{ "app" : "android", "setup" : [{ "id": "default", "steps" : [ {"t":"cmd", "js": "Bangle.setGPSPower=(isOn, appID)=>{if (!appID) appID='?';if (!Bangle._PWR) Bangle._PWR={};if (!Bangle._PWR.GPS) Bangle._PWR.GPS=[];if (isOn && !Bangle._PWR.GPS.includes(appID)) Bangle._PWR.GPS.push(appID);if (!isOn && Bangle._PWR.GPS.includes(appID)) Bangle._PWR.GPS.splice(Bangle._PWR.GPS.indexOf(appID),1);return Bangle._PWR.GPS.length>0;};", "text": "Fake the setGPSPower"}, {"t":"wrap", "fn": "Bangle.setGPSPower", "id": "gpspower"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "NRF.getSecurityStatus = () => { return { connected: false };}", "text": "Control the security status"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "Serial1.println = () => { }", "text": "Fake the serial port println"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "Bluetooth.println = () => { }", "text": "Fake the Bluetooth println"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "Bangle._PWR={}", "text": "Prepare an empty _PWR for following asserts"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "require('Storage').writeJSON('android.settings.json', {overwriteGps: true})", "text": "Enable GPS overwrite"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "eval(require('Storage').read('android.boot.js'))", "text": "Load the boot code"} ] }], "tests" : [{ "description": "Check setGPSPower is replaced", "steps" : [ {"t":"cmd", "js": "Serial1.println = () => { }", "text": "Fake the serial port"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "Bluetooth.println = () => { }", "text": "Fake the Bluetooth println"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "require('Storage').writeJSON('android.settings.json', {overwriteGps: true})", "text": "Enable GPS overwrite"}, {"t":"cmd", "js": "eval(require('Storage').read('android.boot.js'))", "text": "Load the boot code"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.setGPSPower.toString().includes('native')", "is":"false", "text": "setGPSPower has been replaced"} ] },{ "description": "Test switching hardware GPS on and off", "steps" : [ {"t":"setup", "id": "default"}, {"t":"assertArray", "js": "Bangle._PWR.GPS", "is":"undefinedOrEmpty", "text": "No GPS clients"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.isGPSOn()", "is":"falsy", "text": "isGPSOn shows GPS as off"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.setGPSPower(1, 'test')", "is":"truthy", "text": "setGPSPower returns truthy when switching on"}, {"t":"assertArray", "js": "Bangle._PWR.GPS", "is":"notEmpty", "text": "GPS clients"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.isGPSOn()", "is":"truthy", "text": "isGPSOn shows GPS as on"}, {"t":"assertCall", "id": "gpspower", "count": 1, "argAsserts": [ { "t": "assert", "arg": "0", "is": "equal", "to": 1 } ] , "text": "internal GPS switched on"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.setGPSPower(0, 'test')", "is":"falsy", "text": "setGPSPower returns falsy when switching off"}, {"t":"assertArray", "js": "Bangle._PWR.GPS", "is":"undefinedOrEmpty", "text": "No GPS clients"}, {"t":"assert", "js": "Bangle.isGPSOn()", "is":"falsy", "text": "isGPSOn shows GPS as off"}, {"t":"assertCall", "id": "gpspower", "count": 2, "argAsserts": [ { "t": "assert", "arg": "0", "is": "equal", "to": 0 } ] , "text": "internal GPS switched off"} ] }] }