const locale = require("locale"); var heartRate = 0; var altitude = -9001; const fontColor = g.theme.dark ? "#0f0" : "#000"; // handling the differents versions of the Banglejs smartwatch screen sizes if (process.env.HWVERSION == 1){ var paddingY = 3; var font6x8At4Size = 48; var font6x8At2Size = 27; var font6x8FirstTextSize = 6; var font6x8DefaultTextSize = 3; } else{ var paddingY = 2; var font6x8At4Size = 32; var font6x8At2Size = 18; var font6x8FirstTextSize = 4; var font6x8DefaultTextSize = 2; } // initialising the clockface const ClockFace = require("ClockFace"); const clock = new ClockFace({ precision: 60, settingsFile: "terminalclock.json", init: function () { // check settings and set default if needed this.showHRM = false; this.showAltitude = false; this.lock_precision = this.precision; this.unlock_precision = 1; if (this.HRMinConfidence === undefined) this.HRMinConfidence = 50; if (this.PowerOnInterval === undefined) this.PowerOnInterval = 15; if (this.powerSave===undefined) this.powerSave = this.powerSaving; // migrate old setting if (this.powerSave===undefined) this.powerSave = true; ["L2", "L3", "L4", "L5", "L6", "L7", "L8", "L9"].forEach(k => { if (this[k]===undefined){ if(k == "L2") this[k] = "Date"; else if(k == "L3") { this[k] = "HR"; this.showHRM = true; }else if(k == "L4") this[k] = "Motion"; else if(k == "L5") this[k] = "Steps"; else if(k == "L6") this[k] = ">"; else this[k] = "Empty"; } else if (this[k]==="HR") this.showHRM = true; else if (this[k]==="Alt") this.showAltitude = true && process.env.HWVERSION == 2; }); // set the lock and unlock actions Bangle.on("lock", on => { if (on) lock(); else unlock(); }); // set the services (HRM, pressure sensor, etc....) if(!this.powerSave){ turnOnServices(); } else{ setInterval(turnOnServices, this.PowerOnInterval*60000); // every PowerOnInterval min } // start the clock unlocked unlock(); }, draw: function (date) { var curPos = 1; g.setFontAlign(-1, -1); g.setColor(fontColor); drawTime(date, curPos); curPos++; ["L2", "L3", "L4", "L5", "L6", "L7", "L8", "L9"].forEach(line => { if (this[line]==='Date') drawDate(date, curPos); else if (this[line]==='HR') drawHRM(curPos); else if (this[line]==='Motion') drawMotion(curPos); else if (this[line]==='Alt') drawAltitude(curPos); else if (this[line]==='Steps') drawStepCount(curPos); else if (this[line]==='>') drawInput(curPos); curPos++; }); }, }); /* ---------------------------- Draw related of specific lines -------------------------------- */ function drawLine(line, pos){ if(pos == 1) g.setFont("6x8", font6x8FirstTextSize); else g.setFont("6x8", font6x8DefaultTextSize); var yPos = Bangle.appRect.y + paddingY * (pos - 1) + font6x8At4Size * Math.min(1, pos-1) + font6x8At2Size * Math.max(0, pos-2); g.drawString(line, 5, yPos, true); } function drawTime(now, pos){ var h = now.getHours(); var m = now.getMinutes(); var time = ">" + (""+h).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0"+m).substr(-2); drawLine(time, pos); } function drawDate(now, pos){ var dow = locale.dow(now, 1); var date =, 1).substr(0,6) +, 1).substr(-2); var locale_date = ">" + dow + " " + date; drawLine(locale_date, pos); } function drawInput(pos){ drawLine(">", pos); } function drawStepCount(pos){ var health = Bangle.getHealthStatus("day"); var steps_formated = ">Steps: " + health.steps; drawLine(steps_formated, pos); } function drawHRM(pos){ if(heartRate != 0) drawLine(">HR: " + parseInt(heartRate), pos); else drawLine(">HR: unknown", pos); } function drawAltitude(pos){ if(altitude > 0) drawLine(">Alt: " + altitude.toFixed(1) + "m", pos); else drawLine(">Alt: unknown", pos); } function drawMotion(pos){ var health = Bangle.getHealthStatus('last'); var steps_formated = ">Motion: " + parseInt(health.movement); drawLine(steps_formated, pos); } /* ----------------------------------------------- Services functions (HRM, pressure, etc...) -------------------------------------------------- */ function turnOnServices(){ if(clock.showHRM){ Bangle.setHRMPower(true, "terminalclock"); } if(clock.showAltitude){ Bangle.setBarometerPower(true, "terminalclock"); } if(clock.powerSave){ setTimeout(function () { turnOffServices(); }, 45000); } } function turnOffServices(){ if(clock.showHRM){ Bangle.setHRMPower(false, "terminalclock"); } if(clock.showAltitude){ Bangle.setBarometerPower(false, "terminalclock"); } } Bangle.on('HRM',function(hrmInfo) { if(hrmInfo.confidence >= clock.HRMinConfidence) heartRate = hrmInfo.bpm; }); const MEDIANLENGTH = 20; // technical var avr = [], median; // technical Bangle.on('pressure', function(e) { while (avr.length>MEDIANLENGTH) avr.pop(); avr.unshift(e.altitude); median = avr.slice().sort(); if (median.length>10) { var mid = median.length>>1; altitude = E.sum(median.slice(mid-4,mid+5)) / 9; } }); /* ------------------------------------------------- Clock related functions but not in the ClockFace module ---------------------------------------------------- */ function unlock(){ if(clock.powerSave){ turnOnServices(); } clock.precision = clock.unlock_precision; clock.tick(); } function lock(){ clock.precision = clock.lock_precision; clock.tick(); } // starting the clock clock.start();