const debugMode = 'off'; // valid values are: off, test, production, development const middle = {x:Math.floor(g.getWidth()/2)-20, y: Math.floor(g.getHeight()/2)}; const rows = 4, cols = 4; const borderWidth = 6; const sqWidth = (Math.floor(Bangle.appRect.w - 48) / rows) - borderWidth; const cellColors = [{bg:'#00FFFF', fg: '#000000'}, {bg:'#FF00FF', fg: '#000000'}, {bg:'#808000', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#0000FF', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#008000', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#800000', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#00FF00', fg: '#000000'}, {bg:'#000080', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#FFFF00', fg: '#000000'}, {bg:'#800080', fg: '#FFFFFF'}, {bg:'#FF0000', fg: '#FFFFFF'}]; const cellFonts = ["12x20", "12x20", "Vector:14"]; const cellChars = [ [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], ['0','A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J'], ['0','I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII','VIII', 'IX', 'X'] ]; // const numInitialCells = 2; const maxUndoLevels = 4; const noExceptions = true; let charIndex = 0; // plain numbers on the grid const themeBg =; const scores = { currentScore: 0, highScore: 0, lastScores: [0], add: function(val) { this.currentScore = this.currentScore + Math.pow(2, val); debug(() => console.log("new score=",this.currentScore)); }, addToUndo: function () { this.lastScores.push(this.currentScore); if (this.lastScores.length > maxUndoLevels) this.lastScores.shift(); }, undo: function () { this.currentScore = this.lastScores.pop(); debug(() => console.log("undo score =", this.currentScore, "rest:", this.lastScores)); }, reset: function () { this.currentScore = 0; this.lastScores = [0]; }, draw: function () { g.setColor(btnAtribs.fg); let ulCorner = {x: Bangle.appRect.x + 6, y: Bangle.appRect.y2 -22 }; let lrCorner = {x: Bangle.appRect.x2, y: Bangle.appRect.y2 - 1}; g.fillRect(ulCorner.x, ulCorner.y, lrCorner.x, lrCorner.y) .setFont12x20(1) .setFontAlign(0,0,0); let scrX = Math.floor((ulCorner.x + lrCorner.x)/3); let scrY = Math.floor((ulCorner.y + lrCorner.y)/2) + 1; g.setColor('#000000') .drawString(this.currentScore, scrX+1, scrY+1) .setColor( .drawString(this.currentScore, scrX, scrY); scrX = Math.floor(4*(ulCorner.x + lrCorner.x)/5); g.setFont("6x8:1x2") .drawString(this.highScore, btnAtribs.x + Math.floor(btnAtribs.w/2), scrY); }, hsContents: function () { return {"highScore": this.highScore, "lastScore": this.currentScore}; }, check: function () { this.highScore = (this.currentScore > this.highScore) ? this.currentScore : this.highScore; debug(() => console.log('highScore =', this.highScore)); } }; // snapshot interval is the number of moves after wich a snapshot is wriiten to file const snInterval = 1; const snReadOnInit = true; // a snapshot contains a json file dump of the last positions of the tiles on the board, including the scores const snapshot = { interval: snInterval, snFileName: 'game1024.json', counter: 0, updCounter: function() { this.counter = ++this.counter > this.interval ? 0 : this.counter; }, dump: {gridsize: rows * cols, expVals: [], score: 0, highScore: 0, charIndex: charIndex}, write: function() { require("Storage").writeJSON(this.snFileName, this.dump); }, read: function () { let sn = require("Storage").readJSON(this.snFileName, noExceptions); if ((typeof sn == "undefined") || (sn.gridsize !== rows * cols)) { require("Storage").writeJSON(this.snFileName, this.dump); return false; } else { if ((typeof sn !