const Layout = require("Layout"); const storage = require('Storage'); const locale = require("locale"); const SETTINGS_FILE = "weatherClock.json"; let settings; // weather icons from function getSun() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AH4AbhvQC6vd7ouVC4IwUCwIwUFwQwQCYgAHDZQXc9wACC6QWDDAgXN7wXF9oXPCwowDC5guGGAYXMCw4wCC5RGJJAZGTJBiNISIylQVJrLCC5owGF65fXR7AwBC5jvhC7JIILxapDFxAXOGAy9KC4owGBAQXODAgHDC54AHC8T0FAAQSOGg4qPGA4WUGAIuVC7AA/AH4AEA=")); } function getPartSun() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AH4AY6AWVhvdC6vd7owUFwIABFiYAFGR4Xa93u9oXTCwIYDC6HeC4fuC56MBC4ySOIwpIQXYQXHmYABRpwXECwQYKF5HjC4kwL5gQCAYYwO7wqFAAowK7wWKJBgXLJBPd6YX/AAoVMAAM/Cw0DC5yRHCx5JGFyAwGCyIwFC/4XyR4inXa64wRFwowQCw4A/AH4AkA")); } function getCloud() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AH4A/AH4AtgczmYWWDCgWDmcwIKAuEGBoSGGCAWKC7BIKIxYX6CpgABn4tUSJIWPJIwuQGAwWRGAoX/C+SPEU67XXGCIuFGCAWHAH4A/AH4A/ADg=")); } function getSnow() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AH4AhxGAC9YUBC4QZRhAVBAIWIC6QAEI6IYEI5cIBgwWOC64NCKohHPNox3RBgqnQEo7XPHpKONR5AXYAH4ASLa4XWXILiBC6r5LDBgWWDBRrKC5hsCEacIHawvMCIwvQC5QvQFAROEfZ5ADLJ4YGCywvVI7CPGC9IA/AH4AF")); } function getRain() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AH4AFgczmYWWDCgWDmcwIKAuEGBoSGGCAWKC7BIKIxYX6CpgABn4tUSJIWPJIwuQGAwWRGAoX/C+SPEU67XXGCIuFGCAWHAGeIBJEIwAVJhGIC5AJBC5QMJEJQMEC44JBC6QSCC54FHLxgNBBgYSEDgKpPMhQXneSwuUAH4A/AA4=")); } function getStorm() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwhC/AFEzmcwCyoYUgYXDmYuVGAY0OFwocHC6pNLCxYXYJBQXuCxhhJRpgYKCyBKFFyIXFCyJIFC/4XaO66nU3eza6k7C4IWFGBwXBCwwwO3ewC5AZMC6RaCIxZiI3e7AYYwRCQIIBC4QwPIQIpDC5owDhYREIxgAEFIouNC4orDFyBGBGAcLC6BaFhYWRLSRIFISQXcCyqhRAH4Az")); } // err icon - function getErr() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwkBiIA/AH4AZUAIWUiAXBWqgXXdIYuVGCgXBgICCIyYXCJCQTDC6QrEMCQSEJCQRFC6ApGJCCiDDQSpQFAYXEJBqNGJCA/EC4ZIOEwgXFJBgNEAhKlNAgxIKBgoXEJBjsLC5TsIeRycMBhRrMMBKzQEozjOBxAgHGww+IA6wfSH4hnIC47OMSJqlRIJAXCACIXaGoQARPwwuTAH4A/ABw")); } function getDummy() { return require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("gMBwMAwA")); } /** Choose weather icon to display based on condition. Based on function from the Bangle weather app so it should handle all of the conditions sent from gadget bridge. */ function chooseIcon(condition) { condition = condition.toLowerCase(); if (condition.includes("thunderstorm")) return getStorm; if (condition.includes("freezing")||condition.includes("snow")|| condition.includes("sleet")) { return getSnow; } if (condition.includes("drizzle")|| condition.includes("shower")) { return getRain; } if (condition.includes("rain")) return getRain; if (condition.includes("clear")) return getSun; if (condition.includes("few clouds")) return getPartSun; if (condition.includes("scattered clouds")) return getCloud; if (condition.includes("clouds")) return getCloud; if (condition.includes("mist") || condition.includes("smoke") || condition.includes("haze") || condition.includes("sand") || condition.includes("dust") || condition.includes("fog") || condition.includes("ash") || condition.includes("squalls") || condition.includes("tornado")) { return