Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); const storage = require('Storage'); let settings; function updateSettings() { //storage.erase('setting.json'); // - not needed, just causes extra writes if settings were the same storage.write('setting.json', settings); } function updateOptions() { updateSettings(); Bangle.setOptions(settings.options) } function gToInternal(g) { // converts g to Espruino internal unit return g * 8192; } function internalToG(u) { // converts Espruino internal unit to g return u / 8192 } function resetSettings() { settings = { ble: true, // Bluetooth enabled by default blerepl: true, // Is REPL on Bluetooth - can Espruino IDE be used? log: false, // Do log messages appear on screen? timeout: 10, // Default LCD timeout in seconds vibrate: true, // Vibration enabled by default. App must support beep: "vib", // Beep enabled by default. App must support timezone: 0, // Set the timezone for the device HID: false, // BLE HID mode, off by default clock: null, // a string for the default clock's name "12hour" : false, // 12 or 24 hour clock? brightness: 1, // LCD brightness from 0 to 1 // welcomed : undefined/true (whether welcome app should show) options: { wakeOnBTN1: true, wakeOnBTN2: true, wakeOnBTN3: true, wakeOnFaceUp: false, wakeOnTouch: false, wakeOnTwist: true, twistThreshold: 819.2, twistMaxY: -800, twistTimeout: 1000 } }; updateSettings(); } settings = storage.readJSON('setting.json', 1); if (!settings) resetSettings(); const boolFormat = v => v ? "On" : "Off"; function showMainMenu() { var beepV = [false, true, "vib"]; var beepN = ["Off", "Piezo", "Vibrate"]; var hidV = [false, "kbmedia", "kb", "joy"]; var hidN = ["Off", "Kbrd & Media", "Kbrd","Joystick"]; const mainmenu = { '': { 'title': 'Settings' }, 'Make Connectable': ()=>makeConnectable(), 'App/Widget Settings': ()=>showAppSettingsMenu(), 'BLE': { value: settings.ble, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.ble = !settings.ble; updateSettings(); } }, 'Programmable': { value: settings.blerepl, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.blerepl = !settings.blerepl; updateSettings(); } }, 'Debug Info': { value: settings.log, format: v => v ? "Show" : "Hide", onchange: () => { settings.log = !settings.log; updateSettings(); } }, 'Beep': { value: 0 | beepV.indexOf(settings.beep), min: 0, max: 2, format: v => beepN[v], onchange: v => { settings.beep = beepV[v]; if (v==1) { analogWrite(D18,0.5,{freq:2000});setTimeout(()=>D18.reset(),200); } // piezo else if (v==2) { analogWrite(D13,0.1,{freq:2000});setTimeout(()=>D13.reset(),200); } // vibrate updateSettings(); } }, 'Vibration': { value: settings.vibrate, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.vibrate = !settings.vibrate; updateSettings(); if (settings.vibrate) { VIBRATE.write(1); setTimeout(() => VIBRATE.write(0), 10); } } }, 'Locale': ()=>showLocaleMenu(), 'Select Clock': ()=>showClockMenu(), 'HID': { value: 0 | hidV.indexOf(settings.HID), min: 0, max: 3, format: v => hidN[v], onchange: v => { settings.HID = hidV[v]; updateSettings(); } }, 'Set Time': ()=>showSetTimeMenu(), 'LCD': ()=>showLCDMenu(), 'Reset Settings': ()=>showResetMenu(), 'Turn Off': ()=>, '< Back': ()=>load() }; return E.showMenu(mainmenu); } function showLCDMenu() { const lcdMenu = { '': { 'title': 'LCD' }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), 'LCD Brightness': { value: settings.brightness, min: 0.1, max: 1, step: 0.1, onchange: v => { settings.brightness = v || 1; updateSettings(); Bangle.setLCDBrightness(settings.brightness); } }, 'LCD Timeout': { value: settings.timeout, min: 0, max: 60, step: 5, onchange: v => { settings.timeout = 0 | v; updateSettings(); Bangle.setLCDTimeout(settings.timeout); } }, 'Wake on BTN1': { value: settings.options.wakeOnBTN1, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnBTN1 = !settings.options.wakeOnBTN1; updateOptions(); } }, 'Wake on BTN2': { value: settings.options.wakeOnBTN2, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnBTN2 = !settings.options.wakeOnBTN2; updateOptions(); } }, 'Wake on BTN3': { value: settings.options.wakeOnBTN3, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnBTN3 = !settings.options.wakeOnBTN3; updateOptions(); } }, 'Wake on FaceUp': { value: settings.options.wakeOnFaceUp, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnFaceUp = !settings.options.wakeOnFaceUp; updateOptions(); } }, 'Wake on Touch': { value: settings.options.wakeOnTouch, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnTouch = !settings.options.wakeOnTouch; updateOptions(); } }, 'Wake on Twist': { value: settings.options.wakeOnTwist, format: boolFormat, onchange: () => { settings.options.wakeOnTwist = !settings.options.wakeOnTwist; updateOptions(); } }, 'Twist Threshold': { value: internalToG(settings.options.twistThreshold), min: -0.5, max: 0.5, step: 0.01, onchange: v => { settings.options.twistThreshold = gToInternal(v || 0.1); updateOptions(); } }, 'Twist