type Prev = [never, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; type UnionToIntersection = (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never type ExtractIds = [Depth] extends [never] ? never : (T extends { id?: infer Id extends string } ? { [k in Id]: T } : never) | ( T extends { c: Array } ? ExtractIds : never ); declare module Layout { type Layouter = UnionToIntersection> & { // these actually change T render(l?: Hierarchy): void; layout(l: Hierarchy): void; debug(l?: Hierarchy, c?: ColorResolvable): void; update(): void; // changes layoutObject into a RenderedHierarchy clear(obj?: Hierarchy): void; forgetLazyState(): void; setUI(): void; }; var Layout: { new ( hier: T, options?: { lazy: boolean, btns?: { label: string, cb: () => void, cbl: () => void, }[], back?: () => void, remove?: () => void, }, ): Layouter; }; export type Layout = typeof Layout; type Image = string; type Fill = number; // fill a proportion of space, relative to sibling `filly`s type RenderedHierarchy = Hierarchy & { // top left position x: number, y: number, // width and height w: number, h: number, // minimum width and height _w: number, _h: number, }; type Hierarchy = HierarchyParts & { id?: string, font?: FontNameWithScaleFactor, scale?: number, col?: ColorResolvable, bgCol?: ColorResolvable, pad?: number, fillx?: Fill, filly?: Fill, width?: number, height?: number, // technically only on children of a h/v halign?: Align, // children of a v valign?: Align, // children of a h } & ( { r?: number, // 0: 0°, 1: 90°, 2: 180°, 3: 270°. } | { wrap?: boolean, } ); const enum Align { Left = -1, Top = -1, Center = 0, Right = 1, Bottom = -1, } const enum Rotation { None = 0, Deg90 = 1, Deg180 = 2, Deg270 = 3, } type HierarchyParts = { type: "v", c: Hierarchy[], } | { type: "h" c: Hierarchy[], } | { type: "txt", label: string, font: FontNameWithScaleFactor, } | { type: undefined, // blank, for padding } | ( { type: "btn", src: Image, cb: () => void, r?: Rotation, btnBorder?: ColorResolvable, } | { type: "btn", cb: () => void, label: string, font?: FontNameWithScaleFactor, scale?: number, r?: Rotation, btnBorder?: ColorResolvable, } ) | { type: "img", src: Image | (() => Image), r?: Rotation, } | { type: "custom", render: (h: RenderedHierarchy) => void, }; }