if (window.location.host=="banglejs.com") { document.getElementById("apploaderlinks").innerHTML = 'This is the official Bangle.js App Loader - you can also try the Development Version for the most recent apps.'; } else if (window.location.host=="espruino.github.io") { document.title += " [Development]"; document.getElementById("apploaderlinks").innerHTML = 'This is the development Bangle.js App Loader - you can also try the Official Version for stable apps.'; } else if (window.location.hostname==='localhost') { document.title += " [Local]"; Const.APPS_JSON_FILE = "apps.local.json"; document.getElementById("apploaderlinks").innerHTML = 'This is your local Bangle.js App Loader - you can try the Official Version here.'; } else { document.title += " [Unofficial]"; document.getElementById("apploaderlinks").innerHTML = 'This is not the official Bangle.js App Loader - you can try the Official Version here.'; } var RECOMMENDED_VERSION = "2v14"; // could check http://www.espruino.com/json/BANGLEJS.json for this // We're only interested in Bangles DEVICEINFO = DEVICEINFO.filter(x=>x.id.startsWith("BANGLEJS")); // Set up source code URL (function() { let username = "espruino"; let githubMatch = window.location.href.match(/\/([\w-]+)\.github\.io/); if (githubMatch) username = githubMatch[1]; Const.APP_SOURCECODE_URL = `https://github.com/${username}/BangleApps/tree/master/apps`; })(); // When a device is found, filter the apps accordingly function onFoundDeviceInfo(deviceId, deviceVersion) { var fwURL = "#", fwExtraText = ""; if (deviceId == "BANGLEJS") { fwURL = "https://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js#firmware-updates"; Const.MESSAGE_RELOAD = 'Hold BTN3\nto reload'; } if (deviceId == "BANGLEJS2") { fwExtraText = "with the Firmware Update app in this App Loader, or " fwURL = "https://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js2#firmware-updates"; Const.MESSAGE_RELOAD = 'Hold button\nto reload'; } if (deviceId != "BANGLEJS" && deviceId != "BANGLEJS2") { showToast(`You're using ${deviceId}, not a Bangle.js. Did you want espruino.com/apps instead?` ,"warning", 20000); } else if (versionLess(deviceVersion, RECOMMENDED_VERSION)) { showToast(`You're using an old Bangle.js firmware (${deviceVersion}) and ${RECOMMENDED_VERSION} is available (see changes). You can update ${fwExtraText}with the instructions here` ,"warning", 20000); } // check against features shown? filterAppsForDevice(deviceId); /* if we'd saved a device ID but this device is different, ensure we ask again next time */ var savedDeviceId = getSavedDeviceId(); if (savedDeviceId!==undefined && savedDeviceId!=deviceId) setSavedDeviceId(undefined); } var originalAppJSON = undefined; function filterAppsForDevice(deviceId) { if (originalAppJSON===undefined && appJSON.length) originalAppJSON = appJSON; var device = DEVICEINFO.find(d=>d.id==deviceId); // set the device dropdown document.querySelector(".devicetype-nav span").innerText = device ? device.name : "All apps"; if (!device) { if (deviceId!==undefined) showToast(`Device ID ${deviceId} not recognised. Some apps may not work`, "warning"); appJSON = originalAppJSON; } else { // Now filter apps appJSON = originalAppJSON.filter(app => { var supported = ["BANGLEJS"]; if (!app.supports) { console.log(`App ${app.id} doesn't include a 'supports' field - ignoring`); return false; } if (app.supports.includes(deviceId)) return true; //console.log(`Dropping ${app.id} because ${deviceId} is not in supported list ${app.supports.join(",")}`); return false; }); } refreshLibrary(); } // If 'remember' was checked in the window below, this is the device function getSavedDeviceId() { let deviceId = localStorage.getItem("deviceId"); if (("string"==typeof deviceId) && DEVICEINFO.find(d=>d.id == deviceId)) return deviceId; return undefined; } function setSavedDeviceId(deviceId) { localStorage.setItem("deviceId", deviceId); } // At boot, show a window to choose which type of device you have... window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { let deviceId = getSavedDeviceId() if (deviceId !== undefined) return; // already chosen var html = `
