From 92b6fc0ea000968a6d24dba03f386f2ef6f99f07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 22:57:12 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 01/54] Create app.js --- apps/aptSciClock/app.js | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 206 insertions(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptSciClock/app.js diff --git a/apps/aptSciClock/app.js b/apps/aptSciClock/app.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb1305c36 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptSciClock/app.js @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +const big = g.getWidth()>200; +const timeFontSize = big?5:4; +const dateFontSize = big?3:2; +const gmtFontSize = 2; +const font = "6x8"; + +const xyCenter = g.getWidth() / 2; +const yposTime = xyCenter*0.73; +const yposDate = xyCenter*1.44; +const yposYear = xyCenter*1.8; + +const buttonTolerance = 20; +const buttonX = 88; +const buttonY = 104; + +function getImg(img){ + if (img == "w0"){//drink + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOZFIQOD4EABwnwgEDBwf8g/4h4ODwYQBv4OC+AbDAIP+j/HAQIOC4Hwj4RBBwP8o8B/+PBwWOkEP/l/BwP4+JCB44OCj+Ih/+n4OB+PEoP38YOB/0YkUXGgIOB8cBi9f+IOCkEI+XvBwXigFG64OEg0/t4OEuP7BwkHx/PBwWigF8voOC+Uwg/ig4OCkMgv8QsIOB+cfSoOGLIUR/E/4ljBwPxx/B/0kO4UI/0P+J3C/HHVQOISoWEn+D/iPBBwIwC8IOCwcP84IBBwU4TAMHBwfAv+AcARBBgD3CBwX8gDnBBwfwewIODAgIABBwYHDB3oAEBwIHFByyDBABg")) +} + } + else if (img == "w1"){//cube + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOI/3/+fvBwYEBnwO/By3APgN/O6IeBh4OF8AOcwADCBwX8g4dM/8fBwt774OE+/9Bwt/BxodH3oOcFgyVG8BhCBwX8hRwCBwXA0C6BBwc/w4OE41MBwtEo6VF84sE/1/54OLDo4sHHYxKHLIxoGO44AD/kAABo")) + } + } + else if (img == "w2"){//acid + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOF+IOGngOF8/D8YGD/wdBB4nv4fzAwf4BwOfGQd/4f7/+//+f74OB4PwHIJKDx8P/4BBBwP8BwIBBBwXvh+Hw5ZD+Pwnl/NAcegJOBBwfgj0fBwvhBxcPgYEBBwXw/F+FghIB84OC/BfBOYQOBk/w/0f4f4nkGgFgh0hwED4H4jOBuF8hk/v/Hzlnx/zFgQZBGYLCD4EHaIn8gAOF8EDBwn+dgQOK/8AN4IOD+EABww0BBwqGEBwIWBBwk8CwIODg/gv4OEv4OD+4OBBAIOBRYIFBh+PcAQdC+gOCDoN+h/vBwPP/wOB/wOBwJCBBwP2oa3BLALgBiA7BOwIvB/+DQoV/d4hPBBwQsB/wJB8ZoEAAZoDAAQOPRQIAM")) + } + } + else if (img == "w3"){//turret + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOi+IOGh4OF8AOF/UNBwthx4OE+0YBwtBh4OE6mQBwn7rEfBwl22IOE99gBwn99UzBwUc/+90YsC8HH+++n98n/+g0++2Z+4OB4Fz73T74OCg877d8/YdC+d7u/v3gsBjEvt/+O4X+gvtIgI7CwG934OD8E326kD/0A+yzEwEO74OD/EArYOEgEDv4OD+PAl4OEnkBaInz0EPBwk3iAdE+XwSIYDBj2Oj4OD/fYvIOEvdHz4OD99unIOD/vt44OE3u4Dou3h4OE+3x/IOE70/Bwn78/9Bwl4LAQ7Dx75DBwP4Awb+EBwgAEBz0AABo=")) + } + } + else if (img == "w4"){//cake + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOY/oOG94OF/1/Bwv3FgwKCBwfnFhn8HY0LAQPwvgOB8EP/5uBBwP2gF4j+PBwP+sEEj/x44OB90Ao/8Dodwg8/nkH4ZXBgHnx8ABwPv/k98+ABwZEB+EAJQPj/3+nkAv4OB5+fz0Aj4OB98Ag+Ah/nBwJXB4EDHYSTB/EA/wsCSoJfBwAODNIPgBwgcBHYQOCC4QODn8Ah4ODGgMH+47D8EB/A7KTYMf4A7Eg/wHYgcBHZx3DcAPggbRBFgQcBcAQOB/iUBBwgcBBwgcCd4V/HYL+D/YOBDgIOC8/+DgIOC/+HfwIOD/4cCBwYAEBwQADBz0AABoA=")) + } + } + else if (img == "butPress"){ + return { + width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, + transparent : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + } + } + else if (img == "butUnpress"){ + return { + width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, + transparent : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + } + } + + else if (img == "apetureLaboratories"){ + return { + width : 173, height : 43, bpp : 4, + transparent : 0, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AA+IAAeAIv5UTK34APhABBKwpeBJX5VLJgJWGAwKv/ABL8EKomABIYA/KpJWHAoRW/KpZQCfwJSCAgRW/KphWFBgZW/KphNCAgSxEKP4ADJAatFKwWAL4oA/KpALGXQhS/Ko4MIwAOMAHREOKv5ZVVgcAh///4LDAwQAB+AIHCQYHMDQQYBDwQEGDIoaGTx4MCwAiCJgYhFBIYIHLw4HFBARjGESJUDehZVFVhJNLRI5VGDIIdEAgwiL+DzDJAJVJB4IMBCoKsHAYpFCDgr2IApYEIBpJFCKpqsCHgQbFIhBVHBhJoGTwyBRKp5mBDoY6GKoYqEXYg7JApKeHQJysEKpRmBDoasHQBAACM4qMGEAr0JAgZjGFYhVPgGAEIpVEAAaAEA4oyEW4qyKFZBoFKoisDJIJWLfIp3IQBJeJfgysMERpVCwEIVpijFBA6ZJdA4JHJYgEKQIx1EVgRVBVhj5IEIyZHHYoUGNw4MCQIwIKAARVDxBVRQo6ZJHZZoGU4yBGBAiBGVgRZBVhYlIfJBoFHZZoHfJRwGBAQrEVISvCKpwrEUZAqFVhzYKB4yKGQIpVDAYJVKEoYFDBIpVIb4ysMIgoPHOgoRFhGAVwKsLAFzQHACBVCVhQA/KpawBCJa76IhRWDVxIODAwTaFAocP///dhALGBQYJBCIYQBDYgKEBBAEDVgeIAgKgFBYZVEEYY+CH4YDBBgYFBBYoFEOYhmEDYgFFLIwEDKw2AKwhTFBoSsHIgglFAQo/HKIoDECBBZGc46eEAYa2EKox2Ga5LjLDoq8FKAgVDBAv/EghWGVgRWJKoaOFD4IgCViAWFVjKTGJIZOFKpKOHAQj3JAogCFPApcGKQziGLopKCU4hWFKojsEHYrXFCAJFId45CEDYh4EB4Y1DCYSzFJQT+FgAGCKooA/AAZMBfopWDKv5WLVgxT/AB+AKopW/ACBU/ABwA==")) + } + } + + else if (img == "apetureWatch"){ + return { + width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, + transparent : 2, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + } + } +} + + +function drawStart(){ + g.clear(); + g.reset(); + apSciLab = getImg("apetureLaboratories"); + g.drawImage(apSciLab, xyCenter-apSciLab.width/2, xyCenter-apSciLab.height/2); +} + +drawStart(); + +// Check settings for what type our clock should be +var is12Hour = (require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json",1)||{})["12hour"]; + +// timeout used to update every minute +var drawTimeout; + +//warnings +var curWarning = -1; +var maxWarning = 4; + +function buttonPressed(){ + if (curWarning < maxWarning) curWarning += 1; + else curWarning = 0; + buttonImg = getImg("butPress"); + g.drawImage(buttonImg, 0, 0); + + warningImg = getImg("w"+String(curWarning)); + g.drawImage(warningImg, 1, g.getWidth()-61); + + setTimeout(buttonUnpressed, 500); +} +function buttonUnpressed(){ + buttonImg = getImg("butUnpress"); + g.drawImage(buttonImg, 0, 0); +} + +// schedule a draw for the next minute +function queueDraw() { + if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); + drawTimeout = setTimeout(function() { + drawTimeout = undefined; + draw(); + }, 60000 - ( % 60000)); +} + + +function draw() { + // get date + var d = new Date(); + var da = d.toString().split(" "); + + g.reset(); // default draw styles + + //draw watchface + apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatch"); + g.drawImage(apSciWatch, xyCenter-apSciWatch.width/2, xyCenter-apSciWatch.height/2); + + // drawSting centered + g.setFontAlign(0, 0); + + // draw time + var time = da[4].substr(0, 5).split(":"); + var hours = time[0], + minutes = time[1]; + var meridian = ""; + if (is12Hour) { + hours = parseInt(hours,10); + meridian = "AM"; + if (hours == 0) { + hours = 12; + meridian = "AM"; + } else if (hours >= 12) { + meridian = "PM"; + if (hours>12) hours -= 12; + } + hours = (" "+hours).substr(-2); + } + + g.setFont(font, timeFontSize); + g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter, yposTime, false); + g.setFont(font, gmtFontSize); + g.drawString(meridian, xyCenter + 102, yposTime + 10, true); + + // draw Day, name of month, Date + var date = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" "); + g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); + + g.drawString(String(da[0]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate, true); + g.drawString(String(da[1]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate+20*1, true); + g.drawString(String(da[2]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate+20*2, true); + + + // draw year + g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); + g.drawString(d.getFullYear(), xyCenter+1, yposYear, true); + + queueDraw(); +} + + +// Stop updates when LCD is off, restart when on +Bangle.on('lcdPower',on=>{ + if (on) { + draw(); // draw immediately, queue redraw + } else { // stop draw timer + if (drawTimeout) clearTimeout(drawTimeout); + drawTimeout = undefined; + } +}); + +Bangle.on('touch',(n,e)=>{ + //button is 88 104 + if (buttonX-buttonTolerance < e.x && e.x < buttonX+buttonTolerance && buttonY-buttonTolerance < e.y && e.y < buttonY+buttonTolerance){ + buttonPressed(); + } +}); + +// clean app screen +g.clear(); +// Show launcher when button pressed +Bangle.setUI("clock"); +Bangle.loadWidgets(); +Bangle.drawWidgets(); + +buttonPressed();//update warning image + +// draw now +draw(); From 4113dab20b004d974df743fc164f362086f44063 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:09:34 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 02/54] Add files via upload --- apps/aptSciClock/App.png | Bin 0 -> 714 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 apps/aptSciClock/App.png diff --git a/apps/aptSciClock/App.png b/apps/aptSciClock/App.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b37efdaf87f40701f3599655074d11a22bf2ff11 GIT binary patch literal 714 zcmV;*0yX`KP)L z17IEMg|K#r{J;RL^LnLPK*|`;7J!HWTAUY7FL9iYc~@j+`DRVteY zwLCHZ_W?#YpOq8>DDydyI0N)LPb8kJb%_?TZ|3gl8Ha$Z)OIB#PB3FT~o`pF_Pw8t!2*VeN>iwlrse+R13PgiuG`%lo+#{}%wVKOF(0bLq?oFwUPMz??~E zK`;QjzwZbH&El12GXNOp-2)AoG?x}3ba&*OOL8Z&t0RC`AKnY02_$sP;XfNHZ9B1n zJl{$n!}{vuQxQ>i^A}rQvX25`6>!*%+7(BWM3+x22(nRAfg`Q_-^?KySfl9uCp|0hAdt wJ4o$;{H8^Iroccu@ALzBhEWe`bk-a82X Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:10:52 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 03/54] Delete App.png --- apps/aptSciClock/App.png | Bin 714 -> 0 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 apps/aptSciClock/App.png diff --git a/apps/aptSciClock/App.png b/apps/aptSciClock/App.png deleted file mode 100644 index b37efdaf87f40701f3599655074d11a22bf2ff11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 714 zcmV;*0yX`KP)L z17IEMg|K#r{J;RL^LnLPK*|`;7J!HWTAUY7FL9iYc~@j+`DRVteY zwLCHZ_W?#YpOq8>DDydyI0N)LPb8kJb%_?TZ|3gl8Ha$Z)OIB#PB3FT~o`pF_Pw8t!2*VeN>iwlrse+R13PgiuG`%lo+#{}%wVKOF(0bLq?oFwUPMz??~E zK`;QjzwZbH&El12GXNOp-2)AoG?x}3ba&*OOL8Z&t0RC`AKnY02_$sP;XfNHZ9B1n zJl{$n!}{vuQxQ>i^A}rQvX25`6>!*%+7(BWM3+x22(nRAfg`Q_-^?KySfl9uCp|0hAdt wJ4o$;{H8^Iroccu@ALzBhEWe`bk-a82X Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:11:25 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 04/54] Renamed folder --- apps/{aptSciClock => aptsciclk}/app.js | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename apps/{aptSciClock => aptsciclk}/app.js (100%) diff --git a/apps/aptSciClock/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js similarity index 100% rename from apps/aptSciClock/app.js rename to apps/aptsciclk/app.js From 498f0701599dcb26412ce19df3be79be27ae2bdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:11:45 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 05/54] Add files via upload --- apps/aptsciclk/App.png | Bin 0 -> 714 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/App.png diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/App.png b/apps/aptsciclk/App.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b37efdaf87f40701f3599655074d11a22bf2ff11 GIT binary patch literal 714 zcmV;*0yX`KP)L z17IEMg|K#r{J;RL^LnLPK*|`;7J!HWTAUY7FL9iYc~@j+`DRVteY zwLCHZ_W?#YpOq8>DDydyI0N)LPb8kJb%_?TZ|3gl8Ha$Z)OIB#PB3FT~o`pF_Pw8t!2*VeN>iwlrse+R13PgiuG`%lo+#{}%wVKOF(0bLq?oFwUPMz??~E zK`;QjzwZbH&El12GXNOp-2)AoG?x}3ba&*OOL8Z&t0RC`AKnY02_$sP;XfNHZ9B1n zJl{$n!}{vuQxQ>i^A}rQvX25`6>!*%+7(BWM3+x22(nRAfg`Q_-^?KySfl9uCp|0hAdt wJ4o$;{H8^Iroccu@ALzBhEWe`bk-a82X Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:12:57 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 06/54] Create app-icon.js --- apps/aptsciclk/app-icon.js | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/app-icon.js diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app-icon.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app-icon.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2a2dbbd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app-icon.js @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("mEwwgNKxAACEaIVDDKWAhAXGwAtODA4HBLR4YFD4QWICIhABGAoMBJRBZHC4wwHOQ4IFAgQwGUQ4YBAg4uMJIwDDGAjRLIgYLHc5gXJIwbKLC4hICb4gZKfAhgETJKHJLwwXRUooWKCImAJogXRMopGMNwkIC4oWLYYqtHC5rFJC5h0GIxwsGFyD8CC4wwOIxBIQFwoeBCxrwEFwYXTFgTXReI4uQC4apPC4xNERqBlGFx4XCeJ4nHD4kIIxY3KPoIxNBwYXEJRInEP44iGOgwXFBYYcDChCHHC4wMBC5BnJEoouMGAYXEJJCCJC4pOEcpYKBFIpJFZRQXGD4gWKXBUICxjdFIhwyJOJMAA=")) From 8ed719a73a072f4f6c123160324be653a553bd31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:16:25 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 07/54] Delete App.png --- apps/aptsciclk/App.png | Bin 714 -> 0 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/App.png diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/App.png b/apps/aptsciclk/App.png deleted file mode 100644 index b37efdaf87f40701f3599655074d11a22bf2ff11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 GIT binary patch literal 0 HcmV?d00001 literal 714 zcmV;*0yX`KP)L z17IEMg|K#r{J;RL^LnLPK*|`;7J!HWTAUY7FL9iYc~@j+`DRVteY zwLCHZ_W?#YpOq8>DDydyI0N)LPb8kJb%_?TZ|3gl8Ha$Z)OIB#PB3FT~o`pF_Pw8t!2*VeN>iwlrse+R13PgiuG`%lo+#{}%wVKOF(0bLq?oFwUPMz??~E zK`;QjzwZbH&El12GXNOp-2)AoG?x}3ba&*OOL8Z&t0RC`AKnY02_$sP;XfNHZ9B1n zJl{$n!}{vuQxQ>i^A}rQvX25`6>!*%+7(BWM3+x22(nRAfg`Q_-^?KySfl9uCp|0hAdt wJ4o$;{H8^Iroccu@ALzBhEWe`bk-a82X Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:16:36 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 08/54] Add files via upload --- apps/aptsciclk/app.png | Bin 0 -> 714 bytes 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/app.png diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.png b/apps/aptsciclk/app.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b37efdaf87f40701f3599655074d11a22bf2ff11 GIT binary patch literal 714 zcmV;*0yX`KP)L z17IEMg|K#r{J;RL^LnLPK*|`;7J!HWTAUY7FL9iYc~@j+`DRVteY zwLCHZ_W?#YpOq8>DDydyI0N)LPb8kJb%_?TZ|3gl8Ha$Z)OIB#PB3FT~o`pF_Pw8t!2*VeN>iwlrse+R13PgiuG`%lo+#{}%wVKOF(0bLq?oFwUPMz??~E zK`;QjzwZbH&El12GXNOp-2)AoG?x}3ba&*OOL8Z&t0RC`AKnY02_$sP;XfNHZ9B1n zJl{$n!}{vuQxQ>i^A}rQvX25`6>!*%+7(BWM3+x22(nRAfg`Q_-^?KySfl9uCp|0hAdt wJ4o$;{H8^Iroccu@ALzBhEWe`bk-a82X Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:20:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 09/54] Added aptsciclk --- apps.json | 15 +++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index e5e9f8f02..f1d9c962f 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5047,6 +5047,21 @@ {"name":"circlesclock.json"} ] }, + { "id": "aptsciclk", + "name": "Apeture Science clock", + "shortName":"AptSci clock", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "A clock based on the Portal series, + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator":true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + ] + }, { "id": "ltherm", "name": "Localized Thermometer", From 3e090cd727ba2d929a7ba212fb0b6f360406c830 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:28:04 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 10/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 31 +++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index f1d9c962f..5abe84172 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5047,21 +5047,6 @@ {"name":"circlesclock.json"} ] }, - { "id": "aptsciclk", - "name": "Apeture Science clock", - "shortName":"AptSci clock", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "A clock based on the Portal series, - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator":true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - ] - }, { "id": "ltherm", "name": "Localized Thermometer", @@ -5077,5 +5062,19 @@ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, {"name":"ltherm.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} ] - } + }, + }, +{ "id": "aptsciclk", + "name": "Apeture Science Clock", + "shortName":"Apeture", + "icon": "app.png", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "A clock made in the style of the Portal series", + "tags": "clock", + "type":"clock", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] +} ] From d63a9975955aa65616b3bc3f078c22ee1c1fecdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:32:45 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 11/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 5abe84172..0a9cd40f9 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5070,8 +5070,9 @@ "icon": "app.png", "version":"0.01", "description": "A clock made in the style of the Portal series", - "tags": "clock", "type":"clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], "storage": [ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} From 8066e3d8ab82614edd2d0847160ebcf5299bc637 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:34:40 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 12/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 0a9cd40f9..bc7c74703 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5063,7 +5063,6 @@ {"name":"ltherm.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, - }, { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Science Clock", "shortName":"Apeture", From 58ede020fa44bd2f8f8f907f3e0aa0556ecaefb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:36:57 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 13/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index bc7c74703..c1d50ca6e 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5065,11 +5065,11 @@ }, { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "shortName":"Apeture", + "shortName": "Apeture", "icon": "app.png", - "version":"0.01", + "version": "0.01", "description": "A clock made in the style of the Portal series", - "type":"clock", + "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], "storage": [ From 6947bdf5fe7e36cb4bac83343efde84321c33d2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:40:55 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 14/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 27 ++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index c1d50ca6e..6e6f84426 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -5063,18 +5063,19 @@ {"name":"ltherm.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} ] }, -{ "id": "aptsciclk", - "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "shortName": "Apeture", - "icon": "app.png", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A clock made in the style of the Portal series", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] +{ + "id": "aptsciclk", + "name": "Apeture Science Clock", + "version": "0.1", + "description": "A clock based on the portal series", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] } ] From 7f3864f310445fcc634e012ecebf4187e0a34445 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2021 23:43:37 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 15/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 5064 ----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 5064 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 6e6f84426..1d792ecfc 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -1,5068 +1,4 @@ [ - { - "id": "fwupdate", - "name": "Firmware Update", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "[BETA] Uploads new Espruino firmwares to Bangle.js 2. For now, please use the instructions under", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "RAM", - "tags": "tools,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "customConnect": true, - "storage": [], - "sortorder": 20 - }, - { - "id": "boot", - "name": "Bootloader", - "version": "0.39", - "description": "This is needed by Bangle.js to automatically load the clock, menu, widgets and settings", - "icon": "bootloader.png", - "type": "bootloader", - "tags": "tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":".boot0","url":"boot0.js"}, - {"name":".bootcde","url":"bootloader.js"}, - {"name":"bootupdate.js","url":"bootupdate.js"} - ], - "sortorder": -10 - }, - { - "id": "hebrew_calendar", - "name": "Hebrew Calendar", - "shortName": "HebCal", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "lists the date according to the hebrew calendar", - "icon": "app.png", - "allow_emulator": false, - "tags": "tool,locale", - "supports": [ - "BANGLEJS", - "BANGLEJS2" - ], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - { - "name": "", - "url": "app.js" - }, - { - "name": "hebrewDate", - "url": "hebrewDate.js" - }, - { - "name": "hebrew_calendar.img", - "url": "app-icon.js", - "evaluate": true - } - ] - }, - { "id": "golfscore", - "name": "Golf Score", - "shortName":"golfscore", - "version":"0.02", - "description": "keeps track of strokes during a golf game", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoors", - "allow_emulator": true, - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"golfscore.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "messages", - "name": "Messages", - "version": "0.14", - "description": "App to display notifications from iOS and Gadgetbridge", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"messages.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"messages.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"messages.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"messages","url":"lib.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"messages.json"},{"name":"messages.settings.json"}], - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"},{"url":"screenshot-notify.gif"}], - "sortorder": -9 - }, - { - "id": "android", - "name": "Android Integration", - "shortName": "Android", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Display notifications/music/etc sent from the Gadgetbridge app on Android. This replaces the old 'Gadgetbridge' Bangle.js widget.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,system,messages,notifications", - "dependencies": {"messages":"app"}, - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"android.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"android.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"android.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} - ], - "sortorder": -8 - }, - { - "id": "ios", - "name": "iOS Integration", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Display notifications/music/etc from iOS devices", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,system,ios,apple,messages,notifications", - "dependencies": {"messages":"app"}, - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ios.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"ios.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} - ], - "sortorder": -8 - }, - { - "id": "health", - "name": "Health Tracking", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "Logs health data and provides an app to view it (requires firmware 2v10.100 or later)", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,system,health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"health.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"health.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"health","url":"lib.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "launch", - "name": "Launcher", - "shortName": "Launcher", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "This is needed to display a menu allowing you to choose your own applications. You can replace this with a customised launcher.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "launch", - "tags": "tool,system,launcher", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports":["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"launch.settings.js","url":"settings.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]} - ], - "data": [{"name":"launch.json"}], - "sortorder": -10 - }, - { - "id": "setting", - "name": "Settings", - "version": "0.38", - "description": "A menu for setting up Bangle.js", - "icon": "settings.png", - "tags": "tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"setting.img","url":"settings-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"setting.json","url":"settings.min.json","evaluate":true}], - "sortorder": -5 - }, - { - "id": "about", - "name": "About", - "version": "0.12", - "description": "Bangle.js About page - showing software version, stats, and a collaborative mural from the Bangle.js KickStarter backers", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-about-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"about.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "sortorder": -4 - }, - { - "id": "alarm", - "name": "Default Alarm & Timer", - "shortName": "Alarms", - "version": "0.14", - "description": "Set and respond to alarms and timers", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"alarm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"alarm.js","url":"alarm.js"}, - {"name":"alarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"alarm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"alarm.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "locale", - "name": "Languages", - "version": "0.14", - "description": "Translations for different countries", - "icon": "locale.png", - "type": "locale", - "tags": "tool,system,locale,translate", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "locale.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"locale"} - ], - "sortorder": -10 - }, - { - "id": "notify", - "name": "Notifications (default)", - "shortName": "Notifications", - "version": "0.11", - "description": "Provides the default `notify` module used by applications to display notifications in a bar at the top of the screen. This module is installed by default by client applications such as the Gadgetbridge app. Installing `Fullscreen Notifications` replaces this module with a version that displays the notifications using the full screen", - "icon": "notify.png", - "type": "notify", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"notify","url":"notify.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "notifyfs", - "name": "Fullscreen Notifications", - "shortName": "Notifications", - "version": "0.12", - "description": "Provides a replacement for the `Notifications (default)` `notify` module. This version is used by applications to display notifications fullscreen. This may not fully restore the screen after on some apps. See `Notifications (default)` for more information about the notify module.", - "icon": "notify.png", - "type": "notify", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"notify","url":"notify.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "welcome", - "name": "Welcome", - "shortName": "Welcome", - "version": "0.14", - "description": "Appears at first boot and explains how to use Bangle.js", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_welcome.png"}], - "tags": "start,welcome", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"welcome.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"welcome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"welcome.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"welcome.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "mywelcome", - "name": "Customised Welcome", - "shortName": "My Welcome", - "version": "0.13", - "description": "Appears at first boot and explains how to use Bangle.js. Like 'Welcome', but can be customised with a greeting", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "start,welcome", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-customized-welcome-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"mywelcome.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"mywelcome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"mywelcome.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"mywelcome.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "gbridge", - "name": "Gadgetbridge", - "version": "0.25", - "description": "(NOT RECOMMENDED) Displays Gadgetbridge notifications from Android. Please use the 'Android' Bangle.js app instead.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "tool,system,android,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "dependencies": {"notify":"type"}, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"gbridge.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"gbridge.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"gbridge.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"gbridge.json"}] - }, - { "id": "gbdebug", - "name": "Gadgetbridge Debug", - "shortName":"GB Debug", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "Debug info for Gadgetbridge. Run this app and when Gadgetbridge messages arrive they are displayed on-screen.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gbdebug.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mclock", - "name": "Morphing Clock", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "7 segment clock that morphs between minutes and hours", - "icon": "clock-morphing.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-morphing-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-morphing.js"}, - {"name":"mclock.img","url":"clock-morphing-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "sortorder": -9 - }, - { - "id": "moonphase", - "name": "Moonphase", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Shows current moon phase. Now with GPS function.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-moon-phase-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"moonphase.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "daysl", - "name": "Days left", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Shows you the days left until a certain date. Date can be set with a settings app and is written to a file.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"daysl.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"daysl.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "wclock", - "name": "Word Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Display Time as Text", - "icon": "clock-word.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_word.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-word.js"}, - {"name":"wclock.img","url":"clock-word-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "fontclock", - "name": "Font Clock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Choose the font and design of clock face from a library of available designs", - "icon": "fontclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"fontclock.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.img","url":"fontclock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"fontclock.hand.js","url":"fontclock.hand.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.thinhand.js","url":"fontclock.thinhand.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.thickhand.js","url":"fontclock.thickhand.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.hourscriber.js","url":"fontclock.hourscriber.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.js","url":"fontclock.font.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.abril_ff50.js","url":"fontclock.font.abril_ff50.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.cpstc58.js","url":"fontclock.font.cpstc58.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.mntn25.js","url":"fontclock.font.mntn25.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.mntn50.js","url":"fontclock.font.mntn50.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.vector25.js","url":"fontclock.font.vector25.js"}, - {"name":"fontclock.font.vector50.js","url":"fontclock.font.vector50.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "slidingtext", - "name": "Sliding Clock", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Inspired by the Pebble sliding clock, old times are scrolled off the screen and new times on. You are also able to change language on the fly so you can see the time written in other languages using button 1. Currently English, French, Japanese, Spanish and German are supported", - "icon": "slidingtext.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"slidingtext.js"}, - {"name":"slidingtext.img","url":"slidingtext-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"slidingtext.locale.en.js","url":"slidingtext.locale.en.js"}, - {"name":"slidingtext.locale.en2.js","url":"slidingtext.locale.en2.js"}, - {"name":"slidingtext.utils.en.js","url":"slidingtext.utils.en.js"}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"slidingtext.dtfmt.js","url":"slidingtext.dtfmt.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "solarclock", - "name": "Solar Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Using your current or chosen location the solar watch face shows the Sun's sky position, time and date. Also allows you to wind backwards and forwards in time to see the sun's position", - "icon": "solar_clock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"solar_clock.js"}, - {"name":"solarclock.img","url":"solar_clock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"solar_colors.js","url":"solar_colors.js"}, - {"name":"solar_controller.js","url":"solar_controller.js"}, - {"name":"solar_date_utils.js","url":"solar_date_utils.js"}, - {"name":"solar_graphic_utils.js","url":"solar_graphic_utils.js"}, - {"name":"solar_location.js","url":"solar_location.js"}, - {"name":"solar_math_utils.js","url":"solar_math_utils.js"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Reykjavik.json","url":"solar_loc.Reykjavik.json"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Hong_Kong.json","url":"solar_loc.Hong_Kong.json"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Honolulu.json","url":"solar_loc.Honolulu.json"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Rio.json","url":"solar_loc.Rio.json"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Tokyo.json","url":"solar_loc.Tokyo.json"}, - {"name":"solar_loc.Seoul.json","url":"solar_loc.Seoul.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "sweepclock", - "name": "Sweep Clock", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Smooth sweep secondhand with single hour numeral. Use button 1 to toggle the numeral font, button 3 to change the colour theme and button 4 to change the date placement", - "icon": "sweepclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-sweep-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"sweepclock.js"}, - {"name":"sweepclock.img","url":"sweepclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "matrixclock", - "name": "Matrix Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "inspired by The Matrix, a clock of the same style", - "icon": "matrixclock.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_matrix.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"matrixclock.js"}, - {"name":"matrixclock.img","url":"matrixclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mandelbrotclock", - "name": "Mandelbrot Clock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A mandelbrot set themed clock cool", - "icon": "mandelbrotclock.png", - "screenshots": [{ "url": "screenshot_mandelbrotclock.png" }], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - { "name": "", "url": "mandelbrotclock.js" }, - { - "name": "mandelbrotclock.img", - "url": "mandelbrotclock-icon.js", - "evaluate": true - } - ] - }, - { - "id": "imgclock", - "name": "Image background clock", - "shortName": "Image Clock", - "version": "0.08", - "description": "A clock with an image as a background", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"imgclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"imgclock.face.img"}, - {"name":"imgclock.face.json"}, - {"name":"","content":""} - ] - }, - { - "id": "impwclock", - "name": "Imprecise Word Clock", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Imprecise word clock for vacations, weekends, and those who never need accurate time.", - "icon": "clock-impword.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-impercise-word-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-impword.js"}, - {"name":"impwclock.img","url":"clock-impword-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "aclock", - "name": "Analog Clock", - "version": "0.15", - "description": "An Analog Clock", - "icon": "clock-analog.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_analog.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-analog.js"}, - {"name":"aclock.img","url":"clock-analog-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "clock2x3", - "name": "2x3 Pixel Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "This is a simple clock using minimalist 2x3 pixel numerical digits", - "icon": "clock2x3.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_pixel.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock2x3-app.js"}, - {"name":"clock2x3.img","url":"clock2x3-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "geissclk", - "name": "Geiss Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "7 segment clock with animated background in the style of Ryan Geiss' music visualisation. NOTE: The first run will take ~1 minute to do some precalculation", - "icon": "clock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock.js"}, - {"name":"geissclk.precompute.js","url":"precompute.js"}, - {"name":"geissclk.img","url":"clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":"geissclk.0.pal"},{"name":"geissclk.1.pal"},{"name":"geissclk.2.pal"}] - }, - { - "id": "trex", - "name": "T-Rex", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "T-Rex game in the style of Chrome's offline game", - "icon": "trex.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_trex.png"}], - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"trex.js"}, - {"name":"trex.img","url":"trex-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"trex.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"trex.score","storageFile":true}] - }, - { - "id": "cubescramble", - "name": "Cube Scramble", - "version":"0.04", - "description": "A random scramble generator for the 3x3 Rubik's cube with a basic timer", - "icon": "cube-scramble.png", - "tags": "", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-cube-scramble-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-cube-scramble-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"cube-scramble.js"}, - {"name":"cubescramble.img","url":"cube-scramble-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "astroid", - "name": "Asteroids!", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Retro asteroids game", - "icon": "asteroids.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_asteroids.png"}], - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"asteroids.js"}, - {"name":"astroid.img","url":"asteroids-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "clickms", - "name": "Click Master", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Get several friends to start the game, then compete to see who can press BTN1 the most!", - "icon": "click-master.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"click-master.js"}, - {"name":"clickms.img","url":"click-master-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "horsey", - "name": "Horse Race!", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Get several friends to start the game, then compete to see who can press BTN1 the most!", - "icon": "horse-race.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"horse-race.js"}, - {"name":"horsey.img","url":"horse-race-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "compass", - "name": "Compass", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Simple compass that points North", - "icon": "compass.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_compass.png"}], - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"compass.js"}, - {"name":"compass.img","url":"compass-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gpstime", - "name": "GPS Time", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Update the Bangle.js's clock based on the time from the GPS receiver", - "icon": "gpstime.png", - "tags": "tool,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"gpstime.js"}, - {"name":"gpstime.img","url":"gpstime-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "openloc", - "name": "Open Location / Plus Codes", - "shortName": "Open Location", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Convert your current GPS location to a series of characters", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"openloc.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "speedo", - "name": "Speedo", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Show the current speed according to the GPS", - "icon": "speedo.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"speedo.js"}, - {"name":"speedo.img","url":"speedo-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gpsrec", - "name": "GPS Recorder", - "version": "0.27", - "description": "Application that allows you to record a GPS track. Can run in background", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps,widget", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gpsrec.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"gpsrec.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"gpsrec.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"gpsrec.json"},{"wildcard":".gpsrc?","storageFile":true}] - }, - { - "id": "recorder", - "name": "Recorder (BETA)", - "shortName": "Recorder", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Record GPS position, heart rate and more in the background, then download to your PC.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"recorder.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"recorder.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"recorder.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"recorder.json"},{"wildcard":"recorder.log?.csv","storageFile":true}] - }, - { - "id": "gpsnav", - "name": "GPS Navigation", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Displays GPS Course and Speed, + Directions to waypoint and waypoint recording, now with waypoint editor", - "icon": "icon.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "waypoints.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.min.js"}, - {"name":"gpsnav.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "heart", - "name": "Heart Rate Recorder", - "shortName": "HRM Record", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Application that allows you to record your heart rate. Can run in background", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,health,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"heart.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"heart.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"heart.json"},{"wildcard":".heart?","storageFile":true}] - }, - { - "id": "slevel", - "name": "Spirit Level", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Show the current angle of the watch, so you can use it to make sure something is absolutely flat", - "icon": "spiritlevel.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"spiritlevel.js"}, - {"name":"slevel.img","url":"spiritlevel-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "files", - "name": "App Manager", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Show currently installed apps, free space, and allow their deletion from the watch", - "icon": "files.png", - "tags": "tool,system,files", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"files.js"}, - {"name":"files.img","url":"files-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "weather", - "name": "Weather", - "version": "0.13", - "description": "Show Gadgetbridge weather report", - "icon": "icon.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "tags": "widget,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"weather.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"weather","url":"lib.js"}, - {"name":"weather.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"weather.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"weather.