/** * Copyright reelyActive 2017-2022 * We believe in an open Internet of Things * * DirAct is jointly developed by reelyActive and Code Blue Consulting */ // User-configurable constants const INSTANCE_ID = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 ]; const NAMESPACE_FILTER_ID = [ 0xc0, 0xde, 0xb1, 0x0e, 0x1d, 0xd1, 0xe0, 0x1b, 0xed, 0x0c ]; const EXCITER_INSTANCE_IDS = new Uint32Array([ 0xe8c17e45 ]); const RESETTER_INSTANCE_IDS = new Uint32Array([ 0x4e5e77e4 ]); const PROXIMITY_RSSI_THRESHOLD = -85; const PROXIMITY_LED_RSSI_THRESHOLD = -85; const PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE = 8; const DIGEST_TABLE_SIZE = 32; const OBSERVE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS = 400; const BROADCAST_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS = 1600; const BROADCAST_DIGEST_PAGE_MILLISECONDS = 400; const PROXIMITY_PACKET_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = 200; const DIGEST_PACKET_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = 100; const DIGEST_TIME_CYCLE_THRESHOLD = 86400; const EXCITER_HOLDOFF_SECONDS = 60; const BLINK_ON_PROXIMITY = true; const BLINK_ON_DISTANCING = true; const BLINK_ON_DIGEST = true; const BLINK_ON_RESET = true; // Eddystone protocol constants const EDDYSTONE_UUID = 'feaa'; const EDDYSTONE_UID_FRAME = 0x00; const EDDYSTONE_NAMESPACE_OFFSET = 2; const EDDYSTONE_NAMESPACE_LENGTH = 10; const EDDYSTONE_INSTANCE_OFFSET = 14; // DirAct constants const DIRACT_MANUFACTURER_ID = 0x0583; // Code Blue Consulting const DIRACT_PROXIMITY_FRAME = 0x01; const DIRACT_DIGEST_FRAME = 0x11; const DIRACT_DEFAULT_COUNT_LENGTH = 0x07; const DIRACT_INSTANCE_LENGTH = 4; const DIRACT_INSTANCE_OFFSET = 2; const MAX_NUMBER_STRONGEST = 3; const MAX_BATTERY_VOLTAGE = 3.3; const MIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE = 3.0; const MAX_RSSI_TO_ENCODE = -28; const MIN_RSSI_TO_ENCODE = -92; const MAX_ACCELERATION_TO_ENCODE = 2; const MAX_ACCELERATION_MAGNITUDE = 0x1f; const INVALID_ACCELERATION_CODE = 0x20; const SCAN_OPTIONS = { filters: [ { manufacturerData: { 0x0583: {} } }, { services: [ EDDYSTONE_UUID ] } ] }; // Other constants const BITS_PER_BYTE = 8; const DUMMY_INSTANCE_ID = 0; const DUMMY_RSSI = MIN_RSSI_TO_ENCODE; // Global variables let proximityInstances = new Uint32Array(PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE); let proximityRssis = new Int8Array(PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE); let digestInstances = new Uint32Array(DIGEST_TABLE_SIZE); let digestCounts = new Uint16Array(DIGEST_TABLE_SIZE); let digestTime = new Uint8Array([ 0, 0, 0 ]); let numberOfDigestPages = 0; let sensorData = [ 0x82, 0x08, 0x3f ]; let cyclicCount = 0; let lastDigestTime = Math.round(getTime()); let lastResetTime = Math.round(getTime()); let isExciterPresent = false; let isResetterPresent = false; let isProximityDetected = false; let menu = { "": { "title": "-- DirAct --" } }; /** * Initiate observer mode, scanning for devices in proximity. */ function observe() { proximityInstances.fill(DUMMY_INSTANCE_ID); // Reset proximity proximityRssis.fill(DUMMY_RSSI); // table data isExciterPresent = false; isResetterPresent = false; NRF.setScan(handleDiscoveredDevice, SCAN_OPTIONS); // Start scanning setTimeout(broadcast, OBSERVE_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS); // ...until period end } /** * Compile the scan results and initiate broadcaster mode, advertising either * proximity or digest packets, in consequence. */ function broadcast() { NRF.setScan(); // Stop scanning let sortedProximityIndices = getSortedIndices(proximityRssis); updateDigestTable(sortedProximityIndices); updateSensorData(); let currentTime = Math.round(getTime()); let isExcited = isExciterPresent && ((currentTime - lastDigestTime) > EXCITER_HOLDOFF_SECONDS); if(isResetterPresent) { if(BLINK_ON_RESET) { Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } lastResetTime = currentTime; resetDigest(); broadcastProximity(sortedProximityIndices); } else if(isExcited) { let sortedDigestIndices = getSortedIndices(digestCounts); compileDigest(); broadcastDigest(sortedDigestIndices, 0); } else { broadcastProximity(sortedProximityIndices); } } /** * Initiate broadcaster mode advertising proximity packets. * @param {TypedArray} sortedIndices The sorted proximity table indices. */ function broadcastProximity(sortedIndices) { let advertisingOptions = { interval: PROXIMITY_PACKET_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS, showName: false, manufacturer: DIRACT_MANUFACTURER_ID }; advertisingOptions.manufacturerData = compileProximityData(sortedIndices); NRF.setAdvertising({}, advertisingOptions); // Start advertising setTimeout(observe, BROADCAST_PERIOD_MILLISECONDS); // ...until period end } /** * Initiate broadcaster mode advertising digest packets. * @param {TypedArray} sortedIndices The sorted digest table indices. * @param {Number} pageNumber The page number to broadcast. */ function broadcastDigest(sortedIndices, pageNumber) { let isLastPage = (pageNumber === (numberOfDigestPages - 1)); let advertisingOptions = { interval: DIGEST_PACKET_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS, showName: false, manufacturer: DIRACT_MANUFACTURER_ID }; advertisingOptions.manufacturerData = compileDigestData(sortedIndices, pageNumber); NRF.setAdvertising({}, advertisingOptions); // Start advertising if(isLastPage) { setTimeout(observe, BROADCAST_DIGEST_PAGE_MILLISECONDS); if(getTime() > DIGEST_TIME_CYCLE_THRESHOLD) { lastResetTime = Math.round(getTime()); resetDigest(); } if(BLINK_ON_DIGEST) { Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } } else { setTimeout(broadcastDigest, BROADCAST_DIGEST_PAGE_MILLISECONDS, sortedIndices, ++pageNumber); } } /** * Handle the given device discovered on scan and process further if * Eddystone-UID or DirAct. * @param {BluetoothDevice} device The discovered device. */ function handleDiscoveredDevice(device) { let isEddystone = (device.hasOwnProperty('services') && device.hasOwnProperty('serviceData') && (device.services[0] === EDDYSTONE_UUID)); let isManufacturer = (device.hasOwnProperty('manufacturer') && device.manufacturer === DIRACT_MANUFACTURER_ID); if(isEddystone) { let isEddystoneUID = (device.serviceData[EDDYSTONE_UUID][0] === EDDYSTONE_UID_FRAME); if(isEddystoneUID) { handleEddystoneUidDevice(device.serviceData[EDDYSTONE_UUID], device.rssi); } } else if(isManufacturer) { let isDirAct = ((device.manufacturerData[0] === DIRACT_PROXIMITY_FRAME) || (device.manufacturerData[0] === DIRACT_DIGEST_FRAME)); if(isDirAct) { handleDirActDevice(device.manufacturerData, device.rssi); } } } /** * Handle the given Eddystone-UID device, adding to the devices in range if * it meets the filter criteria. * @param {Array} serviceData The Eddystone service data. * @param {Number} rssi The received signal strength. */ function handleEddystoneUidDevice(serviceData, rssi) { for(let cByte = 0; cByte < EDDYSTONE_NAMESPACE_LENGTH; cByte++) { let namespaceIndex = EDDYSTONE_NAMESPACE_OFFSET + cByte; if(serviceData[namespaceIndex] !== NAMESPACE_FILTER_ID[cByte]) { return; } } let instanceId = 0; let bitShift = (DIRACT_INSTANCE_LENGTH - 1) * BITS_PER_BYTE; for(let cByte = 0; cByte < DIRACT_INSTANCE_LENGTH; cByte++) { let instanceByte = serviceData[EDDYSTONE_INSTANCE_OFFSET + cByte]; instanceId += instanceByte << bitShift; bitShift -= BITS_PER_BYTE; } let unsignedInstanceId = new Uint32Array([instanceId])[0]; if(EXCITER_INSTANCE_IDS.indexOf(unsignedInstanceId) >= 0) { isExciterPresent = true; } else if(RESETTER_INSTANCE_IDS.indexOf(unsignedInstanceId) >= 0) { isResetterPresent = true; } else { updateProximityTable(instanceId, rssi); } } /** * Handle the given DirAct device, adding to the devices in range if * it meets the filter