const GraphXZero = 40; const GraphYZero = 180; const GraphY100 = 80; const GraphMarkerOffset = 5; const MaxValueCount = 144; const GraphXMax = GraphXZero + MaxValueCount; const GraphLcdY = GraphYZero + 10; // const GraphCompassY = GraphYZero + 16; // const GraphBluetoothY = GraphYZero + 22; // const GraphGpsY = GraphYZero + 28; // const GraphHrmY = GraphYZero + 34; var Storage = require("Storage"); function renderCoordinateSystem() { g.setFont("6x8", 1); // Left Y axis (Battery) g.setColor(1, 1, 0); g.drawLine(GraphXZero, GraphYZero + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphXZero, GraphY100); g.drawString("%", 39, GraphY100 - 10); g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0); g.drawString("100", 30, GraphY100 - GraphMarkerOffset); g.drawLine(GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, GraphY100, GraphXZero, GraphY100); g.drawString("50", 30, GraphYZero - 50 - GraphMarkerOffset); g.drawLine(GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, 130, GraphXZero, 130); g.drawString("0", 30, GraphYZero - GraphMarkerOffset); g.setColor(1,1,1); g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0); g.drawLine(GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, GraphYZero, GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphYZero); // Right Y axis (Temperature) g.setColor(0.4, 0.4, 1); g.drawLine(GraphXMax, GraphYZero + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphXMax, GraphY100); g.drawString("°C", GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphY100 - 10); g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0); g.drawString("20", GraphXMax + 2 * GraphMarkerOffset, GraphYZero - GraphMarkerOffset); g.drawLine(GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, 130, GraphXMax, 130); g.drawString("30", GraphXMax + 2 * GraphMarkerOffset, GraphYZero - 50 - GraphMarkerOffset); g.drawLine(GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, 80, GraphXMax, 80); g.drawString("40", GraphXMax + 2 * GraphMarkerOffset, GraphY100 - GraphMarkerOffset); g.setColor(1,1,1); } function decrementDay(dayToDecrement) { return dayToDecrement === 0 ? 6 : dayToDecrement-1; } function loadData() { const startingDay = new Date().getDay(); // Load data for the current day let logFileName = "bclog" + startingDay; let dataLines = loadLinesFromFile(MaxValueCount, logFileName); // Top up to MaxValueCount from previous days as required let previousDay = decrementDay(startingDay); while (dataLines.length < MaxValueCount && previousDay !== startingDay) { let topUpLogFileName = "bclog" + previousDay; let remainingLines = MaxValueCount - dataLines.length; let topUpLines = loadLinesFromFile(remainingLines, topUpLogFileName); dataLines = topUpLines.concat(dataLines); previousDay = decrementDay(previousDay); } return dataLines; } function loadLinesFromFile(requestedLineCount, fileName) { let allLines = []; let returnLines = []; var readFile =, "r"); while ((nextLine = readFile.readLine())) { if(nextLine) { allLines.push(nextLine); } } readFile = null; if (allLines.length <= 0) return; let linesToReadCount = Math.min(requestedLineCount, allLines.length); let startingLineIndex = Math.max(0, allLines.length - requestedLineCount - 1); for (let i = startingLineIndex; i < linesToReadCount + startingLineIndex; i++) { if(allLines[i]) { returnLines.push(allLines[i]); } } allLines = null; return returnLines; } function renderData(dataArray) { const switchableConsumers = { none: 0, lcd: 1, compass: 2, bluetooth: 4, gps: 8, hrm: 16 }; //const timestampIndex = 0; const batteryIndex = 1; const temperatureIndex = 2; const switchabelsIndex = 3; var allConsumers = switchableConsumers.none | switchableConsumers.lcd | switchableConsumers.compass | switchableConsumers.bluetooth | switchableConsumers.gps | switchableConsumers.hrm; for (let i = 0; i < dataArray.length; i++) { const element = dataArray[i]; var dataInfo = element.split(","); // Battery percentage g.setColor(1, 1, 0); g.setPixel(GraphXZero + i, GraphYZero - parseInt(dataInfo[batteryIndex])); // Temperature g.setColor(0.4, 0.4, 1); let scaledTemp = Math.floor(((parseFloat(dataInfo[temperatureIndex]) * 100) - 2000)/20) + ((((parseFloat(dataInfo[temperatureIndex]) * 100) - 2000) % 100)/25); g.setPixel(GraphXZero + i, GraphYZero - scaledTemp); // LCD state if (parseInt(dataInfo[switchabelsIndex]) & switchableConsumers.lcd == switchableConsumers.lcd) { g.setColor(1, 1, 1); g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0); g.drawString("LCD", GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, GraphLcdY - 2, true); g.drawLine(GraphXZero + i, GraphLcdY, GraphXZero + i, GraphLcdY + 1); } // // Compass state // if (switchables & switchableConsumers.lcd == switchableConsumers.lcd) { // g.setColor(0, 1, 0); // g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0); // g.drawString("Compass", GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphCompassY - 2, true); // g.drawLine(GraphXZero + i, GraphCompassY, GraphXZero + i, GraphCompassY + 1); // } // // Bluetooth state // if (switchables & switchableConsumers.lcd == switchableConsumers.lcd) { // g.setColor(0, 0, 1); // g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0); // g.drawString("BLE", GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, GraphBluetoothY - 2, true); // g.drawLine(GraphXZero + i, GraphBluetoothY, GraphXZero + i, GraphBluetoothY + 1); // } // // Gps state // if (switchables & switchableConsumers.lcd == switchableConsumers.lcd) { // g.setColor(0.8, 0.5, 0.24); // g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0); // g.drawString("GPS", GraphXMax + GraphMarkerOffset, GraphGpsY - 2, true); // g.drawLine(GraphXZero + i, GraphGpsY, GraphXZero + i, GraphGpsY + 1); // } // // Hrm state // if (switchables & switchableConsumers.lcd == switchableConsumers.lcd) { // g.setColor(1, 0, 0); // g.setFontAlign(1, -1, 0); // g.drawString("HRM", GraphXZero - GraphMarkerOffset, GraphHrmY - 2, true); // g.drawLine(GraphXZero + i, GraphHrmY, GraphXZero + i, GraphHrmY + 1); // } } dataArray = null; } function renderBatteryChart() { renderCoordinateSystem(); let data = loadData(); renderData(data); data = null; } // special function to handle display switch on Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => { if (on) { // call your app function here // If you clear the screen, do Bangle.drawWidgets(); g.clear() Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); renderBatteryChart(); } }); g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); // call your app function here renderBatteryChart();