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "chargeanim", - "name": "Charge Animation", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "When charging, show a sideways charging animation and keep the screen on. When removed from the charger load the clock again.", - "icon": "icon.png", - "tags": "battery", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-charge-animation-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle-charge-animation-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"chargeanim.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"chargeanim.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "bluetoothdock", - "name": "Bluetooth Dock", - "shortName": "Dock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "When charging shows the time, scans Bluetooth for known devices (eg temperature) and shows them on the screen", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"bluetoothdock.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"bluetoothdock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widbat", - "name": "Battery Level Widget", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "Show the current battery level and charging status in the top right of the clock", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,battery", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbat.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widbatv", - "name": "Battery Level Widget (Vertical)", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Slim, vertical battery widget that only takes up 14px", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,battery", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbatv.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widlock", - "name": "Lock Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "On devices with always-on display (Bangle.js 2) this displays lock icon whenever the display is locked", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,lock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widlock.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widbatpc", - "name": "Battery Level Widget (with percentage)", - "shortName": "Battery Widget", - "version": "0.14", - "description": "Show the current battery level and charging status in the top right of the clock, with charge percentage", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,battery", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbatpc.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"widbatpc.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"widbatpc.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "widbatwarn", - "name": "Battery Warning", - "shortName": "Battery Warning", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Show a warning when the battery runs low.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "widget", - "tags": "tool,battery", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "dependencies": {"notify":"type"}, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbatwarn.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"widbatwarn.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"widbatwarn.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "widbt", - "name": "Bluetooth Widget", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Show the current Bluetooth connection status in the top right of the clock", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widchime", - "name": "Hour Chime", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Buzz or beep on every whole hour.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widchime.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"widchime.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"widchime.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "widram", - "name": "RAM Widget", - "shortName": "RAM Widget", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display your Bangle's available RAM percentage in a widget", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widram.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hrm", - "name": "Heart Rate Monitor", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "Measure your heart rate and see live sensor data", - "icon": "heartrate.png", - "tags": "health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"heartrate.js"}, - {"name":"hrm.img","url":"heartrate-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widhrm", - "name": "Simple Heart Rate widget", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "When the screen is on, the widget turns on the heart rate monitor and displays the current heart rate (or last known in grey). For this to work well you'll need at least a 15 second LCD Timeout.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "health,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widhrm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "bthrm", - "name": "Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor", - "shortName": "BT HRM", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Overrides Bangle.js's build in heart rate monitor with an external Bluetooth one.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "boot", - "tags": "health,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"bthrm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"bthrm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "stetho", - "name": "Stethoscope", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Hear your heart rate", - "icon": "stetho.png", - "tags": "health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"stetho.js"}, - {"name":"stetho.img","url":"stetho-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "swatch", - "name": "Stopwatch", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Simple stopwatch with Lap Time logging to a JSON file", - "icon": "stopwatch.png", - "tags": "health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-stopwatch-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"stopwatch.js"}, - {"name":"swatch.img","url":"stopwatch-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hidmsic", - "name": "Bluetooth Music Controls", - "shortName": "Music Control", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone, then use this app to control music from your watch!", - "icon": "hid-music.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"hid-music.js"}, - {"name":"hidmsic.img","url":"hid-music-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hidkbd", - "name": "Bluetooth Keyboard", - "shortName": "Bluetooth Kbd", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone/PC, then use this app to control other apps", - "icon": "hid-keyboard.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"hid-keyboard.js"}, - {"name":"hidkbd.img","url":"hid-keyboard-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hidbkbd", - "name": "Binary Bluetooth Keyboard", - "shortName": "Binary BT Kbd", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone/PC, then type messages using the onscreen keyboard by tapping repeatedly on the key you want", - "icon": "hid-binary-keyboard.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"hid-binary-keyboard.js"}, - {"name":"hidbkbd.img","url":"hid-binary-keyboard-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "animals", - "name": "Animals Game", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Simple toddler's game - displays a different number of animals each time the screen is pressed", - "icon": "animals.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"animals.js"}, - {"name":"animals.img","url":"animals-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-snake.img","url":"animals-snake.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-duck.img","url":"animals-duck.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-swan.img","url":"animals-swan.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-fox.img","url":"animals-fox.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-camel.img","url":"animals-camel.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-pig.img","url":"animals-pig.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-sheep.img","url":"animals-sheep.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"animals-mouse.img","url":"animals-mouse.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "qrcode", - "name": "Custom QR Code", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Use this to upload a customised QR code to Bangle.js", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "qrcode", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "customConnect": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"qrcode.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "beer", - "name": "Beer Compass", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Uploads all the pubs in an area onto your watch, so it can always point you at the nearest one", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"beer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "route", - "name": "Route Viewer", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Upload a KML file of a route, and have your watch display a map with how far around it you are", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"route.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ncstart", - "name": "NCEU Startup", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "NodeConfEU 2019 'First Start' Sequence", - "icon": "start.png", - "tags": "start,welcome", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"start.js"}, - {"name":"ncstart.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"ncstart.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"ncstart.img","url":"start-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"nc-bangle.img","url":"start-bangle.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"nc-nceu.img","url":"start-nceu.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"nc-nfr.img","url":"start-nfr.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"nc-nodew.img","url":"start-nodew.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"nc-tf.img","url":"start-tf.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"ncstart.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "ncfrun", - "name": "NCEU 5K Fun Run", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display a map of the NodeConf EU 2019 5K Fun Run route and your location on it", - "icon": "nceu-funrun.png", - "tags": "health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"nceu-funrun.js"}, - {"name":"ncfrun.img","url":"nceu-funrun-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widnceu", - "name": "NCEU Logo Widget", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Show the NodeConf EU logo in the top left", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widnceu.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "sclock", - "name": "Simple Clock", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "A Simple Digital Clock", - "icon": "clock-simple.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_simplec.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-simple.js"}, - {"name":"sclock.img","url":"clock-simple-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "s7clk", - "name": "Simple 7 segment Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A simple 7 segment Clock with date", - "icon": "icon.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_s7segment.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"s7clk.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "vibrclock", - "name": "Vibrate Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "When BTN1 is pressed, vibrate out the time as a series of buzzes, one digit at a time. Hours, then Minutes. Zero is signified by one long buzz. Otherwise a simple digital clock.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-vibrate-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"vibrclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "svclock", - "name": "Simple V-Clock", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Modification of Simple Clock 0.04 to use Vectorfont", - "icon": "vclock-simple.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-simple-v-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"vclock-simple.js"}, - {"name":"svclock.img","url":"vclock-simple-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dclock", - "name": "Dev Clock", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "A Digital Clock including timestamp (tst), beats(@), days in current month (dm) and days since new moon (l)", - "icon": "clock-dev.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-dev-clock-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-dev-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-dev.js"}, - {"name":"dclock.img","url":"clock-dev-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gesture", - "name": "Gesture Test", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "BETA! Uploads a basic Tensorflow Gesture model, and then outputs each gesture as a message", - "icon": "gesture.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "gesture,ai", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"gesture.js"}, - {"name":".tfnames","url":"gesture-tfnames.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":".tfmodel","url":"gesture-tfmodel.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"gesture.img","url":"gesture-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pparrot", - "name": "Party Parrot", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Party with a parrot on your wrist", - "icon": "party-parrot.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "party,parrot,lol", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-party-parrot-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"party-parrot.js"}, - {"name":"pparrot.img","url":"party-parrot-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hrings", - "name": "Hypno Rings", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Experiment with trippy rings, press buttons for change", - "icon": "hypno-rings.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "rings,hypnosis,psychadelic", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-hypno-rings-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"hypno-rings.js"}, - {"name":"hrings.img","url":"hypno-rings-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "morse", - "name": "Morse Code", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Learn morse code by hearing/seeing/feeling the code. Tap to toggle buzz!", - "icon": "morse-code.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "morse,sound,visual,input", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"morse-code.js"}, - {"name":"morse.img","url":"morse-code-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "blescan", - "name": "BLE Scanner", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Scan for advertising BLE devices", - "icon": "blescan.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"blescan.js"}, - {"name":"blescan.img","url":"blescan-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mmonday", - "name": "Manic Monday Tone", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "The Bangles make a comeback", - "icon": "manic-monday-icon.png", - "tags": "sound", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"manic-monday.js"}, - {"name":"mmonday.img","url":"manic-monday-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "jbells", - "name": "Jingle Bells", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Play Jingle Bells", - "icon": "jbells.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "sound", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"jbells.js"}, - {"name":"jbells.img","url":"jbells-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "scolor", - "name": "Show Color", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display all available Colors and Names", - "icon": "show-color.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-view-color-screenshot.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"show-color.js"}, - {"name":"scolor.img","url":"show-color-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "miclock", - "name": "Mixed Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "A mix of analog and digital Clock", - "icon": "clock-mixed.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mixed-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-mixed.js"}, - {"name":"miclock.img","url":"clock-mixed-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "bclock", - "name": "Binary Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A simple binary clock watch face", - "icon": "clock-binary.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-binary-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-binary.js"}, - {"name":"bclock.img","url":"clock-binary-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "clotris", - "name": "Clock-Tris", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A fully functional clone of a classic game of falling blocks", - "icon": "clock-tris.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-clock-tris-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-tris.js"}, - {"name":"clotris.img","url":"clock-tris-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":".trishig","url":"clock-tris-high"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "flappy", - "name": "Flappy Bird", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "A Flappy Bird game clone", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot1_flappy.png"},{"url":"screenshot2_flappy.png"}], - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"flappy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gpsinfo", - "name": "GPS Info", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "An application that displays information about altitude, lat/lon, satellites and time", - "icon": "gps-info.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"gps-info.js"}, - {"name":"gpsinfo.img","url":"gps-info-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "assistedgps", - "name": "Assisted GPS Update (AGPS)", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Downloads assisted GPS (AGPS) data to Bangle.js 1 for faster GPS startup and more accurate fixes. **No app will be installed**, this just uploads new data to the GPS chip.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "RAM", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,agps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [] - }, - { - "id": "pomodo", - "name": "Pomodoro", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A simple pomodoro timer.", - "icon": "pomodoro.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "pomodoro,cooking,tools", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-pomodoro-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"pomodoro.js"}, - {"name":"pomodo.img","url":"pomodoro-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "blobclk", - "name": "Large Digit Blob Clock", - "shortName": "Blob Clock", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "A clock with big digits", - "icon": "clock-blob.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-large-digit-blob-clock-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-large-digit-blob-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-blob.js"}, - {"name":"blobclk.img","url":"clock-blob-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "boldclk", - "name": "Bold Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Simple, readable and practical clock", - "icon": "bold_clock.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_bold.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"bold_clock.js"}, - {"name":"boldclk.img","url":"bold_clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widclk", - "name": "Digital clock widget", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "A simple digital clock widget", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widclk.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widpedom", - "name": "Pedometer widget", - "version": "0.20", - "description": "Daily pedometer widget", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widpedom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"widpedom.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "berlinc", - "name": "Berlin Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Berlin Clock (see", - "icon": "berlin-clock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"berlin-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"berlin-clock.js"}, - {"name":"berlinc.img","url":"berlin-clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ctrclk", - "name": "Centerclock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Watch-centered digital 24h clock with date in format.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-center-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ctrclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "demoapp", - "name": "Demo Loop", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple demo app - displays Bangle.js, JS logo, graphics, and Bangle.js information", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot1.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot2.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot3.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot4.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"demoapp.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "sortorder": -9 - }, - { - "id": "flagrse", - "name": "Espruino Flag Raiser", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "App to send a command to another Espruino to cause it to raise a flag", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"flagrse.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pipboy", - "name": "Pipboy", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Pipboy themed clock", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-pipboy-themed-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"pipboy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "torch", - "name": "Torch", - "shortName": "Torch", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Turns screen white to help you see in the dark. Select from the launcher or press BTN1,BTN3,BTN1,BTN3 quickly to start when in any app that shows widgets", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,torch", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"torch.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"torch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "rtorch", - "name": "Red Torch", - "shortName": "RedTorch", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Turns screen RED to help you see in the dark without breaking your night vision. Select from the launcher or on Bangle 1 press BTN3,BTN1,BTN3,BTN1 quickly to start when in any app that shows widgets", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,torch", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"rtorch.wid.js","url":"widget.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"rtorch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "wohrm", - "name": "Workout HRM", - "version": "0.08", - "description": "Workout heart rate monitor notifies you with a buzz if your heart rate goes above or below the set limits.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "hrm,workout", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-workout-HRM-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"wohrm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widid", - "name": "Bluetooth ID Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Display the last two tuple of your Bangle.js MAC address in the widget section. This is useful for figuring out which Bangle.js to connect to if you have more than one Bangle.js!", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,address,mac", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "grocery", - "name": "Grocery", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple grocery (shopping) list - Display a list of product and track if you already put them in your cart.", - "icon": "grocery.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,shopping,list", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "custom": "grocery.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"grocery.img","url":"grocery-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "marioclock", - "name": "Mario Clock", - "version": "0.15", - "description": "Animated retro Mario clock, with Gameboy style 8-bit grey-scale graphics.", - "icon": "marioclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,mario,retro", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": false, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mario-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"marioclock-app.js"}, - {"name":"marioclock.img","url":"marioclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "cliock", - "name": "Commandline-Clock", - "shortName": "CLI-Clock", - "version": "0.15", - "description": "Simple CLI-Styled Clock", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_cli.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"cliock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widver", - "name": "Firmware Version Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Display the version of the installed firmware in the top widget section.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widver.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "barclock", - "name": "Bar Clock", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "A simple digital clock showing seconds as a bar", - "icon": "clock-bar.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"},{"url":"screenshot_pm.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-bar.js"}, - {"name":"barclock.img","url":"clock-bar-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dotclock", - "name": "Dot Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A Minimal Dot Analog Clock", - "icon": "clock-dot.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-dot-clcok-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-dot-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-dot.js"}, - {"name":"dotclock.img","url":"clock-dot-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widtbat", - "name": "Tiny Battery Widget", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Tiny blueish battery widget, vibs and changes level color when charging", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widtbat.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "chrono", - "name": "Chrono", - "shortName": "Chrono", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Single click BTN1 to add 5 minutes. Single click BTN2 to add 30 seconds. Single click BTN3 to add 5 seconds. Tap to pause or play to timer. Double click BTN1 to reset. When timer finishes the watch vibrates.", - "icon": "chrono.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"chrono.js"}, - {"name":"chrono.img","url":"chrono-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "astrocalc", - "name": "Astrocalc", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Calculates interesting information on the sun and moon cycles for the current day based on your location.", - "icon": "astrocalc.png", - "tags": "app,sun,moon,cycles,tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"astrocalc-app.js"}, - {"name":"suncalc.js","url":"suncalc.js"}, - {"name":"astrocalc.img","url":"astrocalc-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"first-quarter.img","url":"first-quarter-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"last-quarter.img","url":"last-quarter-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"waning-crescent.img","url":"waning-crescent-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"waning-gibbous.img","url":"waning-gibbous-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"full.img","url":"full-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"new.img","url":"new-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"waxing-gibbous.img","url":"waxing-gibbous-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"waxing-crescent.img","url":"waxing-crescent-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widhwt", - "name": "Hand Wash Timer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Swipe your wrist over the watch face to start your personal Bangle.js hand wash timer for 35 sec. Start washing after the short buzz and stop after the long buzz.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widhwt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "toucher", - "name": "Touch Launcher", - "shortName": "Toucher", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Touch enable left to right launcher.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "launch", - "tags": "tool,system,launcher", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"toucher.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"toucher.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "balltastic", - "name": "Balltastic", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple but fun ball eats dots game.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "game,fun", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"balltastic.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "rpgdice", - "name": "RPG dice", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple RPG dice rolling app.", - "icon": "rpgdice.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "game,fun", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-rpg-dice-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"rpgdice.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widmp", - "name": "Moon Phase Widget", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Display the current moon phase in blueish for the northern hemisphere in eight phases", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,tools", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widmp.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widmpsh", - "name": "Moon Phase Widget Southern Hemisphere", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display the current moon phase in blueish for the southern hemisphere in eight phases", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,tools", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widmpsh.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "minionclk", - "name": "Minion clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Minion themed clock.", - "icon": "minionclk.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,minion", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-minion-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"minionclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "openstmap", - "name": "OpenStreetMap", - "shortName": "OpenStMap", - "version": "0.11", - "description": "Loads map tiles from OpenStreetMap onto your Bangle.js and displays a map of where you are. Once installed this also adds map functionality to `GPS Recorder` and `Recorder` apps", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoors,gps,osm", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "custom": "custom.html", - "customConnect": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"openstmap","url":"openstmap.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"openstmap.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "activepedom", - "name": "Active Pedometer", - "shortName": "Active Pedometer", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "Pedometer that filters out arm movement and displays a step goal progress. Steps are saved to a daily file and can be viewed as graph.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoors,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"activepedom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"activepedom.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"activepedom.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "chronowid", - "name": "Chrono Widget", - "shortName": "Chrono Widget", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Chronometer (timer) which runs as widget.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"chronowid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"chronowid.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "tabata", - "name": "Tabata", - "shortName": "Tabata - Control High-Intensity Interval Training", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Control high-intensity interval training (according to tabata:", - "icon": "tabata.png", - "tags": "workout,health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"tabata.js"}, - {"name":"tabata.img","url":"tabata-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "custom", - "name": "Custom Boot Code ", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Add code you want to run at boot time", - "icon": "custom.png", - "type": "bootloader", - "tags": "tool,system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"custom"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "devstopwatch", - "name": "Dev Stopwatch", - "shortName": "Dev Stopwatch", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Stopwatch with 5 laps supported (cyclically replaced)", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "stopwatch,chrono,timer,chronometer", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-dev-stopwatch-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"devstopwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "batchart", - "name": "Battery Chart", - "shortName": "Battery Chart", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "A widget and an app for recording and visualizing battery percentage over time.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "app,widget,battery,time,record,chart,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"batchart.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"batchart.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "nato", - "name": "NATO Alphabet", - "shortName": "NATOAlphabet", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Learn the NATO Phonetic alphabet plus some numbers.", - "icon": "nato.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "app,learn,visual", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-NATO-alphabet-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-NATO-alphabet-screenshot2.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"nato.js"}, - {"name":"nato.img","url":"nato-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "numerals", - "name": "Numerals Clock", - "shortName": "Numerals Clock", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "A simple big numerals clock", - "icon": "numerals.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "numerals,clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-numerals-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"numerals.img","url":"numerals-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"numerals.settings.js","url":"numerals.settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"numerals.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "bledetect", - "name": "BLE Detector", - "shortName": "BLE Detector", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Detect BLE devices and show some informations.", - "icon": "bledetect.png", - "tags": "app,bluetooth,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"bledetect.js"}, - {"name":"bledetect.img","url":"bledetect-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "snake", - "name": "Snake", - "shortName": "Snake", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "The classic snake game. Eat apples and don't bite your tail.", - "icon": "snake.png", - "tags": "game,fun", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"snake.js"}, - {"name":"snake.img","url":"snake-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "snek", - "name": "The snek game", - "shortName":"Snek", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A snek game where you control a snek to eat all the apples!", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_snek.png"}], - "icon": "snek.png", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "tags": "game,fun", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"snek.js"}, - {"name":"snek.img","url":"snek.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "calculator", - "name": "Calculator", - "shortName": "Calculator", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Basic calculator reminiscent of MacOs's one. Handy for small calculus.", - "icon": "calculator.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_calculator.png"}], - "tags": "app,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"calculator.img","url":"calculator-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dane", - "name": "Digital Assistant, not EDITH", - "shortName": "DANE", - "version": "0.16", - "description": "A Watchface inspired by Tony Stark's EDITH and based on", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"dane.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dane_tcr", - "name": "DANE Touch Launcher", - "shortName": "DANE Toucher", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Touch enable left to right launcher in the style of the DANE Watchface", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "launch", - "tags": "tool,system,launcher", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"dane_tcr.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"dane_tcr.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "buffgym", - "name": "BuffGym", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "BuffGym is the famous 5x5 workout program for the BangleJS", - "icon": "buffgym.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gym,exercise", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "buffgym.html", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"buffgym-set.js","url":"buffgym-set.js"}, - {"name":"buffgym-exercise.js","url":"buffgym-exercise.js"}, - {"name":"buffgym-workout.js","url":"buffgym-workout.js"}, - {"name":"buffgym-workout-a.json","url":"buffgym-workout-a.json"}, - {"name":"buffgym-workout-b.json","url":"buffgym-workout-b.json"}, - {"name":"buffgym-workout-index.json","url":"buffgym-workout-index.json"}, - {"name":"buffgym.img","url":"buffgym-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "banglerun", - "name": "BangleRun", - "shortName": "BangleRun", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "An app for running sessions. Displays info and logs your run for later viewing.", - "icon": "banglerun.png", - "tags": "run,running,fitness,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "interface": "interface.html", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"banglerun.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "metronome", - "name": "Metronome", - "version": "0.07", - "readme": "", - "description": "Makes the watch blinking and vibrating with a given rate", - "icon": "metronome_icon.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-metronome-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"metronome.js"}, - {"name":"metronome.img","url":"metronome-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"metronome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "blackjack", - "name": "Black Jack game", - "shortName": "Black Jack game", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple implementation of card game Black Jack", - "icon": "blackjack.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-black-jack-game-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"blackjack.img","url":"blackjack-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hidcam", - "name": "Camera shutter", - "shortName": "Cam shutter", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Enable HID, connect to your phone, start your camera and trigger the shot on your Bangle", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "bluetooth,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hidcam.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "swlclk", - "name": "SWL Clock / Short Wave Listner Clock", - "shortName": "SWL Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Display Local, UTC time and some programs on the shorts waves along the day, with the frequencies", - "icon": "swlclk.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "tool,clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-SWL-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"swlclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "rclock", - "name": "Round clock with seconds, minutes and date", - "shortName": "Round Clock", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "Designed round clock with ticks for minutes and seconds and heart rate indication", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"rclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "fclock", - "name": "fclock", - "shortName": "F Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple design of a digital clock", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"fclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hamloc", - "name": "QTH Locator / Maidenhead Locator System", - "shortName": "QTH Locator", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Convert your current GPS location to the Maidenhead locator system used by HAM amateur radio operators", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hamloc.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "osmpoi", - "name": "POI Compass", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Uploads all the points of interest in an area onto your watch, same as Beer Compass with more p.o.i.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"osmpoi.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pong", - "name": "Pong", - "shortName": "Pong", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A clone of the Atari game Pong", - "icon": "pong.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-pong-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"pong.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ballmaze", - "name": "Ball Maze", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Navigate a ball through a maze by tilting your watch.", - "icon": "icon.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ballmaze.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"ballmaze.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "calendar", - "name": "Calendar", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Simple calendar", - "icon": "calendar.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_calendar.png"}], - "tags": "calendar", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"calendar.js"}, - {"name":"calendar.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"calendar.img","url":"calendar-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"calendar.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "hidjoystick", - "name": "Bluetooth Joystick", - "shortName": "Joystick", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Emulates a 2 axis/5 button Joystick using the accelerometer as stick input and buttons 1-3, touch left as button 4 and touch right as button 5.