Max Y': { value: settings.options.twistMaxY, min: -1500, max: 1500, step: 100, onchange: v => { settings.options.twistMaxY = v || -800; updateOptions(); } }, 'Twist Timeout': { value: settings.options.twistTimeout, min: 0, max: 2000, step: 100, onchange: v => { settings.options.twistTimeout = v || 1000; updateOptions(); } } } return E.showMenu(lcdMenu) } function showLocaleMenu() { const localemenu = { '': { 'title': 'Locale' }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), 'Time Zone': { value: settings.timezone, min: -11, max: 12, step: 0.5, onchange: v => { settings.timezone = v || 0; updateSettings(); } }, 'Clock Style': { value: !!settings["12hour"], format: v => v ? "12hr" : "24hr", onchange: v => { settings["12hour"] = v; updateSettings(); } } }; return E.showMenu(localemenu); } function showResetMenu() { const resetmenu = { '': { 'title': 'Reset' }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), 'Reset Settings': () => { E.showPrompt('Reset Settings?').then((v) => { if (v) { E.showMessage('Resetting'); resetSettings(); } setTimeout(showMainMenu, 50); }); } }; return E.showMenu(resetmenu); } function makeConnectable() { try { NRF.wake(); } catch (e) { } Bluetooth.setConsole(1); var name = "Bangle.js " + NRF.getAddress().substr(-5).replace(":", ""); E.showPrompt(name + "\nStay Connectable?", { title: "Connectable" }).then(r => { if (settings.ble != r) { settings.ble = r; updateSettings(); } if (!r) try { NRF.sleep(); } catch (e) { } showMainMenu(); }); } function showClockMenu() { var clockApps = require("Storage").list(/\.info$/) .map(app => {var a=storage.readJSON(app, 1);return (a&&a.type == "clock")?a:undefined}) .filter(app => app) // filter out any undefined apps .sort((a, b) => a.sortorder - b.sortorder); const clockMenu = { '': { 'title': 'Select Clock', }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), }; clockApps.forEach((app, index) => { var label =; if ((!settings.clock && index === 0) || (settings.clock === app.src)) { label = "* " + label; } clockMenu[label] = () => { if (settings.clock !== app.src) { settings.clock = app.src; updateSettings(); showMainMenu(); } }; }); if (clockApps.length === 0) { clockMenu["No Clocks Found"] = () => { }; } return E.showMenu(clockMenu); } function showSetTimeMenu() { d = new Date(); const timemenu = { '': { 'title': 'Set Time', 'predraw': function () { d = new Date(); timemenu.Hour.value = d.getHours(); timemenu.Minute.value = d.getMinutes(); timemenu.Second.value = d.getSeconds(); timemenu.Date.value = d.getDate(); timemenu.Month.value = d.getMonth() + 1; timemenu.Year.value = d.getFullYear(); } }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), 'Hour': { value: d.getHours(), min: 0, max: 23, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setHours(v); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } }, 'Minute': { value: d.getMinutes(), min: 0, max: 59, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setMinutes(v); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } }, 'Second': { value: d.getSeconds(), min: 0, max: 59, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setSeconds(v); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } }, 'Date': { value: d.getDate(), min: 1, max: 31, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setDate(v); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } }, 'Month': { value: d.getMonth() + 1, min: 1, max: 12, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setMonth(v - 1); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } }, 'Year': { value: d.getFullYear(), min: 2019, max: 2100, step: 1, onchange: v => { d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(v); setTime(d.getTime() / 1000); } } }; return E.showMenu(timemenu); } function showAppSettingsMenu() { let appmenu = { '': { 'title': 'App Settings' }, '< Back': ()=>showMainMenu(), } const apps = storage.list(/\.settings\.js$/) .map(s => s.substr(0, s.length-12)) .map(id => { const a=storage.readJSON(id+'.info',1); return {id:id,,sortorder:a.sortorder}; }) .sort((a, b) => { const n = (0|a.sortorder)-(0|b.sortorder); if (n) return n; // do sortorder first if ( return 1; return 0; }) if (apps.length === 0) { appmenu['No app has settings'] = () => { }; } apps.forEach(function (app) { appmenu[] = () => { showAppSettings(app) }; }) E.showMenu(appmenu) } function showAppSettings(app) { const showError = msg => { E.showMessage(`${}:\n${msg}!\n\nBTN1 to go back`); setWatch(showAppSettingsMenu, BTN1, { repeat: false }); } let appSettings ='.settings.js'); try { appSettings = eval(appSettings); } catch (e) { console.log(`${} settings error:`, e) return showError('Error in settings'); } if (typeof appSettings !== "function") { return showError('Invalid settings'); } try { // pass showAppSettingsMenu as "back" argument appSettings(()=>showAppSettingsMenu()); } catch (e) { console.log(`${} settings error:`, e) return showError('Error in settings'); } } showMainMenu();