setupcomplete_colour = "#ff3329"; default_colour = "#ffffff"; calc_display_colour = "#00FFFF"; display_colour = default_colour; var processing = false; var all_extras_array = []; var ready_to_compute = false; var mode = "planetary"; var modeswitch = false; var colours_switched = false; // Load fonts require("Font7x11Numeric7Seg").add(Graphics); // position on screen const Xaxis = 150, Yaxis = 55; //lat lon settings loading var astral_settings; var config_file = require("Storage").open("astral.config.txt", "r"); var test_file =; if (test_file !== undefined) { astral_settings = JSON.parse(test_file); if (astral_settings.astral_default) display_colour = default_colour; else display_colour = setupcomplete_colour; } if (astral_settings === undefined) { astral_settings = { version: 1, lat: 51.9492, lon: 0.2834, astral_default: true, extras: [ { name: "Andromeda", ra: "004244", de: "411609", type: 3 }, { name: "Cigar", ra: "095552", de: "694047", type: 3 }, { name: "Pinwheel", ra: "140313", de: "542057", type: 3 }, { name: "Whirlpool", ra: "1329553", de: "471143", type: 3 }, { name: "Orion", ra: "053517", de: "-052328", type: 2 }, { name: "Hercules", ra: "160515", de: "174455", type: 1 }, { name: "Beehive", ra: "084024", de: "195900", type: 1 }, { name: "SilverCoin", ra: "004733", de: "-251718", type: 3 }, { name: "Lagoon", ra: "180337", de: "-242312", type: 2 }, { name: "Trifid", ra: "180223", de: " -230148", type: 2 }, { name: "Dumbbell", ra: "195935", de: "224316", type: 2 }, { name: "Pleiades", ra: "034724", de: "240700", type: 1 } ] }; config_file = require("Storage").open("astral.config.txt", "w"); config_file.write(JSON.stringify(astral_settings)); } var compass_heading = "--"; var current_moonphase; var year; var month; var day; var hour; var mins; var secs; var calc = { lat_degrees: "", lat_minutes: "", lon_degrees: "", lon_minutes: "", month: "", day: "", hour: "", minute: "", second: "", thisday: "", south: "", north: "", west: "", east: "" }; var pstrings = []; var pname = new Array("Mercury", "Venus", "Sun", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn ", "Uranus ", "Neptune", "Pluto"); function acos_estimate(x) { return (-0.69813170079773212 * x * x - 0.87266462599716477) * x + 1.5707963267948966; } function ConvertDEGToDMS(deg, lat) { var absolute = Math.abs(deg); var degrees = Math.floor(absolute); var minutesNotTruncated = (absolute - degrees) * 60; var minutes = Math.floor(minutesNotTruncated); return minutes; } function test() { // coords = [42.407211,-71.082439]; coords = [, astral_settings.lon]; //coords = [-33.8688, 133.775]; calc.lat_degrees = Math.abs(coords[0]).toFixed(0); calc.lon_degrees = Math.abs(coords[1]).toFixed(0); calc.lat_minutes = ConvertDEGToDMS(coords[0], true).toString(); calc.lon_minutes = ConvertDEGToDMS(coords[1]).toString(); if (coords[1] < 0) { calc.west = false; calc.east = true; } else { calc.west = true; calc.east = false; } if (coords[0] < 0) { calc.south = true; calc.north = false; } else { calc.south = false; calc.north = true; } } var DEGS = 180 / Math.PI; // convert radians to degrees var RADS = Math.PI / 180; // convert degrees to radians var EPS = 1.0e-12; // machine error constant // right ascension, declination coordinate structure function coord() { ra = parseFloat("0"); // right ascension [deg] dec = parseFloat("0"); // declination [deg] rvec = parseFloat("0"); // distance [AU] } // altitude, azimuth coordinate structure function horizon() { alt = parseFloat("0"); // altitude [deg] az = parseFloat("0"); // azimuth [deg] } // orbital element structure function elem() { a = parseFloat("0"); // semi-major axis [AU] e = parseFloat("0"); // eccentricity of orbit i = parseFloat("0"); // inclination of orbit [deg] O = parseFloat("0"); // longitude of the ascending node [deg] w = parseFloat("0"); // longitude of perihelion [deg] L = parseFloat("0"); // mean longitude [deg] } function process_extras_coord(coord_string) { var extras_second = parseInt(coord_string.slice(-2)); var extras_minute; var extras_hour; var extras_calc; var extras_signcheck = coord_string.charAt(0); if (extras_signcheck == "-") { extras_minute = parseInt(coord_string.slice(3, -2)); extras_hour = parseInt(coord_string.slice(1, 3)); extras_calc = (extras_hour + extras_minute / 60 + extras_second / 3600) * -1; } else { extras_minute = parseInt(coord_string.slice(2, -2)); extras_hour = parseInt(coord_string.slice(0, 2)); extras_calc = extras_hour + extras_minute / 60 + extras_second / 3600; } return extras_calc; } // compute ... function compute() { var lat_degrees = parseInt(calc.lat_degrees, 10); var lat_minutes = parseInt(calc.lat_minutes, 10); var lon_degrees = parseInt(calc.lon_degrees, 10); var lon_minutes = parseInt(calc.lon_minutes, 10); var now = new Date(); year = now.getFullYear(); month = now.getMonth() + 1; day = now.getDay(); hour = now.getHours(); mins = now.getMinutes(); secs = now.getSeconds(); if (isNaN(lat_degrees) || (lat_degrees < 0) || (lat_degrees >= 90) || isNaN(lat_minutes) || (lat_minutes < 0) || (lat_minutes >= 60) || isNaN(lon_degrees) || (lon_degrees < 0) || (lon_degrees >= 180) || isNaN(lon_minutes) || (lon_minutes < 0) || (lon_minutes >= 60)) { print("Invalid input!"); return; } var lat = dms2real(lat_degrees, lat_minutes, 0); var lon = dms2real(lon_degrees, lon_minutes, 0); if (calc.south == true) lat = -lat; if (calc.west == true) lon = -lon; // compute day number for date/time var dn = day_number(year, month, day, hour, mins); var p; var obj = new coord(); var h = new horizon(); pstrings = []; if (mode == "planetary") { for (p = 0; p < 9; p++) { get_coord(obj, p, dn); coord_to_horizon(now, obj.ra, obj.dec, lat, lon, h); display_string = (pname[p] + " " + dec2str(h.alt) + " " + degr2str(; pstrings.push(display_string); } } else { all_extras_arrray = []; for (p = 0; p < astral_settings.extras.length; p++) { var extras_ra = process_extras_coord(astral_settings.extras[p].ra); extras_ra *= 15; var extras_dec = process_extras_coord(astral_settings.extras[p].de); coord_to_horizon(now, extras_ra, extras_dec, lat, lon, h); display_string = (astral_settings.extras[p].name + " " + dec2str(h.alt) + " " + degr2str(; all_extras_array.push([h.alt, display_string]); } all_extras_array.sort(function (a, b) { return b[0] - a[0]; }); for (p = 0; p < 9; p++) { pstrings.push(all_extras_array[p][1]); } } } // day number to/from J2000 (Jan 1.5, 2000) function day_number(y, m, d, hour, mins) { var h = hour + mins / 60; var rv = 367 * y - Math.floor(7 * (y + Math.floor((m + 9) / 12)) / 4) + Math.floor(275 * m / 9) + d - 730531.5 + h / 24; return rv; } // compute RA, DEC, and distance of planet-p for day number-d // result returned in structure obj in degrees and astronomical units function get_coord(obj, p, d) { var planet = new elem(); mean_elements(planet, p, d); var ap = planet.a; var ep = planet.e; var ip = planet.i; var op = planet.O; var pp = planet.w; var lp = planet.L; var earth = new elem(); mean_elements(earth, 2, d); var ae = earth.a; var ee = earth.e; var ie = earth.i; var oe = earth.O; var pe = earth.w; var le = earth.L; // position of Earth in its orbit var me = mod2pi(le - pe); var ve = true_anomaly(me, ee); var re = ae * (1 - ee * ee) / (1 + ee * Math.cos(ve)); // heliocentric rectangular coordinates of Earth var xe = re * Math.cos(ve + pe); var ye = re * Math.sin(ve + pe); var ze = 0.0; // position of planet in its orbit var mp = mod2pi(lp - pp); var vp = true_anomaly(mp, planet.e); var rp = ap * (1 - ep * ep) / (1 + ep * Math.cos(vp)); // heliocentric rectangular coordinates of planet var xh = rp * (Math.cos(op) * Math.cos(vp + pp - op) - Math.sin(op) * Math.sin(vp + pp - op) * Math.cos(ip)); var yh = rp * (Math.sin(op) * Math.cos(vp + pp - op) + Math.cos(op) * Math.sin(vp + pp - op) * Math.cos(ip)); var zh = rp * (Math.sin(vp + pp - op) * Math.sin(ip)); if (p == 2) // earth --> compute sun { xh = 0; yh = 0; zh = 0; } // convert to geocentric rectangular coordinates var xg = xh - xe; var yg = yh - ye; var zg = zh - ze; // rotate around x axis from ecliptic to equatorial coords var ecl = 23.439281 * RADS; //value for J2000.0 frame var xeq = xg; var yeq = yg * Math.cos(ecl) - zg * Math.sin(ecl); var zeq = yg * Math.sin(ecl) + zg * Math.cos(ecl); // find the RA and DEC from the rectangular equatorial coords obj.ra = mod2pi(Math.atan2(yeq, xeq)) * DEGS; obj.dec = Math.atan(zeq / Math.sqrt(xeq * xeq + yeq * yeq)) * DEGS; obj.rvec = Math.sqrt(xeq * xeq + yeq * yeq + zeq * zeq); } // Compute the elements of the orbit for planet-i at day number-d // result is returned in structure p function mean_elements(p, i, d) { var cy = d / 36525; // centuries since J2000 switch (i) { case 0: // Mercury p.a = 0.38709893 + 0.00000066 * cy; p.e = 0.20563069 + 0.00002527 * cy; p.i = (7.00487 - 23.51 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (48.33167 - 446.30 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (77.45645 + 573.57 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((252.25084 + 538101628.29 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 1: // Venus p.a = 0.72333199 + 0.00000092 * cy; p.e = 0.00677323 - 0.00004938 * cy; p.i = (3.39471 - 2.86 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (76.68069 - 996.89 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (131.53298 - 108.80 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((181.97973 + 210664136.06 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 2: // Earth/Sun p.a = 1.00000011 - 0.00000005 * cy; p.e = 0.01671022 - 0.00003804 * cy; p.i = (0.00005 - 46.94 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (-11.26064 - 18228.25 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (102.94719 + 1198.28 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((100.46435 + 129597740.63 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 3: // Mars p.a = 1.52366231 - 0.00007221 * cy; p.e = 0.09341233 + 0.00011902 * cy; p.i = (1.85061 - 25.47 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (49.57854 - 1020.19 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (336.04084 + 1560.78 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((355.45332 + 68905103.78 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 4: // Jupiter p.a = 5.20336301 + 0.00060737 * cy; p.e = 0.04839266 - 0.00012880 * cy; p.i = (1.30530 - 4.15 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (100.55615 + 1217.17 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (14.75385 + 839.93 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((34.40438 + 10925078.35 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 5: // Saturn p.a = 9.53707032 - 0.00301530 * cy; p.e = 0.05415060 - 0.00036762 * cy; p.i = (2.48446 + 6.11 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (113.71504 - 1591.05 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (92.43194 - 1948.89 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((49.94432 + 4401052.95 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 6: // Uranus p.a = 19.19126393 + 0.00152025 * cy; p.e = 0.04716771 - 0.00019150 * cy; p.i = (0.76986 - 2.09 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (74.22988 - 1681.40 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (170.96424 + 1312.56 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((313.23218 + 1542547.79 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 7: // Neptune p.a = 30.06896348 - 0.00125196 * cy; p.e = 0.00858587 + 0.00002510 * cy; p.i = (1.76917 - 3.64 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (131.72169 - 151.25 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (44.97135 - 844.43 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((304.88003 + 786449.21 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; case 8: // Pluto p.a = 39.48168677 - 0.00076912 * cy; p.e = 0.24880766 + 0.00006465 * cy; p.i = (17.14175 + 11.07 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.O = (110.30347 - 37.33 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.w = (224.06676 - 132.25 * cy / 3600) * RADS; p.L = mod2pi((238.92881 + 522747.90 * cy / 3600) * RADS); break; default: print("function mean_elements() failed!"); } } // compute the true anomaly from mean anomaly using iteration // M - mean anomaly in radians // e - orbit eccentricity function true_anomaly(M, e) { var V, E1; // initial approximation of eccentric anomaly var E = M + e * Math.sin(M) * (1.0 + e * Math.cos(M)); do // iterate to improve accuracy { E1 = E; E = E1 - (E1 - e * Math.sin(E1) - M) / (1 - e * Math.cos(E1)); } while (Math.abs(E - E1) > EPS); // convert eccentric anomaly to true anomaly V = 2 * Math.atan(Math.sqrt((1 + e) / (1 - e)) * Math.tan(0.5 * E)); if (V < 0) V = V + (2 * Math.PI); // modulo 2pi return V; } // converts hour angle in degrees into hour angle string function ha2str(x) { if ((x < 0) || (360 < x)) print("function ha2str() range error!"); var ra = x / 15; // degrees to hours var h = Math.floor(ra); var m = 60 * (ra - h); return cintstr(h, 3) + "h " + frealstr(m, 4, 1) + "m"; } // converts declination angle in degrees into string function dec2str(x) { if ((x < -90) || (+90 < x)) print("function dec2str() range error!"); var dec = Math.abs(x); var sgn = (x < 0) ? "-" : " "; var d = Math.floor(dec); var m = 60 * (dec - d); return sgn + cintstr(d, 2) + "° " + frealstr(m, 4, 1) + "'"; } // return the integer part of a number function abs_floor(x) { var r; if (x >= 0.0) r = Math.floor(x); else r = Math.ceil(x); return r; } // return an angle in the range 0 to 2pi radians function mod2pi(x) { var b = x / (2 * Math.PI); var a = (2 * Math.PI) * (b - abs_floor(b)); if (a < 0) a = (2 * Math.PI) + a; return a; } // // compute horizon coordinates from ra, dec, lat, lon, and utc // ra, dec, lat, lon in degrees // utc is a time number in seconds // // results returned in h : horizon record structure // function coord_to_horizon(utc, ra, dec, lat, lon, h) { var lmst, ha, sin_alt, cos_az, alt, az; // compute hour angle in degrees ha = mean_sidereal_time(0) - ra; //ha = mean_sidereal_time(lon) - ra; if (ha < 0) ha = ha + 360; // convert degrees to radians ha = ha * RADS; dec = dec * RADS; lat = lat * RADS; // compute altitude in radians sin_alt = Math.sin(dec) * Math.sin(lat) + Math.cos(dec) * Math.cos(lat) * Math.cos(ha); alt = Math.asin(sin_alt); // compute azimuth in radians // divide by zero error at poles or if alt = 90 deg cos_az = (Math.sin(dec) - Math.sin(alt) * Math.sin(lat)) / (Math.cos(alt) * Math.cos(lat)); //az = Math.acos(cos_az); az = acos_estimate(cos_az); // convert radians to degrees h.alt = alt * DEGS; = az * DEGS; // choose hemisphere if (Math.sin(ha) > 0) = 360 -; } // // "mean_sidereal_time" returns the Mean Sidereal Time in units of degrees. // Use lon = 0 to get the Greenwich MST. // East longitudes are positive; West longitudes are negative // // returns: time in degrees // function mean_sidereal_time(lon) { if ((month == 1) || (month == 2)) { year = year - 1; month = month + 12; } var a = Math.floor(year / 100); // var a = Math.floor(2019 / 100); var b = 2 - a + Math.floor(a / 4); var c = Math.floor(365.25 * year); var da = Math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)); // days since J2000.0 var jd = b + c + da - 