const DateUtils = require("solar_date_utils.js"); const Math2 = require("solar_math_utils.js"); const GraphicUtils = require("solar_graphic_utils.js"); const Colors = require("solar_colors.js"); const LocationUtils = require("solar_location.js"); var screen_info = { screen_width : g.getWidth(), screen_start_x : 0, screen_centre_x: g.getWidth()/2, screen_height : (g.getHeight()-100), screen_start_y : 100, screen_centre_y : 90 + (g.getHeight()-100)/2, screen_bg_color : Colors.BLACK, sun_radius: 8, sun_x : null, sun_y : null, sunrise_y : null, } const img_width=40; const img_height=30; var img_buffer = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(img_width,img_height,8); var img = {width:img_width,height:img_height,bpp:8,transparent:0,buffer:img_buffer.buffer}; var img_info = { x: null, y: null, img: img, img_buffer: img_buffer } const COSINE_COLOUR= Colors.GREY; const HORIZON_COLOUR = Colors.GREY; const SolarController = require("solar_controller.js"); var controller = new SolarController(); var curr_mode = null; var last_sun_draw_time = null; var draw_full_cosine = true; function draw_sun(now, day_info) { var now_fraction = (now.getTime() - day_info.day_start.getTime())/DateUtils.DAY_MILLIS; var now_x = now_fraction * screen_info.screen_width; if(screen_info.sun_x != null && Math.abs(now_x- screen_info.sun_x) < 1){ console.log("no sun movement"); return false; } // now calculate thew new sun coordinates var now_radians = Math2.TWO_PI *(now_x - screen_info.screen_centre_x)/screen_info.screen_width; var now_y = screen_info.screen_centre_y - (screen_info.screen_height * Math.cos(now_radians) / 2); if(Math.abs(now_x - screen_info.sun_x) > 5){ clear_sun(); } // update the screen info with the new sun info screen_info.sun_x = now_x; screen_info.sun_y = now_y; last_sun_draw_time = now; if(draw_full_cosine){ //console.log("drawing full cosine"); GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(screen_info.screen_start_x, screen_info.screen_width, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info); draw_full_cosine = false; } if(curr_mode == null) { GraphicUtils.draw_sunrise_line(HORIZON_COLOUR, day_info, screen_info); } // decide on the new sun drawing mode and draw curr_mode = controller.mode(now,day_info,screen_info); img_info.img_buffer.clear(); img_info.img_buffer.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0], screen_info.screen_bg_color[1], screen_info.screen_bg_color[2], ); img_info.img_buffer.fillRect(0,0,img_width, img_height); img_info.x = screen_info.sun_x - img_info.img.width/2; img_info.y = screen_info.sun_y - img_info.img.height/2; var cosine_dist = screen_info.sun_radius/Math.sqrt(2); GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(img_info.x, screen_info.sun_x - cosine_dist, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info, img_info); GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(screen_info.sun_x + cosine_dist, screen_info.sun_x + img_width, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info, img_info); curr_mode.draw(now,day_info,screen_info,img_info); var sunrise_dist = Math.abs(screen_info.sunrise_y-screen_info.sun_y); if( sunrise_dist <= img_height) { GraphicUtils.draw_sunrise_line(HORIZON_COLOUR, day_info, screen_info,img_info); } else if(sunrise_dist <= img_height*2.5) { GraphicUtils.draw_sunrise_line(HORIZON_COLOUR, day_info, screen_info); } // we draw a blank where the image is going to be drawn to clear out the area g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0],screen_info.screen_bg_color[1],screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.fillRect(img_info.x,img_info.y-2,img_info.x+img_width,img_info.y + img_height + 2); g.drawImage(img,img_info.x,img_info.y); // paint the cosine curve back to the normal color where it just came from GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(img_info.x - 3, img_info.x, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info); GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(img_info.x + img_width, img_info.x + img_width + 3, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info); return true; } function clear_sun(){ g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0],screen_info.screen_bg_color[1],screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.fillRect(img_info.x,img_info.y,img_info.x+img_width,img_info.y + img_width); GraphicUtils.draw_cosine(img_info.x - 4, img_info.x + img_width + 4, COSINE_COLOUR, screen_info); GraphicUtils.draw_sunrise_line(HORIZON_COLOUR, day_info, screen_info); screen_info.sun_x = null; screen_info.sun_y = null; } var last_time = null; var last_offset = null; var last_date = null; const time_color = Colors.WHITE; const date_color = Colors.YELLOW; const DATE_Y_COORD = 35; const DATE_X_COORD = 5; const TIME_X_COORD = 140; const TIME_Y_COORD = 35; const OFFSET_Y_COORD = 70; const LOCATION_Y_COORD = 