const block = Graphics.createImage(` ######## # # # ## ## # ### # # #### ## ##### # ###### ######## ######## `); const tcols = [ {r:0, g:0, b:1}, {r:0, g:1, b:0}, {r:0, g:1, b:1}, {r:1, g:0, b:0}, {r:1, g:0, b:1}, {r:1, g:1, b:0}, {r:1, g:0.5, b:0.5} ]; const tiles = [ [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]], [[1, 1], [1, 1]] ]; const ox = 176/2 - 5*8; const oy = 8; /* 0 .. simulated arrows 1 .. drag piece 2 .. accelerometer. 12 lines record. 3 .. altimeter */ var control = 0, level = 0, lines = 0, score = 0; var alt_start = -9999; /* For altimeter control */ /* 0 .. menu 1 .. game 2 .. game over */ var state = 0; var pf; function initGame() { pf = Array(23).fill().map(()=>Array(12).fill(0)); // field is really 10x20, but adding a border for collision checks pf[20].fill(1); pf[21].fill(1); pf[22].fill(1); pf.forEach((x,i) => { pf[i][0] = 1; pf[i][11] = 1; }); } function rotateTile(t, r) { var nt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(t)); if (t.length==2) return nt; var s = t.length; for (m=0; m0) if (qClear) g.fillRect(x+8*i, y+8*j, x+8*(i+1)-1, y+8*(j+1)-1); else g.drawImage(block, x+8*i, y+8*j); } function showNext(n, r) { var nt = rotateTile(tiles[n], r); g.setColor(0).fillRect(176-33, 40, 176-33+33, 82); drawTile(nt, ntn, 176-33, 40); } var time =; var px=4, py=0; var ctn = Math.floor(Math.random()*7); // current tile number var ntn = Math.floor(Math.random()*7); // next tile number var ntr = Math.floor(Math.random()*4); // next tile rotation var ct = rotateTile(tiles[ctn], Math.floor(Math.random()*4)); // current tile (rotated) var dropInterval; function calculateSpeed() { let step = 500; if (level <= 6) // 200-500ms step = step - 50*level; else if (level <= 13) { // 25-175ms step = 200; step = step - 25*(level - 6); } else { step = 20; // usually limited by the hardware // levels 15+ are programmed to go faster by skipping lines } print(`level ${level}: drop interval ${step}ms`) if (control == 3) step = step*2; dropInterval = step; } function redrawPF(ly) { for (y=0; y<=ly; ++y) for (x=1; x<11; ++x) { c = pf[y][x]; if (c>0) g.setColor(tcols[c-1].r, tcols[c-1].g, tcols[c-1].b).drawImage(block, ox+(x-1)*8, oy+y*8); else g.setColor(0, 0, 0).fillRect(ox+(x-1)*8, oy+y*8, ox+x*8-1, oy+(y+1)*8-1); } } function gameOver() { state = 0; g.setColor(1, 1, 1).setFontAlign(0, 1, 0).setFont("Vector",22) .drawString("Game Over", 176/2, 76); E.showAlert("Game Over").then(selectGame, print); lines = 0; score = 0; } function redrawStats(onlyScore) { g.setColor(0).fillRect(5, 30, 41, 60) .setColor(1, 1, 1).drawString(score.toString(), 22, 50); if (!onlyScore) { g.setColor(0).fillRect(5, 80, 41, 110) .setColor(1, 1, 1).drawString(level.toString(), 22, 100) .setColor(0).fillRect(5, 130, 41, 160) .setColor(1, 1, 1).drawString(lines.toString(), 22, 150); } } function insertAndCheck() { for (y=0; y0) pf[py+y][px+x+1] = ctn+1; // check for full lines let clearCount = 0; for (y=19; y>0; y--) { var qFull = true; for (x=1; x<11; ++x) qFull &= pf[y][x]>0; if (qFull) { clearCount++; for (ny=y; ny>0; ny--) pf[ny] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pf[ny-1])); redrawPF(y); } } if (clearCount) { lines += clearCount; let effectiveLevel = Math.max(level, 1); if (clearCount == 1) { // single score += 100 * effectiveLevel;, 0.5); } else if (clearCount == 2) { // double score += 300 * effectiveLevel;; } else if (clearCount == 3) { // triple score += 500 * effectiveLevel;; } else if (clearCount >= 4) { // tetris score += 800 * effectiveLevel;; } if (lines != 0 && lines % 10 == 0) { level++; calculateSpeed(); } redrawStats(); } // spawn new tile px = 4; py = 0; ctn = ntn; ntn = Math.floor(Math.random()*7); ct = rotateTile(tiles[ctn], ntr); ntr = Math.floor(Math.random()*4); showNext(ntn, ntr); if (!moveOk(ct, 0, 0)) { gameOver(); } } function moveOk(t, dx, dy) { var ok = true; for (y=0; y 0) ok = false; return ok; } function pauseGame() { print("Paused"); state = 3; } function resumeGame() { print("Resumed"); state = 1; } function gameStep() { if (state != 1) return; if ( > dropInterval) { // drop one step time =; if (level >= 15 && moveOk(ct, 0, 2)) { // at level 15, pieces drop twile as quickly drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, true); py += 2; } else if (moveOk(ct, 0, 1)) { drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, true); py++; } else { // reached the bottom insertAndCheck(ct, ctn, px, py); } drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, false); } } function rotate() { t = rotateTile(ct, 3); if (moveOk(t, 0, 0)) { drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, true); ct = t; drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, false); } } function move(x, y) { r = moveOk(ct, x, y); if (r) { drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, true); px += x; py += y; drawTile(ct, ctn, ox+px*8, oy+py*8, false); } return r; } function linear(x) { //print("Linear: ", x); let now = px / 10; if (x < now-0.06) move(-1, 0); if (x > now+0.06) move(1, 0); } function newGame() { E.showMenu(); Bangle.setUI(); if (control == 2) { Bangle.on("accel", (e) => { if (state != 1) return; if (control != 2) return; print(e.x); linear((0.2-e.x) * 2.5); }); } if (control == 3) { Bangle.setBarometerPower(true); Bangle.on("pressure", (e) => { if (state != 1) return; if (control != 3) return; let a = e.altitude; if (alt_start == -9999) alt_start = a; a = a - alt_start; //print(e.altitude, a); linear(a); }); } Bangle.on("drag", (e) => { let h = 176/2; if (state == 2) { if (e.b) selectGame(); return; } if (!e.b) return; if (state == 0) return; if (e.y < h) { if (e.x < h) rotate(); else { while (move(0, 1)) { score++; g.flip(); } redrawStats(true); } } else { if (control == 1) linear((e.x - 20) / 156); if (control != 0) return; if (e.x < h) move(-1, 0); else move(1, 0); } }); setWatch(() => { if (state == 1) pauseGame(); else if (state == 3) resumeGame(); }, BTN1, {repeat: true}); initGame(); drawGame(); state = 1; calculateSpeed(); var gi = setInterval(gameStep, 20); } function drawGame() { drawBoundingBox(); g.setColor(1, 1, 1).setFontAlign(0, 1, 0) .setFont("6x15", 1).drawString("Score", 22, 30) .drawString("Level", 22, 80) .drawString("Lines", 22, 130) .drawString("Next", 176-22, 30); showNext(ntn, ntr); redrawStats(); } function selectGame() { state = 0; print("Game selection menu"); var menu = {}; menu["Normal"] = () => { control = 0; newGame(); }; menu["Drag"] = () => { control = 1; newGame(); }; menu["Tilt"] = () => { control = 2; newGame(); }; menu["Pressure"] = () => { control = 3; newGame(); }; level = 1; menu["Level"] = { value : 1, min : 0, max : 10, wrap : true, onchange : (l) => { level = l; } }; E.showMenu(menu); } selectGame();