/* Node.js library with utilities to handle using the app loader from node.js */ var DEVICEID = "BANGLEJS2"; var MINIFY = true; // minify JSON? var BASE_DIR = __dirname + "/../.."; var APPSDIR = BASE_DIR+"/apps/"; //eval(require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname+"../core/js/utils.js")); var Espruino = require(__dirname + "/../../core/lib/espruinotools.js"); //eval(require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname + "/../../core/lib/espruinotools.js").toString()); //eval(require("fs").readFileSync(__dirname + "/../../core/js/utils.js").toString()); var AppInfo = require(__dirname+"/../../core/js/appinfo.js"); var SETTINGS = { pretokenise : true }; global.Const = { /* Are we only putting a single app on a device? If so apps should all be saved as .bootcde and we write info about the current app into app.info */ SINGLE_APP_ONLY : false, }; var apps = []; var device = { id : DEVICEID, appsInstalled : [] }; // call with {DEVICEID:"BANGLEJS/BANGLEJS2"} exports.init = function(options) { if (options.DEVICEID) DEVICEID = options.DEVICEID; // Load app metadata var dirs = require("fs").readdirSync(APPSDIR, {withFileTypes: true}); dirs.forEach(dir => { var appsFile; if (dir.name.startsWith("_example") || !dir.isDirectory()) return; try { appsFile = require("fs").readFileSync(APPSDIR+dir.name+"/metadata.json").toString(); } catch (e) { ERROR(dir.name+"/metadata.json does not exist"); return; } apps.push(JSON.parse(appsFile)); }); }; exports.AppInfo = AppInfo; exports.apps = apps; // used by getAppFiles function fileGetter(url) { url = BASE_DIR+"/"+url; console.log("Loading "+url) var data; if (MINIFY && url.endsWith(".json")) { var f = url.slice(0,-5); console.log("MINIFYING JSON "+f); var j = eval("("+require("fs").readFileSync(url).toString("binary")+")"); data = JSON.stringify(j); } else { var blob = require("fs").readFileSync(url); if (url.endsWith(".js") || url.endsWith(".json")) data = blob.toString(); // allow JS/etc to be written in UTF-8 else data = blob.toString("binary") } return Promise.resolve(data); } exports.getAppFiles = function(app) { var allFiles = []; var uploadOptions = { apps : apps, needsApp : app => { if (app.provides_modules) { if (!app.files) app.files=""; app.files = app.files.split(",").concat(app.provides_modules).join(","); } return AppInfo.getFiles(app, { fileGetter:fileGetter, settings : SETTINGS, device : { id : DEVICEID } }).then(files => { allFiles = allFiles.concat(files); return app; }); } }; return AppInfo.checkDependencies(app, device, uploadOptions).then(() => AppInfo.getFiles(app, { fileGetter:fileGetter, settings : SETTINGS, device : device })).then(files => { allFiles = allFiles.concat(files); return allFiles; }); }; // Get all the files for this app as a string of Storage.write commands exports.getAppFilesString = function(app) { return exports.getAppFiles(app).then(files => { return files.map(f=>f.cmd).join("\n")+"\n" }) };