#!/usr/bin/nodejs /* Scans for strings that may be in English in each app, and outputs a list of strings that have been found. See https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/issues/1311 */ var IGNORE_STRINGS = [ "5x5","6x8","6x8:2","4x6","12x20","6x15","5x9Numeric7Seg", "Vector", // fonts "---","...","*","##","00","GPS","ram", "12hour","rising","falling","title", "sortorder","tl","tr", "function","object", // typeof=== "txt", // layout styles "play","stop","pause", // music state ]; var IGNORE_FUNCTION_PARAMS = [ "read", "readJSON", "require", "setFont","setUI","setLCDMode", "on", "RegExp","sendCommand", "print","log" ]; var IGNORE_ARRAY_ACCESS = [ "WIDGETS" ]; var BASEDIR = __dirname+"/../"; Espruino = require(BASEDIR+"core/lib/espruinotools.js"); var fs = require("fs"); var APPSDIR = BASEDIR+"apps/"; function ERROR(s) { console.error("ERROR: "+s); process.exit(1); } function WARN(s) { console.log("Warning: "+s); } function log(s) { console.log(s); } var appsFile, apps; try { appsFile = fs.readFileSync(BASEDIR+"apps.json").toString(); } catch (e) { ERROR("apps.json not found"); } try{ apps = JSON.parse(appsFile); } catch (e) { ERROR("apps.json not valid JSON"); } // Given a string value, work out if it's obviously not a text string function isNotString(s, wasFnCall, wasArrayAccess) { if (s=="") return true; // wasFnCall is set to the function name if 's' is the first argument to a function if (wasFnCall && IGNORE_FUNCTION_PARAMS.includes(wasFnCall)) return true; if (wasArrayAccess && IGNORE_ARRAY_ACCESS.includes(wasArrayAccess)) return true; if (s=="Storage") console.log("isNotString",s,wasFnCall); if (s.length<2) return true; // too short if (s.length>40) return true; // too long if (s[0]=="#") return true; // a color if (s.endsWith(".json") || s.endsWith(".img")) return true; // a filename if (s.endsWith("=")) return true; // probably base64 if (s.startsWith("BTN")) return true; // button name if (IGNORE_STRINGS.includes(s)) return true; // one we know to ignore return false; } function getTextFromString(s) { return s.replace(/^([.<>\-\n ]*)([^<>\!\?]*?)([.<>\!\?\-\n ]*)$/,"$2"); } // A string that *could* be translated? var untranslatedStrings = []; // Strings that are marked with 'LANG' var translatedStrings = []; function addString(list, str, file) { str = getTextFromString(str); var entry = list.find(e => e.str==str); if (!entry) { entry = { str:str, uses:0, files : [] }; list.push(entry); } entry.uses++; if (!entry.files.includes(file)) entry.files.push(file) } console.log("Scanning apps..."); //apps = apps.filter(a=>a.id=="wid_edit"); apps.forEach((app,appIdx) => { var appDir = APPSDIR+app.id+"/"; app.storage.forEach((file) => { if (!file.url || !file.name.endsWith(".js")) return; var filePath = appDir+file.url; var shortFilePath = "apps/"+app.id+"/"+file.url; var fileContents = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString(); var lex = Espruino.Core.Utils.getLexer(fileContents); var lastIdx = 0; var wasFnCall = undefined; // set to 'setFont' if we're at something like setFont(".." var wasArrayAccess = undefined; // set to 'WIDGETS' if we're at something like WIDGETS[".." var tok = lex.next(); while (tok!==undefined) { var previousString = fileContents.substring(lastIdx, tok.startIdx); if (tok.type=="STRING") { if (previousString.includes("/*LANG*/")) { // translated! addString(translatedStrings, tok.value, shortFilePath); } else { // untranslated - potential to translate? if (!isNotString(tok.value, wasFnCall, wasArrayAccess)) { addString(untranslatedStrings, tok.value, shortFilePath); } } } else { if (tok.value!="(") wasFnCall=undefined; if (tok.value!="[") wasArrayAccess=undefined; } //console.log(wasFnCall,tok.type,tok.value); if (tok.type=="ID") { wasFnCall = tok.value; wasArrayAccess = tok.value; } lastIdx = tok.endIdx; tok = lex.next(); } }); }); untranslatedStrings.sort((a,b)=>a.uses - b.uses); translatedStrings.sort((a,b)=>a.uses - b.uses); var report = ""; log("Translated Strings that are not tagged with LANG"); log("================================================================="); log(""); log("Maybe we should add /*LANG*/ to these automatically?"); log(""); log(untranslatedStrings.filter(e => translatedStrings.find(t=>t.str==e.str)).map(e=>`${JSON.stringify(e.str)} (${e.files.join(",")})`).join("\n")); log(""); //process.exit(1); log("Possible English Strings that could be translated"); log("================================================================="); log(""); log("Add these to IGNORE_STRINGS if they don't make sense..."); log(""); // ignore ones only used once or twice log(untranslatedStrings.filter(e => e.uses>2).filter(e => !translatedStrings.find(t=>t.str==e.str)).map(e=>`${JSON.stringify(e.str)} (${e.uses} uses)`).join("\n")); log(""); //process.exit(1); var languages = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BASEDIR+"/lang/index.json").toString()); languages.forEach(language => { if (language.code=="en_GB") { console.log("Ignoring "+language.code); return; } console.log("Scanning "+language.code); log(language.code); log("=========="); var translations = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(BASEDIR+"/lang/"+language.url).toString()); translatedStrings.forEach(str => { if (!translations.GLOBAL[str.str]) console.log(`Missing translation for ${JSON.stringify(str)}`); }); log(""); }); console.log("Done.");