(function() { function gbSend(message) { Bluetooth.println(""); Bluetooth.println(JSON.stringify(message)); } var _GB = global.GB; global.GB = (event) => { // feed a copy to other handlers if there were any if (_GB) setTimeout(_GB,0,Object.assign({},event)); /* TODO: Call handling, fitness */ var HANDLERS = { // {t:"notify",id:int, src,title,subject,body,sender,tel:string} add "notify" : function() { event.t="add";require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"notify~",id:int, title:string} // modified "notify~" : function() { event.t="modify";require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"notify-",id:int} // remove "notify-" : function() { event.t="remove";require("messages").pushMessage(event); }, // {t:"find", n:bool} // find my phone "find" : function() { if (Bangle.findDeviceInterval) { clearInterval(Bangle.findDeviceInterval); delete Bangle.findDeviceInterval; } if (event.n) // Ignore quiet mode: we always want to find our watch Bangle.findDeviceInterval = setInterval(_=>Bangle.buzz(),1000); }, // {t:"musicstate", state:"play/pause",position,shuffle,repeat} "musicstate" : function() { require("messages").pushMessage({t:"modify",id:"music",title:"Music",state:event.state}); }, // {t:"musicinfo", artist,album,track,dur,c(track count),n(track num} "musicinfo" : function() { require("messages").pushMessage(Object.assign(event, {t:"modify",id:"music",title:"Music"})); } }; var h = HANDLERS[event.t]; if (h) h(); else console.log("GB Unknown",event); }; // Battery monitor function sendBattery() { gbSend({ t: "status", bat: E.getBattery() }); } NRF.on("connect", () => setTimeout(sendBattery, 2000)); setInterval(sendBattery, 10*60*1000); // Health tracking Bangle.on('health', health=>{ gbSend({ t: "act", stp: health.steps, hrm: health.bpm }); }); // Music control Bangle.musicControl = cmd => { // play/pause/next/previous/volumeup/volumedown gbSend({ t: "music", m:cmd }); } })();