Bangle.setUI("clock"); Bangle.loadWidgets(); var s = Object.assign({ CAL_ROWS: 4, //number of calendar rows.(weeks) Shouldn't exceed 5 when using widgets. BUZZ_ON_BT: true, //2x slow buzz on disconnect, 2x fast buzz on connect. Will be extra widget eventually MODE24: true, //24h mode vs 12h mode FIRSTDAY: 6, //First day of the week: mo, tu, we, th, fr, sa, su REDSUN: true, // Use red color for sunday? REDSAT: true, // Use red color for saturday? DRAGDOWN: "[AI:messg]", DRAGRIGHT: "[AI:music]", DRAGLEFT: "[ignore]", DRAGUP: "[calend.]" }, require('Storage').readJSON("clockcal.json", true) || {}); const h = g.getHeight(); const w = g.getWidth(); const CELL_W = w / 7; const CELL2_W = w / 8;//full calendar const CELL_H = 15; const CAL_Y = h - s.CAL_ROWS * CELL_H; const DEBUG = false; var state = "watch"; var monthOffset = 0; /* * Calendar features */ function drawFullCalendar(monthOffset) { const addMonths = function (_d, _am) { let ay = 0, m = _d.getMonth(), y = _d.getFullYear(); while ((m + _am) > 11) { ay++; _am -= 12; } while ((m + _am) < 0) { ay--; _am += 12; } let n = new Date(_d.getTime()); n.setMonth(m + _am); n.setFullYear(y + ay); return n; }; monthOffset = (typeof monthOffset == "undefined") ? 0 : monthOffset; state = "calendar"; var start = Date().getTime(); const months = ['Jan.', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec.']; const monthclr = ['#0f0', '#f0f', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#fff']; if (typeof dayInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(dayInterval); if (typeof secondInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(secondInterval); if (typeof minuteInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(minuteInterval); var d = addMonths(Date(), monthOffset); tdy = Date().getDate() + "." + Date().getMonth(); newmonth = false; c_y = 0; g.reset(); g.setBgColor(0); g.clear(); var prevmonth = addMonths(d, -1); const today = prevmonth.getDate(); var rD = new Date(prevmonth.getTime()); rD.setDate(rD.getDate() - (today - 1)); const dow = (s.FIRSTDAY + rD.getDay()) % 7; rD.setDate(rD.getDate() - dow); var rDate = rD.getDate(); bottomrightY = c_y - 3; clrsun = s.REDSUN ? '#f00' : '#fff'; clrsat = s.REDSUN ? '#f00' : '#fff'; var fg = [clrsun, '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', '#fff', clrsat]; for (var y = 1; y <= 11; y++) { bottomrightY += CELL_H; bottomrightX = -2; for (var x = 1; x <= 7; x++) { bottomrightX += CELL2_W; rMonth = rD.getMonth(); rDate = rD.getDate(); if (tdy == rDate + "." + rMonth) { caldrawToday(rDate); } else if (rDate == 1) { caldrawFirst(rDate); } else { caldrawNormal(rDate, fg[rD.getDay()]); } if (newmonth && x == 7) { caldrawMonth(rDate, monthclr[rMonth % 6], months[rMonth], rD); } rD.setDate(rDate + 1); } } delete addMonths; if (DEBUG) console.log("Calendar performance (ms):" + (Date().getTime() - start)); } function caldrawMonth(rDate, c, m, rD) { g.setColor(c); g.setFont("Vector", 18); g.setFontAlign(-1, 1, 1); drawyear = ((rMonth % 11) == 0) ? String(rD.getFullYear()).substr(-2) : ""; g.drawString(m + drawyear, bottomrightX, bottomrightY - CELL_H, 1); newmonth = false; } function caldrawToday(rDate) { g.setFont("Vector", 16); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); g.setColor('#0f0'); g.fillRect(bottomrightX - CELL2_W + 1, bottomrightY - CELL_H - 1, bottomrightX, bottomrightY - 2); g.setColor('#000'); g.drawString(rDate, bottomrightX, bottomrightY); } function caldrawFirst(rDate) { g.flip(); g.setFont("Vector", 16); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); bottomrightY += 3; newmonth = true; g.setColor('#0ff'); g.fillRect(bottomrightX - CELL2_W + 1, bottomrightY - CELL_H - 1, bottomrightX, bottomrightY - 2); g.setColor('#000'); g.drawString(rDate, bottomrightX, bottomrightY); } function caldrawNormal(rDate, c) { g.setFont("Vector", 16); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); g.setColor(c); g.drawString(rDate, bottomrightX, bottomrightY);//100 } function drawMinutes() { if (DEBUG) console.log("|-->minutes"); var d = new Date(); var hours = s.MODE24 ? d.getHours().toString().padStart(2, ' ') : ((d.getHours() + 24) % 12 || 12).toString().padStart(2, ' '); var minutes = d.