const YOUR_MOVE = 0; const SHOW_SELECTION = 1; const DISPLAY_MOVE = 2; const THINKING = 3; const GAME_OVER = 4; var move_count; var win_count = 0; var game_state; var msg; var board; const wins = [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9], [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9], [1,5,9], [3,5,7] ]; const rowcol = [ [-1,-1], [1,1], [1,2], [1,3], [2,1], [2,2], [2,3], [3,1], [3,2], [3,3] ]; const x_img = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwI63jACEngCEvwCEv4CB/wCBn+AgP8AoMf4ED/AFBh/gg/wAoIDBA4IFBB4ITBAoIbBD4I8C/wrCGAQuCGAQuCGAQuCGAQuCAo4RFDoopFGohBFJopZFMopxFPoqJFSoqhFVooA0A")); const o_img = require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwIdah/wAof//4ECgYFB4AFBg4FB8AFBj/wh/4AoM/wEB/gFBvwCB/wCBBAU/AQIUCj8AgIzCh+AgYmCg/AgYyCAYIHBAoXgg+AAoMBApkPLgZKBAtBBRLIprDMoJxFPoqJFSoyhCAQStFXIrFFaIrdFdIwAVA")); function debug(o) { //console.log(o); } // 1 2 3 // 4 5 6 // 7 8 9 function draw(){ debug("draw()"); g.clear(); message(msg); //drawboard g.setColor(g.theme.fg); g.drawLine(62,24,62,176); g.drawLine(112,24,112,176); g.drawLine(12,74,164,74); g.drawLine(12,124,164,124); for (let cell = 1; cell < 10; cell++) { let row = rowcol[cell][0]; let col = rowcol[cell][1]; if (board[cell] == "X") { g.drawImage(x_img, (col - 1)*50+12, (row - 1)*50+24); } else if (board[cell] == "O") { g.drawImage(o_img, (col - 1)*50+12, (row - 1)*50+24); } } } function message(m) { g.reset(); // if all rules are operating show a green background debug('win count=' + win_count); if (win_count == 0) { g.setColor('#f00'); // red, no wins } else if (win_count < 8) { g.setColor('#00f'); // blue, some wins, not all rules active } else { g.setColor('#0f0'); // green all rules active } g.fillRect(0, 0, 176, 23); g.setColor('#fff'); g.setFont('6x8',2); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); g.drawString("" + win_count + " " + m, g.getWidth()/2, 12); } // Square locations //12,24;62,24,112,24 //12,74;62,74,112,74 //12,124;62,124,112,124 function get_move() { var col; var row; if (game_state != YOUR_MOVE) return; // work out which row/col was selected if (x <= 62) { col= 0; } else if (x <= 112){ col= 1; } else { col= 2; } if (y <= 74) { row = 0; } else if (y <= 124){ row = 1; } else { row = 2; } // convert row / col to a cell let cell = 3*row + col + 1; debug("select:" + cell); if (cell_is_free(cell)) { set_cell(cell,'X'); move_count++; game_state = SHOW_SELECTION; if (check_for_win()) { draw(); return; } next_state(); } else { message('try again'); } } function new_game() { game_state = YOUR_MOVE; move_count = 0; msg = 'your move'; board = [ "-", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ]; draw(); } function next_state() { debug("state=" + game_state); // show humans selected move with a selection circle if (game_state == SHOW_SELECTION) { game_state = DISPLAY_MOVE; //message('selection..'); g.fillCircle(x, y, 10); setTimeout(next_state,300); } else if (game_state == DISPLAY_MOVE) { game_state = THINKING; msg = 'thinking..'; draw(); setTimeout(next_state,1800); } else if (game_state == THINKING) { game_state = YOUR_MOVE; msg = 'your move'; computer_move(); move_count++; check_for_win(); draw(); } } function computer_move() { var mvs; var mv; if (win_count > 0) { if (first_move_was_a_corner()) { make_my_move(5); debug("RULE 1: you played corner, computer played centre"); return; } } if (win_count > 1) { if (first_move_was_the_centre()) { mv = get_a_corner_move(); make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 2: you played center, computer played corner"); return; } } if (win_count > 6) { if (first_move_was_a_side()) { make_my_move(5); debug("RULE 3: you played side, computer played centre"); return; } } if (win_count > 2) { mvs = get_winning_moves("O"); if (mvs.length > 0) { mv = select_random_move_from(mvs); make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 4: computer played a winning move"); return; } } if (win_count > 3) { mvs = get_winning_moves("X"); if (mvs.length > 0) { mv = select_random_move_from(mvs); make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 5: computer played a blocking move"); return; } } /*** Adjacent Sides, play in appropriate corner (.) . | X ---|--- X | ***/ // not covered by rule 3 if (win_count > 4) { if (player_adjacent_sides("X")) { mv = get_adjacent_corner("X"); if (mv != -1) { make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 6: compluter played adjacent corner"); return; } } } if (win_count > 7) { if (player_has_corner_and_centre("X")) { mv = get_a_corner_move(); if (mv != -1) { make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 7: compluter played a corner"); return; } } } if (win_count > 5) { mvs = get_free_sides(); if (mvs.length > 0) { mv = select_random_move_from(mvs); make_my_move(mv); debug("RULE 8: compluter played a side"); return; } } // default rule mvs = get_free_cells(); mv = select_random_move_from(mvs); debug("RULE 8: computer played a random cell"); make_my_move(mv); } // check the move and make it for "O" function make_my_move(mv) { if (valid_move(mv)) { set_cell(mv, "O"); } else { debug("make_my_move(): Invalid move was generated " + mv); } } function check_for_win() { if (player_has_won("X")) { msg = 'you win'; game_state = GAME_OVER; win_count++; return true; } else if (player_has_won("O")) { msg = 'I win'; win_count = 0; game_state = GAME_OVER; return true; } else if (check_for_draw()) { msg = 'draw'; game_state = GAME_OVER; return true; } return false; } function player_has_won(player) { for (var r in wins) if (row_is_won(wins[r], player)) return true; return false; } function check_for_draw() { var v = get_free_cells(); return (v.length == 0); } function row_is_won(rw, pl) { if (board[rw[0]] == pl && board[rw[1]] == pl && board[rw[2]] == pl) return true; return false; } function get_winning_moves(player) { var win_moves = new Array(); for (var r in wins) { var ind = winning_move_for_row(wins[r], player); if (ind > -1) { win_moves.push(wins[r][ind]); } } return win_moves; } function winning_move_for_row(rw, pl) { if (board[rw[1]] == pl && board[rw[2]] == pl && cell_is_free(rw[0])) return 0; if (board[rw[2]] == pl && board[rw[0]] == pl && cell_is_free(rw[1])) return 1; if (board[rw[0]] == pl && board[rw[1]] == pl && cell_is_free(rw[2])) return 2; return -1; } function first_move_was_a_corner() { if (move_count != 1) return false; if (board[1] == "X" || board[3] == "X" || board[7] == "X" || board[9] == "X") return true; return false; } function first_move_was_a_side() { if (move_count != 1) return false; if (board[2] == "X" || board[4] == "X" || board[6] == "X" || board[8] == "X") return true; return false; } function player_adjacent_sides(pl) { if (move_count > 3) return false; if (board[2] == pl && board[4] == pl) return true; if (board[2] == pl && board[6] == pl) return true; if (board[8] == pl && board[2] == pl) return true; if (board[8] == pl && board[6] == pl) return true; return false; } function get_adjacent_corner(pl) { if (board[2] == pl && board[4] == pl) return 1; if (board[2] == pl && board[6] == pl) return 3; if (board[8] == pl && board[2] == pl) return 7; if (board[8] == pl && board[6] == pl) return 9; return -1; } function player_has_corner_and_centre(pl) { if (board[1] == pl && board[5] == pl) return true; if (board[3] == pl && board[5] == pl) return true; if (board[7] == pl && board[5] == pl) return true; if (board[9] == pl && board[5] == pl) return true; return false; } function first_move_was_the_centre() { if (move_count == 1 && board[5] == "X") return true; return false; } function get_a_side_move() { return select_random_move_from([2,4,6,8]); } function get_a_corner_move() { return select_random_move_from([1,3,7,9]); } function select_random_move_from(mvs) { var len = mvs.length; var rnd = random(len) - 1; return mvs[rnd]; } function random(n) { try { return Math.floor((Math.random() * n) + 1); } catch ( e ) { debug("Error: " + this + e.description); } } function get_free_cells() { var frees = new Array(); for (var i in board) { if (i > 0 && cell_is_free(i)) frees.push(i); } return frees; } function get_free_sides() { var frees = new Array(); var sides = [2,4,6,8]; for (var i in sides) { if (cell_is_free(sides[i])) frees.push(sides[i]); } return frees; } function get_free_corner() { var frees = new Array(); var sides = [1,3,7,9]; for (var i in sides) { if (cell_is_free(sides[i])) frees.push(sides[i]); } return frees; } function cell_is_free(i) { if (board[i] == "X" || board[i] == "O") return false; return true; } function valid_move(id) { if (cell_is_free(id) == false) { debug("Invalid move, try another cell"); return false; } return true; } function set_cell(n, player) { if (player == "X") { board[n] = "X"; } else { board[n] = "O"; } } Bangle.on('touch', function(zone,e) { x = Object.values(e)[0]; y = Object.values(e)[1]; if (game_state == GAME_OVER) { new_game(); return(); } get_move(); }); new_game();