(function() { function gbSend(message) { Bluetooth.println(""); Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify(message)); } var lastMsg; // for music messages - may not be needed now... var actInterval; // Realtime activity reporting interval when `act` is true var actHRMHandler; // For Realtime activity reporting var gpsState = {}; // keep information on GPS via Gadgetbridge // this settings var is deleted after this executes to save memory var settings = require("Storage").readJSON("android.settings.json",1)||{}; //default alarm settings if (settings.rp == undefined) settings.rp = true; if (settings.as == undefined) settings.as = true; if (settings.vibrate == undefined) settings.vibrate = ".."; require('Storage').writeJSON("android.settings.json", settings); var _GB = global.GB; let fetchRecInterval; global.GB = (event) => { // feed a copy to other handlers if there were any if (_GB) setTimeout(_GB,0,Object.assign({},event)); /* TODO: Call handling, fitness */ var HANDLERS = { // {t:"notify",id:int, src,title,subject,body,sender,tel:string} add "notify" : function() { Object.assign(event,{t:"add",positive:true, negative:true}); // Detect a weird GadgetBridge bug and fix it // For some reason SMS messages send two GB notifications, with different sets of info if (lastMsg && event.body == lastMsg.body && lastMsg.src == undefined && event.src == "Messages") { // Mutate the other message event.id = lastMsg.id; } lastMsg = event; require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"notify~",id:int, title:string} // modified "notify~" : function() { event.t="modify";require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"notify-",id:int} // remove "notify-" : function() { event.t="remove";require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"find", n:bool} // find my phone "find" : function() { if (Bangle.findDeviceInterval) { clearInterval(Bangle.findDeviceInterval); delete Bangle.findDeviceInterval; } if (event.n) // Ignore quiet mode: we always want to find our watch Bangle.findDeviceInterval = setInterval(_=>Bangle.buzz(),1000); }, // {t:"musicstate", state:"play/pause",position,shuffle,repeat} "musicstate" : function() { require("messages").pushMessage({t:"modify",id:"music",title:"Music",state:event.state}); }, // {t:"musicinfo", artist,album,track,dur,c(track count),n(track num} "musicinfo" : function() { require("messages").pushMessage(Object.assign(event, {t:"modify",id:"music",title:"Music"})); }, // {"t":"call","cmd":"incoming/end","name":"Bob","number":"12421312"}) "call" : function() { Object.assign(event, { t:event.cmd=="incoming"?"add":"remove", id:"call", src:"Phone", positive:true, negative:true, title:event.name||/*LANG*/"Call", body:/*LANG*/"Incoming call\n"+event.number}); require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {"t":"alarm", "d":[{h:int,m:int,rep:int},... } "alarm" : function() { //wipe existing GB alarms var sched; try { sched = require("sched"); } catch (e) {} if (!sched) return; // alarms may not be installed var gbalarms = sched.getAlarms().filter(a=>a.appid=="gbalarms"); for (var i = 0; i < gbalarms.length; i++) sched.setAlarm(gbalarms[i].id, undefined); var alarms = sched.getAlarms(); var time = new Date(); var currentTime = time.getHours() * 3600000 + time.getMinutes() * 60000 + time.getSeconds() * 1000; for (var j = 0; j < event.d.length; j++) { // prevents all alarms from going off at once?? var dow = event.d[j].rep; var rp = false; if (!dow) { dow = 127; //if no DOW selected, set alarm to all DOW } else { rp = true; } var last = (event.d[j].h * 3600000 + event.d[j].m * 60000 < currentTime) ? (new Date()).getDate() : 0; var a = require("sched").newDefaultAlarm(); a.id = "gb"+j; a.appid = "gbalarms"; a.on = event.d[j].on !