var lego = require("mouldking"); E.on('kill', () => { // return to normal Bluetooth advertising NRF.setAdvertising({},{showName:true}); }); // You must leave one second after 'start' to allow the remote to be paired var arrowIcon = atob("IiiBAAAAwAAAAPwAAAB/gAAAP/AAAB/+AAAP/8AAB//4AAP//wAA///gAH///AA///8AH///4A////wH////gf////D////8f////5/////n////+f////4AP/8AAA//wAAD//AAAP/8AAA//wAAD//AAAH/8AAAf/wAAB//AAAH/8AAAf/gAAB/+AAAH/4AAAf/gAAB/+AAAH/4AAAP/gAAA/+AAAD/wAAAD8AA"); var controlState = ""; Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); var R = Bangle.appRect; function startLegoButtons(controls) { // we'll divide up into 3x3 function getBoxCoords(x,y) { return { x : R.x + R.w*x/3, y : R.y + R.h*y/3 }; } function draw() { g.reset().clearRect(R); var c, ninety = Math.PI/2; var colOn = "#f00", colOff = g.theme.fg; c = getBoxCoords(1.5, 0.5); g.setColor(controlState=="up"?colOn:colOff).drawImage(arrowIcon,c.x,c.y,{rotate:0}); c = getBoxCoords(2.5, 1.5); g.setColor(controlState=="right"?colOn:colOff).drawImage(arrowIcon,c.x,c.y,{rotate:ninety}); c = getBoxCoords(0.5, 1.5); g.setColor(controlState=="left"?colOn:colOff).drawImage(arrowIcon,c.x,c.y,{rotate:-ninety}); c = getBoxCoords(1.5, 1.5); g.setColor(controlState=="down"?colOn:colOff).drawImage(arrowIcon,c.x,c.y,{rotate:ninety*2}); if (NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) { c = getBoxCoords(1.5, 2.5); g.setFontAlign(0,0).setFont("6x8").drawString("WARNING:\nBluetooth Connected\nYou must disconnect\nbefore LEGO will work",c.x,c.y); } g.setFont("6x8:3").setFontAlign(0,0); c = getBoxCoords(0.5, 0.5); g.setColor(controlState=="c"?colOn:colOff).drawString("C",c.x,c.y); c = getBoxCoords(2.5, 0.5); g.setColor(controlState=="d"?colOn:colOff).drawString("D",c.x,c.y); } function setControlState(s) { controlState = s; var c = {}; if (s in controls) c = controls[s]; draw(); lego.set(c); } lego.start(); Bangle.setUI({mode:"custom", drag : e => { var x = Math.floor(E.clip((e.x - R.x) * 3 / R.w,0,2.99)); var y = Math.floor(E.clip((e.y - R.y) * 3 / R.h,0,2.99)); if (!e.b) { setControlState(""); return; } if (y==0) { // top row if (x==0) setControlState("c"); if (x==1) setControlState("up"); if (x==2) setControlState("d"); } else if (y==1) { if (x==0) setControlState("left"); if (x==1) setControlState("down"); if (x==2) setControlState("right"); } }}); draw(); NRF.on('connect', draw); NRF.on('disconnect', draw); } function startLegoLinear() { var mx = R.x+R.w/2; var my = R.y+R.h/2; var x=0,y=0; var scale = 10; function draw() { g.reset().clearRect(R); for (var i=3;i<60;i+=10) g.drawCircle(mx,my,i); g.setColor("#F00"); var px = E.clip(mx + x*scale, R.x+20, R.x2-20); var py = E.clip(my + y*scale, R.y+20, R.y2-20); g.fillCircle(px, py, 20); } lego.start(); Bangle.setUI({mode:"custom", drag : e => { x = Math.round((e.x - mx) / scale); y = Math.round((e.y - my) / scale); if (!e.b) { x=0; y=0; } lego.set({a:x, b:y}); draw(); }}); draw(); NRF.on('connect', draw); NRF.on('disconnect', draw); } // Mappings of button to output const CONTROLS = { normal : { up : {a: 7,b: 0}, down : {a:-7,b: 0}, left : {a: 0,b:-7}, right: {a: 0,b: 7}, c : {c:7}, d : {d:7} }, tank : { up : {a:-7,b:7}, down : {a: 7,b:-7}, left : {a: 7,b:7}, right: {a:-7,b:-7}, c : {c:7}, d : {d:7} }, merged : { up : {a: 7,b: 7}, down : {a:-7,b:-7}, left : {a: 7,b:-7}, right: {a:-7,b: 7}, c : {c:7}, d : {d:7} } }; E.showMenu({ "" : {title:"LEGO Remote", back:()=>load()}, "Linear" : () => startLegoLinear(), "Normal" : () => startLego(CONTROLS.normal), "Tank" : () => startLego(CONTROLS.tank), "Marged" : () => startLego(CONTROLS.merged), });