function toJS(txt) { return JSON.stringify(txt); } var AppInfo = { getFiles : (app,fileGetter) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { // Load all files Promise.all( => { if (storageFile.content) return Promise.resolve(storageFile); else if (storageFile.url) return fileGetter(`apps/${}/${storageFile.url}`).then(content => { return { name :, content : content, evaluate : storageFile.evaluate }}); else return Promise.resolve(); })).then(fileContents => { // now we just have a list of files + contents... // filter out empty files fileContents = fileContents.filter(x=>x!==undefined); // then map each file to a command to load into storage fileContents.forEach(storageFile => { // check if this is the JSON file if ([0]=="+") { storageFile.evaluate = true; var json = {}; try { json = JSON.parse(storageFile.content); } catch (e) { reject(" is not valid JSON"); } json.files =>","); storageFile.content = JSON.stringify(json); } // format ready for Espruino var js; if (storageFile.evaluate) { js = storageFile.content.trim(); if (js.endsWith(";")) js = js.slice(0,-1); } else js = toJS(storageFile.content); storageFile.cmd = `\x10require('Storage').write(${toJS(},${js});`; }); resolve(fileContents); }).catch(err => reject(err)); }); }, }; if ("undefined"!=typeof module) module.exports = AppInfo;