730550.5 + day + (hour + mins / 60.0 + secs / 3600.0) / 24.0; // julian centuries since J2000.0 var jt = jd / 36525.0; // mean sidereal time var mst = 280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * jd + 0.000387933 * jt * jt - jt * jt * jt / 38710000 + lon; if (mst > 0.0) { while (mst > 360.0) mst = mst - 360.0; } else { while (mst < 0.0) mst = mst + 360.0; } return mst; } // convert angle (deg, min, sec) to degrees as real function dms2real(deg, min, sec) { var rv; if (deg < 0) rv = deg - min / 60 - sec / 3600; else rv = deg + min / 60 + sec / 3600; return rv; } // converts angle in degrees into string function degr2str(x) { var dec = Math.abs(x); var sgn = (x < 0) ? "-" : " "; var d = Math.floor(dec); var m = 60 * (dec - d); return sgn + cintstr(d, 3) + "° " + frealstr(m, 4, 1) + "'"; } // converts latitude in signed degrees into string function lat2str(x) { var dec = Math.abs(x); var sgn = (x < 0) ? " S" : " N"; var d = Math.floor(dec); var m = 60 * (dec - d); return cintstr(d, 3) + "° " + frealstr(m, 4, 1) + "'" + sgn; } // converts longitude in signed degrees into string function lon2str(x) { var dec = Math.abs(x); var sgn = (x < 0) ? " W" : " E"; var d = Math.floor(dec); var m = 60 * (dec - d); return cintstr(d, 3) + "° " + frealstr(m, 4, 1) + "'" + sgn; } // format two digits with leading zero if needed function d2(n) { if ((n < 0) || (99 < n)) return "xx"; return (n < 10) ? ("0" + n) : n; } // UTILITY FUNCTIONS // format an integer function cintstr(num, width) { var str = num.toString(10); var len = str.length; var intgr = ""; var i; for (i = 0; i < width - len; i++) // append leading spaces intgr += ' '; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // append digits intgr += str.charAt(i); return intgr; } function frealstr(num, width, fract) { var str = num.toFixed(fract); var len = str.length; var real = ""; var i; for (i = 0; i < width - len; i++) // append leading spaces real += ' '; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) // append digits real += str.charAt(i); return real; } function getMoonPhase() { var now = new Date(); year = now.getFullYear(); month = now.getMonth() + 1; day = now.getDate(); if (month < 3) { year = year - 1; month += 12; } month = month + 1; c = 365.25 * year; e = 30.6 * month; jd = c + e + day - 694039.09; //jd is total days elapsed jd /= 29.5305882; //divide by the moon cycle b = parseInt(jd); //int(jd) -> b, take integer part of jd jd -= b; //subtract integer part to leave fractional part of original jd b = Math.round(jd * 8); //scale fraction from 0-8 and round if (b >= 8) { b = 0; //0 and 8 are the same so turn 8 into 0 } return b; } function write_refresh_note(colour) { g.setColor(colour); cursor = Yaxis + 50; if (!ready_to_compute) { g.drawString("mode change:", Xaxis + 50, cursor, false); cursor += 15; g.drawString("BTN1 to refresh", Xaxis + 50, cursor, true /*clear background*/); cursor += 15; g.drawString("BTN3 to cancel", Xaxis + 50, cursor, true /*clear background*/); } else g.drawString("updating, please wait", Xaxis + 50, cursor, false); } function draw_moon(phase) { g.setColor(display_colour); if (phase == 5) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(220, 20, 240, 90); } else if (phase == 6) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(200, 20, 240, 90); } else if (phase == 1) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillCircle(180, Yaxis, 30); } else if (phase == 4) g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); else if (phase == 3) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(160, 20, 180, 90); } else if (phase == 2) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(160, 20, 200, 90); } else if (phase == 7) { g.fillCircle(200, Yaxis, 30); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillCircle(220, Yaxis, 30); } g.setColor(display_colour); } function draw() { if (astral_settings.astral_default) display_colour = default_colour; else if (!colours_switched) display_colour = setupcomplete_colour; // work out how to display the current time var d = new Date(); var h = d.getHours(), m = d.getMinutes(); var time = (" " + h).