function toJS(txt) { var json = JSON.stringify(txt); var b64 = "atob("+JSON.stringify(btoa(json))+")"; return b64.length < json.length ? b64 : json; } if ("undefined"!=typeof module) Espruino = require("./espruinotools.js"); var AppInfo = { /* Get files needed for app. options = { fileGetter : callback for getting URL, settings : global settings object } */ getFiles : (app,options) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { // Load all files Promise.all( => { if (storageFile.content) return Promise.resolve(storageFile); else if (storageFile.url) return options.fileGetter(`apps/${}/${storageFile.url}`).then(content => { if (storageFile.url.endsWith(".js") && !storageFile.url.endsWith(".min.js")) { // if original file ends in '.js'... return Espruino.transform(content, { SET_TIME_ON_WRITE : false, PRETOKENISE : options.settings.pretokenise, //MINIFICATION_LEVEL : "ESPRIMA", // disable due to builtinModules : "Flash,Storage,heatshrink,tensorflow,locale" }); } else return content; }).then(content => { return { name :, content : content, evaluate : storageFile.evaluate }}); else return Promise.resolve(); })).then(fileContents => { // now we just have a list of files + contents... // filter out empty files fileContents = fileContents.filter(x=>x!==undefined); // What about minification? // Add app's info JSON return AppInfo.createAppJSON(app, fileContents); }).then(fileContents => { // then map each file to a command to load into storage fileContents.forEach(storageFile => { // format ready for Espruino if (storageFile.evaluate) { let js = storageFile.content.trim(); if (js.endsWith(";")) js = js.slice(0,-1); storageFile.cmd = `\x10require('Storage').write(${toJS(},${js});`; } else { let code = storageFile.content; // write code in chunks, in case it is too big to fit in RAM (fix #157) var CHUNKSIZE = 4096; storageFile.cmd = `\x10require('Storage').write(${toJS(},${toJS(code.substr(0,CHUNKSIZE))},0,${code.length});`; for (var i=CHUNKSIZE;i reject(err)); }); }, createAppJSON : (app, fileContents) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { var appJSONName =".info"; // Check we don't already have a JSON file! var appJSONFile = fileContents.find(f=>; if (appJSONFile) reject("App JSON file explicitly specified!"); // Now actually create the app JSON var json = { id : }; if (app.shortName) = app.shortName; else =; if (app.type && app.type!="app") json.type = app.type; if (fileContents.find(f=>".app.js")) json.src =".app.js"; if (fileContents.find(f=>".img")) json.icon =".img"; if (app.sortorder) json.sortorder = app.sortorder; if (app.version) json.version = app.version; var fileList =>; fileList.unshift(appJSONName); // do we want this? makes life easier! json.files = fileList.join(","); if ('data' in app) { let data = {dataFiles: [], storageFiles: []}; // add "data" files to appropriate list>{ if (d.storageFile) data.storageFiles.push(||d.wildcard) else data.dataFiles.push(||d.wildcard) }) const dataString = AppInfo.makeDataString(data) if (dataString) = dataString } fileContents.push({ name : appJSONName, content : JSON.stringify(json) }); resolve(fileContents); }); }, // (.info).data holds filenames of data: both regular and storageFiles // These are stored as: (note comma vs semicolons) // "fil1,file2", "file1,file2;storageFileA,storageFileB" or ";storageFileA" /** * Convert "data" to object with file names/patterns * Passing in undefined works * @param data "data" as stored in * @returns {{storageFiles:[], dataFiles:[]}} */ parseDataString(data) { data = data || ''; let [files = [], storage = []] = data.split(';').map(d => d.split(',')) return {dataFiles: files, storageFiles: storage} }, /** * Convert object with file names/patterns to "data" string * Passing in an incomplete object will not work * @param data {{storageFiles:[], dataFiles:[]}} * @returns {string} "data" to store in */ makeDataString(data) { if (!data.dataFiles.length && !data.storageFiles.length) { return '' } if (!data.storageFiles.length) { return data.dataFiles.join(',') } return [data.dataFiles.join(','),data.storageFiles.join(',')].join(';') }, }; if ("undefined"!=typeof module) module.exports = AppInfo;