criteria. * @param {Array} manufacturerData The DirAct manufacturer data. * @param {Number} rssi The received signal strength. */ function handleDirActDevice(manufacturerData, rssi) { let instanceId = 0; let bitShift = (DIRACT_INSTANCE_LENGTH - 1) * BITS_PER_BYTE; for(let cByte = DIRACT_INSTANCE_OFFSET; cByte < DIRACT_INSTANCE_OFFSET + DIRACT_INSTANCE_LENGTH; cByte++) { let instanceByte = manufacturerData[cByte]; instanceId += instanceByte << bitShift; bitShift -= BITS_PER_BYTE; } updateProximityTable(instanceId, rssi); } /** * Update the proximity table with the given instance's RSSI. If the instance * already exists, combine RSSI values in a weighted average. * @param {String} instanceId The DirAct 4-byte instance id as a 32-bit integer. * @param {Number} rssi The received signal strength. */ function updateProximityTable(instanceId, rssi) { let instanceIndex = proximityInstances.indexOf(instanceId); let isNewInstance = (instanceIndex < 0); if(isNewInstance) { let nextIndex = proximityInstances.indexOf(DUMMY_INSTANCE_ID); if(nextIndex >= 0) { proximityInstances[nextIndex] = instanceId; proximityRssis[nextIndex] = rssi; } } else { proximityRssis[instanceIndex] = (proximityRssis[instanceIndex] + rssi) / 2; } } /** * Update the digest table based on the proximity table and its sorted indices. * @param {TypedArray} sortedIndices The sorted proximity table indices. */ function updateDigestTable(sortedIndices) { for(let cInstance = 0; cInstance < PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE; cInstance++) { let proximityIndex = sortedIndices[cInstance]; if(proximityRssis[proximityIndex] >= PROXIMITY_RSSI_THRESHOLD) { let instanceId = proximityInstances[proximityIndex]; let instanceIndex = digestInstances.indexOf(instanceId); let isNewInstance = (instanceIndex < 0); if(isNewInstance) { let nextIndex = digestInstances.indexOf(DUMMY_INSTANCE_ID); if(nextIndex >= 0) { digestInstances[nextIndex] = instanceId; digestCounts[nextIndex] = 1; } } else if(digestCounts[instanceIndex] < 65535) { digestCounts[instanceIndex]++; } } else { cInstance = PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE; // Break } } } /* * Compile the digest from the digest table. */ function compileDigest() { let numberOfEntries = digestCounts.findIndex(count => count === 0); let currentTime = Math.round(getTime()); let elapsedTime = currentTime - lastResetTime; if(numberOfEntries < 0) { numberOfEntries = DIGEST_TABLE_SIZE; } digestTime[0] = (elapsedTime >> 16) & 0xff; digestTime[1] = (elapsedTime >> 8) & 0xff; digestTime[2] = elapsedTime & 0xff; numberOfDigestPages = Math.max(1, Math.min(8, Math.ceil(numberOfEntries/3))); lastDigestTime = currentTime; } /* * Clear the digest table. */ function resetDigest() { digestInstances.fill(DUMMY_INSTANCE_ID); digestCounts.fill(0); } /** * Compile the DirAct proximity data. * @param {TypedArray} sortedIndices The sorted proximity table indices. */ function compileProximityData(sortedIndices) { let data = [ DIRACT_PROXIMITY_FRAME, DIRACT_DEFAULT_COUNT_LENGTH, INSTANCE_ID[0], INSTANCE_ID[1], INSTANCE_ID[2], INSTANCE_ID[3], sensorData[0], sensorData[1], sensorData[2] ]; let isNewProximityDetected = false; for(let cInstance = 0; cInstance < MAX_NUMBER_STRONGEST; cInstance++) { let index = sortedIndices[cInstance]; if(proximityRssis[index] >= PROXIMITY_RSSI_THRESHOLD) { let instanceId = proximityInstances[index]; data.push((instanceId >> 24) & 0xff, (instanceId >> 16) & 0xff, (instanceId >> 8) & 0xff, instanceId & 0xff, encodeRssi(proximityRssis[index])); if(proximityRssis[index] >= PROXIMITY_LED_RSSI_THRESHOLD) { isNewProximityDetected = true; } } else { cInstance = PROXIMITY_TABLE_SIZE; // Break } } cyclicCount = (cyclicCount + 1) % 8; data[1] = (cyclicCount << 5) + (data.length - 2); if(isProximityDetected && !isNewProximityDetected && BLINK_ON_DISTANCING) { Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } else if(isNewProximityDetected && BLINK_ON_PROXIMITY) { Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } isProximityDetected = isNewProximityDetected; return data; } /** * Compile the DirAct digest data. * @param {TypedArray} sortedIndices The sorted digest table indices. * @param {Number} digestPage The page of the digest to compile. */ function compileDigestData(sortedIndices, digestPage) { let isLastPage = (digestPage === (numberOfDigestPages - 1)); let digestStatus = digestTime[0] & 0x7f; if(isLastPage) { digestStatus |= 0x80; } let data = [ DIRACT_DIGEST_FRAME, DIRACT_DEFAULT_COUNT_LENGTH, INSTANCE_ID[0], INSTANCE_ID[1], INSTANCE_ID[2], INSTANCE_ID[3], digestStatus, digestTime[1], digestTime[2] ]; let pageIndex = digestPage * 3; for(let cInstance = pageIndex; cInstance < (pageIndex + 3); cInstance++) { let index = sortedIndices[cInstance]; if(digestCounts[index] > 0) { let instanceId = digestInstances[index]; let encodedCount = digestCounts[index]; if(encodedCount > 127) { encodedCount = 0x80 | (Math.min((encodedCount >> 8), 0x7f) & 0x7f); } data.push((instanceId >> 24) & 0xff, (instanceId >> 16) & 0xff, (instanceId >> 8) & 0xff, instanceId & 0xff, encodedCount); } else { cInstance = pageIndex + 3; // Break } } data[1] = (digestPage << 5) + (data.length - 2); return data; } /** * Encode the given RSSI. * @param {Number} rssi The given RSSI. * @return {Number} The encoded RSSI. */ function encodeRssi(rssi) { rssi = Math.round(rssi); if(rssi >= MAX_RSSI_TO_ENCODE) { return 0x3f; } if(rssi <= MIN_RSSI_TO_ENCODE) { return 0x00; } return rssi - MIN_RSSI_TO_ENCODE; } /** * Encode the battery percentage. * @return {Number} The battery percentage. */ function encodeBatteryPercentage() { let voltage = NRF.getBattery(); if(voltage <= MIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) { return 0x00; } if(voltage >= MAX_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) { return 0x3f; } return Math.round(0x3f * (voltage - MIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE) / (MAX_BATTERY_VOLTAGE - MIN_BATTERY_VOLTAGE)); } /** * Encode the acceleration. * @return {Array} The encoded acceleration [ x, y, z ]. */ function encodeAcceleration() { let encodedAcceleration = { x: INVALID_ACCELERATION_CODE, y: INVALID_ACCELERATION_CODE, z: INVALID_ACCELERATION_CODE }; let acceleration = { x: Bangle.getAccel().x, y: Bangle.getAccel().y, z: Bangle.getAccel().z }; for(let axis in acceleration) { let magnitude = acceleration[axis]; let encodedMagnitude = Math.min(MAX_ACCELERATION_MAGNITUDE, Math.round(MAX_ACCELERATION_MAGNITUDE * (Math.abs(magnitude) / MAX_ACCELERATION_TO_ENCODE))); if(magnitude < 0) { encodedMagnitude = 0x3f - encodedMagnitude; } encodedAcceleration[axis] = encodedMagnitude; } return encodedAcceleration; } /** * Update the sensor data (battery & acceleration) for the advertising packet. */ function updateSensorData() { // Update the battery measurement each time the cyclic count resets let encodedBattery; if(cyclicCount === 0) { encodedBattery = encodeBatteryPercentage(); } let encodedAcceleration = encodeAcceleration(); sensorData[0] = ((encodedAcceleration.x << 2) & 0xfc) | ((encodedAcceleration.y >> 4) & 0x3f); sensorData[1] = ((encodedAcceleration.y << 4) & 0xf0) | ((encodedAcceleration.z >> 2) & 0x0f); sensorData[2] = ((encodedAcceleration.z << 6) & 0xc0) | (encodedBattery & 0x3f); } /** * Determine the sorted order of the indices of the given array. * @return {Uint8Array} The array of indices sorted in descending order. */ function getSortedIndices(unsortedArray) { let sortedIndices = new Uint8Array(unsortedArray.length); sortedIndices.forEach((value, index) => sortedIndices[index] = index); sortedIndices.sort((a, b) => unsortedArray[b] - unsortedArray[a]); return sortedIndices; } // On start: begin DirAct operation and display the menu g.clear(); E.showMenu(menu); observe();