== "undefined") && (sn.gridsize == rows * cols)){ this.dump = sn; return true; } } }, setDump: function () { this.dump.expVals = []; allSquares.forEach(sq => { this.dump.expVals.push(sq.expVal); }); this.dump.score = scores.currentScore; this.dump.highScore = scores.highScore; this.dump.charIndex = charIndex; }, make: function () { this.updCounter(); if (this.counter == this.interval) { this.setDump(); this.write(); debug(() => console.log("snapped the state of the game:", this.dump)); } }, recover: function () { if ( { this.dump.expVals.forEach((val, idx) => { allSquares[idx].setExpVal(val); }); scores.currentScore = this.dump.score ? this.dump.score : 0; scores.highScore = this.dump.highScore ? this.dump.highScore : 0 ; charIndex = this.dump.charIndex ? this.dump.charIndex : 0 ; } }, reset: function () { this.dump.gridsize = rows * cols; this.dump.expVals = []; for (let i = 0; i< this.dump.gridsize; i++) { this.dump.expVals[i] = 0; } this.dump.score = 0; this.dump.highScore = scores.highScore; this.dump.charIndex = charIndex; this.write(); debug(() => console.log("reset D U M P E D!", this.dump)); } }; const btnAtribs = {x: 134, w: 42, h: 42, fg:'#C0C0C0', bg:'#800000'}; const buttons = { all: [], draw: function () { this.all.forEach(btn => { btn.draw(); }); }, add: function(btn) { this.all.push(btn); } }; /** * to the right = -1 all tiles move to the left, begin with the outer righthand side tiles moving 0 to max 3 places to the right find first tile beginning with bottom row, righthand side */ const mover = { direction: { up: {name: 'up', step: 1, innerBegin: 0, innerEnd: rows-1, outerBegin: 0, outerEnd: cols-1, iter: rows -1, sqIndex: function (m,n) {return m*(cols) + n;}, sqNextIndex: function (m,n) {return m < rows -1 ? (m+1)*(cols) + n : -1;} }, down: {name: 'down', step:-1, innerBegin: rows-1, innerEnd: 0, outerBegin: cols-1, outerEnd: 0, iter: rows -1, sqIndex: function (m,n) {return m*(cols) + n;}, sqNextIndex: function (m,n) {return m > 0 ? (m-1)*(cols) + n : -1;} }, left: {name: 'left', step: 1, innerBegin: 0, innerEnd: cols-1, outerBegin: 0, outerEnd: rows-1, iter: cols -1, sqIndex: function (m,n) {return n*(rows) + m;}, sqNextIndex: function (m,n) {return m < cols -1 ? n*(rows) + m +1 : -1;} }, right: {name: 'right', step:-1, innerBegin: cols-1, innerEnd: 0, outerBegin: rows-1, outerEnd: 0, iter: cols -1, sqIndex: function (m,n) {return n*(rows) + m;}, sqNextIndex: function (m,n) {return m > 0 ? n*(rows) + m -1: -1;} } }, anyLeft: function() { let canContinue = false; [this.direction.up,this.direction.left].forEach (dir => { const step = dir.step; // outer loop for all colums/rows for (let n = dir.outerBegin; step*n <= step*dir.outerEnd; n=n+step) { // lets move squares one position in a row or column, counting backwards starting from the and where the squares will end up for (let m = dir.innerBegin; step*m <= step*dir.innerEnd; m=m+step) { const idx = dir.sqIndex(m,n); const nextIdx = dir.sqNextIndex(m,n); if (allSquares[idx].expVal == 0) { canContinue = true; // there is an empty cell found break; } if (nextIdx >= 0) { if (allSquares[idx].expVal == allSquares[nextIdx].expVal) { canContinue = true; // equal adjacent cells > 0 found break; } if (allSquares[nextIdx].expVal == 0) { canContinue = true; // there is an empty cell found break; } } if (canContinue) break; } if (canContinue) break; } }); return canContinue; }, nonEmptyCells: function (dir) { debug(() => console.log("Move: ",; const step = dir.step; // outer loop for all colums/rows for (let n = dir.outerBegin; step*n <= step*dir.outerEnd; n=n+step) { // let rowStr = '| '; // Move a number of iteration with the squares to move them all to one side for (let iter = 0; iter < dir.iter; iter++) { // lets move squares one position in a row or column, counting backwards starting from the and where the squares will end up for (let m = dir.innerBegin; step*m <= step*dir.innerEnd; m=m+step) { // get the array of squares index for current cell const idx = dir.sqIndex(m,n); const nextIdx = dir.sqNextIndex(m,n); if (allSquares[idx].expVal == 0 && nextIdx >= 0) { allSquares[idx].setExpVal(allSquares[nextIdx].expVal); allSquares[nextIdx].setExpVal(0); } } } } }, // add up the conjacent squares with identical values en set next square to empty in the process mergeEqlCells: function(dir) { const step = dir.step; // outer loop for all colums/rows