# Fast Reset Reset the watch by holding the hardware button for half a second. If 'Fastload Utils' is installed this will typically be done with fastloading. A buzz acts as indicator. Fast Reset was developed with the app history feature of 'Fastload Utils' in mind. If many apps are in the history stack, the user may want a fast way to exit directly to the clock face without using the firmwares reset function. ## Usage Just install and it will run as boot code. ## Features If 'Fastload Utils' is installed fastloading will be used when possible. Otherwise a standard `load(.bootcde)` is used. If the hardware button is held for longer the standard reset functionality of the firmware is executed as well (total 1.5 seconds). And eventually the watchdog will be kicked. ## Controls Hold the hardware button for half a second to feel the buzz, loading the clock face. ## Requests Mention @[thyttan](https://github.com/thyttan) in an issue to the official [BangleApps repository](https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/issues) for feature requests and bug reports. ## Acknowledgements Rewind icon by Icons8 ## Creator [thyttan](https://github.com/thyttan)