bleServiceOptions.ancs = true; if (NRF.amsIsActive) bleServiceOptions.ams = true; // amsIsActive was added at the same time as the "am" option Bangle.ancsMessageQueue = []; /* Handle ANCS events coming in, and fire off 'notify' events when we actually have all the information we need */ E.on('ANCS',msg=>{ /* eg: { event:"add", uid:42, category:4, categoryCnt:42, silent:true, important:false, preExisting:true, positive:false, negative:true } */ //console.log("ANCS",msg.event,; // don't need info for remove events - pass these on if (msg.event=="remove") return E.emit("notify", msg); // not a remove - we need to get the message info first function ancsHandler() { var msg = Bangle.ancsMessageQueue[0]; NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo( msg.uid ).then( info => { // success if(msg.preExisting === true){ = false; } else { = true; } E.emit("notify", Object.assign(msg, info)); Bangle.ancsMessageQueue.shift(); if (Bangle.ancsMessageQueue.length) ancsHandler(); }, err=>{ // failure console.log("ancsGetNotificationInfo failed",err); if (Bangle.ancsMessageQueue.length) ancsHandler(); }); } Bangle.ancsMessageQueue.push(msg); // if this is the first item in the queue, kick off ancsHandler, // otherwise ancsHandler will handle the rest if (Bangle.ancsMessageQueue.length==1) ancsHandler(); }); // Handle ANCS events with all the data E.on('notify',msg=>{ /* Info from ANCS event plus "uid" : int, "appId" : string, "title" : string, "subtitle" : string, "message" : string, "messageSize" : string, "date" : string, "new" : boolean, "posAction" : string, "negAction" : string, "name" : string, */ var appNames = { "ch.publisheria.bring": "Bring", "": "FaceTime", "": "Calendar", "": "Mail", "": "Phone", "": "Pictures", "": "SMS Message", "": "iOS Wallet", "": "Podcasts", "": "Reminders", "": "Shortcuts", "": "TestFlight", "": "ScreenTime", "": "WiFi", "com.atebits.Tweetie2": "Twitter", "com.burbn.instagram" : "Instagram", "com.facebook.Facebook": "Facebook", "com.facebook.Messenger": "Messenger", "" : "Google Home", "" : "GMail", "" : "Hangouts", "" : "YouTube", "com.hammerandchisel.discord" : "Discord", "com.ifttt.ifttt" : "IFTTT", "" : "Jumbo", "com.linkedin.LinkedIn" : "LinkedIn", "com.marktplaats.iphone": "Marktplaats", "" : "Outlook Mail", "com.nestlabs.jasper.release" : "Nest", "" : "Netflix", "com.reddit.Reddit" : "Reddit", "": "Skype", "": "Skype", "com.spotify.client": "Spotify", "com.storytel.iphone": "Storytel", "com.strava.stravaride": "Strava", "com.tinyspeck.chatlyio": "Slack", "com.toyopagroup.picaboo": "Snapchat", "com.ubercab.UberClient": "Uber", "com.ubercab.UberEats": "UberEats", "": "GMX", "com.valvesoftware.Steam": "Steam", "com.vilcsak.bitcoin2": "Coinbase", "": "WordFeud", "com.yourcompany.PPClient": "PayPal", "com.zhiliaoapp.musically": "TikTok", "de.no26.Number26": "N26", "io.robbie.HomeAssistant": "Home Assistant", "net.superblock.Pushover": "Pushover", "net.weks.prowl": "Prowl", "net.whatsapp.WhatsApp": "WhatsApp", "nl.ah.Appie": "Albert Heijn", "nl.postnl.TrackNTrace": "PostNL", "org.whispersystems.signal": "Signal", "ph.telegra.Telegraph": "Telegram", "tv.twitch": "Twitch", // could also use NRF.ancsGetAppInfo(msg.appId) here }; var unicodeRemap = { '2019':"'", '260':"A", '261':"a", '262':"C", '263':"c", '268':"C", '269':"c", '270':"D", '271':"d", '280':"E", '281':"e", '282':"E", '283':"e", '321':"L", '322':"l", '323':"N", '324':"n", '327':"N", '328':"n", '344':"R", '345':"r", '346':"S", '347':"s", '352':"S", '353':"s", '356':"T", '357':"t", '377':"Z", '378':"z", '379':"Z", '380':"z", '381':"Z", '382':"z", }; var replacer = ""; //(n)=>print('Unknown unicode '+n.toString(16)); //if (appNames[msg.appId]) msg.a if (msg.title&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.title, unicodeRemap, replacer) === "BangleDumpCalendar") { // parse the message body into json: const d = JSON.parse(msg.message); /* Example: { "title": "Test Event", "start_time": "2023-11-10T11:00:00-08:00", "duration":"1:00:00", "notes": "This is a test event.", "location": "Stonehenge Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7DE, England", "calName": "Home", "id": "1234567890" } and we want to convert to: {t:"calendar", id:int, type:int, timestamp:seconds, durationInSeconds, title:string, description:string,location:string,calName:string.color:int,allDay:bool for gadgetbridge */ calEvent = { t: "calendar", id: parseInt(, type: 0, timestamp: Date.parse(d.start_time.slice(0, -5)) / 1000, durationInSeconds: d.duration ? d.duration.split(":").reduce((a, b) => a * 60 + parseInt(b)) : 0, title: d.title, description: d.notes, location: d.location, calName: d.calName, color: 0, allday: false } Terminal.println("'" + msg.title&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.title, unicodeRemap, replacer) + "'"); calEvent.allday = calEvent.durationInSeconds >= 24 * 56 * 60 - 1; // 24 hours for IOS is 23:59:59 var cal = require("Storage").readJSON("android.calendar.json",true); if (!cal || !Array.isArray(cal)) cal = []; var i = cal.findIndex(e=>; if(i<0) cal.push(calEvent); else cal[i] = calEvent; require("Storage").writeJSON("android.calendar.json", cal); NRF.ancsAction(msg.uid, false); return; } else if (msg.title&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.title, unicodeRemap, replacer) === "BangleDumpWeather") { const d = JSON.parse(msg.message); /* Example: {"temp":"291.07","hi":"293.02","lo":"288.18","hum":"49","rain":"0","uv":"0","wind":"1.54","code":"01d","txt":"Mostly Sunny","wdir":"303","loc":"Berlin"} what we want: t:"weather", temp,hi,lo,hum,rain,uv,code,txt,wind,wdir,loc */ weatherEvent = { t: "weather", temp: d.temp, hi: d.hi, lo: d.lo, hum: d.hum, rain: d.rain, uv: d.uv, code: d.code, txt: d.txt, wind: d.wind, wdir: d.wdir, loc: d.loc } require("weather").update(weatherEvent); Terminal.println("received weather data"); NRF.ancsAction(msg.uid, false); return; } require("messages").pushMessage({ t : msg.event, id : msg.uid, src : appNames[msg.appId] || msg.appId, new :, title : msg.title&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.title, unicodeRemap, replacer), subject : msg.subtitle&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.subtitle, unicodeRemap, replacer), body : msg.message&&E.decodeUTF8(msg.message, unicodeRemap, replacer) || "Cannot display", positive : msg.positive, negative : msg.negative }); // TODO: posaction/negaction? }); // Apple media service E.on('AMS',a=>{ function push(m) { var msg = { t : "modify", id : "music", title:"Music" }; if ("artist") msg.artist = m; else if ("album") msg.album = m; else if ("title") msg.track = m; else if ("duration") msg.dur = m; else return; require("messages").pushMessage(msg); } if (a.truncated) NRF.amsGetMusicInfo( else push(a.value); }); // Music control Bangle.musicControl = cmd => { // play, pause, playpause, next, prev, volup, voldown, repeat, shuffle, skipforward, skipback, like, dislike, bookmark NRF.amsCommand(cmd); }; // Message response Bangle.messageResponse = (msg,response) => { if (isFinite( return NRF.ancsAction(, response);//true/false // error/warn here? }; // remove all messages on disconnect NRF.on("disconnect", () => { require("messages").clearAll(); // Remove any messages from the ANCS queue Bangle.ancsMessageQueue = []; }); /* // For testing... NRF.ancsGetNotificationInfo = function(uid) { print("ancsGetNotificationInfo",uid); return Promise.resolve({ "uid" : uid, "appId" : "Hangouts", "title" : "Hello", "subtitle" : "There", "message" : "Lots and lots of text", "messageSize" : 100, "date" : "...", "posAction" : "ok", "negAction" : "cancel", "name" : "Fred", }); }; E.on("notify", n => print("NOTIFY", n)); E.emit("ANCS", { event:"add", uid:42, category:4, categoryCnt:42, silent:true, important:false, preExisting:false, positive:false, negative:true }); */ { let settings = require("Storage").readJSON("ios.settings.json",1)||{}; let ctsUpdate = e=>{ if (process.env.VERSION=="2v19"); // fix for bug in 2v19 firmware var tz = 0; if (e.timezone!==undefined) { E.setTimeZone(e.timezone); tz = e.timezone*3600; var settings = require('Storage').readJSON('setting.json',1)||{}; settings.timezone = e.timezone; require('Storage').writeJSON('setting.json',settings); } setTime(( - tz); }; if (settings.timeSync && NRF.ctsGetTime) { if (NRF.ctsIsActive()) NRF.ctsGetTime().then(ctsUpdate, function(){ /* */ }) E.on('CTS',ctsUpdate); } }