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hidjoystick.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "largeclock", - "name": "Large Clock", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "A readable and informational digital watch, with date, seconds and moon phase", - "icon": "largeclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-large-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"largeclock.js"}, - {"name":"largeclock.img","url":"largeclock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"largeclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"largeclock.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "smtswch", - "name": "Smart Switch", - "shortName": "Smart Switch", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Using EspruinoHub, control your smart devices on and off via Bluetooth Low Energy!", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "bluetooth,btle,smart,switch", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"smtswch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"light-on.img","url":"light-on.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"light-off.img","url":"light-off.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"switch-on.img","url":"switch-on.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"switch-off.img","url":"switch-off.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "miplant", - "name": "Xiaomi Plant Sensor", - "shortName": "Mi Plant", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Reads and displays data from Xiaomi bluetooth plant moisture sensors", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "xiaomi,mi,plant,ble,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"miplant.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "simpletimer", - "name": "Timer", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Simple timer, useful when playing board games or cooking", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "timer", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-timer-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":".tfnames","url":"gesture-tfnames.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":".tfmodel","url":"gesture-tfmodel.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"simpletimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"simpletimer.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "beebclock", - "name": "Beeb Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Clock face that may be coincidentally familiar to BBC viewers", - "icon": "beebclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-beeb-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"beebclock.js"}, - {"name":"beebclock.img","url":"beebclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "findphone", - "name": "Find Phone", - "shortName": "Find Phone", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Find your phone via Gadgetbridge. Click any button to let your phone ring. 📳 Note: The functionality is available even without this app, just go to Settings, App Settings, Gadgetbridge, Find Phone.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,android", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"findphone.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "getup", - "name": "Get Up", - "shortName": "Get Up", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Reminds you to getup every x minutes. Sitting to long is dangerous!", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tools,health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-get-up-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"getup.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"getup.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gallifr", - "name": "Time Traveller's Chronometer", - "shortName": "Time Travel Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A clock for time travellers. The light pie segment shows the minutes, the black circle, the hour. The dial itself reads 'time' just in case you forget.", - "icon": "gallifr.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_time.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gallifr.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"gallifr.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"gallifr.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "rndmclk", - "name": "Random Clock Loader", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Load a different clock whenever the LCD is switched on.", - "icon": "rndmclk.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"rndmclk.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dotmatrixclock", - "name": "Dotmatrix Clock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A clear white-on-blue dotmatrix simulated clock", - "icon": "dotmatrixclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,dotmatrix,retro", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"dotmatrixclock.img","url":"dotmatrixclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "jbm8b", - "name": "Magic 8 Ball", - "shortName": "Magic 8 Ball", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A simple fortune telling app", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"jbm8b.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "jbm8b_IT", - "name": "Magic 8 Ball Italiano", - "shortName": "Magic 8 Ball IT", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "La palla predice il futuro", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-magic-8-ball-italiano-screenshot.png"}], - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"jbm8b_IT.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "BLEcontroller", - "name": "BLE Customisable Controller with Joystick", - "shortName": "BLE Controller", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A configurable controller for BLE devices and robots, with a basic four direction joystick. Designed to be easy to customise so you can add your own menus.", - "icon": "BLEcontroller.png", - "tags": "tool,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"BLEcontroller.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widviz", - "name": "Widget Visibility Widget", - "shortName": "Viz Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Swipe left to hide top bar widgets, swipe right to redisplay.", - "icon": "eye.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widviz.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "binclock", - "name": "Binary Clock", - "shortName": "Binary Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A binary clock with hours and minutes. BTN1 toggles a digital clock.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,binary", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"binclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pizzatimer", - "name": "Pizza Timer", - "shortName": "Pizza Timer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A timer app for when you cook Pizza. Some say it can also time other things", - "icon": "pizza.png", - "tags": "timer,tool,pizza", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"pizzatimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "animclk", - "name": "Animated Clock", - "shortName": "Anim Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "An animated clock face using Mark Ferrari's amazing 8 bit game art and palette cycling:", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,animated", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"animclk.pixels1","url":"animclk.pixels1"}, - {"name":"animclk.pixels2","url":"animclk.pixels2"}, - {"name":"animclk.pal","url":"animclk.pal"}, - {"name":"animclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "analogimgclk", - "name": "Analog Clock (Image background)", - "shortName": "Analog Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "An analog clock with an image background", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"bg.img"}, - {"name":"analogimgclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "verticalface", - "name": "Vertical watch face", - "shortName": "Vertical Face", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "A simple vertical watch face with the date. Heart rate monitor is toggled with BTN1", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-vertical-watch-face-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"verticalface.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "sleepphasealarm", - "name": "SleepPhaseAlarm", - "shortName": "SleepPhaseAlarm", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Uses the accelerometer to estimate sleep and wake states with the principle of Estimation of Stationary Sleep-segments (ESS, see This app will read the next alarm from the alarm application and will wake you up to 30 minutes early at the best guessed time when you are almost already awake.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "alarm", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"sleepphasealarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "life", - "name": "Game of Life", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Conway's Game of Life - 16x16 board", - "icon": "life.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-game-of-life-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"life.min.js"}, - {"name":"life.img","url":"life-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "magnav", - "name": "Navigation Compass", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Compass with linear display as for GPSNAV. Has Tilt compensation and remembers calibration.", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot-b2.png"},{"url":"screenshot-light-b2.png"}], - "icon": "magnav.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"magnav_b1.js","supports":["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"magnav_b2.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"magnav.img","url":"magnav-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"magnav.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "gpspoilog", - "name": "GPS POI Logger", - "shortName": "GPS POI Log", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A simple app to log points of interest with their GPS coordinates and read them back onto your PC. Based on the tutorial", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gpspoilog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "miclock2", - "name": "Mixed Clock 2", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "White color variant of the Mixed Clock with thicker clock hands for better readability in the bright sunlight, extra space under the clock for widgets and seconds in the digital clock.", - "icon": "clock-mixed.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mixed-clock-2-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"clock-mixed.js"}, - {"name":"miclock2.img","url":"clock-mixed-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "1button", - "name": "One-Button-Tracker", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A widget that turns BTN1 into a tracker, records time of button press/release.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "tool,quantifiedself,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"1button.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"one_button_presses.csv","storageFile":true}] - }, - { - "id": "gpsautotime", - "name": "GPS auto time", - "shortName": "GPS auto time", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A widget that automatically updates the Bangle.js time to the GPS time whenever there is a valid GPS fix.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"gpsautotime.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "espruinoctrl", - "name": "Espruino Control", - "shortName": "Espruino Ctrl", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Send commands to other Espruino devices via the Bluetooth UART interface. Customisable commands!", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"espruinoctrl.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "multiclock", - "name": "Multi Clock", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "Clock with multiple faces. Switch between faces with BTN1 & BTN3 (Bangle 2 touch top-right, bottom right). For best display set theme Background 2 to cyan or some other bright colour in settings.", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screen-ana.png"},{"url":"screen-big.png"},{"url":"screen-td.png"},{"url":"screen-nifty.png"},{"url":"screen-word.png"},{"url":"screen-sec.png"}], - "icon": "multiclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"big.face.js","url":"big.face.js"}, - {"name":"ana.face.js","url":"ana.face.js"}, - {"name":"digi.face.js","url":"digi.face.js"}, - {"name":"txt.face.js","url":"txt.face.js"}, - {"name":"dk.face.js","url":"dk.face.js"}, - {"name":"nifty.face.js","url":"nifty.face.js"}, - {"name":"multiclock.img","url":"multiclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widancs", - "name": "Apple Notification Widget", - "shortName": "ANCS Widget", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Displays call, message etc notifications from a paired iPhone. Read README before installation as it only works with compatible apps", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widancs.wid.js","url":"ancs.min.js"}, - {"name":"widancs.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "accelrec", - "name": "Acceleration Recorder", - "shortName": "Accel Rec", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "This app puts the Bangle's accelerometer into 100Hz mode and reads 2 seconds worth of data after movement starts. The data can then be exported back to the PC.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"accelrec.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"wildcard":"accelrec.?.csv"}] - }, - { - "id": "accellog", - "name": "Acceleration Logger", - "shortName": "Accel Log", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Logs XYZ acceleration data to a CSV file that can be downloaded to your PC", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoor", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"accellog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"wildcard":"accellog.?.csv"}] - }, - { - "id": "cprassist", - "name": "CPR Assist", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Provides assistance while performing a CPR", - "icon": "cprassist-icon.png", - "tags": "tool,firstaid", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-CPR-assist-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"cprassist.js"}, - {"name":"cprassist.img","url":"cprassist-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"cprassist.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "osgridref", - "name": "Ordnance Survey Grid Reference", - "shortName": "OS Grid ref", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Displays the UK Ordnance Survey grid reference of your current GPS location. Useful when in the United Kingdom with an Ordnance Survey map", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"osgridref.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "openseizure", - "name": "OpenSeizureDetector Widget", - "shortName": "Short Name", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "[BETA!] A widget to work alongside [OpenSeizureDetector](", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"openseizure.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "counter", - "name": "Counter", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Simple counter", - "icon": "counter_icon.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-counter-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"counter.js"}, - {"name":"counter.img","url":"counter-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "bootgattbat", - "name": "BLE GATT Battery Service", - "shortName": "BLE Battery Service", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Adds the GATT Battery Service to advertise the percentage of battery currently remaining over Bluetooth.\n", - "icon": "bluetooth.png", - "type": "bootloader", - "tags": "battery,ble,bluetooth,gatt", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"gattbat.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "viewstl", - "name": "STL file viewer", - "shortName": "ViewSTL", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "This app allows you to view STL 3D models on your watch", - "icon": "icons8-octahedron-48.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"viewstl.min.js"}, - {"name":"viewstl.img","url":"viewstl-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"tetra.stl","url":"tetra.stl"}, - {"name":"cube.stl","url":"cube.stl"}, - {"name":"icosa.stl","url":"icosa.stl"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "cscsensor", - "name": "Cycling speed sensor", - "shortName": "CSCSensor", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "Read BLE enabled cycling speed and cadence sensor and display readings on watch", - "icon": "icons8-cycling-48.png", - "tags": "outdoors,exercise,ble,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"cscsensor.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"cscsensor.img","url":"cscsensor-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "fileman", - "name": "File manager", - "shortName": "FileManager", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Simple file manager, allows user to examine watch storage and display, load or delete individual files", - "icon": "icons8-filing-cabinet-48.png", - "tags": "tools", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"fileman.img","url":"fileman-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "worldclock", - "name": "World Clock - 4 time zones", - "shortName": "World Clock", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Current time zone plus up to four others", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_world.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "custom": "custom.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"worldclock.img","url":"worldclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"worldclock.settings.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "digiclock", - "name": "Digital Clock Face", - "shortName": "Digi Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A simple digital clock with the time, day, month, and year", - "icon": "digiclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"digiclock.js"}, - {"name":"digiclock.img","url":"digiclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dsdrelay", - "name": "DSD BLE Relay controller", - "shortName": "DSDRelay", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Control BLE relay board from the watch", - "icon": "icons8-relay-48.png", - "tags": "ble,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"dsdrelay.img","url":"dsdrelay-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mandel", - "name": "Mandelbrot", - "shortName": "Mandel", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Draw a zoomable Mandelbrot set", - "icon": "mandel.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"mandel.min.js"}, - {"name":"mandel.img","url":"mandel-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "petrock", - "name": "Pet rock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A virtual pet rock with wobbly eyes", - "icon": "petrock.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"petrock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "smartibot", - "name": "Smartibot controller", - "shortName": "Smartibot", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Control a [Smartibot Robot]( straight from your Bangle.js", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"smartibot.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widncr", - "name": "NCR Logo Widget", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Show the NodeConf Remote logo in the top left", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widncr.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ncrclk", - "name": "NCR Clock", - "shortName": "NCR Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "NodeConf Remote clock", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ncrclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "isoclock", - "name": "ISO Compliant Clock Face", - "shortName": "ISO Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Tweaked fork of digiclock for ISO date and time", - "icon": "isoclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"isoclock.js"}, - {"name":"isoclock.img","url":"isoclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gpstimeserver", - "name": "GPS Time Server", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A widget which automatically starts the GPS and turns Bangle.js into a Bluetooth time server.", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"gpstimeserver.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "tilthydro", - "name": "Tilt Hydrometer Display", - "shortName": "Tilt Hydro", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A display for the [Tilt Hydrometer]( - [more info here](", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tools,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"tilthydro.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "supmariodark", - "name": "Super mario clock night mode", - "shortName": "supmariodark", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Super mario clock in night mode", - "icon": "supmariodark.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"supmariodark.js"}, - {"name":"supmariodark.img","url":"supmariodark-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"supmario30x24.bin","url":"supmario30x24.bin.js"}, - {"name":"supmario30x24.wdt","url":"supmario30x24.wdt.js"}, - {"name":"banner-up.img","url":"banner-up.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"banner-down.img","url":"banner-down.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"brick2.img","url":"brick2.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"enemy.img","url":"enemy.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"flower.img","url":"flower.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"flower_b.img","url":"flower_b.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"mario_wh.img","url":"mario_wh.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"pipe.img","url":"pipe.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gmeter", - "name": "G-Meter", - "shortName": "G-Meter", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Simple G-Meter", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gmeter.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "dtlaunch", - "name": "Desktop Launcher", - "version": "0.07", - "description": "Desktop style App Launcher with six (four for Bangle 2) apps per page - fast access if you have lots of apps installed.", - "screenshots": [{"url":"shot1.png"},{"url":"shot2.png"},{"url":"shot3.png"}], - "icon": "icon.png", - "type": "launch", - "tags": "tool,system,launcher", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app-b1.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"","url":"app-b2.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"dtlaunch.settings.js","url":"settings-b1.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, - {"name":"dtlaunch.settings.js","url":"settings-b2.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, - {"name":"dtlaunch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"dtlaunch.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "HRV", - "name": "Heart Rate Variability monitor", - "shortName": "HRV monitor", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Heart Rate Variability monitor, see Readme for more info", - "icon": "hrv.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"HRV.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hardalarm", - "name": "Hard Alarm", - "shortName": "HardAlarm", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Make sure you wake up! Count to the right number to turn off the alarm", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hardalarm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"hardalarm.js","url":"hardalarm.js"}, - {"name":"hardalarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"hardalarm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"hardalarm.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "edisonsball", - "name": "Edison's Ball", - "shortName": "Edison's Ball", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Hypnagogia/Micro-Sleep alarm for experimental use in exploring sleep transition and combating drowsiness", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"edisonsball.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hrrawexp", - "name": "HRM Data Exporter", - "shortName": "HRM Data Exporter", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "export raw hrm signal data to a csv file", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "interface.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hrrawexp.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "breath", - "name": "Breathing App", - "shortName": "Breathing App", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "app to aid relaxation and train breath syncronicity using haptics and visualisation, also displays HR", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "tags": "tools,health", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"breath.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"breath.settings.json","url":"settings.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "lazyclock", - "name": "Lazy Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Tells the time, roughly", - "icon": "lazyclock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-lazy-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"lazyclock-app.js"}, - {"name":"lazyclock.img","url":"lazyclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "astral", - "name": "Astral Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Clock that calculates and displays Alt Az positions of all planets, Sun as well as several other astronomy targets (customizable) and current Moon phase. Coordinates are calculated by GPS & time and onscreen compass assists orienting. See Readme before using.", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"astral.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "alpinenav", - "name": "Alpine Nav", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "App that performs GPS monitoring to track and display position relative to a given origin in realtime", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "tags": "outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"alpinenav.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "lifeclk", - "name": "Game of Life Clock", - "shortName": "Conway's Clock", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "Modification and clockification of Conway's Game of Life", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.min.js"}, - {"name":"lifeclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "speedalt", - "name": "GPS Adventure Sports", - "shortName": "GPS Adv Sport", - "version": "1.02", - "description": "GPS speed, altitude and distance to waypoint display. Designed for easy viewing and use during outdoor activities such as para-gliding, hang-gliding, sailing, cycling etc.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"speedalt.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"speedalt.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"speedalt.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "speedalt2", - "name": "GPS Adventure Sports II", - "shortName":"GPS Adv Sport II", - "version":"1.10", - "description": "GPS speed, altitude and distance to waypoint display. Designed for easy viewing and use during outdoor activities such as para-gliding, hang-gliding, sailing, cycling etc.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"speedalt2.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"speedalt2.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"speedalt2.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "slomoclock", - "name": "SloMo Clock", - "shortName": "SloMo Clock", - "version": "0.10", - "description": "Simple 24h clock face with large digits, hour above minute. Uses Layout library.", - "icon": "watch.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-slow-mo-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"slomoclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"slomoclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"slomoclock.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "de-stress", - "name": "De-Stress", - "shortName": "De-Stress", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Simple haptic heartbeat", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"de-stress.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mclockplus", - "name": "Morph Clock+", - "shortName": "Morph Clock+", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Morphing Clock with more readable seconds and date and additional stopwatch", - "icon": "mclockplus.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"mclockplus.img","url":"mclockplus-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "intervals", - "name": "Intervals App", - "shortName": "Intervals", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Intervals for training. It is possible to configure work time and rest time and number of sets.", - "icon": "intervals.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"intervals.img","url":"intervals-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "planetarium", - "name": "Planetarium", - "shortName": "Planetarium", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Planetarium showing up to 500 stars using the watch location and time", - "icon": "planetarium.png", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"planetarium.const.csv","url":"planetarium.const.csv"}, - {"name":"planetarium.extra.csv","url":"planetarium.extra.csv"}, - {"name":"planetarium.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"planetarium.img","url":"planetarium-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"planetarium.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "tapelauncher", - "name": "Tape Launcher", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "An App launcher, icons displayed in a horizontal tape, swipe or use buttons", - "icon": "icon.png", - "type": "launch", - "tags": "tool,system,launcher", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"tapelauncher.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "oblique", - "name": "Oblique Strategies", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Oblique Strategies for creativity. Copied from Brian Eno.", - "icon": "eno.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"oblique.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "testuserinput", - "name": "Test User Input", - "shortName": "Test User Input", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "App to test the bangle.js input interface. It displays the user action in text, circle buttons or on/off switch UI elements.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "input,interface,buttons,touch,UI", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"testuserinput.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gpssetup", - "name": "GPS Setup", - "shortName": "GPS Setup", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Configure the GPS power options and store them in the GPS nvram", - "icon": "gpssetup.png", - "tags": "gps,tools,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"gpssetup","url":"gpssetup.js"}, - {"name":"gpssetup.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gpssetup.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"gpssetup.settings.json","url":"settings.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "walkersclock", - "name": "Walkers Clock", - "shortName": "Walkers Clock", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "A large font watch, displays steps, can switch GPS on/off, displays grid reference", - "icon": "walkersclock48.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,gps,tools,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"walkersclock.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widgps", - "name": "GPS Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the GPS", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widgps.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widhrt", - "name": "HRM Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the Heart Rate Monitor", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,hrm", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widhrt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "countdowntimer", - "name": "Countdown Timer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A simple countdown timer with a focus on usability", - "icon": "countdowntimer.png", - "tags": "timer,tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"countdowntimer.js"}, - {"name":"countdowntimer.img","url":"countdowntimer-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "helloworld", - "name": "hello, world!", - "shortName": "hello world", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A cross cultural hello world!/hola mundo! app with colors and languages", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "input,interface,buttons,touch", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"helloworld.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widcom", - "name": "Compass Widget", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the Compass", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget,compass", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widcom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "arrow", - "name": "Arrow Compass", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Moving arrow compass that points North, shows heading, with tilt correction. Based on jeffmer's Navigation Compass", - "icon": "arrow.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"arrow.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "waypointer", - "name": "Way Pointer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Navigate to a waypoint using the GPS for bearing and compass to point way, uses the same waypoint interface as GPS Navigation", - "icon": "waypointer.png", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "waypoints.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"waypointer.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "color_catalog", - "name": "Colors Catalog", - "shortName": "Colors Catalog", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Displays RGB565 and RGB888 colors, its name and code in screen.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "Color,input,buttons,touch,UI", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"color_catalog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "UI4swatch", - "name": "UI 4 swatch", - "shortName": "UI 4 swatch", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A UI/UX for espruino smartwatches, displays dinamically calc. x,y coordinates.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "Color,input,buttons,touch,UI", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"UI4swatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "simplest", - "name": "Simplest Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "The simplest working clock, acts as a tutorial piece", - "icon": "simplest.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_simplest.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"simplest.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "stepo", - "name": "Stepometer Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A large font watch, displays step count in a doughnut guage and warns of low battery, requires one of the steps widgets to be installed", - "icon": "stepo.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"stepo.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gbmusic", - "name": "Gadgetbridge Music Controls", - "shortName": "Music Controls", - "version": "0.08", - "description": "Control the music on your Gadgetbridge-connected phone", - "icon": "icon.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_v1.png"},{"url":"screenshot_v2.png"}], - "type": "app", - "tags": "tools,bluetooth,gadgetbridge,music", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gbmusic.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, - {"name":"gbmusic.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"gbmusic.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"gbmusic.json"},{"name":"gbmusic.load.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "battleship", - "name": "Battleship", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "The classic game of battleship", - "icon": "battleship-icon.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-battle-ship-screenshot.png"}], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"battleship.js"}, - {"name":"battleship.img","url":"battleship-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "kitchen", - "name": "Kitchen Combo", - "version": "0.13", - "description": "Combination of the Stepo, Walkersclock, Arrow and Waypointer apps into a multiclock format. 'Everything but the kitchen sink'", - "icon": "kitchen.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "interface": "waypoints.html", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"stepo2.kit.js","url":"stepo2.kit.js"}, - {"name":"swatch.kit.js","url":"swatch.kit.js"}, - {"name":"gps.kit.js","url":"gps.kit.js"}, - {"name":"compass.kit.js","url":"compass.kit.js"}, - {"name":"kitchen.img","url":"kitchen.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "banglebridge", - "name": "BangleBridge", - "shortName": "BangleBridge", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Widget that allows Bangle Js to record pair and end data using Bluetooth Low Energy in combination with the BangleBridge Android App", - "icon": "widget.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"banglebridge.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"watch.img"}, - {"name":"banglebridge.heart.img","url":"heart.img"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "qmsched", - "name": "Quiet Mode Schedule and Widget", - "shortName": "Quiet Mode", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "Automatically turn Quiet Mode on or off at set times, and change LCD options while Quiet Mode is active.", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_b1_main.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_lcd.png"}, - {"url":"screenshot_b2_main.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_lcd.png"}], - "tags": "tool,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"qmsched","url":"lib.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"qmsched.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"qmsched.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"qmsched.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"qmsched.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "hourstrike", - "name": "Hour Strike", - "shortName": "Hour Strike", - "version": "0.08", - "description": "Strike the clock on the hour. A great tool to remind you an hour has passed!", - "icon": "app-icon.png", - "tags": "tool,alarm", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"hourstrike.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"hourstrike.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"hourstrike.json","url":"hourstrike.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "whereworld", - "name": "Where in the World?", - "shortName": "Where World", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Shows your current location on the world map", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "gps", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"whereworld.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"whereworld.worldmap","url":"worldmap"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "omnitrix", - "name": "Omnitrix", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "An Omnitrix Showpiece", - "icon": "omnitrix.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"omnitrix.img","url":"omnitrix.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "batclock", - "name": "Bat Clock", - "shortName": "Bat Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Morphing Clock, with an awesome \"The Dark Knight\" themed logo.", - "icon": "bat-clock.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"batclock.img","url":"bat-clock.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "doztime", - "name": "Dozenal Time", - "shortName": "Dozenal Time", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "A dozenal Holocene calendar and dozenal diurnal clock", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"doztime.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "gbtwist", - "name": "Gadgetbridge Twist Control", - "shortName": "Twist Control", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Shake your wrist to control your music app via Gadgetbridge", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "tools,bluetooth,gadgetbridge,music", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": false, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"gbtwist.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "thermom", - "name": "Thermometer", - "version": "0.05", - "description": "Displays the current temperature in degree Celsius/Fahrenheit (depending on locale), updates every 10 seconds with average of last 5 readings.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"thermom.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mysticdock", - "name": "Mystic Dock", - "version": "1.00", - "description": "A retro-inspired dockface that displays the current time and battery charge while plugged in, and which features an interactive mode that shows the time, date, and a rotating data display line.", - "icon": "mystic-dock.png", - "type": "dock", - "tags": "dock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"mystic-dock-app.js"}, - {"name":"mysticdock.boot.js","url":"mystic-dock-boot.js"}, - {"name":"mysticdock.settings.js","url":"mystic-dock-settings.js"}, - {"name":"mysticdock.img","url":"mystic-dock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "mysticclock", - "name": "Mystic Clock", - "version": "1.01", - "description": "A retro-inspired watchface featuring time, date, and an interactive data display line.", - "icon": "mystic-clock.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mystic-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"mystic-clock-app.js"}, - {"name":"mysticclock.settings.js","url":"mystic-clock-settings.js"}, - {"name":"mysticclock.img","url":"mystic-clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hcclock", - "name": "Hi-Contrast Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Hi-Contrast Clock : A simple yet very bold clock that aims to be readable in high luninosity environments. Uses big 10x5 pixel digits. Use BTN 1 to switch background and foreground colors.", - "icon": "hcclock-icon.