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0" + m).substr(-2); // Reset the state of the graphics library g.reset(); g.setColor(display_colour); // draw the current time (4x size 7 segment) g.setFont("7x11Numeric7Seg", 5); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); // align right bottom g.drawString(time, Xaxis + 20, Yaxis + 30, true /*clear background*/); g.setFont("6x8"); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); // align center bottom // pad the date - this clears the background if the date were to change length var dateStr = " " + require("locale").date(d) + " "; g.drawString(dateStr, Xaxis - 40, Yaxis - 40, true /*clear background*/); //compute location of objects g.setFontAlign(1, 1); g.setFont("6x8"); if (ready_to_compute) g.setColor(calc_display_colour); if (modeswitch) g.setColor("#000000"); cursor = Yaxis + 50; if (pstrings.length == 0) { if (ready_to_compute) g.drawString("updating, please wait", Xaxis + 50, cursor, true); else g.drawString("press BTN1 to update", Xaxis + 50, cursor, true /*clear background*/); } else { for (let i = 0; i < pstrings.length; i++) { g.drawString(pstrings[i], Xaxis + 50, cursor, true /*clear background*/); cursor += 15; } } if (modeswitch) if (ready_to_compute) write_refresh_note(calc_display_colour); else write_refresh_note(display_colour); if (ready_to_compute) { processing = true; ready_to_compute = false; test(); compute(); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(Xaxis - 150, Yaxis + 40, Xaxis + 200, Yaxis + 200); modeswitch = false; processing = false;; } current_moonphase = getMoonPhase(); all_extras_array = []; } g.clear(); current_moonphase = getMoonPhase(); // Load widgets Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); draw_moon(current_moonphase); draw(); var secondInterval = setInterval(draw, 1000); // Stop updates when LCD is off, restart when on Bangle.on('lcdPower', on => { if (secondInterval) clearInterval(secondInterval); secondInterval = undefined; Bangle.setCompassPower(0); if (!astral_settings.astral_default) Bangle.setGPSPower(0); if (on) { Bangle.setCompassPower(1); Bangle.setGPSPower(1); if (current_moonphase !== undefined) { draw_moon(current_moonphase); } secondInterval = setInterval(draw, 1000); draw(); // draw immediately } }); Bangle.setCompassPower(1); Bangle.setGPSPower(1); // Buttons setWatch(Bangle.showLauncher, BTN2, { repeat: false, edge: "falling" }); setWatch(function () { if (!processing) { if (!modeswitch) { modeswitch = true; if (mode == "planetary") mode = "extras"; else mode = "planetary"; } else modeswitch = false; } }, BTN3, { repeat: true }); setWatch(function () { if (!processing) ready_to_compute = true; }, BTN1, { repeat: true }); setWatch(function () { if (!astral_settings.astral_default) { colours_switched = true; if (display_colour == setupcomplete_colour) display_colour = default_colour; else display_colour = setupcomplete_colour; } }, BTN4, { repeat: true }); //events Bangle.on('mag', function (m) { if (isNaN(m.heading)) compass_heading = "--"; else compass_heading = 360 - Math.round(m.heading); g.setColor("#000000"); g.fillRect(100, 10, 140, 20); g.setColor(display_colour); g.drawString(" " + (compass_heading) + " ", 130, 20, true /*clear background*/); }); Bangle.on('GPS', function (g) { if (g.fix) { =; astral_settings.lon = g.lon; astral_settings.astral_default = false; config_file = require("Storage").open("astral.config.txt", "w"); config_file.write(JSON.stringify(astral_settings)); } });