== undefined ? event.d[j].on : true; a.t = event.d[j].h * 3600000 + event.d[j].m * 60000; a.dow = ((dow&63)<<1) | (dow>>6); // Gadgetbridge sends DOW in a different format a.rp = rp; a.last = last; alarms.push(a); } sched.setAlarms(alarms); sched.reload(); }, //TODO perhaps move those in a library (like messages), used also for viewing events? //add and remove events based on activity on phone (pebble-like) // {t:"calendar", id:int, type:int, timestamp:seconds, durationInSeconds, title:string, description:string,location:string,calName:string.color:int,allDay:bool "calendar" : function() { var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true); if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) cal = []; var i = cal.findIndex(e=>e.id==event.id); if(i<0) cal.push(event); else cal[i] = event; require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", cal); }, // {t:"calendar-", id:int} "calendar-" : function() { var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true); //if any of those happen we are out of sync! if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) cal = []; cal = cal.filter(e=>e.id!=event.id); require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", cal); }, //triggered by GB, send all ids // { t:"force_calendar_sync_start" } "force_calendar_sync_start" : function() { var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true); if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) cal = []; gbSend({t:"force_calendar_sync", ids: cal.map(e=>e.id)}); }, // {t:"http",resp:"......",[id:"..."]} "http":function() { //get the promise and call the promise resolve if (Bangle.httpRequest === undefined) return; var request=Bangle.httpRequest[event.id]; if (request === undefined) return; //already timedout or wrong id delete Bangle.httpRequest[event.id]; clearTimeout(request.t); //t = timeout variable if(event.err!==undefined) //if is error request.j(event.err); //r = reJect function else request.r(event); //r = resolve function }, // {t:"gps", lat, lon, alt, speed, course, time, satellites, hdop, externalSource:true } "gps": function() { if (!settings.overwriteGps) return; // modify event for using it as Bangle GPS event delete event.t; if (!isFinite(event.satellites)) event.satellites = NaN; if (!isFinite(event.course)) event.course = NaN; event.fix = 1; if (event.long!==undefined) { // for earlier Gadgetbridge implementations event.lon = event.long; delete event.long; } if (event.time){ event.time = new Date(event.time); } if (!gpsState.lastGPSEvent) { // this is the first event, save time of arrival and deactivate internal GPS Bangle.moveGPSPower(0); } else { // this is the second event, store the intervall for expecting the next GPS event gpsState.interval = Date.now() - gpsState.lastGPSEvent; } gpsState.lastGPSEvent = Date.now(); // in any case, cleanup the GPS state in case no new events arrive if (gpsState.timeoutGPS) clearTimeout(gpsState.timeoutGPS); gpsState.timeoutGPS = setTimeout(()=>{ // reset state gpsState.lastGPSEvent = undefined; gpsState.timeoutGPS = undefined; gpsState.interval = undefined; // did not get an expected GPS event but have GPS clients, switch back to internal GPS if (Bangle.isGPSOn()) Bangle.moveGPSPower(1); }, (gpsState.interval || 10000) + 1000); Bangle.emit('GPS', event); }, // {t:"is_gps_active"} "is_gps_active": function() { gbSend({ t: "gps_power", status: Bangle.isGPSOn() }); }, // {t:"act", hrm:bool, stp:bool, int:int} "act": function() { if (actInterval) clearInterval(actInterval); actInterval = undefined; if (actHRMHandler) actHRMHandler = undefined; Bangle.setHRMPower(event.hrm,"androidact"); if (!