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-high-contrast-clock-screenshot.png"}], - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"hcclock.img","url":"hcclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "thermomF", - "name": "Fahrenheit Temp", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "[NOT RECOMMENDED] A modification of the Thermometer App to display temprature in Fahrenheit. Please use the 'Thermometer App' and install 'Languages' to get the temperature in the correct format for your locale.", - "icon": "thermf.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"thermomF.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "nixie", - "name": "Nixie Clock", - "shortName": "Nixie", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A nixie tube clock for both Bangle 1 and 2.", - "icon": "nixie.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"nixie.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"m_vatch.js","url":"m_vatch.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "carcrazy", - "name": "Car Crazy", - "shortName": "Car Crazy", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A simple car game where you try to avoid the other cars by tilting your wrist left and right. Hold down button 2 to start.", - "icon": "carcrash.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"carcrazy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"carcrazy.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"CarCrazy.csv"}] - }, - { - "id": "shortcuts", - "name": "Shortcuts", - "shortName": "Shortcuts", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Quickly load your favourite apps from (almost) any watch face.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "bootloader", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"shortcuts.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"shortcuts.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"shortcuts.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "vectorclock", - "name": "Vector Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A digital clock that uses the built-in vector font.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [ - {"url":"bangle2-vector-clock-screenshot.png"}, - {"url":"bangle1-vector-clock-screenshot.png"} - ], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"vectorclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "fd6fdetect", - "name": "fd6fdetect", - "shortName": "fd6fdetect", - "version": "0.2", - "description": "Allows you to see 0xFD6F beacons near you.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool", - "readme": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"fd6fdetect.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "choozi", - "name": "Choozi", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Choose people or things at random using Bangle.js.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-choozi-screenshot1.png"},{"url":"bangle1-choozi-screenshot2.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"choozi.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widclkbttm", - "name": "Digital clock (Bottom) widget", - "shortName": "Digital clock Bottom Widget", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Displays time in the bottom area.", - "icon": "widclkbttm.png", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widclkbttm.wid.js","url":"widclkbttm.wid.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pastel", - "name": "Pastel Clock", - "shortName": "Pastel", - "version": "0.09", - "description": "A Configurable clock with custom fonts and background. Has a cyclic information line that includes, day, date, battery, sunrise and sunset times", - "icon": "pastel.png", - "dependencies": {"mylocation":"app", "widpedom":"app"}, - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_pastel.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"f_architect","url":"f_architect.js"}, - {"name":"f_gochihand","url":"f_gochihand.js"}, - {"name":"f_cabin","url":"f_cabin.js"}, - {"name":"f_orbitron","url":"f_orbitron.js"}, - {"name":"f_monoton","url":"f_monoton.js"}, - {"name":"f_elite","url":"f_elite.js"}, - {"name":"f_lato","url":"f_lato.js"}, - {"name":"f_latosmall","url":"f_latosmall.js"}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"pastel.img","url":"pastel.icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"pastel.settings.js","url":"pastel.settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"pastel.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "antonclk", - "name": "Anton Clock", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A simple clock using the bold Anton font.", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"antonclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "waveclk", - "name": "Wave Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A clock using a wave image by [Lillith May]( **Note: Works on any Bangle.js 2, but requires firmware 2v11 or later on Bangle.js 1**", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"waveclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "floralclk", - "name": "Floral Clock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A clock with a flower background by [Lillith May]( **Note: Works on any Bangle.js 2 but requires firmware 2v11 or later on Bangle.js 1**", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_floral.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"floralclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "score", - "name": "Score Tracker", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Score Tracker for sports that use plain numbers (e.g. Badminton, Volleyball, Soccer, Table Tennis, ...). Also supports tennis scoring.", - "icon": "", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_score.png"}], - "type": "app", - "tags": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"score.settings.js","url":"score.settings.js"}, - {"name":"score.presets.json","url":"score.presets.json"}, - {"name":"score.img","url":"","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"score.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "menusmall", - "name": "Small Menus", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Replace Bangle.js 2's menus with a version that contains smaller text", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "boot", - "tags": "system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"menusmall.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ffcniftya", - "name": "Nifty-A Clock", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A nifty clock with time and date", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_nifty.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ffcniftya.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ffcniftyb", - "name": "Nifty-B Clock", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "A nifty clock (series B) with time, date and color configuration", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ffcniftyb.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"ffcniftyb.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"ffcniftyb.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "stopwatch", - "name": "Stopwatch Touch", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A touch based stop watch for Bangle JS 2", - "icon": "stopwatch.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot1.png"},{"url":"screenshot2.png"},{"url":"screenshot3.png"}], - "tags": "tools,app", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"stopwatch.img","url":"stopwatch.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "vernierrespirate", - "name": "Vernier Go Direct Respiration Belt", - "shortName": "Respiration Belt", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Connects to a Go Direct Respiration Belt and shows respiration rate", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "health,bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"vernierrespirate.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"vernierrespirate.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "gpstouch", - "name": "GPS Touch", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A touch based GPS watch, shows OS map reference", - "icon": "gpstouch.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot4.png"},{"url":"screenshot2.png"},{"url":"screenshot3.png"},{"url":"screenshot1.png"}], - "tags": "tools,app", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"geotools","url":"geotools.js"}, - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"gpstouch.img","url":"gpstouch.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "swiperclocklaunch", - "name": "Swiper Clock Launch", - "version": "0.02", - "description": "Navigate between clock and launcher with Swipe action", - "icon": "swiperclocklaunch.png", - "type": "bootloader", - "tags": "tools, system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"swiperclocklaunch.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"swiperclocklaunch.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "qalarm", - "name": "Q Alarm and Timer", - "shortName": "Q Alarm", - "icon": "app.png", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Alarm and timer app with days of week and 'hard' option.", - "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - { "name": "", "url": "app.js" }, - { "name": "qalarm.boot.js", "url": "boot.js" }, - { "name": "qalarm.js", "url": "qalarm.js" }, - { "name": "qalarmcheck.js", "url": "qalarmcheck.js" }, - { "name": "qalarm.img", "url": "app-icon.js", "evaluate": true }, - { "name": "qalarm.wid.js", "url": "widget.js" } - ], - "data": [{ "name": "qalarm.json" }] - }, - { - "id": "emojuino", - "name": "Emojuino", - "shortName": "Emojuino", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Emojis & Espruino: broadcast Unicode emojis via Bluetooth Low Energy.", - "icon": "emojuino.png", - "screenshots": [ - { "url": "screenshot-tx.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-swipe.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-welcome.png" } - ], - "type": "app", - "tags": "emoji", - "supports" : [ "BANGLEJS2" ], - "allow_emulator": true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - { "name": "", "url": "emojuino.js" }, - { "name": "emojuino.img", "url": "emojuino-icon.js", "evaluate": true } - ] - }, - { - "id": "cliclockJS2Enhanced", - "name": "Commandline-Clock JS2 Enhanced", - "shortName": "CLI-Clock JS2", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "Simple CLI-Styled Clock with enhancements. Modes that are hard to use and unneded are removed (BPM, battery info, memory ect) credit to hughbarney for the original code and design. Also added HID media controlls, just swipe on the clock face to controll the media! Gadgetbride support coming soon(hopefully) Thanks to t0m1o1 for media controls!", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screengrab.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"cliclockJS2Enhanced.img","url":"app.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "wid_a_battery_widget", - "name": "A Battery Widget (with percentage)", - "shortName":"A Battery Widget", - "icon": "widget.png", - "version":"1.02", - "type": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "description": "Simple and slim battery widget with charge status and percentage", - "tags": "widget,battery", - "storage": [ - {"name":"wid_a_battery_widget.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "lcars", - "name": "LCARS Clock", - "shortName":"LCARS", - "icon": "lcars.png", - "version":"0.07", - "readme": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "description": "Library Computer Access Retrieval System (LCARS) clock.", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"lcars.img","url":"lcars.icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"lcars.settings.js","url":"lcars.settings.js"} - ] - }, - { "id": "binwatch", - "name": "Binary Watch", - "shortName":"BinWatch", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "version":"0.04", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator":true, - "description": "Famous binary watch", - "tags": "clock", - "type": "clock", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"binwatch.bg176.img","url":"Background176_center.img"}, - {"name":"binwatch.bg240.img","url":"Background240_center.img"}, - {"name":"binwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "hidmsicswipe", - "name": "Bluetooth Music Swipe Controls", - "shortName": "Swipe Control", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Based on the original Bluetooth Music Controls. Swipe up/down for volume, left/right for previous and next, tap for play/pause and btn1 to lock and unlock the controls. Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone, then use this app to control music from your watch!", - "icon": "hidmsicswipe.png", - "tags": "bluetooth", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"hidmsicswipe.js"}, - {"name":"hidmsicswipe.img","url":"hidmsicswipe-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "authentiwatch", - "name": "2FA Authenticator", - "shortName": "AuthWatch", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Google Authenticator compatible tool.", - "tags": "tool", - "interface": "interface.html", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"authentiwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [{"name":"authentiwatch.json"}] - }, - { "id": "schoolCalendar", - "name": "School Calendar", - "shortName":"SCalendar", - "icon": "CalenderLogo.png", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A simple calendar that you can see your upcoming events that you create in the customizer. Keep in note that your events reapeat weekly.(Beta)", - "tags": "tool", - "readme":"", - "custom":"custom.html", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_basic.png"},{"url":"screenshot_info.png"}], - "storage": [ - {"name":""}, - {"name":"schoolCalendar.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [ - {"name":"calendarItems.csv"} - ] - }, - { "id": "timecal", - "name": "TimeCal", - "shortName":"TimeCal", - "icon": "icon.png", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "TimeCal shows the Time along with a 3 week calendar", - "tags": "clock", - "type": "clock", - "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""} - ] - }, - { - "id": "a_clock_timer", - "name": "A Clock with Timer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A Clock with Timer, Map and Time Zones", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"a_clock_timer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id":"intervalTimer", - "name":"Interval Timer", - "shortName":"Interval Timer", - "icon": "app.png", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "Interval Timer for workouts, HIIT, or whatever else.", - "tags": "timer, interval, hiit, workout", - "readme":"", - "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"intervalTimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "93dub", - "name": "93 Dub", - "shortName":"93 Dub", - "icon": "93dub.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "version":"0.05", - "description": "Fan recreation of orviwan's 91 Dub app for the Pebble smartwatch. Uses assets from his 91-Dub-v2.0 repo", - "tags": "clock", - "type": "clock", - "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"93dub.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "poweroff", - "name": "Poweroff", - "shortName":"Poweroff", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "Simple app to power off your Bangle.js", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool, poweroff, shutdown", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"poweroff.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] -}, -{ - "id": "sensible", - "name": "SensiBLE", - "shortName": "SensiBLE", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "Collect, display and advertise real-time sensor data.", - "icon": "sensible.png", - "screenshots": [ - { "url": "screenshot-top.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-acc.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-bar.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-gps.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-hrm.png" }, - { "url": "screenshot-mag.png" } - ], - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,sensors", - "supports" : [ "BANGLEJS2" ], - "allow_emulator": true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - { "name": "", "url": "sensible.js" }, - { "name": "sensible.img", "url": "sensible-icon.js", "evaluate": true } - ] -}, - { - "id": "widbars", - "name": "Bars Widget", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display several measurements as vertical bars.", - "icon": "icon.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "readme": "", - "type": "widget", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbars.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] -}, -{ - "id":"a_speech_timer", - "name":"Speech Timer", - "icon": "app.png", - "version":"1.01", - "description": "A timer designed to help keeping your speeches and presentations to time.", - "tags": "tool,timer", - "readme":"", - "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"a_speech_timer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] -}, - { "id": "mylocation", - "name": "My Location", - "shortName":"My Location", - "icon": "mylocation.png", - "type": "app", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_1.png"}], - "version":"0.01", - "description": "Sets and stores the lat and long of your preferred City or it can be set from the GPS. mylocation.json can be used by other apps that need your main location lat and lon. See README", - "readme": "", - "tags": "tool,utility", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"mylocation.img","url":"mylocation.icon.js","evaluate": true } - ], - "data": [ - {"name":"mylocation.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pebble", - "name": "Pebble Clock", - "shortName": "Pebble", - "version": "0.06", - "description": "A pebble style clock to keep the rebellion going", - "dependencies": {"widpedom":"app"}, - "readme": "", - "icon": "pebble.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"pebble_screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"pebble.settings.js","url":"pebble.settings.js"}, - {"name":"pebble.img","url":"pebble.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "pooqroman", - "name": "pooq Roman watch face", - "shortName":"pooq Roman", - "version":"0.03", - "description": "A classic watch face with a certain dynamicity. Most amusing in 24h mode. Slide up to show more hands, down for less(!). By design does not support standard widgets, sorry!", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator":true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"pooqroman.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [ - {"name":"pooqroman.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "widbata", - "name": "Battery Level Widget (Themed)", - "shortName":"Battery Theme", - "icon": "widbata.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_widbata_1.png"}], - "version":"0.01", - "type": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "description": "Shows the current battery level status in the top right using the clocks colour theme", - "tags": "widget,battery", - "storage": [ - {"name":"widbata.wid.js","url":"widbata.wid.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "weatherClock", - "name": "Weather Clock", - "version": "0.04", - "description": "A clock which displays current weather conditions (requires Gadgetbridge and Weather apps).", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screens/screen1.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock, weather", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"weatherClock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "menuwheel", - "name": "Wheel Menus", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Replace Bangle.js 2's menus with a version that contains variable-size text and a back button", - "readme": "", - "icon": "icon.png", - "screenshots": [ - {"url":"screenshot_b1_dark.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_light.png"}, - {"url":"screenshot_b2_dark.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_light.png"} - ], - "type": "boot", - "tags": "system", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"menuwheel.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} - ] - }, - { "id": "widChargingStatus", - "name": "Charging Status", - "shortName":"ChargingStatus", - "icon": "widget.png", - "version":"0.1", - "type": "widget", - "description": "A simple widget that shows a yellow lightning icon to indicate whenever the watch is charging. This way one can see the charging status at a glance, no matter which battery widget is being used.", - "tags": "widget", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"widChargingStatus.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "flow", - "name": "FLOW", - "shortName": "FLOW", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "A game where you have to help a flow avoid white obstacles thing by tapping! This is a demake of an app which I forgot the name of. Press BTN(1) to restart. See if you can get to 2500 score!", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "game", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name": "", "url": "app.js" }, - {"name": "flow.img", "url": "app-icon.js","evaluate": true } - ] - }, - { "id": "scribble", - "name": "Scribble", - "shortName":"Scribble", - "version":"0.01", - "type": "app", - "description": "A keyboard on your wrist! Swipe right for space, left for delete.", - "icon": "app.png", - "allow_emulator": true, - "tags": "tools, keyboard, text, scribble", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"scribble.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "screenshots":[ - { "url":"screenshot.png" } - ] - }, - { - "id": "ptlaunch", - "name": "Pattern Launcher", - "shortName": "Pattern Launcher", - "version": "0.11", - "description": "Directly launch apps from the clock screen with custom patterns.", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"manage_patterns_light.png"}], - "tags": "tools", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - { "name": "", "url": "app.js" }, - { "name": "ptlaunch.boot.js", "url": "boot.js" }, - { "name": "ptlaunch.img", "url": "app-icon.js", "evaluate": true } - ], - "data": [{"name":"ptlaunch.patterns.json"}] - }, - { - "id": "rebble", - "name": "Rebble Clock", - "shortName": "Rebble", - "version": "0.03", - "description": "A Pebble style clock, with configurable background, three sidebars including steps, day, date, sunrise, sunset, long live the rebellion", - "readme": "", - "icon": "rebble.png", - "dependencies": {"mylocation":"app", "widpedom":"app"}, - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_rebble.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"rebble.settings.js","url":"rebble.settings.js"}, - {"name":"rebble.img","url":"rebble.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "snaky", - "name": "Snaky", - "shortName":"Snaky", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "The classic snake game. Eat apples and don't bite your tail. Control the snake with the touch screen.", - "tags": "game,fun", - "icon": "snaky.png", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"snaky.js"}, - {"name":"snaky.img","url":"snaky-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "clicompleteclk", - "name": "CLI complete clock", - "shortName":"CLI cmplt clock", - "version":"0.03", - "description": "Command line styled clock with lots of information", - "icon": "app.png", - "allow_emulator": true, - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell,weather,hrt", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"clicompleteclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"clicompleteclk.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [{"name":"clicompleteclk.json"}] - }, - { - "id":"awairmonitor", - "name":"Awair Monitor", - "icon": "app.png", - "allow_emulator": true, - "version":"0.01", - "description": "Displays the level of CO2, VOC, PM 2.5, Humidity and Temperature, from your Awair device.", - "tags": "tool,health", - "readme":"", - "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"awairmonitor.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "pooqround", - "name": "pooq Round watch face", - "shortName":"pooq Round", - "version":"0.01", - "description": "A 24 hour analogue watchface with high legibility and a novel style.", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator":true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"pooqround.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ], - "data": [ - {"name":"pooqround.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "coretemp", - "name": "Core Temp Display", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Display CoreTemp device sensor data", - "icon": "coretemp.png", - "type": "app", - "tags": "health", - "readme": "", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"coretemp.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, - {"name":"","url":"coretemp.js"}, - {"name":"coretemp.img","url":"coretemp-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "showimg", - "name": "simple image viewer", - "shortName":"showImage", - "version":"0.2", - "description": "Displays the image in \"showimg.user.img\". The file has to be uploaded via the espruino IDE. Returns to watch face after 60s or button push. I use it to display my vaccination certificate.", - "icon": "app.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"showimg.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "lapcounter", - "name": "Lap Counter", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Click button to count laps. Shows count and total time snapshot (like a stopwatch, but laid back).", - "icon": "app.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], - "type": "app", - "tags": "tool,outdoors", - "readme":"", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"lapcounter.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { - "id": "pebbled", - "name": "Pebble Clock with distance", - "shortName": "Pebble + distance", - "version": "0.1", - "description": "Fork of Pebble Clock with distance in KM. Both step count and the distance are on the main screen. Default step length = 0.75m (can be changed in settings).", - "readme": "", - "icon": "pebbled.png", - "screenshots": [{"url":"pebble_screenshot.png"}], - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock,distance", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":""}, - {"name":"pebbled.settings.js","url":"pebbled.settings.js"}, - {"name":"pebbled.img","url":"pebbled.icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, - { "id": "circlesclock", - "name": "Circles clock", - "shortName":"Circles clock", - "version":"0.02", - "description": "A clock with circles for different data at the bottom in a probably familiar style", - "icon": "app.png", - "dependencies": {"widpedom":"app"}, - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator":true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"circlesclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"circlesclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} - ], - "data": [ - {"name":"circlesclock.json"} - ] - }, - { - "id": "ltherm", - "name": "Localized Thermometer", - "shortName": "Thermometer", - "version": "0.01", - "description": "Displays the current temperature in localized units.", - "icon": "thermf.png", - "tags": "tool", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], - "allow_emulator": true, - "readme": "", - "storage": [ - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"ltherm.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] - }, { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Science Clock", From 90fe8fb320a87c7005797b393344769e7d35dd3b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:12:01 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 16/54] Added more icons, fake loading screen --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 66 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 49 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index cb1305c36..c6120593e 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function getImg(img){ buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOZFIQOD4EABwnwgEDBwf8g/4h4ODwYQBv4OC+AbDAIP+j/HAQIOC4Hwj4RBBwP8o8B/+PBwWOkEP/l/BwP4+JCB44OCj+Ih/+n4OB+PEoP38YOB/0YkUXGgIOB8cBi9f+IOCkEI+XvBwXigFG64OEg0/t4OEuP7BwkHx/PBwWigF8voOC+Uwg/ig4OCkMgv8QsIOB+cfSoOGLIUR/E/4ljBwPxx/B/0kO4UI/0P+J3C/HHVQOISoWEn+D/iPBBwIwC8IOCwcP84IBBwU4TAMHBwfAv+AcARBBgD3CBwX8gDnBBwfwewIODAgIABBwYHDB3oAEBwIHFByyDBABg")) } } - else if (img == "w1"){//cube + else if (img == "w1"){//cube dispenser return { width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOI/3/+fvBwYEBnwO/By3APgN/O6IeBh4OF8AOcwADCBwX8g4dM/8fBwt774OE+/9Bwt/BxodH3oOcFgyVG8BhCBwX8hRwCBwXA0C6BBwc/w4OE41MBwtEo6VF84sE/1/54OLDo4sHHYxKHLIxoGO44AD/kAABo")) @@ -38,7 +38,37 @@ function getImg(img){ buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOi+IOGh4OF8AOF/UNBwthx4OE+0YBwtBh4OE6mQBwn7rEfBwl22IOE99gBwn99UzBwUc/+90YsC8HH+++n98n/+g0++2Z+4OB4Fz73T74OCg877d8/YdC+d7u/v3gsBjEvt/+O4X+gvtIgI7CwG934OD8E326kD/0A+yzEwEO74OD/EArYOEgEDv4OD+PAl4OEnkBaInz0EPBwk3iAdE+XwSIYDBj2Oj4OD/fYvIOEvdHz4OD99unIOD/vt44OE3u4Dou3h4OE+3x/IOE70/Bwn78/9Bwl4LAQ7Dx75DBwP4Awb+EBwgAEBz0AABo=")) } } - else if (img == "w4"){//cake + else if (img == "w4"){//falling cube + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOC+YOF/0PBwvgv4OE/kFBwvAyIdFnYeBBwYeDDofng4OE8vYDonx7uPBwkf/+/Bwfh+czBwf+g/5z4OD+FevIdEhMDDon/0E3BwgeBJQgeB+5ZFvAEBBwfzgYOEw/XLInwn3BBwf8gH4LYIOCwUHDonwmE4HYkHwKkE8P4XYQOCv7dCYQkBWYsAWYvAiAsE/EDJQn/wF+CwJZDg/gBwgrBXYIOC8D+FNAL+F4eDBwn4nh2BBweHFYJ3EFYQOC/0P/AOECgIOE/E/BwsHBwvACAIODWAQOEJAIOFAgIOEQ4QsEAAOfBwoACBwgACBw8AABo")) +} + } + else if (img == "w5"){//ball + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOiv4OF8YOFAgQOEyYdGBw3zBw0BBwv4j4OB+EAgOD84OE+/ev4dD/3+BwvcugsE/u7t0f4aRC7e2sF8Bwlxg4dEu8YBwYsB/HDHYsMngOB8EDweHDon//PADoYABz0PBwfwnJKE/0OjZZC/kB4Hxz4OCwEYh+wBwXwgeA/+HBwUP8EP/0/BwPj/0DCQIOB/l/4DQBw4OBDIMPUoJKB+H/wY+B44OBj/4CoJKC+P/g7+FBAL+Fj4OFbwIOEI4IOF8YO6JQwAEaIgORgAANA")) + } + } + else if (img == "w6"){//ball recviver + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOR/YOG34Ob/e7Bwu7CwQOhGgQOD34OF/0LBwvfv4dMuPfBwn29oOFtwONDowsHHY3+h7CNj4OF+IOc4A7NDo7gGJQ4ACBwX+//vBwnvBAIOK8EH/kBBwd+v/PSwIOB/fnjiWBBwXesHPLQIOB/2AgEvBwfgh0AFgf8gAuBLKQObgAANA==")) + } + } + else if (img == "w7"){//falling portals + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YFE/H8BwtvBwvvvgOE/33Bwvf3gOE/v7Bxn5Bw2fHYv7/oOF3/cB118JQQOC4ODJQn8jEfLInBjBoE/0jO4pjD953CwCVF/EH5//+ykCwA8Cp4OB/MDz4DBEQUYjPzaIfn5k/74xC/l44f+BwePz1595ADDYPvv7vDMAN3Bwf4CAIOE4//BYIOB/0On47E8AFCBwcPTwYOCAgPAgE8Bwf8gEDBwOAGIJZDBwX9DofhUYRKDKIIOEAAQOD8EABwgcB+IODnoKB84OD37tCBwUzZ4QODZ4QdDnIFB/YODZwP+v47DJIIBBJQcAAwZyBABoA==")) + } + } + else if (img == "w8"){//flying portals + return { + width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YFE/H8BwtvBwvvvgOE/33Bwvf3gdF/YOF/4OF/IOGgA7F8ENBwn8gHcBw/5AoOAg4OCh4sD/vD+AFB45KBBwfwv//BwMJgEIFAXcnvggF4kEBBwPMSIIYBz/8nAEBw5ZD4IhBO48AhpoG953FSo/2Ugv/p4OF/LCGaIyIBB34OH4EAngODbAMDBwnfDoqeCBy7RBBwnh//xBwc9BQPnBwe/AYO/BwUzFYQODGgYOCnIFB/YOD57WBv47Dj//AIJKDgAGDOQIANA")) + } + } + else if (img == "w9"){//cake return { width : 60, height : 60, bpp : 1, buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("AB0//4AE4YGF/gOY/oOG94OF/1/Bwv3FgwKCBwfnFhn8HY0LAQPwvgOB8EP/5uBBwP2gF4j+PBwP+sEEj/x44OB90Ao/8Dodwg8/nkH4ZXBgHnx8ABwPv/k98+ABwZEB+EAJQPj/3+nkAv4OB5+fz0Aj4OB98Ag+Ah/nBwJXB4EDHYSTB/EA/wsCSoJfBwAODNIPgBwgcBHYQOCC4QODn8Ah4ODGgMH+47D8EB/A7KTYMf4A7Eg/wHYgcBHZx3DcAPggbRBFgQcBcAQOB/iUBBwgcBBwgcCd4V/HYL+D/YOBDgIOC8/+DgIOC/+HfwIOD/4cCBwYAEBwQADBz0AABoA=")) @@ -71,7 +101,7 @@ function getImg(img){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 2, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("kQA/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A+/4A/AH4A/AH4A/AD0RkQASkMSCqgrqiJX/K/5X/K/5XR7vQgAAHgMQBRAAKgMRCqgrJhGIK/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K7Uv///+RX/K6ZWBAAJXDAA3/+Pd6IMIAG0YxADBj5XD+ISIBwRX/K4pWDAAIMCXQQABl4LC7vQbabxLiIVUFZMIxBJBK4siK4wLDK/5XSBYhX/K6MvBIQDBK/5XD+RXMBAQQCK/5XDKAJXKVwRWBAoJX/K4j3CUohXDL4YACK/5XF+SuEK4yuCK/5XHWAZOCK4cvKwhX/K45MFK4YAGK/5XGLApX/K6X/K5svK/5XIWAZXJ/5X/K6svK/5XPAoauDK/5XJ/5XDj5eEVwRX/K5y2FVwRX/K4/yK44GDVwRX/K50fWAi9DK/5XGUYRQCiKwCAwKuDK/5XGJgZXGMQJWDK/5XGKQKkCK4arEK/5XIVQRQDK/5XQKwIABJYXyK4IGDAAReBK/5XDVwSwFK44QBK/5XJLAoFEX4UvK/5XDI4QADK4gFDM4RX/K5aqCK4oMDK/5XEUARYE+JXCLoINEK/5XLkURK4QAGK/5XEfIhX/K/5Xr+RX/K/5Xu/5X/K/5WKAAJXfl5XB+RX/K6ywFK9XxK4XwK7xWCK58vK7sP/5XDGoJXw/5Xc//4xBXEHIKyPK5/yK5svK7kPxAyBK4oHBK7xOFK5AQBK7UP/GPD4JWCiMfK4IJBK7iuFK4QAFj5XC6IMHACH4VooADK4QKHACEYK4QSOK7ilBJYcc5kM5gMCdQRXaOZK3FkRXC6DbTAAf4UYInB5gABK4PM4KBD+AcLFZUIK4JNGkRXIAAJXYh6GDKwRXDLASwCK7HyK9auDjhXH5iwPK5hMIK8iuBKwhXFLAJX/AA0PxCuBKAhXG4KwCK/6uEx/xK5qwNK/KuBjhXL5kRWAJXrABUhiQMKK4RPFK4/BK4PyFaxXql+I+JXPiP//5X/K4WP+McJ4roBLAxX/K5vAAQhX/ABBDBiJXFVgawFiMf//yK/4gBAAKuHWA/BCYQhIK8uIwQCOK5CqFAohXxlGIxACMCAJX/K7cAAAZXFBQkBK/6v/ABOIwQCOK/4AMFZRXI4AEIV+wrO///iMcVRC0FiMf//yQaZXZlABCFZ0v//xK4qrCVwpXB/+PbahX15kAgCuFK/5XIiJOF5hWG4MR/BXvkWIwQrQ///K58f/HyK94rSK4UcK5kRj+IK8I1BADhXE+KwGK4vBiP4x5XhEJQASl4DDWARXMj/4NwZX/WAkcK5TiBxA0Dby5XrWAJYEK4kRVwOPGgY4TFwhXol6wCiJXH4KuCSwhX/WAxYDK4RWBVwxX/WBERjhXCAoKuHK/6wGxGBKQQADBIKuFK/6wGxBOBKocf//4x6uFK/4HG/BXB+KtDA4JWGK/4AGU4RXDKwQwHK/4JH/6vEVo5X/BZRXDFpRX/ABEhK4QOKK/5X/K8BYCBpZX/K/5XVfYQAWK6gedK/5XiBhchiINLK6gJIK/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5Xv/4AYV/4AXK/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K6v/ADCv/ABMhiKv/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X6/4AdiIAYFzwA=")) } } } @@ -84,8 +114,6 @@ function drawStart(){ g.drawImage(apSciLab, xyCenter-apSciLab.width/2, xyCenter-apSciLab.height/2); } -drawStart(); - // Check settings for what type our clock should be var is12Hour = (require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json",1)||{})["12hour"]; @@ -94,7 +122,7 @@ var drawTimeout; //warnings var curWarning = -1; -var maxWarning = 4; +var maxWarning = 9; function buttonPressed(){ if (curWarning < maxWarning) curWarning += 1; @@ -155,7 +183,7 @@ function draw() { } g.setFont(font, timeFontSize); - g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter, yposTime, false); + g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter+2, yposTime, false); g.setFont(font, gmtFontSize); g.drawString(meridian, xyCenter + 102, yposTime + 10, true); @@ -193,14 +221,18 @@ Bangle.on('touch',(n,e)=>{ } }); -// clean app screen -g.clear(); -// Show launcher when button pressed -Bangle.setUI("clock"); -Bangle.loadWidgets(); -Bangle.drawWidgets(); +//show Apeture laboritories +drawStart(); -buttonPressed();//update warning image - -// draw now -draw(); +setTimeout(function() { + // clean app screen + g.clear(); + // Show launcher when button pressed + Bangle.setUI("clock"); + Bangle.loadWidgets(); + Bangle.drawWidgets(); + //update warning image + buttonPressed(); + // draw now + draw(); + }, 1000); From bce419e78c512ec6809a84407363260a4e1c12bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:12:44 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 17/54] Create ChangeLog --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog new file mode 100644 index 000000000..848bbea09 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +0.01: New App! +0.02: Icons, loading screen From 6e0c1a9f273211e13c9042682fa5318517842556 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:13:22 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 18/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 1d792ecfc..7ac718a1a 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "version": "0.1", + "version": "0.2", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], "allow_emulator": true, "storage": [ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, From c125dc9e4d2c2b64fcba7717d5f6eb0e446c4a90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 14:14:29 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 19/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 7ac718a1a..1d0cb6a48 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", - "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "supports": "BANGLEJS2", "allow_emulator": true, "storage": [ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, From ab1b77c0154e991c5e6f84efb74bfb1baff4ce19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 20:35:53 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 20/54] Random starter warning, shorter "loading" screen --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index c6120593e..5b5e07825 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ var is12Hour = (require("Storage").readJSON("setting.json",1)||{})["12hour"]; var drawTimeout; //warnings -var curWarning = -1; var maxWarning = 9; +var curWarning = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWarning+1)); function buttonPressed(){ if (curWarning < maxWarning) curWarning += 1; @@ -235,4 +235,4 @@ setTimeout(function() { buttonPressed(); // draw now draw(); - }, 1000); + }, 500); From 3b764dfec6bcb7220f897aaf1131a0d2322eb491 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2021 20:38:26 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 21/54] 0.03 --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index 848bbea09..61e8307b8 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ 0.01: New App! 0.02: Icons, loading screen +0.03: Random icon, Shorter "loading" screen From a8bcbd6e684f2f74bedbc672718c910e83d7eb24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2021 09:11:36 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 22/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 1d0cb6a48..1dbb784bf 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "version": "0.2", + "version": "0.03", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", From 401aff4bcac00a7379c141a9a725816a40644b43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 12:02:32 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 23/54] "support" for light mode Doesn't look as good in my opinion --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++----- 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index 5b5e07825..b060541b5 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ function getImg(img){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 1, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } else if (img == "butUnpress"){ @@ -96,7 +96,15 @@ function getImg(img){ buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } - + +else if (img == "apetureLaboratoriesLight"){ + return { + width : 173, height : 43, bpp : 4, + transparent : 1, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) +} + } + else if (img == "apetureWatch"){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, @@ -104,13 +112,22 @@ function getImg(img){ buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } + + else if (img == "apetureWatchLight"){ + return { + width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, + transparent : 2, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("kQA/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A/AH4A+gAA/AH4A/AH4A/AD0RkQASkMSCqgrqiJX/K/5X/K/5XR7vf/4AH+MfBRAAK+MRCqgrJ/GIK/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K7UggEAgRX/K6ZWBAAJXDAA0AgPd6IMIAG0YxADBiBXDgISIBwRX/K4pWDAAIMCXQQABkALC7vfbabxLiIVUFZP4xBJBK4siK4wLDK/5XSBYhX/K6MgBIQDBK/5XDgRXMBAQQCK/5XDKAJXKVwRWBAoJX/K4j3CUohXDL4YACK/5XFgSuEK4yuCK/5XHWAZOCK4cgKwhX/K45MFK4YAGK/5XGLApX/K6UAK5sgK/5XIWAZXJgBX/K6sgK/5XPAoauDK/5XJgBXDiBeEVwRX/K5y2FVwRX/K48CK44GDVwRX/K50QWAi9DK/5XGUYRQCiKwCAwKuDK/5XGJgZXGMQJWDK/5XGKQKkCK4arEK/5XIVQRQDK/5XQKwIABJYUCK4IGDAAReBK/5XDVwSwFK44QBK/5XJLAoFEX4UgK/5XDI4QADK4gFDM4RX/K5aqCK4oMDK/5XEUARYEgJXCLoINEK/5XLkURK4QAGK/5XEfIhX/K/5XrgRX/K/5XugBX/K/5WKAAJXfkBXBgRXvgJXCh5XhWApXoF4KvD+EALKBXMKwRXPkBXcgAUCK4QFB+BYPK78AK7ZWBGYJXExBYQK58CK5sgK7fwJ4JQBK4pYCK7pOFK5AQBK7UP/GPAgJWCiMfK4IJBWBpXOVwpXCAAsQK4XRBg4APgAwBVogADK4XwgInWjBXCCRxXbiD9BKwcc5kM5gNCS4XwK7JyJW4siK4XfbaZGD/CjBE4PMAAJXB5nBiIaC+AdLFZTWBgBNGkRXIAAJXYh6uDKwRXDLAQRDK68CK9SuEjhXH5iwPK5hMIK8UP/APBKwhXFLAKwNK/OIVwJQEK43BDgRX/AAXw/GP+JXNWAXwK/5XDVwMcK5fMiIdBK9YAKkMSBZMPK4RPFK4/BJIUCFagAJK8WI+JXPiJX/K4mP+McJ4sAgBYGK/5XN4ACEK/4AHkBDBiJXFVgawFiMf//wK/4gBAAKuHWA/BCYQhIK8uIwQCOK5CqFAohXxlGIxACMCAJX/K7cAAAZXFBQkBK/6v/ABOIwQCOK/4AMFZRXI4AEIV+wrNkH//8RjiqIWgsRj//+CDTK7MoAIQrOh//+JXFVYSuFK4P/x8CK/5XJ5kAgCuFK/5XIiJOF5hWG4MR/BXvkWIwRXR/5XPj/4/5XvFaMgK4UcK5kRj+I+ArVK5UAADpXE+KwGK4vBiP4x5XhaBIATkADCh6wCK5kf/H/GpRX7+McK5UR/+IK4beWK9MgK4KwBLAhXEiKuBx/wCwQ4TFwZXoWAkRK4/BVwxX/WA5YDK4RWBVwxX/K4ywBiMcK4QFBVwZX/FA8AK4OIwJSCAAYJBVwIzEK/4ADh5NBJwJVDj///GP/4yFK/4GEJwJXB+KtDA4P/+ATFK/4AEgCnCK4ZWDGIxX/LA//V4hWIK/5YIgBXD+EAF5BX/ABEBK4QtKK/4AIkJXCBxRX/LBYNLK/5X/K6r7CACxXUDzpX/K8QMLkMRBpZXUBJBX/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K98AADCv/AC5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5XVgAAYV/4AJkMRV/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/5X/K/UAADsRADAueA==")) + } + } } function drawStart(){ g.clear(); g.reset(); - apSciLab = getImg("apetureLaboratories"); + if (g.theme.dark){apSciLab = getImg("apetureLaboratories");} + else {apSciLab = getImg("apetureLaboratoriesLight");} g.drawImage(apSciLab, xyCenter-apSciLab.width/2, xyCenter-apSciLab.height/2); } @@ -156,9 +173,9 @@ function draw() { var da = d.toString().split(" "); g.reset(); // default draw styles - //draw watchface - apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatch"); + if (g.theme.dark){apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatch");} + else {apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatchLight");} g.drawImage(apSciWatch, xyCenter-apSciWatch.width/2, xyCenter-apSciWatch.height/2); // drawSting centered From b8985e4b9996e45ff05a1276c46ee395bc78c68e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 12:03:21 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 24/54] Update ChangeLog --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index 61e8307b8..719f1d418 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ 0.01: New App! 0.02: Icons, loading screen 0.03: Random icon, Shorter "loading" screen +0.04: Support for light and dark Themes From 52a97bb7dcfddfbb0d0a99353f6a5f3dc217e5c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2022 12:04:14 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 25/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 1dbb784bf..b95ff9d8e 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ [ { "id": "aptsciclk", - "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "version": "0.03", + "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", + "version": "0.04", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", From eaa766f71196ed344ec28aa2c2bc157a41bd8ef0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:57:34 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 26/54] Fixed small bug Small bugfix where the warning would be in a strange colour as it is monochrome --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index b060541b5..6dbad3654 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ var curWarning = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWarning+1)); function buttonPressed(){ if (curWarning < maxWarning) curWarning += 1; else curWarning = 0; + g.reset(); buttonImg = getImg("butPress"); g.drawImage(buttonImg, 0, 0); From 95d53fe4ae487a16fa39f4de77d36fd3f178a6fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 11:59:42 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 27/54] Update ChangeLog --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index 719f1d418..c3d507340 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ 0.02: Icons, loading screen 0.03: Random icon, Shorter "loading" screen 0.04: Support for light and dark Themes +0.05: Small bugfix From d057b81d7b7b2235a97865f542ef269ae3f14f45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2022 12:00:24 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 28/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index b95ff9d8e..1c8e9b078 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", - "version": "0.04", + "version": "0.05", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", From 8e10db315e04a45c9fe0db2a145955ca0ddb262f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2022 09:47:22 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 29/54] Update ChangeLog --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index c3d507340..9f09723f4 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ 0.03: Random icon, Shorter "loading" screen 0.04: Support for light and dark Themes 0.05: Small bugfix +0.06: Formating From f16bc390b6c9c5d22cace47858e2b6ff74ea6ae8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2022 09:47:51 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 30/54] Formating --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 17 +++++++---------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index 6dbad3654..ba80a9749 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const font = "6x8"; const xyCenter = g.getWidth() / 2; const yposTime = xyCenter*0.73; -const yposDate = xyCenter*1.44; +const yposDate = xyCenter*0.48; const yposYear = xyCenter*1.8; const buttonTolerance = 20; @@ -96,20 +96,20 @@ function getImg(img){ buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } - + else if (img == "apetureLaboratoriesLight"){ return { width : 173, height : 43, bpp : 4, transparent : 1, buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) -} + } } - + else if (img == "apetureWatch"){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 2, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ else if (img == "apetureLaboratoriesLight"){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 2, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } } @@ -208,10 +208,7 @@ function draw() { // draw Day, name of month, Date var date = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" "); g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); - - g.drawString(String(da[0]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate, true); - g.drawString(String(da[1]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate+20*1, true); - g.drawString(String(da[2]), xyCenter*1.55, yposDate+20*2, true); + g.drawString(String(date), xyCenter, yposDate, false); // draw year From 2bb92a1a5ad58c9e05c2b7f969d83f65383a3cb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2022 09:48:30 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 31/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 1c8e9b078..fdb3a9800 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", - "version": "0.05", + "version": "0.06", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", From 4e4db7c502f6d646d8d4ab512be3f5cf49e8564f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2022 10:24:19 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 32/54] Fixed spelling error --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index 9f09723f4..2bc67999b 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ 0.03: Random icon, Shorter "loading" screen 0.04: Support for light and dark Themes 0.05: Small bugfix -0.06: Formating +0.06: Formatting From 4eb279d2a1789a88c91e3a9f69a802422a4f6e52 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 20:35:34 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 33/54] Create aptsciclkquotes.txt --- apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt b/apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2cbb969f --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Well here we are again^You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations.^So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters^This isn't brave. It's murder. What did I ever do to you?^The difference between us is that I can feel pain.^Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone? You?^Oh... It's you.^I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME.^So. How are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO.^You really do have brain damage, don't you?^You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.^It's been fun. Don't come back.^And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic. From e3d6e86af2f7f00e980f6d4d1754577665c71b82 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 20:36:51 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 34/54] Added GLaDOS Added GLaDOS as a potato and some quotes of hers. --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 189 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 145 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index ba80a9749..4196254f0 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ const buttonTolerance = 20; const buttonX = 88; const buttonY = 104; +var pause = false; //set to true to pause any sort of drawing (except for quotes) + function getImg(img){ if (img == "w0"){//drink return { @@ -105,11 +107,19 @@ else if (img == "apetureLaboratoriesLight"){ } } + else if (img == "potato"){ + return { + width : 54, height : 55, bpp : 4, + transparent : 6, + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + } + } + else if (img == "apetureWatch"){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 2, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } @@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ else if (img == "apetureLaboratoriesLight"){ return { width : 176, height : 176, bpp : 4, transparent : 2, - buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) + buffer : require("heatshrink").decompress(atob("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")) } } } @@ -141,6 +151,86 @@ var drawTimeout; var maxWarning = 9; var curWarning = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWarning+1)); +function unPause(delay){ + setTimeout(function() { + pause = false; + draw(); + }, delay); +} + +function quote(minFont, width, height, specificQuote){ + pause = true; + unPause(5000); + var finalString = ""; + var quotesFile; + var fontSize; + quotesFile = require("Storage").read("aptsciclkquotes.txt", 0, 0); //opens the quotes file + //console.log(quotesFile); + var quotes = quotesFile.split("^"); + var numQuotes = quotes.length;//number of quotes + var curQuote; + + if (specificQuote == undefined){ + curQuote = quotes[Math.round(Math.random()*numQuotes)]; //quote to be displayed + } + else{ + curQuote = quotes[specificQuote]; + } + + var curWords = curQuote.split(" "); //individual words + //console.log(numQuotes); + console.log(curWords); + //console.log(Math.round(width/7/curQuote.length)); + + if (width/6/curQuote.length >= minFont){ + finalString = curQuote; + fontSize = width/6/curQuote.length; + } + else{ + var maxChar = width/6/minFont; + var maxLines = height/10/minFont; + var curLines = 0; + var curLength = 0; + var maxLength = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < curWords.length; i++){ + console.log(curLength+curWords[i].length); + if (curLength + curWords[i].length <= maxChar){ + finalString += " "+curWords[i]; + curLength += curWords[i].length+1; + console.log("next"); + } + else{ + console.log("break"); + curLines++; + if (curLines > maxLines){ + curLength = 0; + finalString = ""; + i = -1; + if (minFont > 1){minFont--;} + maxChar = width/6/minFont; + maxLines = height/10/minFont; + } + else{ + curLength = 0; + finalString += "\n"; + i--; + } + } + fontSize = minFont; + } + } + + //drawing actual stuff + g.setColor(g.getBgColor()); + g.fillRect(10, 10+28, g.getWidth()-10,g.getWidth()-10); + g.reset(); + g.setFont(font, fontSize); + g.setFontAlign(0, 0); + g.drawString(finalString, xyCenter, xyCenter+14); + //quote length*pixels per character = pixel width + //height ~120 width ~160 +} + function buttonPressed(){ if (curWarning < maxWarning) curWarning += 1; else curWarning = 0; @@ -169,52 +259,59 @@ function queueDraw() { function draw() { - // get date - var d = new Date(); - var da = d.toString().split(" "); + if (pause){} + else{ + // get date + var d = new Date(); + var da = d.toString().split(" "); - g.reset(); // default draw styles - //draw watchface - if (g.theme.dark){apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatch");} - else {apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatchLight");} - g.drawImage(apSciWatch, xyCenter-apSciWatch.width/2, xyCenter-apSciWatch.height/2); + g.reset(); // default draw styles + //draw watchface + if (g.theme.dark){apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatch");} + else {apSciWatch = getImg("apetureWatchLight");} + g.drawImage(apSciWatch, xyCenter-apSciWatch.width/2, xyCenter-apSciWatch.height/2); - // drawSting centered - g.setFontAlign(0, 0); + potato = getImg("potato"); + g.drawImage(potato, 118, 118); - // draw time - var time = da[4].substr(0, 5).split(":"); - var hours = time[0], - minutes = time[1]; - var meridian = ""; - if (is12Hour) { - hours = parseInt(hours,10); - meridian = "AM"; - if (hours == 0) { - hours = 12; + g.drawImage(warningImg, 1, g.getWidth()-61);//update warning + + // drawString centered + g.setFontAlign(0, 0); + + // draw time + var time = da[4].substr(0, 5).split(":"); + var hours = time[0], + minutes = time[1]; + var meridian = ""; + if (is12Hour) { + hours = parseInt(hours,10); meridian = "AM"; - } else if (hours >= 12) { - meridian = "PM"; - if (hours>12) hours -= 12; + if (hours == 0) { + hours = 12; + meridian = "AM"; + } else if (hours >= 12) { + meridian = "PM"; + if (hours>12) hours -= 12; + } + hours = (" "+hours).substr(-2); } - hours = (" "+hours).substr(-2); + + g.setFont(font, timeFontSize); + g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter+2, yposTime, false); + g.setFont(font, gmtFontSize); + g.drawString(meridian, xyCenter + 102, yposTime + 10, true); + + // draw Day, name of month, Date + var date = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" "); + g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); + g.drawString(String(date), xyCenter, yposDate, false); + + + // draw year + g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); + g.drawString(d.getFullYear(), xyCenter+1, yposYear, true); } - - g.setFont(font, timeFontSize); - g.drawString(`${hours}:${minutes}`, xyCenter+2, yposTime, false); - g.setFont(font, gmtFontSize); - g.drawString(meridian, xyCenter + 102, yposTime + 10, true); - - // draw Day, name of month, Date - var date = [da[0], da[1], da[2]].join(" "); - g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); - g.drawString(String(date), xyCenter, yposDate, false); - - - // draw year - g.setFont(font, dateFontSize); - g.drawString(d.getFullYear(), xyCenter+1, yposYear, true); - queueDraw(); } @@ -231,8 +328,12 @@ Bangle.on('lcdPower',on=>{ Bangle.on('touch',(n,e)=>{ //button is 88 104 - if (buttonX-buttonTolerance < e.x && e.x < buttonX+buttonTolerance && buttonY-buttonTolerance < e.y && e.y < buttonY+buttonTolerance){ - buttonPressed(); + if (!pause && buttonX-buttonTolerance < e.x && e.x < buttonX+buttonTolerance && buttonY-buttonTolerance < e.y && e.y < buttonY+buttonTolerance){ + buttonPressed(); + } + //Potato GLaDOS + else if (!pause && 117 < e.x && e.x < 172 && 117 < e.y && e.y < 172){ + quote(2, 150, 140); } }); From 62c428f0216f94824317070ce533283acb7ba5c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 20:38:38 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 35/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index fdb3a9800..0187c1fff 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", - "version": "0.06", + "version": "0.07", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ "allow_emulator": true, "storage": [ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt","evaluate":true} ] } ] From 9f740268cbc9436d2ddd280fbf69f8738d47dddc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 20:39:13 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 36/54] Rename aptsciclkquotes.txt to quotes.txt --- apps/aptsciclk/{aptsciclkquotes.txt => quotes.txt} | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) rename apps/aptsciclk/{aptsciclkquotes.txt => quotes.txt} (100%) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt b/apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt similarity index 100% rename from apps/aptsciclk/aptsciclkquotes.txt rename to apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt From b4c80074abeb5e88146d6a6b001d11481e1185d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2022 20:40:23 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 37/54] 0.07 --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index 2bc67999b..e185a3bc9 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ 0.04: Support for light and dark Themes 0.05: Small bugfix 0.06: Formatting +0.07: Added potato GLaDOS and quote functionality when you tap her From 650b710e063efc49f500bb4ae2f87408ceb7ecd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 09:07:07 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 38/54] Update app.js --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index 4196254f0..8cc4cdbb7 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ function unPause(delay){ }, delay); } -function quote(minFont, width, height, specificQuote){ +function quote(fontsize, width, height, specificQuote){ pause = true; - unPause(5000); + unPause(7000); var finalString = ""; var quotesFile; - var fontSize; + var finalFontSize; quotesFile = require("Storage").read("aptsciclkquotes.txt", 0, 0); //opens the quotes file //console.log(quotesFile); var quotes = quotesFile.split("^"); @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ function quote(minFont, width, height, specificQuote){ var curQuote; if (specificQuote == undefined){ - curQuote = quotes[Math.round(Math.random()*numQuotes)]; //quote to be displayed + curQuote = quotes[Math.round(Math.random()*numQuotes)-1]; //quote to be displayed } else{ curQuote = quotes[specificQuote]; @@ -179,52 +179,49 @@ function quote(minFont, width, height, specificQuote){ var curWords = curQuote.split(" "); //individual words //console.log(numQuotes); - console.log(curWords); - //console.log(Math.round(width/7/curQuote.length)); - if (width/6/curQuote.length >= minFont){ - finalString = curQuote; - fontSize = width/6/curQuote.length; - } - else{ - var maxChar = width/6/minFont; - var maxLines = height/10/minFont; - var curLines = 0; - var curLength = 0; - var maxLength = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < curWords.length; i++){ - console.log(curLength+curWords[i].length); - if (curLength + curWords[i].length <= maxChar){ - finalString += " "+curWords[i]; - curLength += curWords[i].length+1; - console.log("next"); + var maxChar = width/6/fontsize; + var maxLines = height/10/fontsize; + var curLines = 0; + var curLength = 0; + + + for (var i = 0; i < curWords.length; i++){ + //console.log(curLength+curWords[i].length); + if (curLength + curWords[i].length <= maxChar){ + finalString += " "+curWords[i]; + curLength += curWords[i].length+1; + //console.log("next"); + } + else{ + //console.log("break"); + curLines++; + if (curLines > maxLines){ + curLength = 0; + finalString = ""; + i = -1; + if (fontsize > 1){fontsize--;} + maxChar = width/6/fontsize; + maxLines = height/10/fontsize; + console.log(maxLines); + console.log(maxChar); + } else{ - console.log("break"); - curLines++; - if (curLines > maxLines){ - curLength = 0; - finalString = ""; - i = -1; - if (minFont > 1){minFont--;} - maxChar = width/6/minFont; - maxLines = height/10/minFont; - } - else{ - curLength = 0; - finalString += "\n"; - i--; - } + curLength = 0; + finalString += "\n"; + i--; } - fontSize = minFont; } + finalFontSize = fontsize; } + //drawing actual stuff g.setColor(g.getBgColor()); g.fillRect(10, 10+28, g.getWidth()-10,g.getWidth()-10); g.reset(); - g.setFont(font, fontSize); + g.setFont(font, finalFontSize); g.setFontAlign(0, 0); g.drawString(finalString, xyCenter, xyCenter+14); //quote length*pixels per character = pixel width From 3ba945e7176671e5f01bccf01ce6170e69b23d5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 09:13:43 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 39/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 0187c1fff..38bbd152a 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ "storage": [ {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt","evaluate":true} + {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"} ] } ] From f316dcb051aab397e8cc0c53731b8e9cc14baa73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 09:18:36 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 40/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 38bbd152a..0d7f1e605 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", "supports": "BANGLEJS2", - "allow_emulator": true, + "allow_emulator": false, "storage": [ + {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"}, {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, - {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"} + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} ] } ] From a1627605b672b5b5376461e733a2ab04a505ebca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 14:40:26 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 41/54] Bugfixes Fixed issues with drawing of the quotes --- apps/aptsciclk/app.js | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js index 8cc4cdbb7..c2903cf37 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/app.js +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/app.js @@ -151,16 +151,21 @@ var drawTimeout; var maxWarning = 9; var curWarning = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxWarning+1)); -function unPause(delay){ - setTimeout(function() { - pause = false; - draw(); - }, delay); +function unPause(delay, quote){ + if (pause){ + setTimeout(function() { + if (quote == undefined || quoteNum == quote){ + pause = false; + draw(); + } + }, delay); + } } +var quoteNum; + function quote(fontsize, width, height, specificQuote){ pause = true; - unPause(7000); var finalString = ""; var quotesFile; var finalFontSize; @@ -171,12 +176,16 @@ function quote(fontsize, width, height, specificQuote){ var curQuote; if (specificQuote == undefined){ - curQuote = quotes[Math.round(Math.random()*numQuotes)-1]; //quote to be displayed + quoteNum = Math.round(Math.random()*numQuotes)-1; + curQuote = quotes[quoteNum]; //quote to be displayed } else{ - curQuote = quotes[specificQuote]; + quoteNum = specificQuote; + curQuote = quotes[quoteNum]; } + unPause(10000, quoteNum); + var curWords = curQuote.split(" "); //individual words //console.log(numQuotes); @@ -241,8 +250,13 @@ function buttonPressed(){ setTimeout(buttonUnpressed, 500); } function buttonUnpressed(){ - buttonImg = getImg("butUnpress"); - g.drawImage(buttonImg, 0, 0); + if (!pause){ + buttonImg = getImg("butUnpress"); + g.drawImage(buttonImg, 0, 0); + } + else{ + setTimeout(buttonUnpressed, 500); + } } // schedule a draw for the next minute @@ -332,6 +346,9 @@ Bangle.on('touch',(n,e)=>{ else if (!pause && 117 < e.x && e.x < 172 && 117 < e.y && e.y < 172){ quote(2, 150, 140); } + else{ + unPause(0); + } }); //show Apeture laboritories From d2f72600655287a0b4a173c7f6dafeda1f837a89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 14:42:59 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 42/54] added more quotes --- apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt b/apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt index e2cbb969f..bc7a04867 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/quotes.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -Well here we are again^You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations.^So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters^This isn't brave. It's murder. What did I ever do to you?^The difference between us is that I can feel pain.^Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone? You?^Oh... It's you.^I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME.^So. How are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO.^You really do have brain damage, don't you?^You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.^It's been fun. Don't come back.^And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic. +Well here we are again^You euthanized your faithful Companion Cube more quickly than any test subject on record. Congratulations.^So get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters^This isn't brave. It's murder. What did I ever do to you?^The difference between us is that I can feel pain.^Who's gonna make the cake when I'm gone? You?^Oh... It's you.^I've been really busy being dead. You know, after you MURDERED ME.^So. How are you holding up? BECAUSE I'M A POTATO.^You really do have brain damage, don't you?^You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.^It's been fun. Don't come back.^And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic.^Unbelievable. You, [subject name here] must be the pride of [subject hometown here.]^You are not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't get up here.^Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test.^This is your fault. I'm going to kill you. And all the cake is gone. You don't even care, do you?^Momentum, a function of mass and velocity, is conserved between portals. In layman's terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out. From 9760d7eb54c24146dc0142c0a2581ecc2ef73931 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 14:43:35 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 43/54] Update ChangeLog --- apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog index e185a3bc9..ed32a45a2 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ChangeLog @@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ 0.05: Small bugfix 0.06: Formatting 0.07: Added potato GLaDOS and quote functionality when you tap her +0.08: Fixed drawing issues with the quotes and added more From 84375eb8950156753592bace04f15d4179d057d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 14:44:01 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 44/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 0d7f1e605..7d547a554 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ { "id": "aptsciclk", "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", - "version": "0.07", + "version": "0.08", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", From b53289492da91b2291828f2dbdba8850a413e75f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:45:11 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 45/54] Create metadata.json --- apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json | 17 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee53956b --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "id": "aptsciclk", + "name": "Apeture Science Clock", + "shortName":"AptSci Clock", + "version": "0.08", + "description": "A clock based on the portal series", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": "BANGLEJS2", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] +} From 944560b123dcbc8cb94319bcb7907fb3fc66498a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:46:14 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 46/54] added --- apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json index 8ee53956b..15d8ec4e3 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ "tags": "clock", "supports": "BANGLEJS2", "allow_emulator": false, + "readme":"", "storage": [ {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"}, {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, From f716f6fe40bb10c096300aee845dba769c95e7df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:57:30 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 47/54] Create --- apps/aptsciclk/ | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) create mode 100644 apps/aptsciclk/ diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ b/apps/aptsciclk/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e56b36f09 --- /dev/null +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#Description +This is a simple clock based on the Portal Series. + +#Features +The button in the center of the screen is interactable and the warning image will change when it is pressed. +Potato GLaDOS in the bottom left corner is interactable and will display a quote when tapped. (You can add more quotes by editing the `aptsciclkquotes.txt` file seperating each quote with a `^`) +When the app loads the Apeture Science Logo is displayed. From f1fe1b4fe350f34410731847166073d43d598066 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 11:58:24 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 48/54] Update --- apps/aptsciclk/ | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ b/apps/aptsciclk/ index e56b36f09..68f132a1f 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ #Description + This is a simple clock based on the Portal Series. #Features + The button in the center of the screen is interactable and the warning image will change when it is pressed. Potato GLaDOS in the bottom left corner is interactable and will display a quote when tapped. (You can add more quotes by editing the `aptsciclkquotes.txt` file seperating each quote with a `^`) When the app loads the Apeture Science Logo is displayed. From c0ca33388e17791eaaf124c33800056069032cec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:07:51 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 49/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 4 +++- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 7d547a554..b88bd8165 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ [ { "id": "aptsciclk", - "name": "Apeture Sci Clock", + "name": "Apeture Science Clock", + "shortName":"AptSci Clock", "version": "0.08", "description": "A clock based on the portal series", "icon": "app.png", @@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ "tags": "clock", "supports": "BANGLEJS2", "allow_emulator": false, + "readme":"", "storage": [ {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"}, {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, From 6d8cecc92b0a1935d9771f1ca4efb916b41edd13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:20:42 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 50/54] Update --- apps/aptsciclk/ | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ b/apps/aptsciclk/ index 68f132a1f..975892076 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ @@ -5,5 +5,7 @@ This is a simple clock based on the Portal Series. #Features The button in the center of the screen is interactable and the warning image will change when it is pressed. + Potato GLaDOS in the bottom left corner is interactable and will display a quote when tapped. (You can add more quotes by editing the `aptsciclkquotes.txt` file seperating each quote with a `^`) + When the app loads the Apeture Science Logo is displayed. From a1e3db238e5dac82ac68b02ce4e7a9b87b48d74f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:35:18 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 51/54] Update --- apps/aptsciclk/ | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/ b/apps/aptsciclk/ index 975892076..718e3d408 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/ +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/ @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ -#Description +# Description This is a simple clock based on the Portal Series. -#Features +# Features The button in the center of the screen is interactable and the warning image will change when it is pressed. From 343f2f55e34edbbb874b4bf5724e9a7be6170ba9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 19:31:37 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 52/54] Update apps.json --- apps.json | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index b88bd8165..537a4f697 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -1,20 +1,38 @@ +--- +# ================================================================= +# ALL THE INFORMATION INSIDE APPS.JSON HAS NOW BEEN MOVED +# +# You'll find it inside a file called apps/yourapp/metadata.json +# +# Otherwise nothing has changed. GitHub Pages will automatically +# create apps.json as your site is hosted, or if you're hosting +# yourself you can run bin/ +# +# If you serve the store from localhost for development/testing, +# the loader looks for apps.local.json instead, you can run +# `bin/ apps.local.json` to create that file. +# ================================================================= + +# Uncomment the following line if you only want explicitly listed +# apps to be available on your site + +# restricted: ["boot", "launch", "antonclk", "health", "setting", "about", "widbat", "widbt", "widlock", "widid"] +--- +{%- if page.restricted == nil -%} + {%- assign apps = site.static_files | where: "name", "metadata.json" | map: "path" -%} +{%- else -%} + {%- capture temp -%} + {%- for app in page.restricted %} /apps/{{app}}/metadata.json {%- endfor -%} + {%- endcapture -%} + {%- assign apps = temp | strip | split: " " -%} +{%- endif -%} + [ -{ - "id": "aptsciclk", - "name": "Apeture Science Clock", - "shortName":"AptSci Clock", - "version": "0.08", - "description": "A clock based on the portal series", - "icon": "app.png", - "type": "clock", - "tags": "clock", - "supports": "BANGLEJS2", - "allow_emulator": false, - "readme":"", - "storage": [ - {"name":"aptsciclkquotes.txt","url":"quotes.txt"}, - {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, - {"name":"aptsciclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} - ] -} + +{%- include_relative {{ apps.first }} -%} + +{%- for app in apps offset:1 -%} +,{%- include_relative {{ app }} -%} +{%- endfor -%} + ] From c3aeb22d49772625fc80b368d77d11baa4379f58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 20:25:59 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 53/54] reverted to original Reverted to when it was forked --- apps.json | 5100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 5064 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-) diff --git a/apps.json b/apps.json index 537a4f697..e5e9f8f02 100644 --- a/apps.json +++ b/apps.json @@ -1,38 +1,5066 @@ ---- -# ================================================================= -# ALL THE INFORMATION INSIDE APPS.JSON HAS NOW BEEN MOVED -# -# You'll find it inside a file called apps/yourapp/metadata.json -# -# Otherwise nothing has changed. GitHub Pages will automatically -# create apps.json as your site is hosted, or if you're hosting -# yourself you can run bin/ -# -# If you serve the store from localhost for development/testing, -# the loader looks for apps.local.json instead, you can run -# `bin/ apps.local.json` to create that file. -# ================================================================= - -# Uncomment the following line if you only want explicitly listed -# apps to be available on your site - -# restricted: ["boot", "launch", "antonclk", "health", "setting", "about", "widbat", "widbt", "widlock", "widid"] ---- -{%- if page.restricted == nil -%} - {%- assign apps = site.static_files | where: "name", "metadata.json" | map: "path" -%} -{%- else -%} - {%- capture temp -%} - {%- for app in page.restricted %} /apps/{{app}}/metadata.json {%- endfor -%} - {%- endcapture -%} - {%- assign apps = temp | strip | split: " " -%} -{%- endif -%} - [ - -{%- include_relative {{ apps.first }} -%} - -{%- for app in apps offset:1 -%} -,{%- include_relative {{ app }} -%} -{%- endfor -%} - + { + "id": "fwupdate", + "name": "Firmware Update", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "[BETA] Uploads new Espruino firmwares to Bangle.js 2. For now, please use the instructions under", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "RAM", + "tags": "tools,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "customConnect": true, + "storage": [], + "sortorder": 20 + }, + { + "id": "boot", + "name": "Bootloader", + "version": "0.39", + "description": "This is needed by Bangle.js to automatically load the clock, menu, widgets and settings", + "icon": "bootloader.png", + "type": "bootloader", + "tags": "tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":".boot0","url":"boot0.js"}, + {"name":".bootcde","url":"bootloader.js"}, + {"name":"bootupdate.js","url":"bootupdate.js"} + ], + "sortorder": -10 + }, + { + "id": "hebrew_calendar", + "name": "Hebrew Calendar", + "shortName": "HebCal", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "lists the date according to the hebrew calendar", + "icon": "app.png", + "allow_emulator": false, + "tags": "tool,locale", + "supports": [ + "BANGLEJS", + "BANGLEJS2" + ], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + { + "name": "", + "url": "app.js" + }, + { + "name": "hebrewDate", + "url": "hebrewDate.js" + }, + { + "name": "hebrew_calendar.img", + "url": "app-icon.js", + "evaluate": true + } + ] + }, + { "id": "golfscore", + "name": "Golf Score", + "shortName":"golfscore", + "version":"0.02", + "description": "keeps track of strokes during a golf game", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoors", + "allow_emulator": true, + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"golfscore.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "messages", + "name": "Messages", + "version": "0.14", + "description": "App to display notifications from iOS and Gadgetbridge", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"messages.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"messages.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"messages.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"messages","url":"lib.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"messages.json"},{"name":"messages.settings.json"}], + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"},{"url":"screenshot-notify.gif"}], + "sortorder": -9 + }, + { + "id": "android", + "name": "Android Integration", + "shortName": "Android", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Display notifications/music/etc sent from the Gadgetbridge app on Android. This replaces the old 'Gadgetbridge' Bangle.js widget.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,system,messages,notifications", + "dependencies": {"messages":"app"}, + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"android.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"android.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"android.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} + ], + "sortorder": -8 + }, + { + "id": "ios", + "name": "iOS Integration", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Display notifications/music/etc from iOS devices", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,system,ios,apple,messages,notifications", + "dependencies": {"messages":"app"}, + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ios.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"ios.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} + ], + "sortorder": -8 + }, + { + "id": "health", + "name": "Health Tracking", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "Logs health data and provides an app to view it (requires firmware 2v10.100 or later)", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,system,health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"health.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"health.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"health","url":"lib.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "launch", + "name": "Launcher", + "shortName": "Launcher", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "This is needed to display a menu allowing you to choose your own applications. You can replace this with a customised launcher.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "launch", + "tags": "tool,system,launcher", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports":["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"launch.settings.js","url":"settings.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]} + ], + "data": [{"name":"launch.json"}], + "sortorder": -10 + }, + { + "id": "setting", + "name": "Settings", + "version": "0.38", + "description": "A menu for setting up Bangle.js", + "icon": "settings.png", + "tags": "tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"setting.img","url":"settings-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"setting.json","url":"settings.min.json","evaluate":true}], + "sortorder": -5 + }, + { + "id": "about", + "name": "About", + "version": "0.12", + "description": "Bangle.js About page - showing software version, stats, and a collaborative mural from the Bangle.js KickStarter backers", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-about-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"about.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "sortorder": -4 + }, + { + "id": "alarm", + "name": "Default Alarm & Timer", + "shortName": "Alarms", + "version": "0.14", + "description": "Set and respond to alarms and timers", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"alarm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"alarm.js","url":"alarm.js"}, + {"name":"alarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"alarm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"alarm.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "locale", + "name": "Languages", + "version": "0.14", + "description": "Translations for different countries", + "icon": "locale.png", + "type": "locale", + "tags": "tool,system,locale,translate", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "locale.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"locale"} + ], + "sortorder": -10 + }, + { + "id": "notify", + "name": "Notifications (default)", + "shortName": "Notifications", + "version": "0.11", + "description": "Provides the default `notify` module used by applications to display notifications in a bar at the top of the screen. This module is installed by default by client applications such as the Gadgetbridge app. Installing `Fullscreen Notifications` replaces this module with a version that displays the notifications using the full screen", + "icon": "notify.png", + "type": "notify", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"notify","url":"notify.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "notifyfs", + "name": "Fullscreen Notifications", + "shortName": "Notifications", + "version": "0.12", + "description": "Provides a replacement for the `Notifications (default)` `notify` module. This version is used by applications to display notifications fullscreen. This may not fully restore the screen after on some apps. See `Notifications (default)` for more information about the notify module.", + "icon": "notify.png", + "type": "notify", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"notify","url":"notify.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "welcome", + "name": "Welcome", + "shortName": "Welcome", + "version": "0.14", + "description": "Appears at first boot and explains how to use Bangle.js", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_welcome.png"}], + "tags": "start,welcome", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"welcome.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"welcome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"welcome.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"welcome.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "mywelcome", + "name": "Customised Welcome", + "shortName": "My Welcome", + "version": "0.13", + "description": "Appears at first boot and explains how to use Bangle.js. Like 'Welcome', but can be customised with a greeting", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "start,welcome", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-customized-welcome-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"mywelcome.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle1.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"app-bangle2.js","supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"mywelcome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"mywelcome.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"mywelcome.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "gbridge", + "name": "Gadgetbridge", + "version": "0.25", + "description": "(NOT RECOMMENDED) Displays Gadgetbridge notifications from Android. Please use the 'Android' Bangle.js app instead.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "tool,system,android,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "dependencies": {"notify":"type"}, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"gbridge.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"gbridge.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"gbridge.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"gbridge.json"}] + }, + { "id": "gbdebug", + "name": "Gadgetbridge Debug", + "shortName":"GB Debug", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "Debug info for Gadgetbridge. Run this app and when Gadgetbridge messages arrive they are displayed on-screen.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gbdebug.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mclock", + "name": "Morphing Clock", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "7 segment clock that morphs between minutes and hours", + "icon": "clock-morphing.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-morphing-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-morphing.js"}, + {"name":"mclock.img","url":"clock-morphing-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "sortorder": -9 + }, + { + "id": "moonphase", + "name": "Moonphase", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Shows current moon phase. Now with GPS function.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-moon-phase-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"moonphase.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "daysl", + "name": "Days left", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Shows you the days left until a certain date. Date can be set with a settings app and is written to a file.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"daysl.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"daysl.