0.01: New App! 0.02: Add 'messages' library 0.03: Fixes for Bangle.js 1 0.04: Add require("messages").clearAll() 0.05: Handling of message actions (ok/clear) 0.06: New messages now go at the start (fix #898) Answering true/false now exits the messages app if no new messages Back now marks a message as read Clicking top-left opens a menu which allows you to delete a message or mark unread 0.07: Added settings menu with option to choose vibrate pattern and frequency (fix #909) 0.08: Fix rendering of long messages (fix #969) buzz on new message (fix #999) 0.09: Message now disappears after 60s if no action taken and clock loads (fix 922) Fix phone icon (#1014) 0.10: Respect the 'new' attribute if it was set from iOS integrations 0.11: Open app when touching the widget (Bangle.js 2 only) 0.12: Extra app-specific notification icons New animated notifcationicon (instead of large blinking 'MESSAGES') Added screenshots 0.13: Add /*LANG*/ comments for internationalisation Add 'Delete All' option to message options Now update correctly when 'require("messages").clearAll()' is called 0.14: Hide widget when all unread notifications are dismissed from phone 0.15: Don't buzz when Quiet Mode is active 0.16: Fix text wrapping so it fits the screen even if title is big (fix #1147) 0.17: Fix: Get dynamic dimensions of notify icon, fixed notification font 0.18: Use app-specific icon colors Spread message action buttons out Back button now goes back to list of messages If showMessage called with no message (eg all messages deleted) now return to the clock (fix #1267) 0.19: Use a larger font for message text if it'll fit