`; showPrompt("Which Bangle.js?",html,{},false); htmlToArray(document.querySelectorAll(".devicechooser")).forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click",event => { let rememberDevice = document.getElementById("remember_device").checked; let button = event.currentTarget; let deviceId = button.getAttribute("deviceid"); hidePrompt(); console.log("Chosen device", deviceId); setSavedDeviceId(rememberDevice ? deviceId : undefined); filterAppsForDevice(deviceId); }); }); }); window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { // Hook onto device chooser dropdown htmlToArray(document.querySelectorAll(".devicetype-nav .menu-item")).forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click", event => { var a = event.target; var deviceId = a.getAttribute("dt")||undefined; filterAppsForDevice(deviceId); // also sets the device dropdown setSavedDeviceId(undefined); // ask at startup next time document.querySelector(".devicetype-nav span").innerText = a.innerText; }); }); // Button to install all default apps in one go document.getElementById("reinstallall").addEventListener("click",event=>{ var promise = showPrompt("Reinstall","Really re-install all apps?").then(() => { getInstalledApps().then(installedapps => { console.log(installedapps); var promise = Promise.resolve(); installedapps.forEach(app => { if (app.custom) return console.log(`Ignoring ${app.id} as customised`); var oldApp = app; app = appJSON.find(a => a.id==oldApp.id); if (!app) return console.log(`Ignoring ${oldApp.id} as not found`); promise = promise.then(() => updateApp(app)); }); return promise; }).catch(err=>{ Progress.hide({sticky:true}); showToast("App re-install failed, "+err,"error"); }); }); }); // Button to install all default apps in one go document.getElementById("installdefault").addEventListener("click",event=>{ getInstalledApps().then(() => { if (device.id == "BANGLEJS") return httpGet("defaultapps_banglejs1.json"); if (device.id == "BANGLEJS2") return httpGet("defaultapps_banglejs2.json"); throw new Error("Unknown device "+device.id); }).then(json=>{ return installMultipleApps(JSON.parse(json), "default"); }).catch(err=>{ Progress.hide({sticky:true}); showToast("App Install failed, "+err,"error"); }); }); // BLE Compatibility var selectBLECompat = document.getElementById("settings-ble-compat"); Puck.increaseMTU = !SETTINGS.bleCompat; selectBLECompat.checked = !!SETTINGS.bleCompat; selectBLECompat.addEventListener("change",event=>{ console.log("BLE compatibility mode "+(event.target.checked?"on":"off")); SETTINGS.bleCompat = event.target.checked; Puck.increaseMTU = !SETTINGS.bleCompat; saveSettings(); }); // Load language list httpGet("lang/index.json").then(languagesJSON=>{ var languages; try { languages = JSON.parse(languagesJSON); } catch(e) { console.error("lang/index.json Corrupted", e); } languages = languages.filter( l=> l.disabled===undefined ); function reloadLanguage() { LANGUAGE = undefined; if (SETTINGS.language) { var language = languages.find(l=>l.code==SETTINGS.language); if (language) { var langURL = "lang/"+language.url; httpGet(langURL).then(languageJSON=>{ try { LANGUAGE = JSON.parse(languageJSON); console.log(`${langURL} loaded successfully`); } catch(e) { console.error(`${langURL} Corrupted`, e); } }); } else { console.error(`Language code ${JSON.stringify(SETTINGS.language)} not found in lang/index.json`); } } } var selectLang = document.getElementById("settings-lang"); languages.forEach(lang => { selectLang.innerHTML += ``; }); selectLang.addEventListener("change",event=>{ SETTINGS.language = event.target.value; reloadLanguage(); saveSettings(); }); reloadLanguage(); }); }); function onAppJSONLoaded() { let deviceId = getSavedDeviceId() if (deviceId !== undefined) filterAppsForDevice(deviceId); /* Disable external screenshot loading - seems we probably have enough screenshots added manually in apps.json */ /*return new Promise(resolve => { httpGet("screenshots.json").then(screenshotJSON=>{ var screenshots = []; try { screenshots = JSON.parse(screenshotJSON); } catch(e) { console.error("Screenshot JSON Corrupted", e); } screenshots.forEach(s => { var app = appJSON.find(a=>a.id==s.id); if (!app) return; if (!app.screenshots) app.screenshots = []; app.screenshots.push({url:s.url}); }) }).catch(err=>{ console.log("No screenshots.json found"); resolve(); }); });*/ }