{ const minute_boxes = [ {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:0.5, y:0.5}, {x:0, y:0.5}, {x:0, y:0}, ]; const hour_boxes = [ {x:0.5, y:0}, {x:0.75, y:0}, {x:0.75, y:0.25}, {x:0.75, y:0.5}, {x:0.75, y:0.75}, {x:0.5, y:0.75}, {x:0.25, y:0.75}, {x:0, y:0.75}, {x:0, y:0.5}, {x:0, y:0.25}, {x:0, y:0}, {x:0.25, y:0}, ]; let drawTimeout; // schedule a draw for the next 15 minute period let queueDraw = function queueDraw() { if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); drawTimeout = setTimeout(function() { drawTimeout = undefined; draw(); }, (60000 * 15) - (Date.now() % (60000 * 15))); }; // Main draw function let draw = function draw() { var d = new Date(); var h = d.getHours(), m = d.getMinutes(); g.setBgColor(settings.backgroundColour); g.clearRect(Bangle.appRect); if (settings.showBattery) { drawBattery(); } // Draw minute box drawBox(Math.floor(m/15), minute_boxes, Bangle.appRect.h/2, settings.minuteColour); // Draw an hour box or write the number if (settings.digital) { g.setColor(settings.hourColour); g.setFont("Vector:60"); g.setFontAlign(0,0); g.drawString(h, Bangle.appRect.x + Bangle.appRect.w/2, Bangle.appRect.y + Bangle.appRect.h/2); } else { drawBox(h % 12, hour_boxes, Bangle.appRect.h/4, settings.hourColour); } queueDraw(); }; // Draw battery box let drawBattery = function drawBattery() { // Round battery up to 10% interval let battery = (Math.floor(E.getBattery()/10)+1)/10; // Maximum battery box let batterySize = 30; // Draw outer box at full brightness g.setColor(settings.batteryColour); g.drawRect( (Bangle.appRect.w / 2) - batterySize, (Bangle.appRect.h / 2) - batterySize + Bangle.appRect.y, (Bangle.appRect.w / 2) + batterySize, (Bangle.appRect.h / 2) + batterySize + Bangle.appRect.y ); // Fade battery colour and draw inner box g.setColor(settings.batteryColour.split('').map((c) => { return c=='f' ? Math.ceil(15 * battery).toString(16) : c; }).join('')); g.fillRect( (Bangle.appRect.w / 2) - (batterySize * battery), (Bangle.appRect.h / 2) - (batterySize * battery) + Bangle.appRect.y, (Bangle.appRect.w / 2) + (batterySize * battery), (Bangle.appRect.h / 2) + (batterySize * battery) + Bangle.appRect.y ); }; // Draw hour or minute boxes let drawBox = function drawBox(current, boxes, size, colour) { let x1 = (boxes[current].x * Bangle.appRect.h) + (Bangle.appRect.y/2); let y1 = (boxes[current].y * Bangle.appRect.h) + Bangle.appRect.y; let x2 = x1 + size; let y2 = y1 + size; g.setColor(colour); g.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2); }; let settings = Object.assign({ // Default values minuteColour: '#f00', hourColour: '#ff0', backgroundColour: 'theme', showWidgets: true, showBattery: true, digital: false, batteryColour: '#0f0' }, require('Storage').readJSON('quarterclock.json', true) || {}); if (settings.backgroundColour == 'theme') { settings.backgroundColour = g.theme.bg; } // Set minuteColour to a darker shade if same as hourColour if (settings.minuteColour == settings.hourColour) { settings.minuteColour = settings.minuteColour.split('').map((c) => { return c=='f' ? '7' : c; }).join(''); } // Show launcher when middle button pressed // Remove handler to allow fast loading Bangle.setUI({mode:"clock", remove:function() { if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); }}); // Load and display widgets if (settings.showWidgets) { Bangle.loadWidgets(); Bangle.drawWidgets(); } // draw initial boxes and queue subsequent redraws draw(); }