{ const Layout = require("Layout"); const time_utils = require("time_utils"); const exs = require("exstats").getStats( ["dist", "pacec"], { notify: { dist: { increment: 1000, }, }, }, ); const S = require("Storage"); let drawTimeout: TimeoutId | undefined; type Dist = number & { brand: 'dist' }; type Time = number & { brand: 'time' }; type Split = { dist: Dist, time: Time, }; const splits: Split[] = []; // times let splitOffset = 0, splitOffsetPx = 0; const GPS_TIMEOUT_MS = 30000; const layout = new Layout({ type: "v", c: [ { type: "txt", font: "6x8:2", label: "Pace", id: "paceLabel", pad: 4 }, { type: "txt", font: "Vector:40", label: "", id: "pace", halign: 0 }, { type: "txt", font: "6x8:2", label: "Time", id: "timeLabel", pad: 4 }, { type: "txt", font: "Vector:40", label: "", id: "time", halign: 0 }, ] }, { lazy: true }); const draw = () => { if (!exs.state.active) { // no draw-timeout here, only on user interaction drawSplits(); return; } if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); drawTimeout = setTimeout(draw, 1000); const now = Date.now(); let pace: string; if ("time" in exs.state.thisGPS && now - (exs.state.thisGPS.time as unknown as number) < GPS_TIMEOUT_MS) { pace = exs.stats.pacec.getString() }else{ pace = "No GPS"; } layout["time"]!.label = formatDuration(exs.state.duration); layout["pace"]!.label = pace; layout.render(); }; const pad2 = (n: number) => `0${n}`.substr(-2); const formatDuration = (ms: number) => { const tm = time_utils.decodeTime(ms); if(tm.h) return `${tm.h}:${pad2(tm.m)}:${pad2(tm.s)}`; return `${pad2(tm.m)}:${pad2(tm.s)}`; }; // divide by actual distance, scale to milliseconds const calculatePace = (split: Split) => formatDuration(split.time / split.dist * 1000); const drawSplits = () => { g.clearRect(Bangle.appRect); const barSize = 20; const barSpacing = 10; const w = g.getWidth(); const h = g.getHeight(); const max = splits.reduce((a, s) => Math.max(a, s.time), 0); g.setFont("6x8", 2).setFontAlign(-1, -1); let y = Bangle.appRect.y + barSpacing / 2; g .setColor(g.theme.fg) .drawString(formatDuration(exs.state.duration), 0, y); let i = 0; for(; ; i++) { const split = splits[i + splitOffset]; if (split == null) break; const y = Bangle.appRect.y + (i + 1) * (barSize + barSpacing) + barSpacing / 2; if (y > h) break; const size = w * split.time / max; // Scale bar height based on pace g.setColor("#00f").fillRect(0, y, size, y + barSize); const splitPace = calculatePace(split); // Pace per km g.setColor(g.theme.fg) drawSplit(i, y, splitPace); } const pace = exs.stats.pacec.getString(); y = Bangle.appRect.y + (i + 1) * (barSize + barSpacing) + barSpacing / 2; drawSplit(i, y, pace); }; const drawSplit = (i: number, y: number, pace: number | string) => g .drawString( `${i + 1 + splitOffset} ${typeof pace === "number" ? pace.toFixed(2) : pace}`, 0, y ); const pauseRun = () => { exs.stop(); Bangle.setGPSPower(0, "pace") draw(); }; const resumeRun = () => { exs.resume(); Bangle.setGPSPower(1, "pace"); g.clearRect(Bangle.appRect); // splits -> layout, clear. layout -> splits, fine layout.forgetLazyState(); draw(); }; const onButton = () => { if (exs.state.active) pauseRun(); else resumeRun(); }; exs.start(); // aka reset exs.stats.dist.on("notify", (dist) => { const prev = { time: 0, dist: 0 }; for(const s of splits){ prev.time += s.time; prev.dist += s.dist; } const totalDist = dist.getValue(); let thisSplit = totalDist - prev.dist; let thisTime = exs.state.duration - prev.time; while(thisSplit > 1000) { splits.push({ dist: thisSplit as Dist, time: thisTime as Time }); thisTime = 0; // if we've jumped more than 1k, credit the time to the first split thisSplit -= 1000; } // subtract off the next split notify exs.state.notify.dist.next -= thisSplit; S.writeJSON("pace.json", { splits }); }); Bangle.on('lock', locked => { // treat an unlock (while running) as a pause if(!locked && exs.state.active) onButton(); }); setWatch(() => onButton(), BTN1, { repeat: true }); Bangle.on('drag', e => { if (exs.state.active || e.b === 0) return; splitOffsetPx -= e.dy; if (splitOffsetPx > 20) { if (splitOffset < splits.length-3) splitOffset++, Bangle.buzz(30); splitOffsetPx = 0; } else if (splitOffsetPx < -20) { if (splitOffset > 0) splitOffset--, Bangle.buzz(30); splitOffsetPx = 0; } draw(); }); Bangle.on('twist', () => { Bangle.setBacklight(1); }); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); g.clearRect(Bangle.appRect); draw(); }