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'); var textColor = NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected ? '#fff' : '#f00'; var size = 50; var clock_x = (w - 20) / 2; if (dimSeconds) { size = 65; clock_x = 4 + (w / 2); } g.setBgColor(0); g.setColor(textColor); g.setFont("Vector", size); g.setFontAlign(0, 1); g.drawString(hours + ":" + minutes, clock_x, CAL_Y - 10, 1); var nextminute = (61 - d.getSeconds()); if (typeof minuteInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(minuteInterval); minuteInterval = setTimeout(drawMinutes, nextminute * 1000); } function drawSeconds() { if (DEBUG) console.log("|--->seconds"); var d = new Date(); g.setColor(); g.fillRect(w - 31, CAL_Y - 36, w - 3, CAL_Y - 19); g.setBgColor(0); g.setColor('#fff'); g.setFont("Vector", 24); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); g.drawString(" " + d.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0'), w, CAL_Y - 13); if (typeof secondInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(secondInterval); if (!dimSeconds) secondInterval = setTimeout(drawSeconds, 1000); } function drawWatch() { if (DEBUG) console.log("DRAWWATCH"); monthOffset = 0; state = "watch"; var d = new Date(); g.reset(); g.setBgColor(0); g.clear(); drawMinutes(); if (!dimSeconds) drawSeconds(); const dow = (s.FIRSTDAY + d.getDay()) % 7; //MO=0, SU=6 const today = d.getDate(); var rD = new Date(d.getTime()); rD.setDate(rD.getDate() - dow); var rDate = rD.getDate(); g.setFontAlign(1, 1); for (var y = 1; y <= s.CAL_ROWS; y++) { for (var x = 1; x <= 7; x++) { bottomrightX = x * CELL_W - 2; bottomrightY = y * CELL_H + CAL_Y; g.setFont("Vector", 16); var fg = ((s.REDSUN && rD.getDay() == 0) || (s.REDSAT && rD.getDay() == 6)) ? '#f00' : '#fff'; if (y == 1 && today == rDate) { g.setColor('#0f0'); g.fillRect(bottomrightX - CELL_W + 1, bottomrightY - CELL_H - 1, bottomrightX, bottomrightY - 2); g.setColor('#000'); g.drawString(rDate, bottomrightX, bottomrightY); } else { g.setColor(fg); g.drawString(rDate, bottomrightX, bottomrightY); } rD.setDate(rDate + 1); rDate = rD.getDate(); } } Bangle.drawWidgets(); var nextday = (3600 * 24) - (d.getHours() * 3600 + d.getMinutes() * 60 + d.getSeconds() + 1); if (DEBUG) console.log("Next Day:" + (nextday / 3600)); if (typeof dayInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(dayInterval); dayInterval = setTimeout(drawWatch, nextday * 1000); if (DEBUG) console.log("ended DRAWWATCH. next refresh in " + nextday + "s"); } function BTevent() { drawMinutes(); if (s.BUZZ_ON_BT) { var interval = (NRF.getSecurityStatus().connected) ? 100 : 500;; setTimeout(function () {; }, interval * 3); } } function action(a) { g.reset(); if (typeof secondInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(secondInterval); if (DEBUG) console.log("action:" + a); state = "unknown"; console.log("state -> unknown"); switch (a) { case "[ignore]": drawWatch(); break; case "[calend.]": drawFullCalendar(); break; case "[AI:music]": l = require("Storage").list(RegExp("music.*app.js")); if (l.length > 0) { load(l[0]); } else E.showAlert("Music app not found", "Not found").then(drawWatch); break; case "[AI:messg]": l = require("Storage").list(RegExp("message.*app.js")); if (l.length > 0) { load(l[0]); } else E.showAlert("Message app not found", "Not found").then(drawWatch); break; case "[AI:agenda]": l = require("Storage").list(RegExp("agenda.*app.js")); if (l.length > 0) { load(l[0]); } else E.showAlert("Agenda app not found", "Not found").then(drawWatch); break; default: l = require("Storage").list(RegExp(a + ".app.js")); if (l.length > 0) { load(l[0]); } else E.showAlert(a + ": App not found", "Not found").then(drawWatch); break; } } function input(dir) {, 1); if (DEBUG) console.log("swipe:" + dir); switch (dir) { case "r": if (state == "calendar") { drawWatch(); } else { action(s.DRAGRIGHT); } break; case "l": if (state == "calendar") { drawWatch(); } else { action(s.DRAGLEFT); } break; case "d": if (state == "calendar") { monthOffset--; drawFullCalendar(monthOffset); } else { action(s.DRAGDOWN); } break; case "u": if (state == "calendar") { monthOffset++; drawFullCalendar(monthOffset); } else { action(s.DRAGUP); } break; default: if (state == "calendar") { drawWatch(); } break; } } let drag; Bangle.on("drag", e => { if (!drag) { drag = { x: e.x, y: e.y }; } else if (!e.b) { const dx = e.x - drag.x, dy = e.y - drag.y; var dir = "t"; if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy) + 20) { dir = (dx > 0) ? "r" : "l"; } else if (Math.abs(dy) > Math.abs(dx) + 20) { dir = (dy > 0) ? "d" : "u"; } drag = null; input(dir); } }); //register events Bangle.on('lock', locked => { if (typeof secondInterval !== "undefined") clearTimeout(secondInterval); dimSeconds = locked; //dim seconds if lock=on drawWatch(); }); NRF.on('connect', BTevent); NRF.on('disconnect', BTevent); dimSeconds = Bangle.isLocked(); drawWatch(); setWatch(function() { if (state == "watch") { Bangle.showLauncher() } else if (state == "calendar") { drawWatch(); } }, BTN1, {repeat:true, edge:"falling"});