{ const loader = require('folderlaunch-configLoad.js') const storage = require('Storage') const FOLDER_ICON = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwMA///wAJCAoPAAongAonwAon4Aon8Aon+Aon/AooA/AH4A/AFgA=")) let config: Config = loader.getConfig(); let timeout: any; /** * If a timeout to return to the clock is set, reset it. */ let resetTimeout = function () { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } if (config.timeout != 0) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { Bangle.showClock(); }, config.timeout); } } let folderPath: Array = []; /** * Get the folder at the provided path * * @param folderPath a path for the desired folder * @return the folder that was found */ let getFolder = function (folderPath: Array): Folder { let result: Folder = config.rootFolder; for (let folderName of folderPath) result = result.folders[folderName]!; nPages = Math.ceil((result.apps.length + Object.keys(result.folders).length) / (config.display.rows * config.display.rows)); return result; } let folder: Folder = getFolder(folderPath); /** * Determine the font size needed to fit a string of the given length widthin maxWidth number of pixels, clamped between minSize and maxSize * * @param length the number of characters of the string * @param maxWidth the maximum allowable width * @param minSize the minimum acceptable font size * @param maxSize the maximum acceptable font size * @return the calculated font size */ let getFontSize = function (length: number, maxWidth: number, minSize: number, maxSize: number): number { let size = Math.floor(maxWidth / length); //Number of pixels of width available to character size *= (20 / 12); //Convert to height, assuming 20 pixels of height for every 12 of width // Clamp to within range if (size < minSize) return minSize; else if (size > maxSize) return maxSize; else return Math.floor(size); } // grid[x][y] = id of app at column x row y, or undefined if no app displayed there let grid: Array> = []; for (let x = 0; x < config.display.rows; x++) { grid.push([]); for (let y = 0; y < config.display.rows; y++) { grid[x]!.push({ type: 'empty', id: '' }); } } let render = function () { let gridSize: number = config.display.rows * config.display.rows; let startIndex: number = page * gridSize; // Start at this position in the folders // Populate the grid for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i++) { // Calculate coordinates let y = Math.floor(i / config.display.rows); let x = i % config.display.rows; // Try to place a folder let folderIndex = startIndex + i; let appIndex = folderIndex - Object.keys(folder.folders).length; if (folderIndex < Object.keys(folder.folders).length) { grid[x]![y]!.type = 'folder'; grid[x]![y]!.id = Object.keys(folder.folders)[folderIndex]; } // If that fails, try to place an app else if (appIndex < folder.apps.length) { grid[x]![y]!.type = 'app'; grid[x]![y]!.id = folder.apps[appIndex]!; } // If that also fails, make the space empty else grid[x]![y]!.type = 'empty'; } // Prepare to draw the grid let squareSize: number = (g.getHeight() - 24) / config.display.rows; if (!config.display.icon && !config.display.font) config.display.font = 12; // Fallback in case user disabled both icon and text g.clearRect(0, 24, g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()) .reset() .setFontAlign(0, -1); // Actually draw the grid let empty = true; // Set to empty upon drawing something, so we can know whether to draw a nice message rather than leaving the screen completely blank for (let x = 0; x < config.display.rows; x++) { for (let y = 0; y < config.display.rows; y++) { let entry: GridEntry = grid[x]![y]!; let icon: string | ArrayBuffer; let text: string; let fontSize: number; // Get the icon and text, skip if the space is empty. Always draw text for folders even if disabled switch (entry.type) { case 'app': let app: AppInfo = storage.readJSON(entry.id + '.info', false); icon = storage.read(app.icon!)!; text = app.name; empty = false; fontSize = config.display.font; break; case 'folder': icon = FOLDER_ICON; text = entry.id; empty = false; fontSize = config.display.font ? config.display.font : 12; break; default: continue; } // Calculate position and icon size let iconSize = config.display.icon ? Math.max(0, squareSize - fontSize) : 0; // If icon is disabled, stay at zero. Otherwise, subtract font size from square let iconScale: number = iconSize / 48; let posX = 12 + (x * squareSize); let posY = 24 + (y * squareSize); // Draw the icon if (config.display.icon && iconSize != 0) try { g.drawImage(icon, posX + (squareSize - iconSize) / 2, posY, { scale: iconScale }); } catch (error) { console.log(`Failed to draw icon for ${text}: ${error}`); console.log(icon); } // Draw the text if (fontSize) g.setFont('Vector', getFontSize(text.length, squareSize, 6, squareSize - iconSize)) .drawString(text, posX + (squareSize / 2), posY + iconSize); } } // Draw a nice message if there is nothing to see, so the user doesn't think the app is broken if (empty) E.showMessage(/*LANG*/'Folder is empty. Swipe from left, back button, or BTN1 to go back.'); // Draw a scroll bar if necessary if (nPages > 1) { // Avoid divide-by-zero and pointless scroll bars let barSize = (g.getHeight() - 24) / nPages; let barTop = 24 + (page * barSize); g.fillRect( g.getWidth() - 8, barTop, g.getWidth() - 4, barTop + barSize); } } /** * Handle a touch * * @param _button 1 for left half, 2 for right half * @param xy postion on screen */ let onTouch = function (_button: number, xy: { x: number, y: number } | undefined) { // Determine which grid cell was tapped let x: number = Math.floor((xy!.x - 12) / ((g.getWidth() - 24) / config.display.rows)); if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= config.display.rows) x = config.display.rows - 1; let y: number = Math.floor((xy!.y - 24) / ((g.getHeight() - 24) / config.display.rows)); if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= config.display.rows) y = config.display.rows - 1; // Handle the grid cell let entry: GridEntry = grid[x]![y]!; switch (entry.type) { case "app": Bangle.buzz(); let infoFile = storage.readJSON(entry.id + '.info', false); load(infoFile.src); break; case "folder": Bangle.buzz(); resetTimeout(); page = 0; folderPath.push(entry.id); folder = getFolder(folderPath); render(); break; default: resetTimeout(); break; } } let page: number = 0; let nPages: number; // Set when setting folder /** * Handle a swipe * * A swipe from left is treated as the back button. Up and down swipes change pages * * @param lr -1 if left, 0 if pure up/down, 1 if right * @param ud -1 if up, 0 if pure left/right, 1 if down */ let onSwipe = function (lr: -1 | 0 | 1 | undefined, ud: -1 | 0 | 1 | undefined) { if (lr == 1 && ud == 0) { onBackButton(); return; } else if (ud == 1) { resetTimeout(); if (page == 0) { Bangle.buzz(200); return; } else page--; } else if (ud == -1) { resetTimeout(); if (page == nPages - 1) { Bangle.buzz(200); return; } else page++; } // If we reached this point, the page number has been changed and is valid. render(); } /** * Go back up a level. If already at the root folder, exit the launcher */ let onBackButton = () => { Bangle.buzz(); if (folderPath.length == 0) Bangle.showClock(); else { folderPath.pop(); folder = getFolder(folderPath); resetTimeout(); page = 0; render(); } } Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); Bangle.setUI({ mode: 'custom', back: onBackButton, btn: onBackButton, swipe: onSwipe, touch: onTouch, remove: () => { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); } }); resetTimeout(); render(); }