type Folder = { folders: { // name: folder pairs of all nested folders [key: string]: Folder }, apps: Array // List of ids of all apps in this folder }; type FolderList = Array; type Config = { showClocks: boolean, // Whether clocks are shown showLaunchers: boolean, // Whether launchers are shown hidden: Array, // IDs of apps to explicitly hide display: { rows: number, // Display an X by X grid of apps icon: boolean, // Whether to show icons font: number // Which font to use for the name, or false to not show the name }, timeout: number, // How many ms before returning to the clock, or zero to never return rootFolder: Folder, // The top level folder, first displayed when opened apps: { // Saved info for each app [key: string]: { folder: FolderList, // Folder path nagged: boolean // Whether the app's fast launch setting was configured } }, hash: number // Hash of .info files }; type GridEntry = { // An entry in the grid displayed on-screen type: 'app' | 'folder' | 'empty', // Which type of item is in this space id: string // The id of that item }