var locale = require("locale"); var fontColor = g.theme.dark ? "#0f0" : "#000"; var startY = 24; var paddingY = 2; var font6x8At4Size = 32; var font6x8At2Size = 18; var heartRate = 0; function setFontSize(pos){ if(pos == 1) g.setFont("6x8", 4); else g.setFont("6x8", 2); } function clearField(pos){ var yStartPos = startY + paddingY * (pos - 1) + font6x8At4Size * Math.min(1, pos-1) + font6x8At2Size * Math.max(0, pos-2); var yEndPos = startY + paddingY * (pos - 1) + font6x8At4Size * Math.min(1, pos) + font6x8At2Size * Math.max(0, pos-1); g.clearRect(0, yStartPos, 240, yEndPos); } function clearWatchIfNeeded(now){ if(now.getMinutes() % 10 == 0) g.clearRect(0, startY, 240, 240); } function drawLine(line, pos){ setFontSize(pos); var yPos = startY + paddingY * (pos - 1) + font6x8At4Size * Math.min(1, pos-1) + font6x8At2Size * Math.max(0, pos-2); g.drawString(line, 5, yPos, true); } function drawTime(now, pos){ var h = now.getHours(); var m = now.getMinutes(); var time = ">" + (""+h).substr(-2) + ":" + ("0"+m).substr(-2); drawLine(time, pos); } function drawDate(now, pos){ var dow = locale.dow(now, 1); var date =, 1).substr(0,6) +, 1).substr(-2); var locale_date = ">" + dow + " " + date; drawLine(locale_date, pos); } function drawInput(now, pos){ clearField(pos); drawLine(">", pos); } function drawStepCount(pos){ var health = Bangle.getHealthStatus("day"); var steps_formated = ">Steps: " + health.steps; drawLine(steps_formated, pos); } function drawHRM(pos){ clearField(pos); if(heartRate != 0) drawLine(">HR: " + parseInt(heartRate), pos); else drawLine(">HR: unknown", pos); } function drawActivity(pos){ clearField(pos); var health = Bangle.getHealthStatus('last'); var steps_formated = ">Activity: " + parseInt(health.movement/10); drawLine(steps_formated, pos); } function draw(){ var curPos = 1; g.reset(); g.setFontAlign(-1, -1); g.setColor(fontColor); var now = new Date(); clearWatchIfNeeded(now); // mostly to not have issues when changing days drawTime(now, curPos); curPos++; if(settings.showDate){ drawDate(now, curPos); curPos++; } if(settings.showHRM){ drawHRM(curPos); curPos++; } if(settings.showActivity){ drawActivity(curPos); curPos++; } if(settings.showStepCount){ drawStepCount(curPos); curPos++; } drawInput(now, curPos); } Bangle.on('HRM',function(hrmInfo) { if(hrmInfo.confidence >= settings.HRMinConfidence) heartRate = hrmInfo.bpm; }); // Clear the screen once, at startup g.clear(); // load the settings var settings = Object.assign({ // default values HRMinConfidence: 50, showDate: true, showHRM: true, showActivity: true, showStepCount: true, }, require('Storage').readJSON("terminalclock.json", true) || {}); // draw immediately at first draw(); // Show launcher when middle button pressed Bangle.setUI("clock"); // Load widgets Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); var secondInterval = setInterval(draw, 10000);