for (let n = dir.outerBegin; step*n <= step*dir.outerEnd; n=n+step) { // lets move squares one position in a row or column, counting backwards starting from the and where the squares will end up for (let m = dir.innerBegin; step*m <= step*dir.innerEnd; m=m+step) { const idx = dir.sqIndex(m,n); const nextIdx = dir.sqNextIndex(m,n); if ((allSquares[idx].expVal > 0) && nextIdx >= 0) { if (allSquares[idx].expVal == allSquares[nextIdx].expVal) { let expVal = allSquares[idx].expVal; allSquares[idx].setExpVal(++expVal); allSquares[idx].addToScore(); allSquares[nextIdx].setExpVal(0); } } } } } }; // Minimum number of pixels to interpret it as drag gesture const dragThreshold = 10; // Maximum number of pixels to interpret a click from a drag event series const clickThreshold = 3; let allSquares = []; // let buttons = []; class Button { constructor(name, x0, y0, width, height, text, bg, fg, cb, enabled) { this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x0 + width; this.y1 = y0 + height; = name; this.cb = cb; this.text = text; = bg; this.fg = fg; this.font = "6x8:3"; this.enabled = enabled; } disable() { this.enabled = false; } enable() { this.enabled = true; } draw() { g.setColor( .fillRect(this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1) .setFont(this.font) .setFontAlign(0,0,0); let strX = Math.floor((this.x0+this.x1)/2); let strY = Math.floor((this.y0+this.y1)/2); g.setColor("#000000") .drawString(this.text, strX+2, strY+2) .setColor(this.fg) .drawString(this.text, strX, strY); // buttons.push(this); } onClick() {if (typeof this.cb === 'function' && this.enabled) { this.cb(this); } } } class Cell { constructor(x0, y0, width, idx, cb) { this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x0 + width; this.y1 = y0 + width; this.expVal = 0; this.previousExpVals=[]; this.idx = idx; this.cb = cb; this.isRndm = false; = x0; this.ay = Math.floor(0.2*width+y0); this.bx = Math.floor(0.3*width+x0); = Math.floor(0.5*width+y0); = x0; = Math.floor(0.8*width+y0); } getColor(i) { return cellColors[i >= cellColors.length ? cellColors.length -1 : i]; } drawBg() { debug(()=>console.log("Drawbg!!")); if (this.isRndm == true) { debug(()=>console.log('Random: (ax)',; g.setColor(this.getColor(this.expVal).bg) .fillRect(this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1) .setColor(themeBg) .fillPoly([,,this.bx,,,this.ay]); } else { g.setColor(this.getColor(this.expVal).bg) .fillRect(this.x0, this.y0, this.x1, this.y1); } } drawNumber() { if (this.expVal !== 0) { g.setFont(cellFonts[charIndex]) .setFontAlign(0,0,0); let char = cellChars[charIndex][this.expVal]; let strX = Math.floor((this.x0 + this.x1)/2); let strY = Math.floor((this.y0 + this.y1)/2); g.setColor(this.getColor(this.expVal).fg) .drawString(char, strX, strY); } } setExpVal(val) { this.expVal = val; } getIdx() {return this.idx;} pushToUndo() { // remember this new step this.previousExpVals.push(this.expVal); // keep the undo list not longer than max undo levels if (this.previousExpVals.length > maxUndoLevels) this.previousExpVals.shift(); } popFromUndo() { // take one step back if (this.previousExpVals.length > 0) { this.expVal = this.previousExpVals.pop(); } } removeUndo() { this.previousExpVals=[0]; } addToScore() {if (typeof this.cb === 'function') { this.cb(this.expVal); } } setRndmFalse() { this.isRndm = false; } setRndmTrue() { this.isRndm = true; } drawRndmIndicator(){ if (this.isRndm == true) { debug(()=>console.log('Random: (ax)',; g.setColor(this.getColor(0).bg) .fillPoly(,this.ay,this.bx,,,; } } } function undoGame() { g.clear(); if (scores.lastScores.length > 0) { allSquares.forEach(sq => { sq.popFromUndo(); sq.drawBg(); sq.drawNumber(); }); scores.undo(); scores.draw(); buttons.draw(); updUndoLvlIndex(); snapshot.make(); } Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); } function addToUndo() { allSquares.forEach(sq => { sq.pushToUndo(); }); scores.addToUndo(); } function addToScore (val) { scores.add(val); if (val == 