{ /* Requires */ const weather = require('weather'); require("Font6x12").add(Graphics); require("Font8x16").add(Graphics); const SETTINGS_FILE = "rebbleagenda.json"; const settings = require("Storage").readJSON(SETTINGS_FILE, 1) || {'system':true, 'bg': '#fff','fg': '#000','acc': '#0FF'}; /* Layout consts */ const MARKER_SIZE = 4; const BORDER_SIZE = 6; const WIDGET_SIZE = 24; const PRIMARY_OFFSET = WIDGET_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE + MARKER_SIZE - 20 / 2; const SECONDARY_OFFSET = g.getHeight() - WIDGET_SIZE - 16 - 20; const MARKER_POS_UPPER = Uint8Array([g.getWidth() - BORDER_SIZE - MARKER_SIZE, WIDGET_SIZE + BORDER_SIZE + MARKER_SIZE]); const PIN_SIZE = 10; const ACCENT_WIDTH = 2 * BORDER_SIZE + 2 * MARKER_SIZE; // �=2r, borders each side. const TEXT_COLOR = settings.system?g.theme.fg:settings.fg; const BG_COLOR = settings.system?g.theme.bg:settings.bg; const ACCENT_COLOR = settings.system?g.theme.bgH:settings.acc; const SUN_COLOR_START = 0xF800; const SUN_COLOR_END = 0xFFE0; const SUN_FACE = 0x0000; /* Animation polygon sets*/ const CLEAR_POLYS_1 = [ new Uint8Array([0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 0, 176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 176]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 0, 170, 7, 10, 12, 7, 168]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 0, 139, 49, 41, 45, 43, 125]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 0, 90, 81, 82, 86, 85, 94]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 0, 0, 176, 0, 91, 85, 85, 85, 85, 91]) ]; const CLEAR_POLYS_2 = [ new Uint8Array([0, 176, 176, 176, 176, 0, 176, 0, 176, 176, 0, 176]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 176, 176, 176, 0, 170, 7, 162, 161, 7, 168]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 176, 176, 176, 0, 139, 49, 130, 126, 43, 125]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 176, 176, 176, 0, 90, 81, 95, 89, 85, 94]), new Uint8Array([0, 176, 176, 176, 176, 0, 91, 85, 91, 91, 85, 91]) ]; const BREATHING_POLYS = [ new Uint8Array([72, 88, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 78, 84, 88]), new Uint8Array([63, 88, 64, 73, 78, 73, 78, 73, 78, 73, 78, 73, 92, 73, 93, 88]), new Uint8Array([60, 88, 56, 76, 78, 60, 78, 60, 78, 60, 78, 60, 100, 76, 96, 88]), new Uint8Array([56, 88, 50, 78, 64, 54, 78, 54, 78, 54, 92, 54, 106, 78, 100, 88]), new Uint8Array([53, 88, 47, 80, 52, 53, 78, 41, 78, 41, 104, 53, 109, 80, 103, 88]), new Uint8Array([50, 88, 43, 81, 43, 51, 63, 32, 92, 32, 113, 51, 113, 81, 106, 88])]; const SUN_EYE_LEFT_POLY = new Uint8Array([56, 52, 64, 44, 72, 52, 72, 55, 69, 54, 64, 50, 58, 55, 56, 55]); const SUN_EYE_RIGHT_OFFSET = 30; const MOUTH_POLY = new Uint8Array([78, 77, 68, 75, 67, 73, 69, 71, 78, 73, 87, 71, 89, 73, 88, 75]); /* Animation timings */ const TIME_CLEAR_ANIM = 400; const TIME_CLEAR_BREAK = 10; const TIME_DEFAULT_ANIM = 300; const TIME_BUMP_ANIM = 200; const TIME_EXIT_ANIM = 500; const TIME_EVENT_CHANGE = 150; const TIME_EVENT_BREAK_IN = 300; const TIME_EVENT_BREAK_ANIM = 800; const TIME_EVENT_BREAK_HALT = 500; const TIME_EVENT_BREAK_OUT = 500; /* Utility functions */ /** * Check if two dates occur on the same day * @param {Date} d1 The first date to compare * @param {Date} d2 The second date to compare * @returns {Boolean} The two dates are on the same day */ const isSameDay = function (d1, d2) { return (d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() && d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() && d1.getFullYear() == d2.getFullYear()); }; /** * Apply sinusoidal easing to a value 0-1 * @param {Number} x Number to ease * @returns {Number} Ease of x */ const ease = function (x) { "jit"; return 1 - (Math.cos(Math.PI * x) + 1) / 2; }; /** * Map from 0-1 to a number interval * @param {Number} outMin Minimum output number * @param {Number} outMax Maximum output number * @param {Number} x Number between 0 and 1 to map from * @returns {Number} x mapped between min and max */ const map = function (outMin, outMax, x) { "jit"; return outMin + x * (outMax - outMin); }; /** * Return [0-1] progress through an interval * @param {Number} start When the interval was started in ms * @param {Number} end When the interval is