(event.hrm || event.stp)) return; if (!isFinite(event.int)) event.int=1; var lastSteps = Bangle.getStepCount(); var lastBPM = 0; actHRMHandler = function(e) { lastBPM = e.bpm; }; Bangle.on('HRM',actHRMHandler); actInterval = setInterval(function() { var steps = Bangle.getStepCount(); gbSend({ t: "act", stp: steps-lastSteps, hrm: lastBPM, rt:1 }); lastSteps = steps; }, event.int*1000); }, // {t:"actfetch", ts:long} "actfetch": function() { gbSend({t: "actfetch", state: "start"}); var actCount = 0; var actCb = function(r) { // The health lib saves the samples at the start of the 10-minute block // However, GB expects them at the end of the block, so let's offset them // here to keep a consistent API in the health lib var sampleTs = r.date.getTime() + 600000; if (sampleTs >= event.ts) { gbSend({ t: "act", ts: sampleTs, stp: r.steps, hrm: r.bpm, mov: r.movement }); actCount++; } } if (event.ts != 0) { require("health").readAllRecordsSince(new Date(event.ts - 600000), actCb); } else { require("health").readFullDatabase(actCb); } gbSend({t: "actfetch", state: "end", count: actCount}); }, //{t:"listRecs", id:"20230616a"} "listRecs": function() { let recs = require("Storage").list(/^recorder\.log.*\.csv$/,{sf:true}).map(s => s.slice(12, 21)); if (event.id.length > 2) { // Handle if there was no id supplied. Then we send a list all available recorder logs back. let firstNonsyncedIdx = recs.findIndex((logId) => logId > event.id); if (-1 == firstNonsyncedIdx) { recs = [] } else { recs = recs.slice(firstNonsyncedIdx); } } gbSend({t:"actTrksList", list: recs}); // TODO: split up in multiple transmissions? }, //{t:"fetchRec", id:"20230616a"} "fetchRec": function() { // TODO: Decide on what names keys should have. if (fetchRecInterval) { clearInterval(fetchRecInterval); fetchRecInterval = undefined; } if (event.id=="stop") { return } else { let log = require("Storage").open("recorder.log"+event.id+".csv","r"); let lines = "init";// = log.readLine(); let pkgcnt = 0; gbSend({t:"actTrk", log:event.id, lines:"erase", cnt:pkgcnt}); // "erase" will prompt Gadgetbridge to erase the contents of a already fetched log so we can rewrite it without keeping lines from the previous (probably failed) fetch. let sendlines = ()=>{ lines = log.readLine(); for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let line = log.readLine(); if (line) lines += line; } pkgcnt++; gbSend({t:"actTrk", log:event.id, lines:lines, cnt:pkgcnt}); if (!lines && fetchRecInterval) { clearInterval(fetchRecInterval); fetchRecInterval = undefined; } } fetchRecInterval = setInterval(sendlines, 50) } }, "nav": function() { event.id="nav"; if (event.instr) { event.t="add"; event.src="maps"; // for the icon event.title="Navigation"; if (require("messages").getMessages().find(m=>m.id=="nav")) event.t = "modify"; } else { event.t="remove"; } require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, "cards" : function() { // we receive all, just override what we have if (Array.isArray(event.d)) require("Storage").writeJSON("android.cards.json", event.d); } }; var h = HANDLERS[event.t]; if (h) h(); else console.log("GB Unknown",event); }; // HTTP request handling - see the readme // options = {id,timeout,xpath} Bangle.http = (url,options)=>{ options = options||{}; if (!NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) return Promise.reject(/*LANG*/"Not connected to Bluetooth"); if (Bangle.httpRequest === undefined) Bangle.httpRequest={}; if (options.id === undefined) { // try and create a unique ID do { options.id = Math.random().toString().substr(2); } while( Bangle.httpRequest[options.id]!