# Timer Widget This is a fork of the Chrono Widget, but implements a simpler UI which to be able to set a timer faster with less interaction. Additionally, it exposes some functions that can be used by other apps or clocks to easily implement a timer. It is used e.g. by lcars or notanalog. # Overview If you open the app, you can simply control the timer by clicking on top, bottom, left or right of the screen. If you tab at the middle of the screen, the timer is started / stopped. ![](description.png) # Library for other Apps Different functions are exposed to integrate a timer into your own app. The following functions are available: - isStarted() -> boolean - setStarted(boolean) -> void - resetTimer() -> void - increaseTimer(int) -> void - decreaseTimer(int) -> void - getRemainingMinutes() -> int - getRemainingTime() -> DateTime - getRemainingTimeStr() -> str For example if we want to increase the timer by +5 minutes each time the touch event is fired: ```Javascript Bangle.loadWidgets(); ... Bangle.on('touch', function(btn, e){ // Set to zero if alarm was disabled before if(!isAlarmEnabled()){ WIDGETS["widtmr"].resetTimer(); } WIDGETS["widtmr"].increaseTimer(5); WIDGETS["widtmr"].setStarted(true); }); ``` Example to decrease the timer by 5 and stop if 0 is reached: ```Javascript Bangle.loadWidgets(); ... Bangle.on('touch', function(btn, e){ WIDGETS["widtmr"].decreaseTimer(5); } ``` # Creator [David Peer](https://github.com/peerdavid) # Thanks to... Forked from Chrono Widget of [Purple-Tentacle](https://github.com/Purple-Tentacle) Time icon created by CreativeCons - Flaticon