const locale = require("locale"); const heatshrink = require("heatshrink"); const shoesIcon = heatshrink.decompress(atob("h0OwYJGgmAAgUBkgECgVJB4cSoAUDyEBkARDpADBhMAyQRBgVAkgmDhIUDAAuQAgY1DAAYA=")); const heartIcon = heatshrink.decompress(atob("h0OwYOLkmQhMkgACByVJgESpIFBpEEBAIFBCgIFCCgsABwcAgQOCAAMSpAwDyBNM")); const powerIcon = heatshrink.decompress(atob("h0OwYQNsAED7AEDmwEDtu2AgUbtuABwXbBIUN23AAoYOCgEDFIgODABI")); const powerIconGreen = heatshrink.decompress(atob("h0OwYQNkAEDpAEDiQEDkmSAgUJkmABwVJBIUEyVAAoYOCgEBFIgODABI")); const powerIconRed = heatshrink.decompress(atob("h0OwYQNoAEDyAEDkgEDpIFDiVJBweSAgUJkmAAoYZDgQpEBwYAJA")); let settings; function loadSettings() { settings = require("Storage").readJSON("circlesclock.json", 1) || { 'maxHR': 200, 'stepGoal': 10000, 'batteryWarn': 30 }; // Load step goal from pedometer widget as fallback if (settings.stepGoal == undefined) { const d = require('Storage').readJSON("wpedom.json", 1) || {}; settings.stepGoal = d != undefined && d.settings != undefined ? d.settings.goal : 10000; } } const colorFg = g.theme.dark ? '#fff' : '#000'; const colorBg = g.theme.dark ? '#000' : '#fff'; const colorGrey = '#808080'; const colorRed = '#ff0000'; const colorGreen = '#00ff00'; let hrtValue; const h = g.getHeight(); const w = g.getWidth(); const hOffset = 30; const h1 = Math.round(1 * h / 5 - hOffset); const h2 = Math.round(3 * h / 5 - hOffset); const h3 = Math.round(8 * h / 8 - hOffset); const w1 = Math.round(w / 6); const w2 = Math.round(3 * w / 6); const w3 = Math.round(5 * w / 6); const radiusOuter = 22; const radiusInner = 16; function draw() { g.reset(); g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); // time g.setFont("Vector:50"); g.setFontAlign(-1, -1); g.setColor(colorFg); g.drawString(locale.time(new Date(), 1), w / 10, h1 + 8); // date & dow g.setFont("Vector:20"); g.setFontAlign(-1, 0); g.drawString( Date()), w / 10, h2); g.drawString(locale.dow(new Date()), w / 10, h2 + 22); // Steps circle drawSteps(); // Heart circle drawHeartRate(); // Battery circle drawBattery(); } function drawSteps() { const steps = getSteps(); const blue = '#0000ff'; g.setColor(colorGrey); g.fillCircle(w1, h3, radiusOuter); const stepGoal = settings.stepGoal || 10000; if (stepGoal > 0) { let percent = steps / stepGoal; if (stepGoal < steps) percent = 1; drawGauge(w1, h3, percent, blue); } g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillCircle(w1, h3, radiusInner); g.fillPoly([w1, h3, w1 - 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5, w1 + 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5]); g.setFont("Vector:12"); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); g.setColor(colorFg); g.drawString(shortValue(steps), w1 + 2, h3); g.drawImage(shoesIcon, w1 - 6, h3 + radiusOuter - 6); } function drawHeartRate() { g.setColor(colorGrey); g.fillCircle(w2, h3, radiusOuter); if (hrtValue != undefined && hrtValue > 0) { const minHR = 40; const percent = (hrtValue - minHR) / (settings.maxHR - minHR); drawGauge(w2, h3, percent, colorRed); } g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillCircle(w2, h3, radiusInner); g.fillPoly([w2, h3, w2 - 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5, w2 + 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5]); g.setFont("Vector:12"); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); g.setColor(colorFg); g.drawString(hrtValue != undefined ? hrtValue : "-", w2, h3); g.drawImage(heartIcon, w2 - 6, h3 + radiusOuter - 6); } function drawBattery() { const battery = E.getBattery(); const yellow = '#ffff00'; g.setColor(colorGrey); g.fillCircle(w3, h3, radiusOuter); if (battery > 0) { const percent = battery / 100; drawGauge(w3, h3, percent, yellow); } g.setColor(colorBg); g.fillCircle(w3, h3, radiusInner); g.fillPoly([w3, h3, w3 - 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5, w3 + 15, h3 + radiusOuter + 5]); g.setFont("Vector:12"); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); let icon = powerIcon; let color = colorFg; if (Bangle.isCharging()) { color = colorGreen; icon = powerIconGreen; } else { if (settings.batteryWarn != undefined && battery <= settings.batteryWarn) { color = colorRed; icon = powerIconRed; } } g.setColor(color); g.drawString(battery + '%', w3, h3); g.drawImage(icon, w3 - 6, h3 + radiusOuter - 6); } function radians(a) { return a * Math.PI / 180; } function drawGauge(cx, cy, percent, color) { let offset = 30; let end = 300; var i = 0; var r = radiusInner + 3; if (percent <= 0) return; if (percent > 1) percent = 1; var startrot = -offset; var endrot = startrot - ((end - offset) * percent) - 15; g.setColor(color); const size = 4; // draw gauge for (i = startrot; i > endrot - size; i -= size) { x = cx + r * Math.sin(radians(i)); y = cy + r * Math.cos(radians(i)); g.fillCircle(x, y, size); } } function shortValue(v) { if (isNaN(v)) return '-'; if (v <= 999) return v; if (v >= 1000 && v < 10000) { v = Math.floor(v / 100) * 100; return (v / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'k'; } if (v >= 10000) { v = Math.floor(v / 1000) * 1000; return (v / 1000).toFixed(1).replace(/\.0$/, '') + 'k'; } } function getSteps() { if (WIDGETS.wpedom !== undefined) { return WIDGETS.wpedom.getSteps(); } return 0; } Bangle.on('lock', function(isLocked) { if (!isLocked) { Bangle.setHRMPower(1, "watch"); if (hrtValue == undefined) { hrtValue = '...'; drawHeartRate(); } } else { Bangle.setHRMPower(0, "watch"); } drawHeartRate(); drawSteps(); }); Bangle.on('HRM', function(hrm) { //if(hrm.confidence > 90){ hrtValue = hrm.bpm; if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) drawHeartRate(); //} else { // hrtValue = undefined; //} }); Bangle.on('charging', function(charging) { drawBattery(); }); g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); /* * we are not drawing the widgets as we are taking over the whole screen * so we will blank out the draw() functions of each widget and change the * area to the top bar doesn't get cleared. */ if (typeof WIDGETS === "object") { for (let wd of WIDGETS) { wd.draw = () => {}; wd.area = ""; } } loadSettings(); setInterval(draw, 60000); draw(); Bangle.setUI("clock");