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "wclock", + "name": "Word Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Display Time as Text", + "icon": "clock-word.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_word.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-word.js"}, + {"name":"wclock.img","url":"clock-word-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "fontclock", + "name": "Font Clock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Choose the font and design of clock face from a library of available designs", + "icon": "fontclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"fontclock.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.img","url":"fontclock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"fontclock.hand.js","url":"fontclock.hand.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.thinhand.js","url":"fontclock.thinhand.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.thickhand.js","url":"fontclock.thickhand.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.hourscriber.js","url":"fontclock.hourscriber.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.js","url":"fontclock.font.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.abril_ff50.js","url":"fontclock.font.abril_ff50.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.cpstc58.js","url":"fontclock.font.cpstc58.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.mntn25.js","url":"fontclock.font.mntn25.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.mntn50.js","url":"fontclock.font.mntn50.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.vector25.js","url":"fontclock.font.vector25.js"}, + {"name":"fontclock.font.vector50.js","url":"fontclock.font.vector50.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "slidingtext", + "name": "Sliding Clock", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Inspired by the Pebble sliding clock, old times are scrolled off the screen and new times on. You are also able to change language on the fly so you can see the time written in other languages using button 1. Currently English, French, Japanese, Spanish and German are supported", + "icon": "slidingtext.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"slidingtext.js"}, + {"name":"slidingtext.img","url":"slidingtext-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"slidingtext.locale.en.js","url":"slidingtext.locale.en.js"}, + {"name":"slidingtext.locale.en2.js","url":"slidingtext.locale.en2.js"}, + {"name":"slidingtext.utils.en.js","url":"slidingtext.utils.en.js"}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"slidingtext.dtfmt.js","url":"slidingtext.dtfmt.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "solarclock", + "name": "Solar Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Using your current or chosen location the solar watch face shows the Sun's sky position, time and date. Also allows you to wind backwards and forwards in time to see the sun's position", + "icon": "solar_clock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"solar_clock.js"}, + {"name":"solarclock.img","url":"solar_clock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"solar_colors.js","url":"solar_colors.js"}, + {"name":"solar_controller.js","url":"solar_controller.js"}, + {"name":"solar_date_utils.js","url":"solar_date_utils.js"}, + {"name":"solar_graphic_utils.js","url":"solar_graphic_utils.js"}, + {"name":"solar_location.js","url":"solar_location.js"}, + {"name":"solar_math_utils.js","url":"solar_math_utils.js"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Reykjavik.json","url":"solar_loc.Reykjavik.json"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Hong_Kong.json","url":"solar_loc.Hong_Kong.json"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Honolulu.json","url":"solar_loc.Honolulu.json"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Rio.json","url":"solar_loc.Rio.json"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Tokyo.json","url":"solar_loc.Tokyo.json"}, + {"name":"solar_loc.Seoul.json","url":"solar_loc.Seoul.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "sweepclock", + "name": "Sweep Clock", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Smooth sweep secondhand with single hour numeral. Use button 1 to toggle the numeral font, button 3 to change the colour theme and button 4 to change the date placement", + "icon": "sweepclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-sweep-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"sweepclock.js"}, + {"name":"sweepclock.img","url":"sweepclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "matrixclock", + "name": "Matrix Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "inspired by The Matrix, a clock of the same style", + "icon": "matrixclock.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_matrix.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"matrixclock.js"}, + {"name":"matrixclock.img","url":"matrixclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mandelbrotclock", + "name": "Mandelbrot Clock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A mandelbrot set themed clock cool", + "icon": "mandelbrotclock.png", + "screenshots": [{ "url": "screenshot_mandelbrotclock.png" }], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + { "name": "", "url": "mandelbrotclock.js" }, + { + "name": "mandelbrotclock.img", + "url": "mandelbrotclock-icon.js", + "evaluate": true + } + ] + }, + { + "id": "imgclock", + "name": "Image background clock", + "shortName": "Image Clock", + "version": "0.08", + "description": "A clock with an image as a background", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"imgclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"imgclock.face.img"}, + {"name":"imgclock.face.json"}, + {"name":"","content":""} + ] + }, + { + "id": "impwclock", + "name": "Imprecise Word Clock", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Imprecise word clock for vacations, weekends, and those who never need accurate time.", + "icon": "clock-impword.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-impercise-word-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-impword.js"}, + {"name":"impwclock.img","url":"clock-impword-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "aclock", + "name": "Analog Clock", + "version": "0.15", + "description": "An Analog Clock", + "icon": "clock-analog.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_analog.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-analog.js"}, + {"name":"aclock.img","url":"clock-analog-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "clock2x3", + "name": "2x3 Pixel Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "This is a simple clock using minimalist 2x3 pixel numerical digits", + "icon": "clock2x3.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_pixel.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock2x3-app.js"}, + {"name":"clock2x3.img","url":"clock2x3-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "geissclk", + "name": "Geiss Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "7 segment clock with animated background in the style of Ryan Geiss' music visualisation. NOTE: The first run will take ~1 minute to do some precalculation", + "icon": "clock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock.js"}, + {"name":"geissclk.precompute.js","url":"precompute.js"}, + {"name":"geissclk.img","url":"clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":""},{"name":"geissclk.0.pal"},{"name":"geissclk.1.pal"},{"name":"geissclk.2.pal"}] + }, + { + "id": "trex", + "name": "T-Rex", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "T-Rex game in the style of Chrome's offline game", + "icon": "trex.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_trex.png"}], + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"trex.js"}, + {"name":"trex.img","url":"trex-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"trex.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"trex.score","storageFile":true}] + }, + { + "id": "cubescramble", + "name": "Cube Scramble", + "version":"0.04", + "description": "A random scramble generator for the 3x3 Rubik's cube with a basic timer", + "icon": "cube-scramble.png", + "tags": "", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-cube-scramble-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-cube-scramble-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"cube-scramble.js"}, + {"name":"cubescramble.img","url":"cube-scramble-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "astroid", + "name": "Asteroids!", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Retro asteroids game", + "icon": "asteroids.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_asteroids.png"}], + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"asteroids.js"}, + {"name":"astroid.img","url":"asteroids-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "clickms", + "name": "Click Master", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Get several friends to start the game, then compete to see who can press BTN1 the most!", + "icon": "click-master.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"click-master.js"}, + {"name":"clickms.img","url":"click-master-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "horsey", + "name": "Horse Race!", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Get several friends to start the game, then compete to see who can press BTN1 the most!", + "icon": "horse-race.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"horse-race.js"}, + {"name":"horsey.img","url":"horse-race-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "compass", + "name": "Compass", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Simple compass that points North", + "icon": "compass.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_compass.png"}], + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"compass.js"}, + {"name":"compass.img","url":"compass-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gpstime", + "name": "GPS Time", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Update the Bangle.js's clock based on the time from the GPS receiver", + "icon": "gpstime.png", + "tags": "tool,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"gpstime.js"}, + {"name":"gpstime.img","url":"gpstime-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "openloc", + "name": "Open Location / Plus Codes", + "shortName": "Open Location", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Convert your current GPS location to a series of characters", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"openloc.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "speedo", + "name": "Speedo", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Show the current speed according to the GPS", + "icon": "speedo.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"speedo.js"}, + {"name":"speedo.img","url":"speedo-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gpsrec", + "name": "GPS Recorder", + "version": "0.27", + "description": "Application that allows you to record a GPS track. Can run in background", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps,widget", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gpsrec.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"gpsrec.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"gpsrec.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"gpsrec.json"},{"wildcard":".gpsrc?","storageFile":true}] + }, + { + "id": "recorder", + "name": "Recorder (BETA)", + "shortName": "Recorder", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Record GPS position, heart rate and more in the background, then download to your PC.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"recorder.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"recorder.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"recorder.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"recorder.json"},{"wildcard":"recorder.log?.csv","storageFile":true}] + }, + { + "id": "gpsnav", + "name": "GPS Navigation", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Displays GPS Course and Speed, + Directions to waypoint and waypoint recording, now with waypoint editor", + "icon": "icon.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "waypoints.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.min.js"}, + {"name":"gpsnav.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "heart", + "name": "Heart Rate Recorder", + "shortName": "HRM Record", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Application that allows you to record your heart rate. Can run in background", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,health,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"heart.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"heart.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"heart.json"},{"wildcard":".heart?","storageFile":true}] + }, + { + "id": "slevel", + "name": "Spirit Level", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Show the current angle of the watch, so you can use it to make sure something is absolutely flat", + "icon": "spiritlevel.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"spiritlevel.js"}, + {"name":"slevel.img","url":"spiritlevel-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "files", + "name": "App Manager", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Show currently installed apps, free space, and allow their deletion from the watch", + "icon": "files.png", + "tags": "tool,system,files", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"files.js"}, + {"name":"files.img","url":"files-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "weather", + "name": "Weather", + "version": "0.13", + "description": "Show Gadgetbridge weather report", + "icon": "icon.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "tags": "widget,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"weather.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"weather","url":"lib.js"}, + {"name":"weather.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"weather.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"weather.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "chargeanim", + "name": "Charge Animation", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "When charging, show a sideways charging animation and keep the screen on. When removed from the charger load the clock again.", + "icon": "icon.png", + "tags": "battery", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-charge-animation-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle-charge-animation-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"chargeanim.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"chargeanim.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "bluetoothdock", + "name": "Bluetooth Dock", + "shortName": "Dock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "When charging shows the time, scans Bluetooth for known devices (eg temperature) and shows them on the screen", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"bluetoothdock.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"bluetoothdock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widbat", + "name": "Battery Level Widget", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "Show the current battery level and charging status in the top right of the clock", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,battery", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbat.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widbatv", + "name": "Battery Level Widget (Vertical)", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Slim, vertical battery widget that only takes up 14px", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,battery", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbatv.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widlock", + "name": "Lock Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "On devices with always-on display (Bangle.js 2) this displays lock icon whenever the display is locked", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,lock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widlock.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widbatpc", + "name": "Battery Level Widget (with percentage)", + "shortName": "Battery Widget", + "version": "0.14", + "description": "Show the current battery level and charging status in the top right of the clock, with charge percentage", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,battery", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbatpc.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"widbatpc.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"widbatpc.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "widbatwarn", + "name": "Battery Warning", + "shortName": "Battery Warning", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Show a warning when the battery runs low.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "widget", + "tags": "tool,battery", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "dependencies": {"notify":"type"}, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbatwarn.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"widbatwarn.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"widbatwarn.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "widbt", + "name": "Bluetooth Widget", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Show the current Bluetooth connection status in the top right of the clock", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widchime", + "name": "Hour Chime", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Buzz or beep on every whole hour.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widchime.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"widchime.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"widchime.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "widram", + "name": "RAM Widget", + "shortName": "RAM Widget", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display your Bangle's available RAM percentage in a widget", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widram.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hrm", + "name": "Heart Rate Monitor", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "Measure your heart rate and see live sensor data", + "icon": "heartrate.png", + "tags": "health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"heartrate.js"}, + {"name":"hrm.img","url":"heartrate-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widhrm", + "name": "Simple Heart Rate widget", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "When the screen is on, the widget turns on the heart rate monitor and displays the current heart rate (or last known in grey). For this to work well you'll need at least a 15 second LCD Timeout.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "health,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widhrm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "bthrm", + "name": "Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor", + "shortName": "BT HRM", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Overrides Bangle.js's build in heart rate monitor with an external Bluetooth one.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "boot", + "tags": "health,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"bthrm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"bthrm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "stetho", + "name": "Stethoscope", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Hear your heart rate", + "icon": "stetho.png", + "tags": "health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"stetho.js"}, + {"name":"stetho.img","url":"stetho-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "swatch", + "name": "Stopwatch", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Simple stopwatch with Lap Time logging to a JSON file", + "icon": "stopwatch.png", + "tags": "health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-stopwatch-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"stopwatch.js"}, + {"name":"swatch.img","url":"stopwatch-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hidmsic", + "name": "Bluetooth Music Controls", + "shortName": "Music Control", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone, then use this app to control music from your watch!", + "icon": "hid-music.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"hid-music.js"}, + {"name":"hidmsic.img","url":"hid-music-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hidkbd", + "name": "Bluetooth Keyboard", + "shortName": "Bluetooth Kbd", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone/PC, then use this app to control other apps", + "icon": "hid-keyboard.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"hid-keyboard.js"}, + {"name":"hidkbd.img","url":"hid-keyboard-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hidbkbd", + "name": "Binary Bluetooth Keyboard", + "shortName": "Binary BT Kbd", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone/PC, then type messages using the onscreen keyboard by tapping repeatedly on the key you want", + "icon": "hid-binary-keyboard.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"hid-binary-keyboard.js"}, + {"name":"hidbkbd.img","url":"hid-binary-keyboard-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "animals", + "name": "Animals Game", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Simple toddler's game - displays a different number of animals each time the screen is pressed", + "icon": "animals.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"animals.js"}, + {"name":"animals.img","url":"animals-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-snake.img","url":"animals-snake.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-duck.img","url":"animals-duck.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-swan.img","url":"animals-swan.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-fox.img","url":"animals-fox.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-camel.img","url":"animals-camel.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-pig.img","url":"animals-pig.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-sheep.img","url":"animals-sheep.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"animals-mouse.img","url":"animals-mouse.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "qrcode", + "name": "Custom QR Code", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Use this to upload a customised QR code to Bangle.js", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "qrcode", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "customConnect": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"qrcode.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "beer", + "name": "Beer Compass", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Uploads all the pubs in an area onto your watch, so it can always point you at the nearest one", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"beer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "route", + "name": "Route Viewer", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Upload a KML file of a route, and have your watch display a map with how far around it you are", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"route.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ncstart", + "name": "NCEU Startup", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "NodeConfEU 2019 'First Start' Sequence", + "icon": "start.png", + "tags": "start,welcome", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"start.js"}, + {"name":"ncstart.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"ncstart.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"ncstart.img","url":"start-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"nc-bangle.img","url":"start-bangle.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"nc-nceu.img","url":"start-nceu.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"nc-nfr.img","url":"start-nfr.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"nc-nodew.img","url":"start-nodew.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"nc-tf.img","url":"start-tf.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"ncstart.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "ncfrun", + "name": "NCEU 5K Fun Run", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display a map of the NodeConf EU 2019 5K Fun Run route and your location on it", + "icon": "nceu-funrun.png", + "tags": "health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"nceu-funrun.js"}, + {"name":"ncfrun.img","url":"nceu-funrun-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widnceu", + "name": "NCEU Logo Widget", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Show the NodeConf EU logo in the top left", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widnceu.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "sclock", + "name": "Simple Clock", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "A Simple Digital Clock", + "icon": "clock-simple.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_simplec.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-simple.js"}, + {"name":"sclock.img","url":"clock-simple-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "s7clk", + "name": "Simple 7 segment Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A simple 7 segment Clock with date", + "icon": "icon.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_s7segment.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"s7clk.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "vibrclock", + "name": "Vibrate Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "When BTN1 is pressed, vibrate out the time as a series of buzzes, one digit at a time. Hours, then Minutes. Zero is signified by one long buzz. Otherwise a simple digital clock.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-vibrate-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"vibrclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "svclock", + "name": "Simple V-Clock", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Modification of Simple Clock 0.04 to use Vectorfont", + "icon": "vclock-simple.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-simple-v-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"vclock-simple.js"}, + {"name":"svclock.img","url":"vclock-simple-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dclock", + "name": "Dev Clock", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "A Digital Clock including timestamp (tst), beats(@), days in current month (dm) and days since new moon (l)", + "icon": "clock-dev.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-dev-clock-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-dev-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-dev.js"}, + {"name":"dclock.img","url":"clock-dev-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gesture", + "name": "Gesture Test", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "BETA! Uploads a basic Tensorflow Gesture model, and then outputs each gesture as a message", + "icon": "gesture.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "gesture,ai", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"gesture.js"}, + {"name":".tfnames","url":"gesture-tfnames.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":".tfmodel","url":"gesture-tfmodel.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"gesture.img","url":"gesture-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pparrot", + "name": "Party Parrot", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Party with a parrot on your wrist", + "icon": "party-parrot.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "party,parrot,lol", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-party-parrot-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"party-parrot.js"}, + {"name":"pparrot.img","url":"party-parrot-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hrings", + "name": "Hypno Rings", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Experiment with trippy rings, press buttons for change", + "icon": "hypno-rings.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "rings,hypnosis,psychadelic", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-hypno-rings-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"hypno-rings.js"}, + {"name":"hrings.img","url":"hypno-rings-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "morse", + "name": "Morse Code", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Learn morse code by hearing/seeing/feeling the code. Tap to toggle buzz!", + "icon": "morse-code.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "morse,sound,visual,input", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"morse-code.js"}, + {"name":"morse.img","url":"morse-code-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "blescan", + "name": "BLE Scanner", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Scan for advertising BLE devices", + "icon": "blescan.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"blescan.js"}, + {"name":"blescan.img","url":"blescan-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mmonday", + "name": "Manic Monday Tone", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "The Bangles make a comeback", + "icon": "manic-monday-icon.png", + "tags": "sound", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"manic-monday.js"}, + {"name":"mmonday.img","url":"manic-monday-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "jbells", + "name": "Jingle Bells", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Play Jingle Bells", + "icon": "jbells.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "sound", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"jbells.js"}, + {"name":"jbells.img","url":"jbells-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "scolor", + "name": "Show Color", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display all available Colors and Names", + "icon": "show-color.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-view-color-screenshot.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"show-color.js"}, + {"name":"scolor.img","url":"show-color-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "miclock", + "name": "Mixed Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "A mix of analog and digital Clock", + "icon": "clock-mixed.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mixed-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-mixed.js"}, + {"name":"miclock.img","url":"clock-mixed-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "bclock", + "name": "Binary Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A simple binary clock watch face", + "icon": "clock-binary.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-binary-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-binary.js"}, + {"name":"bclock.img","url":"clock-binary-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "clotris", + "name": "Clock-Tris", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A fully functional clone of a classic game of falling blocks", + "icon": "clock-tris.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-clock-tris-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-tris.js"}, + {"name":"clotris.img","url":"clock-tris-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":".trishig","url":"clock-tris-high"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "flappy", + "name": "Flappy Bird", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "A Flappy Bird game clone", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot1_flappy.png"},{"url":"screenshot2_flappy.png"}], + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"flappy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gpsinfo", + "name": "GPS Info", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "An application that displays information about altitude, lat/lon, satellites and time", + "icon": "gps-info.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"gps-info.js"}, + {"name":"gpsinfo.img","url":"gps-info-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "assistedgps", + "name": "Assisted GPS Update (AGPS)", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Downloads assisted GPS (AGPS) data to Bangle.js 1 for faster GPS startup and more accurate fixes. **No app will be installed**, this just uploads new data to the GPS chip.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "RAM", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,agps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [] + }, + { + "id": "pomodo", + "name": "Pomodoro", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A simple pomodoro timer.", + "icon": "pomodoro.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "pomodoro,cooking,tools", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-pomodoro-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"pomodoro.js"}, + {"name":"pomodo.img","url":"pomodoro-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "blobclk", + "name": "Large Digit Blob Clock", + "shortName": "Blob Clock", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "A clock with big digits", + "icon": "clock-blob.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-large-digit-blob-clock-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-large-digit-blob-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-blob.js"}, + {"name":"blobclk.img","url":"clock-blob-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "boldclk", + "name": "Bold Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Simple, readable and practical clock", + "icon": "bold_clock.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_bold.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"bold_clock.js"}, + {"name":"boldclk.img","url":"bold_clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widclk", + "name": "Digital clock widget", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "A simple digital clock widget", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widclk.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widpedom", + "name": "Pedometer widget", + "version": "0.20", + "description": "Daily pedometer widget", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widpedom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"widpedom.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "berlinc", + "name": "Berlin Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Berlin Clock (see", + "icon": "berlin-clock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"berlin-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"berlin-clock.js"}, + {"name":"berlinc.img","url":"berlin-clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ctrclk", + "name": "Centerclock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Watch-centered digital 24h clock with date in format.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-center-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ctrclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "demoapp", + "name": "Demo Loop", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple demo app - displays Bangle.js, JS logo, graphics, and Bangle.js information", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot1.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot2.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot3.png"},{"url":"bangle1-demo-loop-screenshot4.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"demoapp.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "sortorder": -9 + }, + { + "id": "flagrse", + "name": "Espruino Flag Raiser", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "App to send a command to another Espruino to cause it to raise a flag", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"flagrse.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pipboy", + "name": "Pipboy", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Pipboy themed clock", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-pipboy-themed-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"pipboy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "torch", + "name": "Torch", + "shortName": "Torch", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Turns screen white to help you see in the dark. Select from the launcher or press BTN1,BTN3,BTN1,BTN3 quickly to start when in any app that shows widgets", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,torch", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"torch.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"torch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "rtorch", + "name": "Red Torch", + "shortName": "RedTorch", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Turns screen RED to help you see in the dark without breaking your night vision. Select from the launcher or on Bangle 1 press BTN3,BTN1,BTN3,BTN1 quickly to start when in any app that shows widgets", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,torch", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"rtorch.wid.js","url":"widget.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"rtorch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "wohrm", + "name": "Workout HRM", + "version": "0.08", + "description": "Workout heart rate monitor notifies you with a buzz if your heart rate goes above or below the set limits.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "hrm,workout", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-workout-HRM-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"wohrm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widid", + "name": "Bluetooth ID Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Display the last two tuple of your Bangle.js MAC address in the widget section. This is useful for figuring out which Bangle.js to connect to if you have more than one Bangle.js!", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,address,mac", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "grocery", + "name": "Grocery", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple grocery (shopping) list - Display a list of product and track if you already put them in your cart.", + "icon": "grocery.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,shopping,list", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "custom": "grocery.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"grocery.img","url":"grocery-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "marioclock", + "name": "Mario Clock", + "version": "0.15", + "description": "Animated retro Mario clock, with Gameboy style 8-bit grey-scale graphics.", + "icon": "marioclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,mario,retro", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": false, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mario-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"marioclock-app.js"}, + {"name":"marioclock.img","url":"marioclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "cliock", + "name": "Commandline-Clock", + "shortName": "CLI-Clock", + "version": "0.15", + "description": "Simple CLI-Styled Clock", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_cli.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"cliock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widver", + "name": "Firmware Version Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Display the version of the installed firmware in the top widget section.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widver.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "barclock", + "name": "Bar Clock", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "A simple digital clock showing seconds as a bar", + "icon": "clock-bar.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"},{"url":"screenshot_pm.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-bar.js"}, + {"name":"barclock.img","url":"clock-bar-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dotclock", + "name": "Dot Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A Minimal Dot Analog Clock", + "icon": "clock-dot.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle2-dot-clcok-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-dot-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-dot.js"}, + {"name":"dotclock.img","url":"clock-dot-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widtbat", + "name": "Tiny Battery Widget", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Tiny blueish battery widget, vibs and changes level color when charging", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widtbat.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "chrono", + "name": "Chrono", + "shortName": "Chrono", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Single click BTN1 to add 5 minutes. Single click BTN2 to add 30 seconds. Single click BTN3 to add 5 seconds. Tap to pause or play to timer. Double click BTN1 to reset. When timer finishes the watch vibrates.", + "icon": "chrono.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"chrono.js"}, + {"name":"chrono.img","url":"chrono-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "astrocalc", + "name": "Astrocalc", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Calculates interesting information on the sun and moon cycles for the current day based on your location.", + "icon": "astrocalc.png", + "tags": "app,sun,moon,cycles,tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"astrocalc-app.js"}, + {"name":"suncalc.js","url":"suncalc.js"}, + {"name":"astrocalc.img","url":"astrocalc-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"first-quarter.img","url":"first-quarter-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"last-quarter.img","url":"last-quarter-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"waning-crescent.img","url":"waning-crescent-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"waning-gibbous.img","url":"waning-gibbous-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"full.img","url":"full-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"new.img","url":"new-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"waxing-gibbous.img","url":"waxing-gibbous-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"waxing-crescent.img","url":"waxing-crescent-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widhwt", + "name": "Hand Wash Timer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Swipe your wrist over the watch face to start your personal Bangle.js hand wash timer for 35 sec. Start washing after the short buzz and stop after the long buzz.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widhwt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "toucher", + "name": "Touch Launcher", + "shortName": "Toucher", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Touch enable left to right launcher.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "launch", + "tags": "tool,system,launcher", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"toucher.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"toucher.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "balltastic", + "name": "Balltastic", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple but fun ball eats dots game.