# OpenStreetMap This app allows you to upload and use OpenSteetMap map tiles onto your Bangle. There's an uploader, the app, and also a library that allows you to use the maps in your Bangle.js applications. ## Uploader Once you've installed OpenStreepMap on your Bangle, find it in the App Loader and click the Disk icon next to it. A window will pop up showing what maps you have loaded. To add a map: * Click `Add Map` * Scroll and zoom to the area of interest or use the Search button in the top left * Now choose the size you want to upload (Small/Medium/etc) * On Bangle.js 1 you can choose if you want a 3 bits per pixel map (this is lower quality, but uploads faster and takes less space). Bangle.js 2 is limited to 3bpp. * Click `Get Map`, and a preview will be displayed. If you need to adjust the area you can change settings, move the map around, and click `Get Map` again. * When you're ready, click `Upload` ## Bangle.js App The Bangle.js app allows you to view a map. It also turns the GPS on and marks the path that you've been travelling (if enabled), and displays waypoints in the watch (if dependencies exist). * Drag on the screen to move the map * Click bottom left to zoom in, bottom right to zoom out * Press the button to bring up a menu, where you can zoom, go to GPS location, put the map back in its default location, or choose whether to draw the currently recording GPS track (from the `Recorder` app). **Note:** If enabled, drawing the currently recorded GPS track can take a second or two (which happens after you've finished scrolling the screen with your finger). ## Library See the documentation in the library itself for full usage info: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/openstmap/openstmap.js Or check the app itself: https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/openstmap/app.js But in the most simple form: ``` var m = require("openstmap"); // m.lat/lon are now the center of the loaded map m.draw(); // draw centered on the middle of the loaded map ```