supposed to stop in ms * @returns {Number} Value between 0 and 1 reflecting progress through interval */ const timeProgress = function (start, end) { "jit"; const length = end - start; const delta = Date.now() - start; return Math.min(Math.max(delta / length, 0), 1); }; /** * Interpolate between sets of polygon coordinates * @param {Array} polys An array of arrays, each containing an equally long set of coordinates * @param {Number} pos Progress through interpolation [0-1] * @returns {Array} Interpolation between the two closest sets of coordinates */ const interpolatePoly = function (polys, pos) { const span = polys.length - 1; pos = pos * span; pos = pos > span ? span : pos; const upper = polys[Math.ceil(pos)]; const lower = polys[Math.floor(Math.max(pos - 0.000001, 0))]; const interp = pos - Math.floor(pos - 0.000001); return upper.map((up, i) => { return Math.round(up * interp + lower[i] * (1 - interp)); }); }; /** * Repeatedly call callback with progress through an interval of length time * @param {Function} anim Callback which takes i, animation progress [0-1] * @param {Number} time How many ms the animation should last * @returns {void} */ const doAnim = function (anim, time) { const animStart = Date.now(); const animEnd = animStart + time; let i = 0; do { i = timeProgress(animStart, animEnd); anim(i); } while (i < 1); anim(1); }; /* Screen draw functions */ /** * Draw an event * @param {Number} index Index in the events array of event to draw * @param {Number} yOffset Vertical pixel offset of the draw * @param {Boolean} drawSecondary Should secondary event be drawn if possible? */ const drawEvent = function (index, yOffset, drawSecondary) { g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); // Draw the event time g.setFontAlign(-1, -1, 0); g.setFont("Vector", 20); g.drawString(events[index].time, BORDER_SIZE, PRIMARY_OFFSET + yOffset); // Draw the event title g.setFont("8x16"); g.drawString(events[index].title, BORDER_SIZE, PRIMARY_OFFSET + 20 + yOffset); // And the event description g.setFont("6x12"); g.drawString(events[index].description, BORDER_SIZE, PRIMARY_OFFSET + 20 + 12 + 2 + yOffset); // Draw a secondary event if asked to and exists if (drawSecondary) { if (index + 1 < events.length) { if (events[index].date != events[index + 1].date) { // If event belongs to another day, draw circle g.fillCircle((g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2, g.getHeight() - MARKER_SIZE - WIDGET_SIZE - BORDER_SIZE + yOffset, MARKER_SIZE); } else { // Draw event time and title g.setFont("Vector", 20); g.drawString(events[index + 1].time, BORDER_SIZE, SECONDARY_OFFSET + yOffset); g.setFont("8x16"); g.drawString(events[index + 1].title, BORDER_SIZE, SECONDARY_OFFSET + 20 + yOffset); } } else { // If no more events exist, draw end g.setFontAlign(0, 1, 0); g.setFont("Vector", 20); g.drawString("End", (g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2, g.getHeight() - BORDER_SIZE + yOffset); } } }; /** * Draw a two-line caption beneath a figure (Just beneath centre) * @param {String} first Top string to draw * @param {String} second Bottom string to draw * @param {Number} yOffset Vertical pixel offset of the draw */ const drawFigureCaption = function (first, second, yOffset) { g.setFontAlign(0, -1, 0); g.setFont("Vector", 18); g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.drawString(first, (g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2, g.getHeight() / 2 + BORDER_SIZE + yOffset); g.drawString(second, (g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2, g.getHeight() / 2 + BORDER_SIZE + 20 + yOffset); }; /** * Clear the contents area of the default layout */ const clearContent = function () { g.setColor(BG_COLOR); g.fillRect(0, 0, g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH - PIN_SIZE, g.getHeight()); }; /** * Draw the sun figure (above centre, in content area) * @param {Number} progress Progress through the sun expansion animation, between 0 and 1 * @param {Number} yOffset Vertical pixel offset of the draw */ const drawSun = function (progress, yOffset) { const p = ease(progress); const sunColor = progress == 1 ? SUN_COLOR_END : g.blendColor(SUN_COLOR_START, SUN_COLOR_END, p); g.setColor(sunColor); g.fillPoly(g.transformVertices(interpolatePoly(BREATHING_POLYS, p), { y: yOffset })); if (progress > 0.6) { const faceP = ease((progress - 0.6) * 2.5); g.setColor(g.blendColor(sunColor, SUN_FACE, faceP)); g.fillPoly(g.transformVertices(SUN_EYE_LEFT_POLY, { y: map(20, 0, faceP) + yOffset })); g.fillPoly(g.transformVertices(SUN_EYE_LEFT_POLY, { x: SUN_EYE_RIGHT_OFFSET, y: map(20, 0, faceP) + yOffset })); g.fillPoly(g.transformVertices(MOUTH_POLY, { y: map(10, 0, faceP) + yOffset })); } g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillRect({ x: map((g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2 - MARKER_SIZE, 20, p), y: map(g.getHeight() / 2 - MARKER_SIZE, g.getHeight() / 2 - MARKER_SIZE / 2, p) + yOffset, x2: map((g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2 + MARKER_SIZE, (g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) - 20, p), y2: map(g.getHeight() / 2 + MARKER_SIZE / 2, g.getHeight() / 2, p) + yOffset }); }; /* Animation functions */ /** * Animate clearing the screen to accent color with a single dot in the middle */ const animClearScreen = function () { let oldPoly1 = CLEAR_POLYS_1[0]; let oldPoly2 = CLEAR_POLYS_2[0]; doAnim(i => { i = ease(i); poly1 = interpolatePoly(CLEAR_POLYS_1, i); poly2 = interpolatePoly(CLEAR_POLYS_2, i); // Fill in black line g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillPoly(poly1); g.fillPoly(poly2); // Fill in outer shape g.setColor(ACCENT_COLOR); g.fillPoly(oldPoly1); g.fillPoly(oldPoly2); g.flip(); // Save poly for next loop outer shape oldPoly1 = poly1; oldPoly2 = poly2; }, TIME_CLEAR_ANIM); // Draw circle g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillCircle(g.getWidth() / 2, g.getHeight() / 2, MARKER_SIZE); g.flip(); }; /** * Animate from a cleared screen and dot to the default layout */ const animDefaultScreen = function () { doAnim(i => { // Draw the circle moving into the corner i = ease(i); const circleX = map(g.getWidth() / 2, MARKER_POS_UPPER[0], i); const circleY = map(g.getHeight() / 2, MARKER_POS_UPPER[1], i); g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillCircle(circleX, circleY, MARKER_SIZE); // Move the background poly in from the left g.setColor(BG_COLOR); const accentX = map(0, g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH, i); g.fillPoly([0, 0, accentX, 0, accentX, MARKER_POS_UPPER[1] - PIN_SIZE, accentX - PIN_SIZE, MARKER_POS_UPPER[1], accentX, MARKER_POS_UPPER[1] + PIN_SIZE, accentX, 176, 0, 176]); g.flip(); // Clear the circle for the next loop g.setColor(ACCENT_COLOR); g.fillCircle(circleX, circleY, MARKER_SIZE + 2); }, TIME_DEFAULT_ANIM); // Finish up the circle const w = weather.get(); if (w && (w.code || w.txt)) { doAnim(i => { weather.drawIcon(w, MARKER_POS_UPPER[0], MARKER_POS_UPPER[1], MARKER_SIZE * 2); g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillCircle(MARKER_POS_UPPER[0], MARKER_POS_UPPER[1], MARKER_SIZE * ease(1 - i)); g.flip(); }, 100); } else { g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR); g.fillCircle(MARKER_POS_UPPER[0], MARKER_POS_UPPER[1], MARKER_SIZE); } }; /** * Animate the sun figure expand or shrink fully * @param {Number} direction Direction in which to animate. +1 = Expand. -1 = Shrink */ const animSun = function (direction) { doAnim(i => { // Clear and redraw just the sun area g.setColor(BG_COLOR); g.fillRect(0, 31, g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH - PIN_SIZE, g.getHeight() / 2 + 4); drawSun((direction == 1 ? 0 : 1) + i * direction, 0); g.flip(); }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_ANIM); }; /** * Animate from centre dot to an event or backwards. Used for entering (forwards) or leaving (backwards) the day-change animation * @param {Number} index Index of the event to draw animate in or out * @param {Number} direction Direction of the animation. +1 = Event -> Dot. -1 = Dot -> Event */ const animEventToMarker = function (index, direction) { doAnim(i => { let ei = direction == 1 ? ease(i) : ease(1 - i); clearContent(); drawEvent(index, -(SECONDARY_OFFSET - PRIMARY_OFFSET) * ei, false); g.fillCircle((g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 2, map(g.getHeight() - MARKER_SIZE - WIDGET_SIZE - BORDER_SIZE, g.getHeight() / 