55; function write_date(now){ var new_date = require('locale').dow(now,1) + " " + Math2.format00(now.getDate()); //console.log("writing date:" + new_date) g.setFont("Vector",15); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); if(last_date != null){ if(new_date == last_date){ return; } g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0], screen_info.screen_bg_color[1], screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_date, DATE_X_COORD,DATE_Y_COORD); } g.setColor(date_color[0],date_color[1],date_color[2]); g.drawString(new_date, DATE_X_COORD,DATE_Y_COORD); last_date = new_date; } var last_status_msg = "" var last_gps_coords_msg_n = ""; var last_gps_coords_msg_e = ""; const GPS_MSG_X_COORD = 65; const GPS_MSG_Y = 220; const GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_E = 90; const GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_N = 105; function write_GPS_status(){ var gps_coords = location.getCoordinates(); var gps_coords_msg_n; var gps_coords_msg_e; if(gps_coords != null){ gps_coords_msg_n = "N:" + Math2.format000_00(gps_coords[1]); gps_coords_msg_e = "E:" + Math2.format000_00(gps_coords[0]); } else { gps_coords_msg_n = ""; gps_coords_msg_e = ""; } var status_msg = ""; if(location.isGPSLocation()) { if(gps_coords == null) { if (location.getGPSPower() > 0) { status_msg = "Finding GPS Position"; } else { status_msg = "ERROR GPS Position not found"; } } else { if (location.getGPSPower() > 0) { status_msg = "Updating GPS Position"; } } } g.setFont("Vector",13); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); if(last_status_msg != status_msg) { g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0], screen_info.screen_bg_color[1], screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_status_msg, GPS_MSG_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_Y); g.setColor(Colors.YELLOW[0],Colors.YELLOW[1],Colors.YELLOW[2]); g.drawString(status_msg, GPS_MSG_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_Y); last_status_msg = status_msg; } if(last_gps_coords_msg_e != gps_coords_msg_e) { g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0], screen_info.screen_bg_color[1], screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_gps_coords_msg_e, DATE_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_E); g.drawString(last_gps_coords_msg_n, DATE_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_N); g.setColor(0.9,0.9,0.9); g.drawString(gps_coords_msg_e, DATE_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_E); g.drawString(gps_coords_msg_n, DATE_X_COORD, GPS_MSG_COORDS_Y_N); last_gps_coords_msg_e = gps_coords_msg_e; last_gps_coords_msg_n = gps_coords_msg_n; } } const TWILIGHT_X_COORD = 200; const SUNUP_Y_COORD = 90; const SUNDOWN_Y_COORD = 105; var last_sunup = ""; var last_sundown = ""; function write_twilight_times(){ var sunup; var sundown; if(day_info != null) { sunup = format_time(day_info.sunrise_date); sundown = format_time(day_info.sunset_date); } else { sunup = ""; sundown = ""; } g.setFont("Vector",13); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); if(last_sunup != "" && last_sunup != sunup){ g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0],screen_info.screen_bg_color[1],screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_sunup, TWILIGHT_X_COORD,SUNUP_Y_COORD); g.drawString(last_sundown, TWILIGHT_X_COORD,SUNDOWN_Y_COORD); } g.setColor(Colors.YELLOW[0],Colors.YELLOW[1],Colors.YELLOW[2]); g.drawString(sunup, TWILIGHT_X_COORD,SUNUP_Y_COORD); GraphicUtils.fill_circle_partial_y(TWILIGHT_X_COORD-15, SUNUP_Y_COORD+7, 7, SUNUP_Y_COORD+7, SUNUP_Y_COORD); g.setColor(1,0.7,0); g.drawString(sundown, TWILIGHT_X_COORD,SUNDOWN_Y_COORD); last_sunup = sunup; last_sundown = sundown; } function write_time(now){ var new_time = format_time(now); g.setFont("Vector",35); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); if(last_time != null){ g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0],screen_info.screen_bg_color[1],screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_time, TIME_X_COORD,TIME_Y_COORD); } g.setColor(time_color[0],time_color[1],time_color[2]); g.drawString(new_time, TIME_X_COORD,TIME_Y_COORD); last_time = new_time; } function format_time(now){ var time = new Date(now.getTime() - time_offset); var hours = time.getHours() % 12; if(hours < 1){ hours = 12; } return Math2.format00(hours) + ":" + Math2.format00(time.getMinutes()); } function write_offset(){ var new_offset = format_offset(); g.setFont("Vector",15); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); if(last_offset != null){ g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0],screen_info.screen_bg_color[1],screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_offset, TIME_X_COORD,OFFSET_Y_COORD); } g.setColor(time_color[0],time_color[1],time_color[2]); g.drawString(new_offset, TIME_X_COORD,OFFSET_Y_COORD); last_offset = new_offset; } function format_offset(){ if(time_offset == 0) return ""; var hours_offset = Math.abs(time_offset) / DateUtils.HOUR_MILLIS; var mins_offset = Math.abs(time_offset) / DateUtils.MIN_MILLIS; var mins_offset_from_hour = mins_offset % 60; //console.log("mins offset=" + mins_offset + " mins_offset_from_hour=" + mins_offset_from_hour); var sign = "+"; if(time_offset < 0) sign = "-"; return sign + Math2.format00(hours_offset) + ":" + Math2.format00(mins_offset_from_hour); } let time_offset = 0; let last_draw_time = null; var day_info = null; var location = LocationUtils.load_locations(); var last_location_name = null; function write_location_name() { var new_location_name = location.getName(); g.setFont("Vector", 20); g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0); if (last_location_name != null) { g.setColor(screen_info.screen_bg_color[0], screen_info.screen_bg_color[1], screen_info.screen_bg_color[2]); g.drawString(last_location_name, DATE_X_COORD, LOCATION_Y_COORD); } g.setColor(time_color[0], time_color[1], time_color[2]); if (new_location_name != "local") { g.drawString(new_location_name, DATE_X_COORD, LOCATION_Y_COORD); } last_location_name = new_location_name; } location.addUpdateListener( (loc)=>{ console.log("location update:" + JSON.stringify(loc)); clear_sun(); GraphicUtils.draw_sunrise_line(screen_info.screen_bg_color, day_info, screen_info); day_info = null; screen_info.sunrise_y = null; curr_mode = null; draw_clock(); write_location_name(); write_GPS_status(); write_twilight_times(); } ); function dayInfo(now) { if (day_info == null || now > day_info.day_end) { var coords = location.getCoordinates(); if(coords != null) { day_info = DateUtils.sunrise_sunset(now, coords[0], coords[1], location.getUTCOffset()); //console.log("day info:" + JSON.stringify(day_info)); } else { day_info = null; } } return day_info; } function time_now() { var timezone_offset_hours = location.getUTCOffset(); if(timezone_offset_hours != null) { var local_offset_hours = -new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60; var timezone_offset_millis = (timezone_offset_hours - local_offset_hours) * DateUtils.HOUR_MILLIS; return new Date( + time_offset + timezone_offset_millis); } else { return new Date( + time_offset); } } function draw_clock(){ var start_time =; var now = time_now(); var day_info = dayInfo(now); if(day_info != null) { draw_sun(now, day_info); } write_time(now); write_date(now); write_offset(); if(last_location_name == "") write_location_name(); if(last_gps_coords_msg_n == "") write_GPS_status(); if(last_sunup == "") write_twilight_times(); last_draw_time = now; log_memory_used(); var time_taken = - start_time; console.log("drawing clock:" + now.toISOString() + " time taken:" + time_taken ); } function log_memory_used() { var memory = process.memory(); console.log("memory used:" + memory.usage + " total:" + + "->" + " ->" + memory.usage/ ); } function button1pressed(){ console.log("button 1 pressed"); time_offset = 0; clear_sun(); day_info = null; draw_clock(); } function button3pressed(){ console.log("button 3 pressed"); time_offset = 0; location.nextLocation(); } function button4pressed(){ time_offset -= DateUtils.HOUR_MILLIS/4; draw_clock(); setTimeout(()=>{ if({ button4pressed(); } }, 50 ) } function button5pressed(){ time_offset += DateUtils.HOUR_MILLIS/4; draw_clock(); setTimeout(()=>{ if({ button5pressed(); } }, 50 ) } // The interval reference for updating the clock let interval_ref = null; function clear_timers(){ if(interval_ref != null) { clearInterval(interval_ref); interval_ref = null; } } function start_timers(){ var date = new Date(); var secs = date.getSeconds(); var nextMinuteStart = 60 - secs; setTimeout(schedule_draw_clock,nextMinuteStart * 1000); draw_clock(); } function schedule_draw_clock(){ clear_timers(); if (Bangle.isLCDOn()) { interval_ref = setInterval(() => { if (!Bangle.isLCDOn()) { console.log("draw clock callback - skipped redraw"); } else { draw_clock(); } }, DateUtils.MIN_MILLIS ); draw_clock(); } else { console.log("scheduleDrawClock - skipped not visible"); } } Bangle.on('lcdPower', (on) => { if (on) { console.log("lcdPower: on"); draw_clock(); start_timers(); } else { console.log("lcdPower: off"); clear_timers(); } }); Bangle.on('faceUp',function(up){ if (up && !Bangle.isLCDOn()) { clear_timers(); Bangle.setLCDPower(true); } }); g.clear(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); start_timers(); function button2pressed(){ controller = null; location.shutdown(); location = null; Bangle.showLauncher(); } setWatch(button2pressed, BTN2,{repeat:false,edge:"falling"}); setWatch(button1pressed, BTN1,{repeat:true,edge:"falling"}); setWatch(button3pressed, BTN3,{repeat:true,edge:"falling"}); setWatch(button4pressed, BTN4,{repeat:true,edge:"rising"}); setWatch(button5pressed, BTN5,{repeat:true,edge:"rising"});