(0,0.5,0); g.setColor(1,1,1); }; const fmtLight = () => { g.clear(); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.setBgColor(0.5,1,0.5); g.setColor(0,0,0); }; // Start/stop/pause/resume timer const startTimer = () => { timer_running = true; tick(); timer = setInterval(tick, 1000); }; const stopTimer = () => { clearInterval(timer); timer_running = false; }; const pauseResume = () => { if (is_alerting) return; if (timer_running) { stopTimer(); g.setFont('Vector',15); g.drawString('(PAUSED)', g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()*7/8); } else startTimer(); }; // Calculate blinds for a round const getBlinds = (i) => { let small; if (i===0) small = 1; else if (i===1) small = 2; else if (i===2) small = 4; else small = 5*(Math.pow(2,(i-3))); return [small, small*2]; }; // Sound the alarm const blindsUp = () => { is_alerting = true; // Display message const showMessage = () => { g.clear(); g.setFont('Vector',34); g.drawString('Blinds Up!', g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()/3); g.setFont('Vector',40); g.drawString(`${blinds[0]}/${blinds[1]}`, g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()*2/3); }; stopTimer(); // Increase blinds b++; // TODO: Kill program between round 25 and 26 blinds = getBlinds(b); console.log(`Blinds for round ${b} are ${blinds[0]} / ${blinds[1]}`); // Buzz and light up every second const buzzInterval = setInterval(() => {; Bangle.setLCDPower(1); }, 1000); // Invert colors every second fmtLight(); showMessage(); let dark = false; const flashInterval = setInterval(() => { if (dark) { fmtLight(); dark = false; } else { fmtDark(); dark = true; } showMessage(); }, 500); // Restart timer setTimeout(() => { is_alerting = false; fmtDark(); tick(); clearInterval(buzzInterval); clearInterval(flashInterval); time_left = BLIND_INTERVAL + 1; startTimer(); }, BLINDSUP_ALERT_DURATION); }; // Tick every second const tick = () => { if (!timer_running) return; time_left--; // 20-second warning buzz if (time_left==20) { const buzzInterval = setInterval(, 500); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(buzzInterval); }, 5000); } if (time_left<=0) blindsUp(); else { g.clear(); g.setFont('Vector',40); g.drawString( secondsToMinutes(time_left), g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()/3); g.drawString( `${blinds[0]}/${blinds[1]}`, g.getWidth()/2, g.getHeight()*2/3); } return; }; // button listener Bangle.setUI({ mode: 'custom', btn: pauseResume, }); // RUNTIME fmtDark(); let time_left = BLIND_INTERVAL + 1; let b = 0; let blinds = getBlinds(b); let timer_running = true; let is_alerting = false; let timer = setInterval(tick, 1000); tick(); // Start paused pauseResume();