2, ei), MARKER_SIZE); g.flip(); }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_IN); }; /** * Blit the current contents of content area out of screen, replacing it with something. Currently only for moving stuff upwards. * @param {Function} thing Callback for the new thing to draw on the screen * @param {Number} time How long the animation should last */ const animBlitToX = function (thing, time) { let oldI = 0; doAnim(i => { // Move stuff out of frame, index into frame g.blit({ x1: 0, y1: 0, w: g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH - PIN_SIZE, h: ease(1 - oldI) * g.getHeight(), x2: 0, y2: - (ease(i) - ease(oldI)) * g.getHeight(), setModified: true }); g.setColor(BG_COLOR); // Only clear where old stuff no longer is g.fillRect(0, g.getHeight() * (1 - ease(i)), g.getWidth() - ACCENT_WIDTH - PIN_SIZE, g.getHeight()); thing(i); g.flip(); oldI = i; }, time); }; /** * Transition between one event and another, showing a day-change animation if needed * @param {Number} startIndex The event index that we are animating out of * @param {Number} endIndex The event index that we are animating into */ const animEventTransition = function (startIndex, endIndex) { if (events[startIndex].date == events[endIndex].date) { // If both events are within the same day, just scroll from one to the other. // First determine which event is on top and which direction we are animating in let topIndex = (startIndex < endIndex) ? startIndex : endIndex; let botIndex = (startIndex < endIndex) ? endIndex : startIndex; let direction = (startIndex < endIndex) ? 1 : -1; let offset = (startIndex < endIndex) ? 0 : 1; doAnim(i => { // Animate the two events moving towards their destinations clearContent(); drawEvent(topIndex, -(SECONDARY_OFFSET - PRIMARY_OFFSET) * ease(offset + direction * i), false); drawEvent(botIndex, (SECONDARY_OFFSET - PRIMARY_OFFSET) - (SECONDARY_OFFSET - PRIMARY_OFFSET) * ease(offset + direction * i), true); g.flip(); }, TIME_EVENT_CHANGE); // Finally, reset contents and redraw for good measure clearContent(); drawEvent(endIndex, 0, true); g.flip(); } else { // The events are on different days, trigger day-change animation if (startIndex < endIndex) { // Destination is later, Stuff moves upwards animEventToMarker(startIndex, 1); // The day-end dot moves to center of screen drawFigureCaption(events[endIndex].weekday, events[endIndex].date, 0); // Caption between sun appears, no need to continuously redraw animSun(1); // Animate the sun expanding doAnim(i => { }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_HALT); // Wait for a moment animBlitToX(i => { drawEvent(endIndex, g.getHeight() - g.getHeight() * ease(i), true); }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_OUT); // Blit the sun and caption out, replacing with destination event } else { // Destination is earlier, content moves downwards doAnim(i => { // Can't animBlit, draw sun and figure caption replacing origin event clearContent(); drawEvent(startIndex, g.getHeight() * ease(i), true); drawSun(1, - g.getHeight() * ease(1 - i)); drawFigureCaption(events[endIndex].weekday, events[endIndex].date, - g.getHeight() * ease(1 - i)); g.flip(); }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_OUT); doAnim(i => { }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_HALT); // Wait for a moment animSun(-1); // Collapse the sun animEventToMarker(endIndex, -1); // Animate from dot to destination event } } g.flip(); }; /** * Bump the event because we've reached an end * @param {Number} index The index of the event which we are currently at (probably last) * @param {Number} direction Which direction to bump. +1 = content moves down, then up. -1 = content moves up, back down */ const animEventBump = function (index, direction) { doAnim(i => { clearContent(); drawEvent(index, Math.sin(Math.PI * i) * 24 * direction, true); g.flip(); }, TIME_BUMP_ANIM); }; /** * Run the exit animation of the application */ const animExit = function () { // First, move out (downwards) the current event doAnim(i => { clearContent(); drawEvent(currentEventIndex, ease(i) * g.getHeight(), true); g.flip(); }, TIME_EXIT_ANIM / 3 * 2); // Clear the screen leftwards with the accent color g.setColor(ACCENT_COLOR); doAnim(i => { g.fillRect(ease(1 - i) * g.getWidth(), 0, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()); g.flip(); }, TIME_EXIT_ANIM / 3); }; /** * Animate from empty default screen to the first event to show. * If the event we're moving to is not later today, show the date first. */ const animFirstEvent = function () { if (!isSameDay(new Date(events[currentEventIndex].timestamp * 1000), new Date())) { drawFigureCaption(events[currentEventIndex].weekday, events[currentEventIndex].date, 0); animSun(1); doAnim(i => { }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_HALT); animBlitToX(i => { drawEvent(currentEventIndex, g.getHeight() - g.getHeight() * ease(i), true); }, TIME_EVENT_BREAK_OUT, 1); } else { drawEvent(currentEventIndex, 0, true); } }; /* Setup */ /* Load events */ const today = new Date(); const tomorrow = new Date(); const yesterday = new Date(); tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1); yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1); g.setFont("6x12"); const locale = require("locale"); let events = (require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json", true) || []).map(event => { // Title uses 8x16 font, 8 px wide characters. Limit title to fit on a line. let title = event.title; if (title.length > (g.getWidth() - 2 * BORDER_SIZE - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 8) { title = title.slice(0, ((g.getWidth() - 2 * BORDER_SIZE - ACCENT_WIDTH) / 8) - 3) + "..."; } // Wrap description to fit four lines of content let description = g.wrapString(event.description, g.getWidth() - 2 * BORDER_SIZE - ACCENT_WIDTH - PIN_SIZE).slice(0, 4).join("\n"); // Set weekday text let eventDate = new Date(event.timestamp * 1000); let weekday = locale.dow(eventDate); if (isSameDay(eventDate, today)) { weekday = /*LANG*/"Today"; } else if (isSameDay(eventDate, tomorrow)) { weekday = /*LANG*/"Tomorrow"; } else if (isSameDay(eventDate, yesterday)) { weekday = /*LANG*/"Yesterday"; } return { timestamp: event.timestamp, weekday: weekday, date: locale.date(eventDate, 1), time: locale.time(eventDate, 1) + locale.meridian(eventDate), title: title, description: description }; }).sort((a, b) => { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; }); // If no events, add a note. if (events.length == 0) { events[0] = { timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, weekday: /*LANG*/"Today", date: require("locale").date(new Date(), 1), time: require("locale").time(new Date(), 1), title: /*LANG*/"No events", description: /*LANG*/"Nothing to do" }; } // We should start at the first event later than now let currentEventIndex = events.findIndex((event) => { return event.timestamp * 1000 > Date.now(); }); if (currentEventIndex == -1) currentEventIndex = 0; // Or just first event if none found // Setup the UI with remove to support fast load Bangle.setUI({ mode: "custom", btn: () => { animExit(); Bangle.load(); }, remove: function () { require("widget_utils").show(); delete Graphics.prototype.Font6x12; delete Graphics.prototype.Font8x16; Bangle.removeListener('swipe', onSwipe); }, }); /** * Callback for swipe gesture. Transitions between adjacent events. * @param {Number} directionLR Unused. * @param {Number} directionUD Whether swipe direction is up or down */ const onSwipe = function (directionLR, directionUD) { if (directionUD == -1) { // Swiping up if (currentEventIndex + 1 < events.length) { // Animate to the next event animEventTransition(currentEventIndex, currentEventIndex + 1); currentEventIndex += 1; } else { // We've hit the end, bump animEventBump(currentEventIndex, -1); } } else if (directionUD == 1) { //Swiping down if (currentEventIndex > 0) { // Animate to the previous event animEventTransition(currentEventIndex, currentEventIndex - 1); currentEventIndex -= 1; } else { // If swiping earlier than earliest event, exit back to watchface animExit(); Bangle.load(); } } }; // Ready animations for showing the first event, then register swipe listener for switching events setTimeout(() => { animDefaultScreen(); animFirstEvent(); Bangle.on('swipe', onSwipe); }, TIME_CLEAR_ANIM + TIME_CLEAR_BREAK); animClearScreen(); // Start visible changes by clearing the screen // Load and hide widgets to background Bangle.loadWidgets(); require("widget_utils").hide(); }