const storage = require('Storage'); // Storage filenames const LOG_FILENAME = 'timestamplog.json'; const SETTINGS_FILENAME = 'timestamplog.settings.json'; // Settings const SETTINGS = Object.assign({ logFont: '12x20', logFontHSize: 1, logFontVSize: 1, maxLogLength: 30, rotateLog: false, buttonAction: 'Log time', }, storage.readJSON(SETTINGS_FILENAME, true) || {}); const SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION = [ 'Log time', 'Open settings', 'Quit app', 'Do nothing', ]; function fontSpec(name, hsize, vsize) { return name + ':' + hsize + 'x' + vsize; } //// Data models //// // High-level timestamp log object that provides an interface to the // UI for managing log entries and automatically loading/saving // changes to flash storage. class StampLog { constructor(filename, maxLength) { // Name of file to save log to this.filename = filename; // Maximum entries for log before old entries are overwritten with // newer ones this.maxLength = maxLength; // `true` when we have changes that need to be saved this.isDirty = false; // Wait at most this many msec upon first data change before // saving (this is to avoid excessive writes to flash if several // changes happen quickly; we wait a little bit so they can be // rolled into a single write) this.saveTimeout = 30000; // setTimeout ID for scheduled save job this.saveId = null; // Underlying raw log data object. Outside this class it's // recommended to use only the class methods to change it rather // than modifying the object directly to ensure that changes are // recognized and saved to storage. this.log = []; this.load(); } // Read in the log data that is currently in storage load() { let log = storage.readJSON(this.filename, true); if (!log) log = []; // Convert stringified datetimes back into Date objects for (let logEntry of log) { logEntry.stamp = new Date(logEntry.stamp); } this.log = log; } // Write current log data to storage if anything needs to be saved save() { // Cancel any pending scheduled calls to save() if (this.saveId) { clearTimeout(this.saveId); this.saveId = null; } if (this.isDirty) { let logToSave = []; for (let logEntry of this.log) { // Serialize each Date object into an ISO string before saving let newEntry = Object.assign({}, logEntry); newEntry.stamp = logEntry.stamp.toISOString(); logToSave.push(newEntry); } if (storage.writeJSON(this.filename, logToSave)) { console.log('stamplog: save to storage completed'); this.isDirty = false; } else { console.log('stamplog: save to storage FAILED'); this.emit('saveError'); } } else { console.log('stamplog: skipping save to storage because no changes made'); } } // Mark log as needing to be (re)written to storage setDirty() { this.isDirty = true; if (!this.saveId) { this.saveId = setTimeout(, this.saveTimeout); } } // Add a timestamp for the current time to the end of the log addEntry() { // If log full, purge an old entry to make room for new one if (this.maxLength) { while (this.log.length + 1 > this.maxLength) { this.log.shift(); } } // Add new entry this.log.push({ stamp: new Date() }); this.setDirty(); } // Delete the log objects given in the array `entries` from the log deleteEntries(entries) { this.log = this.log.filter(entry => !entries.includes(entry)); this.setDirty(); } // Does the log currently contain the maximum possible number of entries? isFull() { return this.log.length >= this.maxLength; } } function launchSettingsMenu(backCb) { const fonts = g.getFonts(); const stampLog = new StampLog(LOG_FILENAME, SETTINGS.maxLogLength); function saveSettings() {; if (!storage.writeJSON(SETTINGS_FILENAME, SETTINGS)) { E.showAlert('Trouble saving settings'); } } function endMenu() { saveSettings(); backCb(); } function topMenu() { E.showMenu({ '': { title: 'Stamplog', back: endMenu, }, 'Log': logMenu, 'Appearance': appearanceMenu, 'Button': { value: SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION.indexOf(SETTINGS.buttonAction), min: 0, max: SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION.length - 1, format: v => SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION[v], onchange: v => { SETTINGS.buttonAction = SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION[v]; }, }, }); } function logMenu() { E.showMenu({ '': { title: 'Log', back: topMenu, }, 'Max entries': { value: SETTINGS.maxLogLength, min: 5, max: 100, step: 5, onchange: v => { SETTINGS.maxLogLength = v; stampLog.maxLength = v; } }, 'Auto-delete oldest': { value: SETTINGS.rotateLog, onchange: v => { SETTINGS.rotateLog = !SETTINGS.rotateLog; } }, 'Clear log': doClearLog, }); } function appearanceMenu() { E.showMenu({ '': { title: 'Appearance', back: topMenu, }, 'Log font': { value: fonts.indexOf(SETTINGS.logFont), min: 0, max: fonts.length - 1, format: v => fonts[v], onchange: v => { SETTINGS.logFont = fonts[v]; }, }, 'Log font H size': { value: SETTINGS.logFontHSize, min: 1, max: 50, onchange: v => { SETTINGS.logFontHSize = v; }, }, 'Log font V size': { value: SETTINGS.logFontVSize, min: 1, max: 50, onchange: v => { SETTINGS.logFontVSize = v; }, }, }); } function doClearLog() { E.showPrompt('Erase ALL log entries?', { title: 'Clear log', buttons: {'Erase':1, "Don't":0} }).then((yes) => { if (yes) { stampLog.deleteEntries(stampLog.log); } logMenu(); }); } topMenu(); } exports = {LOG_FILENAME, SETTINGS_FILENAME, SETTINGS, SETTINGS_BUTTON_ACTION, fontSpec, StampLog, launchSettingsMenu};