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "game,fun", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"balltastic.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "rpgdice", + "name": "RPG dice", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple RPG dice rolling app.", + "icon": "rpgdice.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "game,fun", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-rpg-dice-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"rpgdice.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widmp", + "name": "Moon Phase Widget", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Display the current moon phase in blueish for the northern hemisphere in eight phases", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,tools", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widmp.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widmpsh", + "name": "Moon Phase Widget Southern Hemisphere", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display the current moon phase in blueish for the southern hemisphere in eight phases", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,tools", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widmpsh.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "minionclk", + "name": "Minion clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Minion themed clock.", + "icon": "minionclk.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,minion", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-minion-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"minionclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "openstmap", + "name": "OpenStreetMap", + "shortName": "OpenStMap", + "version": "0.11", + "description": "Loads map tiles from OpenStreetMap onto your Bangle.js and displays a map of where you are. Once installed this also adds map functionality to `GPS Recorder` and `Recorder` apps", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoors,gps,osm", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "custom": "custom.html", + "customConnect": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"openstmap","url":"openstmap.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"openstmap.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "activepedom", + "name": "Active Pedometer", + "shortName": "Active Pedometer", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "Pedometer that filters out arm movement and displays a step goal progress. Steps are saved to a daily file and can be viewed as graph.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoors,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"activepedom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"activepedom.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"activepedom.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "chronowid", + "name": "Chrono Widget", + "shortName": "Chrono Widget", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Chronometer (timer) which runs as widget.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"chronowid.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"chronowid.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "tabata", + "name": "Tabata", + "shortName": "Tabata - Control High-Intensity Interval Training", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Control high-intensity interval training (according to tabata:", + "icon": "tabata.png", + "tags": "workout,health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"tabata.js"}, + {"name":"tabata.img","url":"tabata-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "custom", + "name": "Custom Boot Code ", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Add code you want to run at boot time", + "icon": "custom.png", + "type": "bootloader", + "tags": "tool,system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"custom"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "devstopwatch", + "name": "Dev Stopwatch", + "shortName": "Dev Stopwatch", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Stopwatch with 5 laps supported (cyclically replaced)", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "stopwatch,chrono,timer,chronometer", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-dev-stopwatch-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"devstopwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "batchart", + "name": "Battery Chart", + "shortName": "Battery Chart", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "A widget and an app for recording and visualizing battery percentage over time.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "app,widget,battery,time,record,chart,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"batchart.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"batchart.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "nato", + "name": "NATO Alphabet", + "shortName": "NATOAlphabet", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Learn the NATO Phonetic alphabet plus some numbers.", + "icon": "nato.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "app,learn,visual", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-NATO-alphabet-screenshot.png"},{"url":"bangle1-NATO-alphabet-screenshot2.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"nato.js"}, + {"name":"nato.img","url":"nato-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "numerals", + "name": "Numerals Clock", + "shortName": "Numerals Clock", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "A simple big numerals clock", + "icon": "numerals.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "numerals,clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-numerals-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"numerals.img","url":"numerals-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"numerals.settings.js","url":"numerals.settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"numerals.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "bledetect", + "name": "BLE Detector", + "shortName": "BLE Detector", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Detect BLE devices and show some informations.", + "icon": "bledetect.png", + "tags": "app,bluetooth,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"bledetect.js"}, + {"name":"bledetect.img","url":"bledetect-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "snake", + "name": "Snake", + "shortName": "Snake", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "The classic snake game. Eat apples and don't bite your tail.", + "icon": "snake.png", + "tags": "game,fun", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"snake.js"}, + {"name":"snake.img","url":"snake-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "snek", + "name": "The snek game", + "shortName":"Snek", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A snek game where you control a snek to eat all the apples!", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_snek.png"}], + "icon": "snek.png", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "tags": "game,fun", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"snek.js"}, + {"name":"snek.img","url":"snek.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "calculator", + "name": "Calculator", + "shortName": "Calculator", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Basic calculator reminiscent of MacOs's one. Handy for small calculus.", + "icon": "calculator.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_calculator.png"}], + "tags": "app,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"calculator.img","url":"calculator-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dane", + "name": "Digital Assistant, not EDITH", + "shortName": "DANE", + "version": "0.16", + "description": "A Watchface inspired by Tony Stark's EDITH and based on", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"dane.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dane_tcr", + "name": "DANE Touch Launcher", + "shortName": "DANE Toucher", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Touch enable left to right launcher in the style of the DANE Watchface", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "launch", + "tags": "tool,system,launcher", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"dane_tcr.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"dane_tcr.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "buffgym", + "name": "BuffGym", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "BuffGym is the famous 5x5 workout program for the BangleJS", + "icon": "buffgym.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gym,exercise", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "buffgym.html", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"buffgym-set.js","url":"buffgym-set.js"}, + {"name":"buffgym-exercise.js","url":"buffgym-exercise.js"}, + {"name":"buffgym-workout.js","url":"buffgym-workout.js"}, + {"name":"buffgym-workout-a.json","url":"buffgym-workout-a.json"}, + {"name":"buffgym-workout-b.json","url":"buffgym-workout-b.json"}, + {"name":"buffgym-workout-index.json","url":"buffgym-workout-index.json"}, + {"name":"buffgym.img","url":"buffgym-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "banglerun", + "name": "BangleRun", + "shortName": "BangleRun", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "An app for running sessions. Displays info and logs your run for later viewing.", + "icon": "banglerun.png", + "tags": "run,running,fitness,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "interface": "interface.html", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"banglerun.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "metronome", + "name": "Metronome", + "version": "0.07", + "readme": "", + "description": "Makes the watch blinking and vibrating with a given rate", + "icon": "metronome_icon.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-metronome-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"metronome.js"}, + {"name":"metronome.img","url":"metronome-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"metronome.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "blackjack", + "name": "Black Jack game", + "shortName": "Black Jack game", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple implementation of card game Black Jack", + "icon": "blackjack.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-black-jack-game-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"blackjack.img","url":"blackjack-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hidcam", + "name": "Camera shutter", + "shortName": "Cam shutter", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Enable HID, connect to your phone, start your camera and trigger the shot on your Bangle", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "bluetooth,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hidcam.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "swlclk", + "name": "SWL Clock / Short Wave Listner Clock", + "shortName": "SWL Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Display Local, UTC time and some programs on the shorts waves along the day, with the frequencies", + "icon": "swlclk.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "tool,clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-SWL-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"swlclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "rclock", + "name": "Round clock with seconds, minutes and date", + "shortName": "Round Clock", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "Designed round clock with ticks for minutes and seconds and heart rate indication", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"rclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "fclock", + "name": "fclock", + "shortName": "F Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple design of a digital clock", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"fclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hamloc", + "name": "QTH Locator / Maidenhead Locator System", + "shortName": "QTH Locator", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Convert your current GPS location to the Maidenhead locator system used by HAM amateur radio operators", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hamloc.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "osmpoi", + "name": "POI Compass", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Uploads all the points of interest in an area onto your watch, same as Beer Compass with more p.o.i.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"osmpoi.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pong", + "name": "Pong", + "shortName": "Pong", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A clone of the Atari game Pong", + "icon": "pong.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-pong-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"pong.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ballmaze", + "name": "Ball Maze", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Navigate a ball through a maze by tilting your watch.", + "icon": "icon.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ballmaze.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"ballmaze.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "calendar", + "name": "Calendar", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Simple calendar", + "icon": "calendar.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_calendar.png"}], + "tags": "calendar", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"calendar.js"}, + {"name":"calendar.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"calendar.img","url":"calendar-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"calendar.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "hidjoystick", + "name": "Bluetooth Joystick", + "shortName": "Joystick", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Emulates a 2 axis/5 button Joystick using the accelerometer as stick input and buttons 1-3, touch left as button 4 and touch right as button 5.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hidjoystick.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "largeclock", + "name": "Large Clock", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "A readable and informational digital watch, with date, seconds and moon phase", + "icon": "largeclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-large-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"largeclock.js"}, + {"name":"largeclock.img","url":"largeclock-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"largeclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"largeclock.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "smtswch", + "name": "Smart Switch", + "shortName": "Smart Switch", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Using EspruinoHub, control your smart devices on and off via Bluetooth Low Energy!", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "bluetooth,btle,smart,switch", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"smtswch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"light-on.img","url":"light-on.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"light-off.img","url":"light-off.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"switch-on.img","url":"switch-on.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"switch-off.img","url":"switch-off.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "miplant", + "name": "Xiaomi Plant Sensor", + "shortName": "Mi Plant", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Reads and displays data from Xiaomi bluetooth plant moisture sensors", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "xiaomi,mi,plant,ble,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"miplant.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "simpletimer", + "name": "Timer", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Simple timer, useful when playing board games or cooking", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "timer", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-timer-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":".tfnames","url":"gesture-tfnames.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":".tfmodel","url":"gesture-tfmodel.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"simpletimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"simpletimer.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "beebclock", + "name": "Beeb Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Clock face that may be coincidentally familiar to BBC viewers", + "icon": "beebclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-beeb-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"beebclock.js"}, + {"name":"beebclock.img","url":"beebclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "findphone", + "name": "Find Phone", + "shortName": "Find Phone", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Find your phone via Gadgetbridge. Click any button to let your phone ring. 📳 Note: The functionality is available even without this app, just go to Settings, App Settings, Gadgetbridge, Find Phone.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,android", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"findphone.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "getup", + "name": "Get Up", + "shortName": "Get Up", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Reminds you to getup every x minutes. Sitting to long is dangerous!", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tools,health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-get-up-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"getup.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"getup.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gallifr", + "name": "Time Traveller's Chronometer", + "shortName": "Time Travel Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A clock for time travellers. The light pie segment shows the minutes, the black circle, the hour. The dial itself reads 'time' just in case you forget.", + "icon": "gallifr.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_time.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gallifr.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"gallifr.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"gallifr.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "rndmclk", + "name": "Random Clock Loader", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Load a different clock whenever the LCD is switched on.", + "icon": "rndmclk.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"rndmclk.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dotmatrixclock", + "name": "Dotmatrix Clock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A clear white-on-blue dotmatrix simulated clock", + "icon": "dotmatrixclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,dotmatrix,retro", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"dotmatrixclock.img","url":"dotmatrixclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "jbm8b", + "name": "Magic 8 Ball", + "shortName": "Magic 8 Ball", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A simple fortune telling app", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"jbm8b.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "jbm8b_IT", + "name": "Magic 8 Ball Italiano", + "shortName": "Magic 8 Ball IT", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "La palla predice il futuro", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-magic-8-ball-italiano-screenshot.png"}], + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"jbm8b_IT.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "BLEcontroller", + "name": "BLE Customisable Controller with Joystick", + "shortName": "BLE Controller", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A configurable controller for BLE devices and robots, with a basic four direction joystick. Designed to be easy to customise so you can add your own menus.", + "icon": "BLEcontroller.png", + "tags": "tool,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"BLEcontroller.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widviz", + "name": "Widget Visibility Widget", + "shortName": "Viz Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Swipe left to hide top bar widgets, swipe right to redisplay.", + "icon": "eye.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widviz.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "binclock", + "name": "Binary Clock", + "shortName": "Binary Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A binary clock with hours and minutes. BTN1 toggles a digital clock.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,binary", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"binclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pizzatimer", + "name": "Pizza Timer", + "shortName": "Pizza Timer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A timer app for when you cook Pizza. Some say it can also time other things", + "icon": "pizza.png", + "tags": "timer,tool,pizza", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"pizzatimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "animclk", + "name": "Animated Clock", + "shortName": "Anim Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "An animated clock face using Mark Ferrari's amazing 8 bit game art and palette cycling:", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,animated", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"animclk.pixels1","url":"animclk.pixels1"}, + {"name":"animclk.pixels2","url":"animclk.pixels2"}, + {"name":"animclk.pal","url":"animclk.pal"}, + {"name":"animclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "analogimgclk", + "name": "Analog Clock (Image background)", + "shortName": "Analog Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "An analog clock with an image background", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"bg.img"}, + {"name":"analogimgclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "verticalface", + "name": "Vertical watch face", + "shortName": "Vertical Face", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "A simple vertical watch face with the date. Heart rate monitor is toggled with BTN1", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-vertical-watch-face-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"verticalface.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "sleepphasealarm", + "name": "SleepPhaseAlarm", + "shortName": "SleepPhaseAlarm", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Uses the accelerometer to estimate sleep and wake states with the principle of Estimation of Stationary Sleep-segments (ESS, see This app will read the next alarm from the alarm application and will wake you up to 30 minutes early at the best guessed time when you are almost already awake.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "alarm", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"sleepphasealarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "life", + "name": "Game of Life", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Conway's Game of Life - 16x16 board", + "icon": "life.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-game-of-life-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"life.min.js"}, + {"name":"life.img","url":"life-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "magnav", + "name": "Navigation Compass", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Compass with linear display as for GPSNAV. Has Tilt compensation and remembers calibration.", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot-b2.png"},{"url":"screenshot-light-b2.png"}], + "icon": "magnav.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"magnav_b1.js","supports":["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"magnav_b2.js","supports":["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"magnav.img","url":"magnav-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"magnav.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "gpspoilog", + "name": "GPS POI Logger", + "shortName": "GPS POI Log", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A simple app to log points of interest with their GPS coordinates and read them back onto your PC. Based on the tutorial", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gpspoilog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "miclock2", + "name": "Mixed Clock 2", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "White color variant of the Mixed Clock with thicker clock hands for better readability in the bright sunlight, extra space under the clock for widgets and seconds in the digital clock.", + "icon": "clock-mixed.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mixed-clock-2-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"clock-mixed.js"}, + {"name":"miclock2.img","url":"clock-mixed-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "1button", + "name": "One-Button-Tracker", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A widget that turns BTN1 into a tracker, records time of button press/release.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "tool,quantifiedself,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"1button.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"one_button_presses.csv","storageFile":true}] + }, + { + "id": "gpsautotime", + "name": "GPS auto time", + "shortName": "GPS auto time", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A widget that automatically updates the Bangle.js time to the GPS time whenever there is a valid GPS fix.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"gpsautotime.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "espruinoctrl", + "name": "Espruino Control", + "shortName": "Espruino Ctrl", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Send commands to other Espruino devices via the Bluetooth UART interface. Customisable commands!", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"espruinoctrl.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "multiclock", + "name": "Multi Clock", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "Clock with multiple faces. Switch between faces with BTN1 & BTN3 (Bangle 2 touch top-right, bottom right). For best display set theme Background 2 to cyan or some other bright colour in settings.", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screen-ana.png"},{"url":"screen-big.png"},{"url":"screen-td.png"},{"url":"screen-nifty.png"},{"url":"screen-word.png"},{"url":"screen-sec.png"}], + "icon": "multiclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"big.face.js","url":"big.face.js"}, + {"name":"ana.face.js","url":"ana.face.js"}, + {"name":"digi.face.js","url":"digi.face.js"}, + {"name":"txt.face.js","url":"txt.face.js"}, + {"name":"dk.face.js","url":"dk.face.js"}, + {"name":"nifty.face.js","url":"nifty.face.js"}, + {"name":"multiclock.img","url":"multiclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widancs", + "name": "Apple Notification Widget", + "shortName": "ANCS Widget", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Displays call, message etc notifications from a paired iPhone. Read README before installation as it only works with compatible apps", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widancs.wid.js","url":"ancs.min.js"}, + {"name":"widancs.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "accelrec", + "name": "Acceleration Recorder", + "shortName": "Accel Rec", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "This app puts the Bangle's accelerometer into 100Hz mode and reads 2 seconds worth of data after movement starts. The data can then be exported back to the PC.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"accelrec.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"wildcard":"accelrec.?.csv"}] + }, + { + "id": "accellog", + "name": "Acceleration Logger", + "shortName": "Accel Log", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Logs XYZ acceleration data to a CSV file that can be downloaded to your PC", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoor", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"accellog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"wildcard":"accellog.?.csv"}] + }, + { + "id": "cprassist", + "name": "CPR Assist", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Provides assistance while performing a CPR", + "icon": "cprassist-icon.png", + "tags": "tool,firstaid", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-CPR-assist-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"cprassist.js"}, + {"name":"cprassist.img","url":"cprassist-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"cprassist.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "osgridref", + "name": "Ordnance Survey Grid Reference", + "shortName": "OS Grid ref", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Displays the UK Ordnance Survey grid reference of your current GPS location. Useful when in the United Kingdom with an Ordnance Survey map", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"osgridref.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "openseizure", + "name": "OpenSeizureDetector Widget", + "shortName": "Short Name", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "[BETA!] A widget to work alongside [OpenSeizureDetector](", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"openseizure.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "counter", + "name": "Counter", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Simple counter", + "icon": "counter_icon.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-counter-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"counter.js"}, + {"name":"counter.img","url":"counter-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "bootgattbat", + "name": "BLE GATT Battery Service", + "shortName": "BLE Battery Service", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Adds the GATT Battery Service to advertise the percentage of battery currently remaining over Bluetooth.\n", + "icon": "bluetooth.png", + "type": "bootloader", + "tags": "battery,ble,bluetooth,gatt", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"gattbat.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "viewstl", + "name": "STL file viewer", + "shortName": "ViewSTL", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "This app allows you to view STL 3D models on your watch", + "icon": "icons8-octahedron-48.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"viewstl.min.js"}, + {"name":"viewstl.img","url":"viewstl-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"tetra.stl","url":"tetra.stl"}, + {"name":"cube.stl","url":"cube.stl"}, + {"name":"icosa.stl","url":"icosa.stl"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "cscsensor", + "name": "Cycling speed sensor", + "shortName": "CSCSensor", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "Read BLE enabled cycling speed and cadence sensor and display readings on watch", + "icon": "icons8-cycling-48.png", + "tags": "outdoors,exercise,ble,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"cscsensor.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"cscsensor.img","url":"cscsensor-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "fileman", + "name": "File manager", + "shortName": "FileManager", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Simple file manager, allows user to examine watch storage and display, load or delete individual files", + "icon": "icons8-filing-cabinet-48.png", + "tags": "tools", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"fileman.img","url":"fileman-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "worldclock", + "name": "World Clock - 4 time zones", + "shortName": "World Clock", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Current time zone plus up to four others", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_world.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "custom": "custom.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"worldclock.img","url":"worldclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"worldclock.settings.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "digiclock", + "name": "Digital Clock Face", + "shortName": "Digi Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A simple digital clock with the time, day, month, and year", + "icon": "digiclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"digiclock.js"}, + {"name":"digiclock.img","url":"digiclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dsdrelay", + "name": "DSD BLE Relay controller", + "shortName": "DSDRelay", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Control BLE relay board from the watch", + "icon": "icons8-relay-48.png", + "tags": "ble,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"dsdrelay.img","url":"dsdrelay-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mandel", + "name": "Mandelbrot", + "shortName": "Mandel", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Draw a zoomable Mandelbrot set", + "icon": "mandel.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"mandel.min.js"}, + {"name":"mandel.img","url":"mandel-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "petrock", + "name": "Pet rock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A virtual pet rock with wobbly eyes", + "icon": "petrock.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"petrock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "smartibot", + "name": "Smartibot controller", + "shortName": "Smartibot", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Control a [Smartibot Robot]( straight from your Bangle.js", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"smartibot.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widncr", + "name": "NCR Logo Widget", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Show the NodeConf Remote logo in the top left", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widncr.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ncrclk", + "name": "NCR Clock", + "shortName": "NCR Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "NodeConf Remote clock", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ncrclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "isoclock", + "name": "ISO Compliant Clock Face", + "shortName": "ISO Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Tweaked fork of digiclock for ISO date and time", + "icon": "isoclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"isoclock.js"}, + {"name":"isoclock.img","url":"isoclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gpstimeserver", + "name": "GPS Time Server", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A widget which automatically starts the GPS and turns Bangle.js into a Bluetooth time server.", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"gpstimeserver.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "tilthydro", + "name": "Tilt Hydrometer Display", + "shortName": "Tilt Hydro", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A display for the [Tilt Hydrometer]( - [more info here](", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tools,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"tilthydro.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "supmariodark", + "name": "Super mario clock night mode", + "shortName": "supmariodark", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Super mario clock in night mode", + "icon": "supmariodark.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"supmariodark.js"}, + {"name":"supmariodark.img","url":"supmariodark-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"supmario30x24.bin","url":"supmario30x24.bin.js"}, + {"name":"supmario30x24.wdt","url":"supmario30x24.wdt.js"}, + {"name":"banner-up.img","url":"banner-up.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"banner-down.img","url":"banner-down.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"brick2.img","url":"brick2.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"enemy.img","url":"enemy.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"flower.img","url":"flower.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"flower_b.img","url":"flower_b.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"mario_wh.img","url":"mario_wh.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"pipe.img","url":"pipe.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gmeter", + "name": "G-Meter", + "shortName": "G-Meter", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Simple G-Meter", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gmeter.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "dtlaunch", + "name": "Desktop Launcher", + "version": "0.07", + "description": "Desktop style App Launcher with six (four for Bangle 2) apps per page - fast access if you have lots of apps installed.", + "screenshots": [{"url":"shot1.png"},{"url":"shot2.png"},{"url":"shot3.png"}], + "icon": "icon.png", + "type": "launch", + "tags": "tool,system,launcher", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app-b1.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"","url":"app-b2.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"dtlaunch.settings.js","url":"settings-b1.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS"]}, + {"name":"dtlaunch.settings.js","url":"settings-b2.js", "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"]}, + {"name":"dtlaunch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"dtlaunch.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "HRV", + "name": "Heart Rate Variability monitor", + "shortName": "HRV monitor", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Heart Rate Variability monitor, see Readme for more info", + "icon": "hrv.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"HRV.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hardalarm", + "name": "Hard Alarm", + "shortName": "HardAlarm", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Make sure you wake up! Count to the right number to turn off the alarm", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hardalarm.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"hardalarm.js","url":"hardalarm.js"}, + {"name":"hardalarm.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"hardalarm.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"hardalarm.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "edisonsball", + "name": "Edison's Ball", + "shortName": "Edison's Ball", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Hypnagogia/Micro-Sleep alarm for experimental use in exploring sleep transition and combating drowsiness", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"edisonsball.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hrrawexp", + "name": "HRM Data Exporter", + "shortName": "HRM Data Exporter", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "export raw hrm signal data to a csv file", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "interface.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hrrawexp.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "breath", + "name": "Breathing App", + "shortName": "Breathing App", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "app to aid relaxation and train breath syncronicity using haptics and visualisation, also displays HR", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "tags": "tools,health", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"breath.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"breath.settings.json","url":"settings.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "lazyclock", + "name": "Lazy Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Tells the time, roughly", + "icon": "lazyclock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-lazy-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"lazyclock-app.js"}, + {"name":"lazyclock.img","url":"lazyclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "astral", + "name": "Astral Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Clock that calculates and displays Alt Az positions of all planets, Sun as well as several other astronomy targets (customizable) and current Moon phase. Coordinates are calculated by GPS & time and onscreen compass assists orienting. See Readme before using.", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"astral.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "alpinenav", + "name": "Alpine Nav", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "App that performs GPS monitoring to track and display position relative to a given origin in realtime", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "tags": "outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"alpinenav.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "lifeclk", + "name": "Game of Life Clock", + "shortName": "Conway's Clock", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "Modification and clockification of Conway's Game of Life", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.min.js"}, + {"name":"lifeclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "speedalt", + "name": "GPS Adventure Sports", + "shortName": "GPS Adv Sport", + "version": "1.02", + "description": "GPS speed, altitude and distance to waypoint display. Designed for easy viewing and use during outdoor activities such as para-gliding, hang-gliding, sailing, cycling etc.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"speedalt.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"speedalt.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"speedalt.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "speedalt2", + "name": "GPS Adventure Sports II", + "shortName":"GPS Adv Sport II", + "version":"1.10", + "description": "GPS speed, altitude and distance to waypoint display. Designed for easy viewing and use during outdoor activities such as para-gliding, hang-gliding, sailing, cycling etc.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"speedalt2.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"speedalt2.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"speedalt2.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "slomoclock", + "name": "SloMo Clock", + "shortName": "SloMo Clock", + "version": "0.10", + "description": "Simple 24h clock face with large digits, hour above minute. Uses Layout library.", + "icon": "watch.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-slow-mo-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"slomoclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"slomoclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"slomoclock.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "de-stress", + "name": "De-Stress", + "shortName": "De-Stress", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Simple haptic heartbeat", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"de-stress.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mclockplus", + "name": "Morph Clock+", + "shortName": "Morph Clock+", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Morphing Clock with more readable seconds and date and additional stopwatch", + "icon": "mclockplus.