(() => { // Top right star of life logo WIDGETS["widmedatr"]={ area: "tr", width: 24, draw: function() { g.reset(); g.setColor("#f00"); g.drawImage(atob("FhYBAAAAA/AAD8AAPwAc/OD/P8P8/x/z/n+/+P5/wP58A/nwP5/x/v/n/P+P8/w/z/Bz84APwAA/AAD8AAAAAA=="), this.x + 1, this.y + 1); } }; // Bottom medical alert message WIDGETS["widmedabl"]={ area: "bl", width: Bangle.CLOCK?Bangle.appRect.w:0, draw: function() { // Only show the widget on clocks if (!Bangle.CLOCK) return; g.reset(); g.setBgColor(g.theme.dark ? "#fff" : "#f00"); g.setColor(g.theme.dark ? "#f00" : "#fff"); g.setFont("Vector",18); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.clearRect(this.x, this.y, this.x + this.width - 1, this.y + 23); g.drawString("MEDICAL ALERT", this.width / 2, this.y + ( 23 / 2 )); } }; })();