==undefined); } //send the request var req = {t: "http", url:url, id:options.id}; if (options.xpath) req.xpath = options.xpath; if (options.return) req.return = options.return; // for xpath if (options.method) req.method = options.method; if (options.body) req.body = options.body; if (options.headers) req.headers = options.headers; gbSend(req); //create the promise var promise = new Promise(function(resolve,reject) { //save the resolve function in the dictionary and create a timeout (30 seconds default) Bangle.httpRequest[options.id]={r:resolve,j:reject,t:setTimeout(()=>{ //if after "timeoutMillisec" it still hasn't answered -> reject delete Bangle.httpRequest[options.id]; reject("Timeout"); },options.timeout||30000)}; }); return promise; }; // Battery monitor function sendBattery() { gbSend({ t: "status", bat: E.getBattery(), chg: Bangle.isCharging()?1:0 }); } Bangle.on("charging", sendBattery); NRF.on("connect", () => setTimeout(function() { sendBattery(); gbSend({t: "ver", fw: process.env.VERSION, hw: process.env.HWVERSION}); GB({t:"force_calendar_sync_start"}); // send a list of our calendar entries to start off the sync process }, 2000)); NRF.on("disconnect", () => { // disable HRM/activity monitoring ('act' message) GB({t:"act",stp:0,hrm:0,int:0}); // just call the handler to save duplication // remove all messages on disconnect (if enabled) var settings = require("Storage").readJSON("android.settings.json",1)||{}; if (!settings.keep) require("messages").clearAll(); }); setInterval(sendBattery, 10*60*1000); // Health tracking - if 'realtime' data is sent with 'rt:1', but let's still send our activity log every 10 mins Bangle.on('health', h=>{ gbSend({ t: "act", stp: h.steps, hrm: h.bpm, mov: h.movement }); }); // Music control Bangle.musicControl = cmd => { // play/pause/next/previous/volumeup/volumedown gbSend({ t: "music", n:cmd }); }; // Message response Bangle.messageResponse = (msg,response) => { if (msg.id=="call") return gbSend({ t: "call", n:response?"ACCEPT":"REJECT" }); if (isFinite(msg.id)) return gbSend({ t: "notify", n:response?"OPEN":"DISMISS", id: msg.id }); // error/warn here? }; Bangle.messageIgnore = msg => { if (isFinite(msg.id)) return gbSend({ t: "notify", n:"MUTE", id: msg.id }); }; // GPS overwrite logic if (settings.overwriteGps) { // if the overwrite option is set.. const origSetGPSPower = Bangle.setGPSPower; Bangle.moveGPSPower = (state) => { if (Bangle.isGPSOn()){ let orig = Bangle._PWR.GPS; delete Bangle._PWR.GPS; origSetGPSPower(state); Bangle._PWR.GPS = orig; } }; // work around Serial1 for GPS not working when connected to something let serialTimeout; let wrap = function(f){ return (s)=>{ if (serialTimeout) clearTimeout(serialTimeout); origSetGPSPower(1, "androidgpsserial"); f(s); serialTimeout = setTimeout(()=>{ serialTimeout = undefined; origSetGPSPower(0, "androidgpsserial"); }, 10000); }; }; Serial1.println = wrap(Serial1.println); Serial1.write = wrap(Serial1.write); // replace set GPS power logic to suppress activation of gps (and instead request it from the phone) Bangle.setGPSPower = ((isOn, appID) => { let pwr; if (!this.lastGPSEvent){ // use internal GPS power function if no gps event has arrived from GadgetBridge pwr = origSetGPSPower(isOn, appID); } else { // we are currently expecting the next GPS event from GadgetBridge, keep track of GPS state per app if (!Bangle._PWR) Bangle._PWR={}; if (!Bangle._PWR.GPS) Bangle._PWR.GPS=[]; if (!appID) appID="?"; if (isOn && !Bangle._PWR.GPS.includes(appID)) Bangle._PWR.GPS.push(appID); if (!isOn && Bangle._PWR.GPS.includes(appID)) Bangle._PWR.GPS.splice(Bangle._PWR.GPS.indexOf(appID),1); pwr = Bangle._PWR.GPS.length>0; // stop internal GPS, no clients left if (!pwr) origSetGPSPower(0); } // always update Gadgetbridge on current power state gbSend({ t: "gps_power", status: pwr }); return pwr; }).bind(gpsState); // allow checking for GPS via GadgetBridge Bangle.isGPSOn = () => { return !!(Bangle._PWR && Bangle._PWR.GPS && Bangle._PWR.GPS.length>0); }; // stop GPS on boot if not activated setTimeout(()=>{ if (!Bangle.isGPSOn()) gbSend({ t: "gps_power", status: false }); },3000); } // remove settings object so it's not taking up RAM delete settings; })();