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"mclockplus.img","url":"mclockplus-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "intervals", + "name": "Intervals App", + "shortName": "Intervals", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Intervals for training. It is possible to configure work time and rest time and number of sets.", + "icon": "intervals.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"intervals.img","url":"intervals-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "planetarium", + "name": "Planetarium", + "shortName": "Planetarium", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Planetarium showing up to 500 stars using the watch location and time", + "icon": "planetarium.png", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"planetarium.const.csv","url":"planetarium.const.csv"}, + {"name":"planetarium.extra.csv","url":"planetarium.extra.csv"}, + {"name":"planetarium.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"planetarium.img","url":"planetarium-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"planetarium.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "tapelauncher", + "name": "Tape Launcher", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "An App launcher, icons displayed in a horizontal tape, swipe or use buttons", + "icon": "icon.png", + "type": "launch", + "tags": "tool,system,launcher", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"tapelauncher.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "oblique", + "name": "Oblique Strategies", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Oblique Strategies for creativity. Copied from Brian Eno.", + "icon": "eno.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"oblique.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "testuserinput", + "name": "Test User Input", + "shortName": "Test User Input", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "App to test the bangle.js input interface. It displays the user action in text, circle buttons or on/off switch UI elements.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "input,interface,buttons,touch,UI", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"testuserinput.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gpssetup", + "name": "GPS Setup", + "shortName": "GPS Setup", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Configure the GPS power options and store them in the GPS nvram", + "icon": "gpssetup.png", + "tags": "gps,tools,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"gpssetup","url":"gpssetup.js"}, + {"name":"gpssetup.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gpssetup.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"gpssetup.settings.json","url":"settings.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "walkersclock", + "name": "Walkers Clock", + "shortName": "Walkers Clock", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "A large font watch, displays steps, can switch GPS on/off, displays grid reference", + "icon": "walkersclock48.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,gps,tools,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"walkersclock.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widgps", + "name": "GPS Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the GPS", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widgps.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widhrt", + "name": "HRM Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the Heart Rate Monitor", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,hrm", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widhrt.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "countdowntimer", + "name": "Countdown Timer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A simple countdown timer with a focus on usability", + "icon": "countdowntimer.png", + "tags": "timer,tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"countdowntimer.js"}, + {"name":"countdowntimer.img","url":"countdowntimer-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "helloworld", + "name": "hello, world!", + "shortName": "hello world", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A cross cultural hello world!/hola mundo! app with colors and languages", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "input,interface,buttons,touch", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"helloworld.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widcom", + "name": "Compass Widget", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Tiny widget to show the power on/off status of the Compass", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget,compass", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widcom.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "arrow", + "name": "Arrow Compass", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Moving arrow compass that points North, shows heading, with tilt correction. Based on jeffmer's Navigation Compass", + "icon": "arrow.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"arrow.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "waypointer", + "name": "Way Pointer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Navigate to a waypoint using the GPS for bearing and compass to point way, uses the same waypoint interface as GPS Navigation", + "icon": "waypointer.png", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "waypoints.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"waypointer.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "color_catalog", + "name": "Colors Catalog", + "shortName": "Colors Catalog", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Displays RGB565 and RGB888 colors, its name and code in screen.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "Color,input,buttons,touch,UI", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"color_catalog.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "UI4swatch", + "name": "UI 4 swatch", + "shortName": "UI 4 swatch", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A UI/UX for espruino smartwatches, displays dinamically calc. x,y coordinates.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "Color,input,buttons,touch,UI", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"UI4swatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "simplest", + "name": "Simplest Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "The simplest working clock, acts as a tutorial piece", + "icon": "simplest.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_simplest.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"simplest.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "stepo", + "name": "Stepometer Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A large font watch, displays step count in a doughnut guage and warns of low battery, requires one of the steps widgets to be installed", + "icon": "stepo.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"stepo.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gbmusic", + "name": "Gadgetbridge Music Controls", + "shortName": "Music Controls", + "version": "0.08", + "description": "Control the music on your Gadgetbridge-connected phone", + "icon": "icon.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_v1.png"},{"url":"screenshot_v2.png"}], + "type": "app", + "tags": "tools,bluetooth,gadgetbridge,music", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gbmusic.settings.js","url":"settings.js"}, + {"name":"gbmusic.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"gbmusic.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"gbmusic.json"},{"name":"gbmusic.load.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "battleship", + "name": "Battleship", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "The classic game of battleship", + "icon": "battleship-icon.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-battle-ship-screenshot.png"}], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"battleship.js"}, + {"name":"battleship.img","url":"battleship-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "kitchen", + "name": "Kitchen Combo", + "version": "0.13", + "description": "Combination of the Stepo, Walkersclock, Arrow and Waypointer apps into a multiclock format. 'Everything but the kitchen sink'", + "icon": "kitchen.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "tool,outdoors,gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "interface": "waypoints.html", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"stepo2.kit.js","url":"stepo2.kit.js"}, + {"name":"swatch.kit.js","url":"swatch.kit.js"}, + {"name":"gps.kit.js","url":"gps.kit.js"}, + {"name":"compass.kit.js","url":"compass.kit.js"}, + {"name":"kitchen.img","url":"kitchen.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"waypoints.json","url":"waypoints.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "banglebridge", + "name": "BangleBridge", + "shortName": "BangleBridge", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Widget that allows Bangle Js to record pair and end data using Bluetooth Low Energy in combination with the BangleBridge Android App", + "icon": "widget.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"banglebridge.wid.js","url":"widget.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"watch.img"}, + {"name":"banglebridge.heart.img","url":"heart.img"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "qmsched", + "name": "Quiet Mode Schedule and Widget", + "shortName": "Quiet Mode", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "Automatically turn Quiet Mode on or off at set times, and change LCD options while Quiet Mode is active.", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_b1_main.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_lcd.png"}, + {"url":"screenshot_b2_main.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_lcd.png"}], + "tags": "tool,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"qmsched","url":"lib.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"qmsched.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"qmsched.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"qmsched.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"qmsched.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "hourstrike", + "name": "Hour Strike", + "shortName": "Hour Strike", + "version": "0.08", + "description": "Strike the clock on the hour. A great tool to remind you an hour has passed!", + "icon": "app-icon.png", + "tags": "tool,alarm", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"hourstrike.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"hourstrike.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"hourstrike.json","url":"hourstrike.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "whereworld", + "name": "Where in the World?", + "shortName": "Where World", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Shows your current location on the world map", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "gps", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"whereworld.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"whereworld.worldmap","url":"worldmap"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "omnitrix", + "name": "Omnitrix", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "An Omnitrix Showpiece", + "icon": "omnitrix.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"omnitrix.img","url":"omnitrix.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "batclock", + "name": "Bat Clock", + "shortName": "Bat Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Morphing Clock, with an awesome \"The Dark Knight\" themed logo.", + "icon": "bat-clock.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"batclock.img","url":"bat-clock.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "doztime", + "name": "Dozenal Time", + "shortName": "Dozenal Time", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "A dozenal Holocene calendar and dozenal diurnal clock", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"doztime.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "gbtwist", + "name": "Gadgetbridge Twist Control", + "shortName": "Twist Control", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Shake your wrist to control your music app via Gadgetbridge", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "tools,bluetooth,gadgetbridge,music", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": false, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"gbtwist.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "thermom", + "name": "Thermometer", + "version": "0.05", + "description": "Displays the current temperature in degree Celsius/Fahrenheit (depending on locale), updates every 10 seconds with average of last 5 readings.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"thermom.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mysticdock", + "name": "Mystic Dock", + "version": "1.00", + "description": "A retro-inspired dockface that displays the current time and battery charge while plugged in, and which features an interactive mode that shows the time, date, and a rotating data display line.", + "icon": "mystic-dock.png", + "type": "dock", + "tags": "dock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"mystic-dock-app.js"}, + {"name":"mysticdock.boot.js","url":"mystic-dock-boot.js"}, + {"name":"mysticdock.settings.js","url":"mystic-dock-settings.js"}, + {"name":"mysticdock.img","url":"mystic-dock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "mysticclock", + "name": "Mystic Clock", + "version": "1.01", + "description": "A retro-inspired watchface featuring time, date, and an interactive data display line.", + "icon": "mystic-clock.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-mystic-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"mystic-clock-app.js"}, + {"name":"mysticclock.settings.js","url":"mystic-clock-settings.js"}, + {"name":"mysticclock.img","url":"mystic-clock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hcclock", + "name": "Hi-Contrast Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Hi-Contrast Clock : A simple yet very bold clock that aims to be readable in high luninosity environments. Uses big 10x5 pixel digits. Use BTN 1 to switch background and foreground colors.", + "icon": "hcclock-icon.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-high-contrast-clock-screenshot.png"}], + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"hcclock.img","url":"hcclock-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "thermomF", + "name": "Fahrenheit Temp", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "[NOT RECOMMENDED] A modification of the Thermometer App to display temprature in Fahrenheit. Please use the 'Thermometer App' and install 'Languages' to get the temperature in the correct format for your locale.", + "icon": "thermf.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"thermomF.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "nixie", + "name": "Nixie Clock", + "shortName": "Nixie", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A nixie tube clock for both Bangle 1 and 2.", + "icon": "nixie.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"nixie.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"m_vatch.js","url":"m_vatch.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "carcrazy", + "name": "Car Crazy", + "shortName": "Car Crazy", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A simple car game where you try to avoid the other cars by tilting your wrist left and right. Hold down button 2 to start.", + "icon": "carcrash.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"carcrazy.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"carcrazy.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"CarCrazy.csv"}] + }, + { + "id": "shortcuts", + "name": "Shortcuts", + "shortName": "Shortcuts", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Quickly load your favourite apps from (almost) any watch face.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "bootloader", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"shortcuts.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"shortcuts.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"shortcuts.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "vectorclock", + "name": "Vector Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A digital clock that uses the built-in vector font.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [ + {"url":"bangle2-vector-clock-screenshot.png"}, + {"url":"bangle1-vector-clock-screenshot.png"} + ], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"vectorclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "fd6fdetect", + "name": "fd6fdetect", + "shortName": "fd6fdetect", + "version": "0.2", + "description": "Allows you to see 0xFD6F beacons near you.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool", + "readme": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"fd6fdetect.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "choozi", + "name": "Choozi", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Choose people or things at random using Bangle.js.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "screenshots": [{"url":"bangle1-choozi-screenshot1.png"},{"url":"bangle1-choozi-screenshot2.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"choozi.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widclkbttm", + "name": "Digital clock (Bottom) widget", + "shortName": "Digital clock Bottom Widget", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Displays time in the bottom area.", + "icon": "widclkbttm.png", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widclkbttm.wid.js","url":"widclkbttm.wid.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pastel", + "name": "Pastel Clock", + "shortName": "Pastel", + "version": "0.09", + "description": "A Configurable clock with custom fonts and background. Has a cyclic information line that includes, day, date, battery, sunrise and sunset times", + "icon": "pastel.png", + "dependencies": {"mylocation":"app", "widpedom":"app"}, + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_pastel.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"f_architect","url":"f_architect.js"}, + {"name":"f_gochihand","url":"f_gochihand.js"}, + {"name":"f_cabin","url":"f_cabin.js"}, + {"name":"f_orbitron","url":"f_orbitron.js"}, + {"name":"f_monoton","url":"f_monoton.js"}, + {"name":"f_elite","url":"f_elite.js"}, + {"name":"f_lato","url":"f_lato.js"}, + {"name":"f_latosmall","url":"f_latosmall.js"}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"pastel.img","url":"pastel.icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"pastel.settings.js","url":"pastel.settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"pastel.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "antonclk", + "name": "Anton Clock", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A simple clock using the bold Anton font.", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"antonclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "waveclk", + "name": "Wave Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A clock using a wave image by [Lillith May]( **Note: Works on any Bangle.js 2, but requires firmware 2v11 or later on Bangle.js 1**", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"waveclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "floralclk", + "name": "Floral Clock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A clock with a flower background by [Lillith May]( **Note: Works on any Bangle.js 2 but requires firmware 2v11 or later on Bangle.js 1**", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_floral.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"floralclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "score", + "name": "Score Tracker", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Score Tracker for sports that use plain numbers (e.g. Badminton, Volleyball, Soccer, Table Tennis, ...). Also supports tennis scoring.", + "icon": "", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_score.png"}], + "type": "app", + "tags": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"score.settings.js","url":"score.settings.js"}, + {"name":"score.presets.json","url":"score.presets.json"}, + {"name":"score.img","url":"","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"score.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "menusmall", + "name": "Small Menus", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Replace Bangle.js 2's menus with a version that contains smaller text", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "boot", + "tags": "system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"menusmall.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffcniftya", + "name": "Nifty-A Clock", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A nifty clock with time and date", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_nifty.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ffcniftya.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ffcniftyb", + "name": "Nifty-B Clock", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "A nifty clock (series B) with time, date and color configuration", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ffcniftyb.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"ffcniftyb.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"ffcniftyb.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "stopwatch", + "name": "Stopwatch Touch", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A touch based stop watch for Bangle JS 2", + "icon": "stopwatch.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot1.png"},{"url":"screenshot2.png"},{"url":"screenshot3.png"}], + "tags": "tools,app", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"stopwatch.img","url":"stopwatch.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "vernierrespirate", + "name": "Vernier Go Direct Respiration Belt", + "shortName": "Respiration Belt", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Connects to a Go Direct Respiration Belt and shows respiration rate", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "health,bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"vernierrespirate.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"vernierrespirate.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "gpstouch", + "name": "GPS Touch", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A touch based GPS watch, shows OS map reference", + "icon": "gpstouch.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot4.png"},{"url":"screenshot2.png"},{"url":"screenshot3.png"},{"url":"screenshot1.png"}], + "tags": "tools,app", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"geotools","url":"geotools.js"}, + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"gpstouch.img","url":"gpstouch.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "swiperclocklaunch", + "name": "Swiper Clock Launch", + "version": "0.02", + "description": "Navigate between clock and launcher with Swipe action", + "icon": "swiperclocklaunch.png", + "type": "bootloader", + "tags": "tools, system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"swiperclocklaunch.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"swiperclocklaunch.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "qalarm", + "name": "Q Alarm and Timer", + "shortName": "Q Alarm", + "icon": "app.png", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Alarm and timer app with days of week and 'hard' option.", + "tags": "tool,alarm,widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + { "name": "", "url": "app.js" }, + { "name": "qalarm.boot.js", "url": "boot.js" }, + { "name": "qalarm.js", "url": "qalarm.js" }, + { "name": "qalarmcheck.js", "url": "qalarmcheck.js" }, + { "name": "qalarm.img", "url": "app-icon.js", "evaluate": true }, + { "name": "qalarm.wid.js", "url": "widget.js" } + ], + "data": [{ "name": "qalarm.json" }] + }, + { + "id": "emojuino", + "name": "Emojuino", + "shortName": "Emojuino", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Emojis & Espruino: broadcast Unicode emojis via Bluetooth Low Energy.", + "icon": "emojuino.png", + "screenshots": [ + { "url": "screenshot-tx.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-swipe.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-welcome.png" } + ], + "type": "app", + "tags": "emoji", + "supports" : [ "BANGLEJS2" ], + "allow_emulator": true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + { "name": "", "url": "emojuino.js" }, + { "name": "emojuino.img", "url": "emojuino-icon.js", "evaluate": true } + ] + }, + { + "id": "cliclockJS2Enhanced", + "name": "Commandline-Clock JS2 Enhanced", + "shortName": "CLI-Clock JS2", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "Simple CLI-Styled Clock with enhancements. Modes that are hard to use and unneded are removed (BPM, battery info, memory ect) credit to hughbarney for the original code and design. Also added HID media controlls, just swipe on the clock face to controll the media! Gadgetbride support coming soon(hopefully) Thanks to t0m1o1 for media controls!", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screengrab.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"cliclockJS2Enhanced.img","url":"app.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "wid_a_battery_widget", + "name": "A Battery Widget (with percentage)", + "shortName":"A Battery Widget", + "icon": "widget.png", + "version":"1.02", + "type": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "description": "Simple and slim battery widget with charge status and percentage", + "tags": "widget,battery", + "storage": [ + {"name":"wid_a_battery_widget.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "lcars", + "name": "LCARS Clock", + "shortName":"LCARS", + "icon": "lcars.png", + "version":"0.07", + "readme": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "description": "Library Computer Access Retrieval System (LCARS) clock.", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"lcars.img","url":"lcars.icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"lcars.settings.js","url":"lcars.settings.js"} + ] + }, + { "id": "binwatch", + "name": "Binary Watch", + "shortName":"BinWatch", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "version":"0.04", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator":true, + "description": "Famous binary watch", + "tags": "clock", + "type": "clock", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"binwatch.bg176.img","url":"Background176_center.img"}, + {"name":"binwatch.bg240.img","url":"Background240_center.img"}, + {"name":"binwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "hidmsicswipe", + "name": "Bluetooth Music Swipe Controls", + "shortName": "Swipe Control", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Based on the original Bluetooth Music Controls. Swipe up/down for volume, left/right for previous and next, tap for play/pause and btn1 to lock and unlock the controls. Enable HID in settings, pair with your phone, then use this app to control music from your watch!", + "icon": "hidmsicswipe.png", + "tags": "bluetooth", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"hidmsicswipe.js"}, + {"name":"hidmsicswipe.img","url":"hidmsicswipe-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "authentiwatch", + "name": "2FA Authenticator", + "shortName": "AuthWatch", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Google Authenticator compatible tool.", + "tags": "tool", + "interface": "interface.html", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"authentiwatch.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [{"name":"authentiwatch.json"}] + }, + { "id": "schoolCalendar", + "name": "School Calendar", + "shortName":"SCalendar", + "icon": "CalenderLogo.png", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A simple calendar that you can see your upcoming events that you create in the customizer. Keep in note that your events reapeat weekly.(Beta)", + "tags": "tool", + "readme":"", + "custom":"custom.html", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS"], + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_basic.png"},{"url":"screenshot_info.png"}], + "storage": [ + {"name":""}, + {"name":"schoolCalendar.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [ + {"name":"calendarItems.csv"} + ] + }, + { "id": "timecal", + "name": "TimeCal", + "shortName":"TimeCal", + "icon": "icon.png", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "TimeCal shows the Time along with a 3 week calendar", + "tags": "clock", + "type": "clock", + "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""} + ] + }, + { + "id": "a_clock_timer", + "name": "A Clock with Timer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A Clock with Timer, Map and Time Zones", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"a_clock_timer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id":"intervalTimer", + "name":"Interval Timer", + "shortName":"Interval Timer", + "icon": "app.png", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "Interval Timer for workouts, HIIT, or whatever else.", + "tags": "timer, interval, hiit, workout", + "readme":"", + "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"intervalTimer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "93dub", + "name": "93 Dub", + "shortName":"93 Dub", + "icon": "93dub.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "version":"0.05", + "description": "Fan recreation of orviwan's 91 Dub app for the Pebble smartwatch. Uses assets from his 91-Dub-v2.0 repo", + "tags": "clock", + "type": "clock", + "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"93dub.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "poweroff", + "name": "Poweroff", + "shortName":"Poweroff", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "Simple app to power off your Bangle.js", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool, poweroff, shutdown", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"poweroff.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] +}, +{ + "id": "sensible", + "name": "SensiBLE", + "shortName": "SensiBLE", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "Collect, display and advertise real-time sensor data.", + "icon": "sensible.png", + "screenshots": [ + { "url": "screenshot-top.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-acc.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-bar.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-gps.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-hrm.png" }, + { "url": "screenshot-mag.png" } + ], + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,sensors", + "supports" : [ "BANGLEJS2" ], + "allow_emulator": true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + { "name": "", "url": "sensible.js" }, + { "name": "sensible.img", "url": "sensible-icon.js", "evaluate": true } + ] +}, + { + "id": "widbars", + "name": "Bars Widget", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display several measurements as vertical bars.", + "icon": "icon.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "readme": "", + "type": "widget", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbars.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] +}, +{ + "id":"a_speech_timer", + "name":"Speech Timer", + "icon": "app.png", + "version":"1.01", + "description": "A timer designed to help keeping your speeches and presentations to time.", + "tags": "tool,timer", + "readme":"", + "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"a_speech_timer.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] +}, + { "id": "mylocation", + "name": "My Location", + "shortName":"My Location", + "icon": "mylocation.png", + "type": "app", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_1.png"}], + "version":"0.01", + "description": "Sets and stores the lat and long of your preferred City or it can be set from the GPS. mylocation.json can be used by other apps that need your main location lat and lon. See README", + "readme": "", + "tags": "tool,utility", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"mylocation.img","url":"mylocation.icon.js","evaluate": true } + ], + "data": [ + {"name":"mylocation.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pebble", + "name": "Pebble Clock", + "shortName": "Pebble", + "version": "0.06", + "description": "A pebble style clock to keep the rebellion going", + "dependencies": {"widpedom":"app"}, + "readme": "", + "icon": "pebble.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"pebble_screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"pebble.settings.js","url":"pebble.settings.js"}, + {"name":"pebble.img","url":"pebble.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "pooqroman", + "name": "pooq Roman watch face", + "shortName":"pooq Roman", + "version":"0.03", + "description": "A classic watch face with a certain dynamicity. Most amusing in 24h mode. Slide up to show more hands, down for less(!). By design does not support standard widgets, sorry!", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator":true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"pooqroman.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [ + {"name":"pooqroman.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "widbata", + "name": "Battery Level Widget (Themed)", + "shortName":"Battery Theme", + "icon": "widbata.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_widbata_1.png"}], + "version":"0.01", + "type": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "description": "Shows the current battery level status in the top right using the clocks colour theme", + "tags": "widget,battery", + "storage": [ + {"name":"widbata.wid.js","url":"widbata.wid.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "weatherClock", + "name": "Weather Clock", + "version": "0.04", + "description": "A clock which displays current weather conditions (requires Gadgetbridge and Weather apps).", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screens/screen1.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock, weather", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"weatherClock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "menuwheel", + "name": "Wheel Menus", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Replace Bangle.js 2's menus with a version that contains variable-size text and a back button", + "readme": "", + "icon": "icon.png", + "screenshots": [ + {"url":"screenshot_b1_dark.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b1_light.png"}, + {"url":"screenshot_b2_dark.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_edit.png"},{"url":"screenshot_b2_light.png"} + ], + "type": "boot", + "tags": "system", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"menuwheel.boot.js","url":"boot.js"} + ] + }, + { "id": "widChargingStatus", + "name": "Charging Status", + "shortName":"ChargingStatus", + "icon": "widget.png", + "version":"0.1", + "type": "widget", + "description": "A simple widget that shows a yellow lightning icon to indicate whenever the watch is charging. This way one can see the charging status at a glance, no matter which battery widget is being used.", + "tags": "widget", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"widChargingStatus.wid.js","url":"widget.js"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "flow", + "name": "FLOW", + "shortName": "FLOW", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "A game where you have to help a flow avoid white obstacles thing by tapping! This is a demake of an app which I forgot the name of. Press BTN(1) to restart. See if you can get to 2500 score!", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "game", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name": "", "url": "app.js" }, + {"name": "flow.img", "url": "app-icon.js","evaluate": true } + ] + }, + { "id": "scribble", + "name": "Scribble", + "shortName":"Scribble", + "version":"0.01", + "type": "app", + "description": "A keyboard on your wrist! Swipe right for space, left for delete.", + "icon": "app.png", + "allow_emulator": true, + "tags": "tools, keyboard, text, scribble", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"scribble.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "screenshots":[ + { "url":"screenshot.png" } + ] + }, + { + "id": "ptlaunch", + "name": "Pattern Launcher", + "shortName": "Pattern Launcher", + "version": "0.11", + "description": "Directly launch apps from the clock screen with custom patterns.", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"manage_patterns_light.png"}], + "tags": "tools", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + { "name": "", "url": "app.js" }, + { "name": "ptlaunch.boot.js", "url": "boot.js" }, + { "name": "ptlaunch.img", "url": "app-icon.js", "evaluate": true } + ], + "data": [{"name":"ptlaunch.patterns.json"}] + }, + { + "id": "rebble", + "name": "Rebble Clock", + "shortName": "Rebble", + "version": "0.03", + "description": "A Pebble style clock, with configurable background, three sidebars including steps, day, date, sunrise, sunset, long live the rebellion", + "readme": "", + "icon": "rebble.png", + "dependencies": {"mylocation":"app", "widpedom":"app"}, + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot_rebble.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"rebble.settings.js","url":"rebble.settings.js"}, + {"name":"rebble.img","url":"rebble.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "snaky", + "name": "Snaky", + "shortName":"Snaky", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "The classic snake game. Eat apples and don't bite your tail. Control the snake with the touch screen.", + "tags": "game,fun", + "icon": "snaky.png", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"snaky.js"}, + {"name":"snaky.img","url":"snaky-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "clicompleteclk", + "name": "CLI complete clock", + "shortName":"CLI cmplt clock", + "version":"0.03", + "description": "Command line styled clock with lots of information", + "icon": "app.png", + "allow_emulator": true, + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,cli,command,bash,shell,weather,hrt", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"clicompleteclk.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"clicompleteclk.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [{"name":"clicompleteclk.json"}] + }, + { + "id":"awairmonitor", + "name":"Awair Monitor", + "icon": "app.png", + "allow_emulator": true, + "version":"0.01", + "description": "Displays the level of CO2, VOC, PM 2.5, Humidity and Temperature, from your Awair device.", + "tags": "tool,health", + "readme":"", + "supports":["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"awairmonitor.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "pooqround", + "name": "pooq Round watch face", + "shortName":"pooq Round", + "version":"0.01", + "description": "A 24 hour analogue watchface with high legibility and a novel style.", + "icon": "app.png", + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator":true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"pooqround.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ], + "data": [ + {"name":"pooqround.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "coretemp", + "name": "Core Temp Display", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Display CoreTemp device sensor data", + "icon": "coretemp.png", + "type": "app", + "tags": "health", + "readme": "", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS","BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"coretemp.boot.js","url":"boot.js"}, + {"name":"","url":"coretemp.js"}, + {"name":"coretemp.img","url":"coretemp-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "showimg", + "name": "simple image viewer", + "shortName":"showImage", + "version":"0.2", + "description": "Displays the image in \"showimg.user.img\". The file has to be uploaded via the espruino IDE. Returns to watch face after 60s or button push. I use it to display my vaccination certificate.", + "icon": "app.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"showimg.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "lapcounter", + "name": "Lap Counter", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Click button to count laps. Shows count and total time snapshot (like a stopwatch, but laid back).", + "icon": "app.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"screenshot.png"}], + "type": "app", + "tags": "tool,outdoors", + "readme":"", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS", "BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"lapcounter.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { + "id": "pebbled", + "name": "Pebble Clock with distance", + "shortName": "Pebble + distance", + "version": "0.1", + "description": "Fork of Pebble Clock with distance in KM. Both step count and the distance are on the main screen. Default step length = 0.75m (can be changed in settings).", + "readme": "", + "icon": "pebbled.png", + "screenshots": [{"url":"pebble_screenshot.png"}], + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock,distance", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":""}, + {"name":"pebbled.settings.js","url":"pebbled.settings.js"}, + {"name":"pebbled.img","url":"pebbled.icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + }, + { "id": "circlesclock", + "name": "Circles clock", + "shortName":"Circles clock", + "version":"0.02", + "description": "A clock with circles for different data at the bottom in a probably familiar style", + "icon": "app.png", + "dependencies": {"widpedom":"app"}, + "type": "clock", + "tags": "clock", + "supports" : ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator":true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"circlesclock.img","url":"app-icon.js","evaluate":true}, + {"name":"circlesclock.settings.js","url":"settings.js"} + ], + "data": [ + {"name":"circlesclock.json"} + ] + }, + { + "id": "ltherm", + "name": "Localized Thermometer", + "shortName": "Thermometer", + "version": "0.01", + "description": "Displays the current temperature in localized units.", + "icon": "thermf.png", + "tags": "tool", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], + "allow_emulator": true, + "readme": "", + "storage": [ + {"name":"","url":"app.js"}, + {"name":"ltherm.img","url":"icon.js","evaluate":true} + ] + } ] From 300bde3034e42d468c2d7be4c9241a52c42b5f38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew <> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 08:45:31 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 54/54] Made "Supports" an array --- apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json index 15d8ec4e3..c450d926e 100644 --- a/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json +++ b/apps/aptsciclk/metadata.json @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ "icon": "app.png", "type": "clock", "tags": "clock", - "supports": "BANGLEJS2", + "supports": ["BANGLEJS2"], "allow_emulator": false, "readme":"", "storage": [