getCloud; } return getCloud; } /* * Choose weather icon to display based on weather conditition code * */ function chooseIconByCode(code) { const codeGroup = Math.round(code / 100); switch (codeGroup) { case 2: return getStorm; case 3: return getRain; case 5: return getRain; case 6: return getSnow; case 7: return getCloud; case 8: switch (code) { case 800: return getSun; case 801: return getPartSun; default: return getCloud; } default: return getCloud; } } /** Get weather stored in json file by weather app. */ function getWeather() { let jsonWeather = storage.readJSON('weather.json'); return jsonWeather; } // timeout used to update every minute var drawTimeout; // schedule a draw for the next minute function queueDraw() { if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); drawTimeout = setTimeout(function() { drawTimeout = undefined; draw(); }, 60000 - ( % 60000)); } function draw() { var date = new Date(); clockLayout.time.label = locale.time(date, 1); = ( ?, 1).toUpperCase() : ""; clockLayout.dow.label = ( ? locale.dow(date, 1).toUpperCase() + " " : ""; var weatherJson = getWeather(); if(weatherJson &&{ var currentWeather =; const temp = locale.temp(currentWeather.temp-273.15).match(/^(\D*\d*)(.*)$/); clockLayout.temp.label = temp[1] + " " + temp[2]; const code = currentWeather.code || -1; if (code > 0) { clockLayout.weatherIcon.src = settings.icon ? chooseIconByCode(code) : getDummy; } else { clockLayout.weatherIcon.src = settings.icon ? chooseIcon(currentWeather.txt) : getDummy; } const wind = locale.speed(currentWeather.wind).match(/^(\D*\d*)(.*)$/); clockLayout.wind.label = wind[1] + " " + wind[2] + " " + (currentWeather.wrose||'').toUpperCase(); } else{ clockLayout.temp.label = "Err"; clockLayout.wind.label = "No Data"; clockLayout.weatherIcon.src = settings.icon ? getErr : getDummy; } clockLayout.clear(); clockLayout.render(); // queue draw in one minute queueDraw(); } function loadSettings() { settings = require("Storage").readJSON(SETTINGS_FILE,1)||{}; settings.icon = (settings.icon === undefined ? true : settings.icon); = ( === undefined ? true :; = ( === undefined ? true :; settings.wind = (settings.wind === undefined ? true : settings.wind); } loadSettings(); let srcWeather = settings.icon ? getSun : getDummy; let fontTemp = settings.wind ? "10%" : "20%"; let fontWind = settings.wind ? "10%" : "0%"; let labelDay = ? "THU" : ""; let labelDate = ? "01/01/1970" : ""; var clockLayout = new Layout( { type:"v", c: [ {type:"txt", font:"35%", halign: 0, fillx:1, pad: 8, label:"00:00", id:"time" }, {type: "h", fillx: 1, c: [ {type: "h", c: [ {type:"txt", font:"10%", label:labelDay, id:"dow" }, {type:"txt", font:"10%", label:labelDate, id:"date" } ]}, ] }, {type: "h", valign : 1, fillx:1, c: [ {type: "img", filly: 1, id: "weatherIcon", src: srcWeather}, {type: "v", fillx:1, c: [ {type: "h", c: [ {type: "txt", font: fontTemp, id: "temp", label: "000 °C"}, ]}, {type: "h", c: [ {type: "txt", font: fontWind, id: "wind", label: "00 km/h"}, ]} ] }, ]}] }); g.clear(); Bangle.setUI("clock"); // Show launcher when middle button pressed Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); clockLayout.render(); draw();