10) messageYouWin(); } function createGrid () { let cn =0; for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++) { for (let c = 0; c < cols; c++) { let x0 = borderWidth + c*(borderWidth + sqWidth) - (rows/2)*(2*borderWidth + sqWidth) + middle.x + Math.floor(sqWidth/3); let y0 = borderWidth + r*(borderWidth + sqWidth) - (cols/2)*(2*borderWidth + sqWidth) + middle.y + Math.floor(sqWidth/3); let cell = new Cell(x0, y0, sqWidth, c + r*cols, addToScore); allSquares.push(cell); } } } function messageGameOver () { const c = (g.theme.dark) ? {"fg": "#FFFFFF", "bg": "#808080"} : {"fg": "#FF0000", "bg": "#000000"}; g.setColor( .setFont12x20(2).setFontAlign(0,0,0) .drawString("G A M E", middle.x+13, middle.y-24) .drawString("O V E R !", middle.x+13, middle.y+24); g.setColor(c.fg) .drawString("G A M E", middle.x+12, middle.y-25) .drawString("O V E R !", middle.x+12, middle.y+25); } function messageYouWin () { g.setColor("#1a0d00") .setFont12x20(2) .setFontAlign(0,0,0) .drawString("YOU HAVE", middle.x+18, middle.y-24) .drawString("W O N ! !", middle.x+18, middle.y+24); g.setColor("#FF0808") .drawString("YOU HAVE", middle.x+17, middle.y-25) .drawString("W O N ! !", middle.x+17, middle.y+25);, 1); } function makeRandomNumber () { return Math.ceil(2*Math.random()); } function addRandomNumber() { let emptySquaresIdxs = []; allSquares.forEach(sq => { if (sq.expVal == 0) emptySquaresIdxs.push(sq.getIdx()); }); if (emptySquaresIdxs.length > 0) { let randomIdx = Math.floor( emptySquaresIdxs.length * Math.random() ); allSquares[emptySquaresIdxs[randomIdx]].setExpVal(makeRandomNumber()); allSquares[emptySquaresIdxs[randomIdx]].setRndmTrue(); } } function drawGrid() { allSquares.forEach(sq => { sq.drawBg(); // sq.drawRndmIndicator(); sq.drawNumber(); }); } function initGame() { g.clear(); //; createGrid(); if (snReadOnInit) { snapshot.recover(); debug(() => console.log("R E C O V E R E D !", snapshot.dump)); let sum = allSquares.reduce(function (tv, sq) {return (sq.expVal + tv) ;}, 0); if (!sum) { addRandomNumber(); } } else { addRandomNumber(); // addToUndo(); } addRandomNumber(); drawGrid(); scores.draw(); buttons.draw(); // Clock mode allows short-press on button to exit Bangle.setUI("clock"); // Load widgets Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); } function drawPopUp(message,cb) { g.setColor('#FFFFFF'); let rDims = Bangle.appRect; g.fillPoly([rDims.x+10, rDims.y+20, rDims.x+20, rDims.y+10, rDims.x2-30, rDims.y+10, rDims.x2-20, rDims.y+20, rDims.x2-20, rDims.y2-40, rDims.x2-30, rDims.y2-30, rDims.x+20, rDims.y2-30, rDims.x+10, rDims.y2-40 ]); buttons.all.forEach(btn => {btn.disable();}); const btnYes = new Button('yes', rDims.x+16, rDims.y2-80, 54, btnAtribs.h, 'YES', btnAtribs.fg,, cb, true); const btnNo = new Button('no', rDims.x2-80, rDims.y2-80, 54, btnAtribs.h, 'NO', btnAtribs.fg,, cb, true); btnYes.draw(); btnNo.draw(); g.setColor('#000000'); g.setFont12x20(1); g.setFontAlign(-1,-1,0); g.drawString(message, rDims.x+20, rDims.y+20); buttons.add(btnYes); buttons.add(btnNo); } function handlePopUpClicks(btn) { const name =; buttons.all.pop(); // remove the no button buttons.all.pop(); // remove the yes button buttons.all.forEach(b => {b.enable();}); // enable the remaining buttons again debug(() => console.log("Button name =", name)); switch (name) { case 'yes': resetGame(); break; default: g.clear(); drawGrid(); scores.draw(); buttons.draw(); updUndoLvlIndex(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); } } function resetGame() { g.clear(); scores.reset(); allSquares.forEach(sq => {sq.setExpVal(0);sq.removeUndo();sq.setRndmFalse();}); addRandomNumber(); addRandomNumber(); drawGrid(); scores.draw(); buttons.draw(); Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); } /** * Function that can be used in test or development environment, or production. * Depends on global constant debugMode * @param {function} func function to call like console.log() */ const debug = (func) => { switch (debugMode) { case "development": if (typeof func === 'function') { func(); } break; case "off": default: break; } }; // Handle a "click" event (only needed for menu button) function handleclick(e) { buttons.all.forEach(btn => { if ((e.x >= btn.x0) && (e.x <= btn.x1) && (e.y >= btn.y0) && (e.y <= btn.y1)) { btn.onClick(); debug(() => console.log(; } }); } // Handle a drag event (moving the stones around) function handledrag(e) { /*debug(Math.abs(e.dx) > Math.abs(e.dy) ? (e.dx > 0 ? e => console.log('To the right') : e => console.log('To the left') ) : (e.dy > 0 ? e => console.log('Move down') : e => console.log('Move up') )); */ // [move.right, move.left, move.up, move.down] runGame((Math.abs(e.dx) > Math.abs(e.dy) ? (e.dx > 0 ? mover.direction.right : mover.direction.left ) : (e.dy > 0 ? mover.direction.down : mover.direction.up ))); } // Evaluate "drag" events from the UI and call handlers for drags or clicks // The UI sends a drag as a series of events indicating partial movements // of the finger. // This class combines such parts to a long drag from start to end // If the drag is short, it is interpreted as click, // otherwise as drag. // The approprate method is called with the data of the drag. class Dragger { constructor(clickHandler, dragHandler, clickThreshold, dragThreshold) { this.clickHandler = clickHandler; this.dragHandler = dragHandler; this.clickThreshold = (clickThreshold === undefined ? 3 : clickThreshold); this.dragThreshold = (dragThreshold === undefined ? 10 : dragThreshold); this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; this.enabled = true; } // Enable or disable the Dragger setEnabled(b) { this.enabled = b; } // Handle a raw drag event from the UI handleRawDrag(e) { if (!this.enabled) return; this.dx += e.dx; // Always accumulate this.dy += e.dy; if (e.b === 0) { // Drag event ended: Evaluate full drag if (Math.abs(this.dx) < this.clickThreshold && Math.abs(this.dy) < this.clickThreshold) this.clickHandler({ x: e.x - this.dx, y: e.y - this.dy }); // take x and y from the drag start else if (Math.abs(this.dx) > this.dragThreshold || Math.abs(this.dy) > this.dragThreshold) this.dragHandler({ x: e.x - this.dx, y: e.y - this.dy, dx: this.dx, dy: this.dy }); this.dx = 0; // Clear the drag accumulator this.dy = 0; } } // Attach the drag evaluator to the UI attach() { Bangle.on("drag", e => this.handleRawDrag(e)); } } // Dragger is needed for interaction during the game var dragger = new Dragger(handleclick, handledrag, clickThreshold, dragThreshold); // Disable dragger as board is not yet initialized dragger.setEnabled(false); // Nevertheless attach it so that it is ready once the game starts dragger.attach(); function runGame(dir){ addToUndo(); updUndoLvlIndex(); mover.nonEmptyCells(dir); mover.mergeEqlCells(dir); mover.nonEmptyCells(dir); allSquares.forEach(sq => {sq.setRndmFalse();}); addRandomNumber(); drawGrid(); scores.check(); scores.draw(); // scores.write(); snapshot.make(); dragger.setEnabled(true); if (!(mover.anyLeft())) { debug(() => console.log("G A M E O V E R !!")); snapshot.reset(); messageGameOver(); } } function updUndoLvlIndex() { let x = 170; let y = 60; g.setColor(btnAtribs.fg) .fillRect(x-6,y-6, 176, 67); if (scores.lastScores.length > 0) { g.setColor("#000000") .setFont("4x6:2") .drawString(scores.lastScores.length, x, y); } } function incrCharIndex() { charIndex++; if (charIndex >= cellChars.length) charIndex = 0; drawGrid(); } buttons.add(new Button('undo', btnAtribs.x, 25, btnAtribs.w, btnAtribs.h, 'U', btnAtribs.fg,, undoGame, true)); buttons.add(new Button('chars', btnAtribs.x, 71, btnAtribs.w, 31, '*', btnAtribs.fg,, function(){incrCharIndex();}, true)); buttons.add(new Button('restart', btnAtribs.x, 106, btnAtribs.w, btnAtribs.h, 'R', btnAtribs.fg,, function(){drawPopUp('Do you want\nto restart?',handlePopUpClicks);}, true)); initGame(); dragger.setEnabled(true); E.on('kill',function() { this.write(); debug(() => console.log("1024 game got killed!")); });